The ‘Ich bin der Typ’ international Cyberschlager Concert by Michel Montecrossa and his band The Chosen Few, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, was presented by Michel Montecrossa and his band The Chosen Few live in Mirapuri, Italy on 14th May 2016 as part of his ‘Ich bin der Typ’ Concert Tour which began 2015 and since then travels through Europe and the world.
The ‘Ich bin der Typ’ Cyberschlager Concerts bring the best side of German world-open lifestyle with its positive gaiety, its folksiness and its uncomplicated heartiness to the people. The good-mood ‘Ich Bin Der Typ’ Cyberschlager Songs from this concert edition in Mirapuri, Italy sing with the strength of joy and happiness about real feelings born straight from life-experience. They are songs like ‘Ich Bin Der Typ – I’m The One’, ‘Planet Of Love’, ‘Die Schönen Bilder, Die Im Herzen Wohnen – The Beautiful Visions Living In The Heart’, ‘Starbringing Heroes’, ‘Auf Der Autobahn Des Lebens – On The Highway Of Life’, ‘Feelin’ Love’, ‘Sinnlich Mit Dir – Sensual With You’, ‘Schmusen & Lachen – Huggin’ & Kissin”.
Michel Montecrossa sings his Cyberschlager together with Mirakali who also contributes her own songs.
Michel Montecrossa says about the ‘Ich bin der Typ’ Cyberschlager Concert in Mirapuri:
“With my ‘Ich Bin Der Typ’ concert I bring international bilingual Deutsch/English Cyberschlager to a worldwide audience. Cyberschlager stands for the best side of German world-open lifestyle with its positive gaiety, its folksiness and its uncomplicated heartiness. The good-mood ‘Ich Bin Der Typ’ Cyberschlager Songs sing with the strength of joy and happiness about real feelings born straight from life-experience.”
The Songs, Disc One (Click the song title to read the lyrics):
- Ich Bin Der Typ – I’m The One
- Große Party – Big Party
- Soul Reflection
- An Deiner Seite Glücklich – At Your Side Happy
- Näher Am Himmel – Nearer To Heaven
- Beyond Borders
- Mondkuss Lust – Moonkiss Passion
- Orgastische Kraft
- Wunderbare Liebe – Wonderful Love
- Planet Of Love
- Come On Baby! It’s The Bright Earth Dance!
- Wideness, Freedom, Bliss
- Die Schönen Bilder, Die Im Herzen Wohnen – The Beautiful Visions Living In The Heart
- Good Heart
- Liebeszauber – Lovemagic
- Starbringing Heroes
The Songs, Disc Two (Click the song title to read the lyrics):
- Die Ewigkeit Ist Zu Kurz Im Mondlicht Nackt – Eternity Is Too Short In Moonlight Naked
- Looking Into The Sky
- Met You In The Paradise – Mit Dir Bin Ich Im Paradies – Con Te In Paradiso
- Ein Traum Für Die Liebe
- Mit Dir Und Der Welt – With You And The World
- Der Montecrossa Highway
- Xperience
- Free Love & Sweetness – Liebe Frei & Herzlichkeit
- Küss Mich Noch Einmal
- Auf Der Autobahn Des Lebens – On The Highway Of Life
- Feelin’ Love
- Sinnlich Mit Dir – Sensual With You
- Schmusen & Lachen – Huggin’ & Kissin’
- New Earth, New Sky
- Liebesbefreiung – Loveliberation #2
- Große Liebe – Großer Frieden! Big Love – Big Peace!