Michel Montecrossa’s heilender New-Topical-Song ‘Engelslicht’ (An Angel’s Light Is Shining – La Luce Di Angelo)

Engelslicht, Single
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Michel Montecrossa’s Heilender New-Topical-Song ‘Engelslicht’ veröffentlicht von Mira Sound Germany auf Audio-CD, DVD und als Download, ist ein zärtlicher New-Topical-Song, um an die Menschen eine heilende Atmosphäre des Friedens und des Mitgefühls weiterzugeben.

Michel Montecrossa’s Healing New-Topical-Song ‘Engelslicht’ (An Angel’s Light Is Shining), released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is a tender New-Topical-Song to give to the people a healing atmosphere of Peace and Empathy.

La canzone curativa New Topical ‘La luce di un angelo’ di Michel Montecrossa, pubblicata dalla Mira Sound Germany come CD audio, DVD e download, è una dolce canzone New Topical per portare un’atmosfera curativa di pace e di compassione.

Michel Montecrossa sagt:
“Mein New-Topical-Song ’Engelslicht’ ist ein heilendes und Frieden gebendes Lied für Zeiten, wenn wir Besinnung und liebevolle Zuwendung brauchen.”

Michel Montecrossa says:
“My New-Topical-Song ’An Angel’s Light Is Shining’ (Engelslicht) is a healing and peace giving song for times when we need reflection and tender loving care.”

Dice Michel Montecrossa:
“La mia nuova canzone New Topical ‘La luce di un angelo’ è un brano che porta pace e guarigione in un tempo in cui abbiamo bisogno di riflessione e di affettuose attenzioni”.

Engelslicht leuchtet in meinen Augen hell / mit der Freude meiner Seele / in die weite Welt.
Die Nacht ist voll Verheißung, sternenweit, / lächelnd mit den Träumen / unserer Liebe Seligkeit.
Liebe ist die Glorie der sanften und großen / Friedens Kraft glücklichen Verstehens / der Seele Freiheits Macht.
Ihr Engelslicht leuchtet mit jungem Hoffen / und Mut und Freude Lachen / mit schwerelosem Glück.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

An Angel’s Light is shining in my eyes so bright / with all the joy of my soul / into the whole wide world.
The night is full of promise, starfields wide / smiling with the dreams / of our love’s sweet delight.
Love is the glory of the tender and great / power of peace of happy understanding / of the soul’s freedom might.
Her Angel Light is shining with the young hope / and with courage and joyful laughing / with zero gravitation happiness.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

La luce di un angelo risplende nei miei occhi / insieme alla gioia della mia anima / nella vastità del mondo.
La notte è densa di promesse, vasta di stelle, / di sorrisi e sogni / della beatitudine del nostro amore.
L’amore è la gloria della dolce e grande / forza della pace e della capacità di comprendere / il potere della libertà dell’anima.
La sua luce di un angelo risplende di giovane speranza, / di coraggio, di allegri sorrisi / e di gioiosa spensieratezza.
Testi e musica: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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The ‘Cosmic Christmas’ album as audio-stream, audio-CD & download album with 13 Infinitylife Christmas songs by Michel Montecrossa and instrumentals by Mirakali.

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‘COSMIC CHRISTMAS’ is a special release by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD & Download of 13 INFINITYLIFE Christmas Songs by Michel Montecrossa produced together with Mirakali and The New Chosen Few. ‘COSMIC CHRISTMAS’ is a modern approach to the art of Christmas songs that opens your understanding and seeing to a new experience of Love and Light and Peace.
To the song ‘Tomorrow I Will Shine – Morgen Werde Ich Leuchten’ you can also see a music-movie and Michel Montecrossa says: “‘Tomorrow I Will Shine – Morgen Werde Ich Leuchten’ is a song of enduring clarity embedded in a movie of pure love.”

Michel Montecrossa says about his ‘COSMIC CHRISTMAS’ Album:
“The ‘COSMIC CHRISTMAS’ Album are 13 New-Topical-Songs and Instrumentals for enjoying the Lightbirth of your brain to a New Consciousness of big change.”

