Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2024 in Mirapuri, Italy

The Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy, will take place 7th August – 11th August 2024 with 5 Party Days of free music revolution with free entrance and friendly prices for food, drinks and Hotel accommodation presenting open air concerts, hearty festival feastin’ and drinkin’, groovy festival-bazaar and international coming together.
During the 5 festival-days Michel Montecrossa presents together with Mirakali and their band The New Chosen Few brand-new original Cyberrock, Cyberschlager, Cyberdance, Cyberviking, Orgastica-DJ for having a good time.

For more click here: www. SpiritofWoodstockFest.com

Want to know more? Click here.'

The ‘My Festival Kisses For You’ Cyberrock Concert of Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali and their Band The New Chosen Few on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download

My Festival Kisses For You
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THE ‘MY FESTIVAL KISSES FOR YOU’ CYBERROCK CONCERT of Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali and The New Chosen Few, is released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download.
The concert presents 21 Cyberrock & Dance-Electronica Songs & Orgastica-DJ instrumentals by Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali including: ‘My Festival Kisses For You’, ‘Like A Beauty In Her Palace’, ‘Your Heart Shines Great And Golden’ and many more.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“The ‘MY FESTIVAL KISSES FOR YOU’ CYBERROCK CONCERT is a Stream-of-Consciousness pre-vision of the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2024, which takes place from August 7th to 11th 2024 in Mirapuri, Italy. It sends the Festival Kisses already in advance. So here we are with ‘MY FESTIVAL KISSES FOR YOU’ Concert. Welcome to all!”

Want to know more? Click here.'

THE BIG, UNITED EURASIA PEACE PLAN – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song for the Future after the Ukraine War

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‘THE BIG, UNITED EURASIA PEACE PLAN’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is the title of Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song for the Future after the Ukraine War. In this song he sings about the coming together of all Eurasian countries in the Foundation of the Free Eurasian Economic Union for a future of economic and soulful-constructive blossoming of consciousness manifesting itself through lasting peace, progress and prosperity for all countries of Eurasia and thus for the entire world.

Michel Montecrossa says about ’THE BIG, UNITED EURASIA PEACE PLAN’:
“The New-Topical-Song ’THE BIG, UNITED EURASIA PEACE PLAN’ is my message of hope for the finding of the redeeming next step after the end of Ukraine War in the creation of the Free Eurasian Economic Union by all Eurasian countries for securing of lasting peace, progress and prosperity for all countries of Eurasia and thus for the entire world.”


The Big United Eurasia Peace Plan brings together all countries of Eurasia in the foundation of the Free Eurasian Economic Union, for exchange of continental products, energy and culture for only states with a sound economy can realize stable social security as well as future-proof climate change and peace policy.
The Free Eurasian Economic Union can be for that the decisive next step. It could prevent wars as well as economic and ecological losses for all Eurasian countries, including Germany and the E.U.. For this the foundation of the Free Eurasian Economic Union would be the redeeming next step
into a future of economic and soulful-constructive blossoming of consciousness manifesting itself through lasting peace, progress and prosperity for all countries of Eurasia and thus for the entire world.

Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

IL GRANDE PIANO DI PACE COMUNE DELL’EURASIA – La canzone New Topical di Michel Montecrossa per il futuro dopo la guerra in Ucraina

‘IL GRANDE PIANO DI PACE COMUNE DELL’EURASIA’, pubblicato dalla Mira Sound Germany come CD audio, DVD e download, è il titolo della canzone New Topical di Michel Montecrossa per il futuro dopo la guerra in Ucraina. Canta l’unificazione di tutti i paesi eurasiatici nella creazione della Libera Unione Economica Eurasiatica per un futuro di fioritura della coscienza in senso economico e spirituale-costruttivo incarnato da pace duratura, progresso e prosperità per tutti i paesi dell’Eurasia e quindi per il mondo intero.

“La canzone New Topical ‘IL GRANDE PIANO DI PACE COMUNE DELL’EURASIA’ è il mio contributo di speranza alla ricerca del prossimo passo salvifico dopo la fine della guerra in Ucraina, per la formazione della Libera Unione Economica Eurasiatica fra tutti i paesi dell’ Eurasia per assicurare una pace duratura, il progresso e la prosperità per il bene del mondo intero”.


