The Resurrection Movie – Michel Montecrossa’s great Peace & Climate Change Musical

The Resurrection Movie

‘The Resurrection Movie’ released by Filmaur Multimedia in 2009 is Michel Montecrossa’s great peace & climate change musical with 27 songs and a great passion story telling the love-tale of cyberrocker-astronaut Starlight and his mate Earthpower and how they change hellish mega city planet through their music into a free world.

“The Resurrection Movie”, says Michel Montecrossa, “is a continuous awareness enhancing stream of multilayered messages telling the story simultaneously in a poetic, picturesque and musical way. It is presenting a new level of my ongoing creation of Fullstream Cinema-Art.”

‘The Resurrection Movie’ tells the mythic love story of cyberrocker-astronaut Starlight and Earthpower. In a world that became one global mega city system, Starlight and Earthpower embody the unexpected and unforeseen that change everything. Into the holocaust of unending wars fought by an abysmal society, split between gangstas and rockers and led by a central processor regent (CPR), they bring the victory of humanity. An epic movie of music, love and passion for freedom. A celebration of deep-brain lovemakin’, a grail of demechanization, a revelation of soul and body overcoming terror and impotence. A surreal and ultimately real world where death-fear and libido change into love and life. A musical verité of courage and love, profound emotions, passion and mystery. Michel Montecrossa is cyberrocker-astronaut Starlight. Mirakali is Earthpower.
‘The Resurrection Movie’: Power of Art. Power of Cinema. Power of Music. Power of Consciousness.