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‘The Symphony Of Light’ – Michel Montecrossa’s Peace Meditation Movie & Audio-CD for contemplating light and wisdom in times of darkness and ignorance

‘The Symphony Of Light’ composed and performed by Michel Montecrossa and his Lightsound Orchestra, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD & DVD, is a Peace Meditation for contemplating light and wisdom in times of darkness and ignorance.
‘The Symphony Of Light’ comprises nine symphonic contemplations with aphorisms of Sri Aurobindo recited by Mira Alfassa – The Mother.
The meditative art film version visualizes ‘The Symphony Of Light’ by featuring the video recording of the first live performance of ‘The Symphony Of Light’ on 24th December 2011 combined with the presentation of photos of Sri Aurobindo and Mira Alfassa – The Mother, made by Henri Cartier-Bresson and Tara Jauhar. Additional fine-art and Cyberart images as well as consciousness expanding Cybermovie sequences by Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali make ‘The Symphony Of Light’ movie into a holistic masterpiece of art.

Michel Montecrossa about ‘The Symphony Of Light’:
“‘The Symphony Of Light’ together with the recitation of Sri Aurobindo’s aphorisms recited by Mira Alfassa – The Mother was composed for all mankind to give light, peace and wisdom and strengthen the soul in times of darkness, anguish and ignorance.”

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Rettet die Willkommenskultur – Save the Welcome Culture (Apropos of Shortage of Skilled Workers and Labor in Germany & the EU – Apropos Fachkräfte- und Arbeitskräftemangel in Deutschland & der EU)

Rettet die Willkommens Kultur
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‘Rettet Die Willkommens Kultur – Save The Welcome Culture’, apropos Migration crisis in the EU, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song for the Living Celebration of Humanity together with all refugees. Michel Montecrossa sees the coming of refugees from the various war and climate crisis zones to the EU as a great chance for building a European and Eurasian future of working together, for progress and prosperity uniting all nations and making them into friends. He says: “Let us build islands of light, together with all that come, cities for refugees all over the E.U. Know-how comes to us and working power and the light of hope, the biggest power, for the free union of Eurasia.”

Michel Montecrossa says about the ‘Rettet Die Willkommens Kultur – Save The Welcome Culture’ Song & Movie:
“The ‘Rettet Die Willkommens Kultur – Save The Welcome Culture’ Song & Movie is a big party for the Living Celebration of humanity and forward looking intelligence together with all refugees.”

Rettet die Willkommens Kultur – / save the welcome culture! / Rettet Leben, nicht nur Grenzen. / Save lives, not just borders. / Rettet die Willkommens Kultur – / save the welcome culture!
Rettet die Zukunft der E.U. – / save the future of the E.U.! / Versteht die Flüchtlinge als Zukunft. / Understand the refugees as future. / Rettet die Zukunft der E.U. – / save the future of the E.U.
Die Zukunft ist Zusammenarbeit / the future is working together / für Fortschritt und für Wohlstand, / for progress and for prosperity / die alle Völker vereinen und zu Freunden machen. / uniting all nations, making them into friends.
Lasst uns Lichtinseln bauen, / let us build islands of light, / gemeinsam mit allen, die kommen, / together with all that come, / Städte für Flüchtlinge in der ganzen E.U., / cities for refugees all over the E.U.
Know-how kommt zu uns und Arbeitskraft / Know-how comes to us and working power / und das Licht der Hoffnung, die größte Kraft, / and the light of hope, the biggest power, / für die freie Vereinigung von Eurasien, / for the free union of Eurasia.
Rettet die Willkommens Kultur – / save the welcome culture! / Rettet Leben, nicht nur Grenzen. / Save lives, not just borders. / Rettet die Willkommens Kultur – / save the welcome culture!
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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Peace Is Good For Love

“‘PEACE IS GOOD FOR LOVE’ is the New-Topical-Song I sing today for everyone and the entire Planet with all my Love.”
Michel Montecrossa