Il Grande Piano di Pace Comune dell’ Eurasia unisce tutti i paesi eurasiatici nella creazione della Libera Unione Economica Eurasiatica per lo scambio continentale di beni, energia e cultura, perché solo gli stati economicamente sani possono realizzare una sicurezza sociale stabile e politiche di pace e cambiamento climatico orientate al futuro.

La Libera Unione Economica Eurasiatica può essere il prossimo passo decisivo in questa direzione. Potrebbe prevenire guerre e perdite economiche ed ecologiche per tutti i paesi eurasiatici, compresa la Germania e l’Unione Europea. Pertanto, la creazione della Libera Unione Economica Eurasiatica sarebbe il prossimo passo salvifico per un futuro di fioritura della coscienza in senso economico e spirituale-costruttivo che si manifesterebbe in una pace duratura, progresso e prosperità per tutti i paesi dell’Eurasia e quindi per il mondo intero.

Testi e musica: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘Ich Hab Bock Auf Annalena’ wendet sich an Annalena Baerbock als deutsche Hoffnungskanzlerin und ihrem Motto: “verändern, statt zu versprechen”

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Michel Montecrossa sagt über ‘Ich Hab Bock Auf Annalena’:
“Deutschland steht inmitten einer großen Veränderung des eurasischen Kontinents, die mit alten Konzepten nicht verstanden und noch weniger mitgestaltet werden kann. Die Enge der E.U. und in ihr die deutsche Aussenpolitik, muss sich zu neuen Ideen öffnen, um einen entscheidenden Schritt in die europäische Zukunft zu tun. Dazu braucht man echte Staatsfrauen, keine weiteren Polito Korruptos. Deshalb kommt Annalena Baerbock genau zur richtigen Zeit, um das Neue möglich zu machen. Darüber singt mein New-Topical-Song ‘Ich Hab Bock Auf Annalena’ mit den besten Wünschen.“

(Apropos Annalena Baerbock)
Ich hab Bock auf Annalena, / die deutsche Kanzlerin. / Jung und frisch ist sie, / das Signal, das sagt: „Ich kann!“
Alles ist möglich mit neuen Ideen. / Dank an Gentleman / Habeck für den Support / der Kanzlerin Annalena.
Ich hab Bock auf Annalena / und ihre guten Ideen. / Keine Müdigkeit mehr der Alten, / sondern Appetit auf neue Würze.
Appetit auf das neue Tun / und Weltvereinigung, / Appetit auf neuen Schwung / der E.U. Erweiterung.
Eurasien wartet am Horizont, / die große Freihandels-Erweiterung / in die eurasische Union / vom Atlantik bis zum Pazifik
und Frieden und Wohlstand / und Arbeit für alle / auf dem größten Kontinent der Erde / und Friedenskultur / für den ganzen Planeten.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

DER GROSSE, GEMEINSAME EURASISCHE FRIEDENSPLAN – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song für die Zukunft nach dem Ukraine Krieg

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‘DER GROSSE, GEMEINSAME EURASISCHE FRIEDENSPLAN’, veröffentlicht von Mira Sound Germany als Audio-CD, DVD und als Download, ist der Titel von Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song für die Zukunft nach dem Ukraine Krieg. Er singt über die Vereinigung aller Eurasischer Länder in der Gründung der Freien Eurasischen Wirtschaftsunion für eine Zukunft der wirtschaftlichen und seelisch-konstruktiven Bewusstseinsblüte, die sich durch nachhaltigen Frieden, Fortschritt und Wohlstand für alle Länder von Eurasien und damit für die ganze Welt verkörpert.

“Der New-Topical-Song ‘DER GROSSE, GEMEINSAME EURASISCHE FRIEDENSPLAN’ ist mein Hoffnungsbeitrag für das Finden des erlösenden nächsten Schritts nach der Beendigung des Ukraine Krieges, in der Gestaltung der Freien Eurasischen Wirtschaftsunion durch alle Eurasischen Länder für Sicherung von nachhaltigem Frieden, Fortschritt und Wohlstand für das Wohl der ganzen Welt.”

Want to know more? Click here.'

