Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘Love World Action Saves’ – triggered by Tea Party money and career craziness and the all-time ethical low of U.S. politos

Love World Action Saves

Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘Love World Action Saves‘ – triggered by Tea Party money and career craziness and the all-time ethical low of U.S. politos is released by Mira Sound Germany as Audio-CD Single, DVD and Download.

Michel Montecrossa about ‘Love World Action Saves‘:
“My New-Topical-Song ‘Love World Action Saves‘ comes at a time when polito stunting reaches top levels of funny but dangerous Tea Party money and career craziness and an all-time U.S. polito ethical low.
In this song I speak out what millions understand:
‘Love World Action saves
is my answer great,
is my answer when all explodes
into revenge and more blood,
greed and torture and the big collapse,
for my love and I we know and see:
Love brings the Bright Earth for the true and free.’”

Love World Action saves / when politos are goin’ mad, / when career and money take the place / of ideals in polito-corrupto-heads, / when war business is the cold lord / of banka-gangstas void of Love / for Humanity and Future and Hope.
Love World Action saves / when the big economies bring / more war industry to earth / instead of standing for Peace / and Human Unity / in the United States / of Planet Earth.
Love World Action saves / when you don’t cheat your friends, / when you don’t seduce their wives / and tear to pieces their lives / making children into slaves / of sadness and porn. / I say: “Love is the better world to be born.”
Love World Action saves / when people lose their faith, / when nations are falling apart / listening to Tea Party stuff / or nazism dark / creating a void in the heart. / “Love is the savior”, I say, / “from the Bright Earth smart.”
Love World Action saves / is my answer great, / is my answer when all explodes / into revenge and more blood, / greed and torture and the big collapse, / for my love and I we know and see: / Love brings the Bright Earth for the true and free.
Love World Action saves / no sanction can do that, no lie, / no bluff, no crime, / no trick, no dirty deal, / no death and no war field / can bring what Love can bring: / The Bright Earth of Strong Love Power / in you and me.
Music, Lyrics, Paintings & Drawings by Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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