Song Lyrics
Peace is so good for love.
Peace is good for lovin’ you.
Peace is good for powerlove.
Peace is good for doin’ it with love.
Peace is good for love-revolution.
Revolution in paradise! / And I’m tripping away!
Peace is so good for love.
Peace is good for lovin’ you.
Peace is good for doin’ it with you.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘Ich Hab Bock Auf Annalena’ wendet sich an Annalena Baerbock als deutsche Hoffnungskanzlerin und ihrem Motto: “verändern, statt zu versprechen”

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Michel Montecrossa sagt über ‘Ich Hab Bock Auf Annalena’:
“Deutschland steht inmitten einer großen Veränderung des eurasischen Kontinents, die mit alten Konzepten nicht verstanden und noch weniger mitgestaltet werden kann. Die Enge der E.U. und in ihr die deutsche Aussenpolitik, muss sich zu neuen Ideen öffnen, um einen entscheidenden Schritt in die europäische Zukunft zu tun. Dazu braucht man echte Staatsfrauen, keine weiteren Polito Korruptos. Deshalb kommt Annalena Baerbock genau zur richtigen Zeit, um die neue Kanzlerin möglich zu machen. Darüber singt mein New-Topical-Song ‘Ich Hab Bock Auf Annalena’ mit den besten Wünschen.“

(Apropos Annalena Baerbock)
Ich hab Bock auf Annalena, / die deutsche Kanzlerin. / Jung und frisch ist sie, / das Signal, das sagt: „Ich kann!“
Alles ist möglich mit neuen Ideen. / Dank an Gentleman / Habeck für den Support / der Kanzlerin Annalena.
Ich hab Bock auf Annalena / und ihre guten Ideen. / Keine Müdigkeit mehr der Alten, / sondern Appetit auf neue Würze.
Appetit auf das neue Tun / und Weltvereinigung, / Appetit auf neuen Schwung / der E.U. Erweiterung.
Eurasien wartet am Horizont, / die große Freihandels-Erweiterung / in die eurasische Union / vom Atlantik bis zum Pazifik
und Frieden und Wohlstand / und Arbeit für alle / auf dem größten Kontinent der Erde / und Friedenskultur / für den ganzen Planeten.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira sound Germany

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‘I Have A Vision’ − Michel Montecrossa′s New-Topical-Song apropos of the new government of the U.S.A.

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Michel Montecrossa says:
“Here comes my New-Topical-Song ‘I HAVE A VISION’ apropos of the new government of the U.S.A.”

I have a vision / of the United States of Planet Earth.
I have a vision / of the U.S.A. taking the lead on this way.
I have a vision / of the U.N. changing into the world government.
I have a vision / of the United Humanity moving into space age.
I have a vision / of the living celebration of Humanity / in a World of Peace and Love / and Joy unending.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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Michel’s Cyberrocker Birthday Concert in the newspaper ‘LA STAMPA’

Compleanno a tutto rock per Michel Montecrossa
Concerto di compleanno all’Omnidiet in frazione Coiromonte di Armeno dalle 20 di domani, sabato. Il rocker Michel Montecrossa taglia il traguardo dei animando il «Michel’s cyberrocker birthday concert». Sul palco di Mirapuri, Michel Montecrossa con la band The new chosen few, intonerà anche il brano «Kamala is good for the Usa», la canzone new-topical che il song-writer ha scritto in onore della candidata alla presidenza degli Stati Uniti Kamala Harris. R.L.—

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‘Kamala Is Good For The U.S.A.!’ – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song for Kamala Harris and the United States Of Planet Earth

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‘Kamala Is Good For The U.S.A.!’ is Michel Montecrossa’s Wake-Up New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single, DVD and as Download, for Kamala Harris and the United States Of Planet Earth. It’s time for a change, time for Kamala Harris as the first female President of the great United States of America and the way to make the dream true of the United States of Planet Earth and a world free of wars, hunger and the pain. A new time for peace and happiness for all humanity.

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