Das Mirapuri World Peace Festival 2024 von Freitag, den 5. Juli bis Sonntag, den 7. Juli im Omnidiet Resort und Business Hotel in Mirapuri, Italien

“Jung und Glücklich durch Frieden”

Das Sunrevolution und Mirapuri World Peace Festival in Mirapuri (Italien) finden vom 5. – 7. Juli 2024 statt und präsentieren Vorträge, Bücher, Multimedia Ausstellung, Filmvorführung, Live Konzert und Meditation zum Thema ‘Jung und Glücklich durch Frieden’.

Sunrevolution und Mirapuri World Peace Festival 2024 Programm

Freitag, 5. Juli 2024
Willkommen in Mirapuri zum kombinierten Sunrevolution und Mirapuri World Peace Festival mit Vorträgen, Ausstellungen, Filmvorführung und Live Konzert.
Vortrag von Michel Montecrossa: ‘Mirapuri and The Ideal of Human Unity – Mirapuri und das Ideal der geeinten Menschheit’.
Vortrag von Mirakali: ‘I want to live the Sunrevolution – Ich möchte die Sonnenrevolution leben’.

Samstag, 6. Juli 2024
Tagsüber: Spaziergänge in der Mirapuri Natur und Zusammensein
21:00 ‘Love Is Sweet, Love Is Cool Climate Change Konzert’
mit Michel Montecrossa und The New Chosen Few

Sonntag, 7. Juli 2024
12:00 Meditation am Miravinci, dem Meditations Zentrum von Mirapuri mit der Neujahrsmusik 2024 – ‘The New Mirapuri Year Of The Mother’s Strength And Power Of Joy’

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Love Is Sweet, Love Is Cool’ Cyberrock & Country Concert for the Mirapuri World Peace and the Sunrevolution Festival of Work & Art 2024 in Mirapuri, Italy

6th July 2024
21:00 – 23:00
in the Omnidiet Hall of Fame
Via Monte Falò 8
28011 Mirapuri-Coiromonte
(Prov. di Novara), Italy
Phone: ++39-0322-999009

Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali and their band The New Chosen Few play the ‘Love Is Sweet, Love Is Cool’ Cyberrock & Country Concert presenting uplifting and joyful New-Topical-Songs, Country-Cyberrock, Dance-Electronica and Orgastica-DJ during the Mirapuri World Peace Festival and the Sunrevolution Festival of Work & Art 2024 in Mirapuri, Italy on 6th July 2024, 21:00 – 23:00 at the Omnidiet Hall of Fame in Mirapuri-Coiromonte, Italy.

Michel Montecrossa says about the ‘Love Is Sweet, Love Is Cool’ Cyberrock & Country Concert:
“It is a concert for enjoying Love, Peace, Freedom and Happy Human Unity.”

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Believe In Your Dream‘ – Michel Montecrossa’s New Topical Song for the 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris

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‘Believe In Your Dream’ – Michel Montecrossa’s New Topical Song for the 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris, released by Mira Sound Germany on audio-single and DVD is dedicated to international sportsmanship and the true spirit of the Olympic Games.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Believe In Your Dream’:
“In sports the power of the dream generates the joy, the will, the endurance and the fairness that lead to victory. My New-Topical-Song ‘Believe In Your Dream’ brings this message to the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris and to the hearts of the people all over the world who join the event. The Olympic Games are one of the greatest possibility for all humanity to come together in a spirit of joy and human unity. The true sporting spirit is a strong inspiration to achieve peace on earth and overcome wrong political and financial trends on the way to the United States of Planet Earth.”

Want to know more? Click here.'

It’s The Ball – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Sportsmanship song & movie dedicated to the UEFA Euro 2024, 14th June – 14th July 2024 in Germany

It's The Ball - UEFA Euro 2024 song by Michel Montecrossa
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‘It’s The Ball’ – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Sportsmanship Song & Movie for UEFA EURO 2024, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-single, DVD and as Download dedicated to the spirit of true sportsmanship

Michel Montecrossa says:
“My New-Topical-Sportsmanship Song & Movie ‘It’s The Ball’ is dedicated to the true spirit of sport and the joy behind its ideals of fairness, friendship and solidarity.”

Want to know more? Click here.'