Rettet die Willkommenskultur – Save the Welcome Culture (Apropos of Shortage of Skilled Workers and Labor in Germany & the EU – Apropos Fachkräfte- und Arbeitskräftemangel in Deutschland & der EU)

Rettet die Willkommens Kultur
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‘Rettet Die Willkommens Kultur – Save The Welcome Culture’, apropos Migration crisis in the EU, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song for the Living Celebration of Humanity together with all refugees. Michel Montecrossa sees the coming of refugees from the various war and climate crisis zones to the EU as a great chance for building a European and Eurasian future of working together, for progress and prosperity uniting all nations and making them into friends. He says: “Let us build islands of light, together with all that come, cities for refugees all over the E.U. Know-how comes to us and working power and the light of hope, the biggest power, for the free union of Eurasia.”

Michel Montecrossa says about the ‘Rettet Die Willkommens Kultur – Save The Welcome Culture’ Song & Movie:
“The ‘Rettet Die Willkommens Kultur – Save The Welcome Culture’ Song & Movie is a big party for the Living Celebration of humanity and forward looking intelligence together with all refugees.”

Rettet die Willkommens Kultur – / save the welcome culture! / Rettet Leben, nicht nur Grenzen. / Save lives, not just borders. / Rettet die Willkommens Kultur – / save the welcome culture!
Rettet die Zukunft der E.U. – / save the future of the E.U.! / Versteht die Flüchtlinge als Zukunft. / Understand the refugees as future. / Rettet die Zukunft der E.U. – / save the future of the E.U.
Die Zukunft ist Zusammenarbeit / the future is working together / für Fortschritt und für Wohlstand, / for progress and for prosperity / die alle Völker vereinen und zu Freunden machen. / uniting all nations, making them into friends.
Lasst uns Lichtinseln bauen, / let us build islands of light, / gemeinsam mit allen, die kommen, / together with all that come, / Städte für Flüchtlinge in der ganzen E.U., / cities for refugees all over the E.U.
Know-how kommt zu uns und Arbeitskraft / Know-how comes to us and working power / und das Licht der Hoffnung, die größte Kraft, / and the light of hope, the biggest power, / für die freie Vereinigung von Eurasien, / for the free union of Eurasia.
Rettet die Willkommens Kultur – / save the welcome culture! / Rettet Leben, nicht nur Grenzen. / Save lives, not just borders. / Rettet die Willkommens Kultur – / save the welcome culture!
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

Peace Is Good For Love

“‘PEACE IS GOOD FOR LOVE’ is the New-Topical-Song I sing today for everyone and the entire Planet with all my Love.”
Michel Montecrossa

Song Lyrics
Peace is so good for love.
Peace is good for lovin’ you.
Peace is good for powerlove.
Peace is good for doin’ it with love.
Peace is good for love-revolution.
Revolution in paradise! / And I’m tripping away!
Peace is so good for love.
Peace is good for lovin’ you.
Peace is good for doin’ it with you.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘Ich Hab Bock Auf Annalena’ wendet sich an Annalena Baerbock als deutsche Hoffnungskanzlerin und ihrem Motto: “verändern, statt zu versprechen”

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Michel Montecrossa sagt über ‘Ich Hab Bock Auf Annalena’:
“Deutschland steht inmitten einer großen Veränderung des eurasischen Kontinents, die mit alten Konzepten nicht verstanden und noch weniger mitgestaltet werden kann. Die Enge der E.U. und in ihr die deutsche Aussenpolitik, muss sich zu neuen Ideen öffnen, um einen entscheidenden Schritt in die europäische Zukunft zu tun. Dazu braucht man echte Staatsfrauen, keine weiteren Polito Korruptos. Deshalb kommt Annalena Baerbock genau zur richtigen Zeit, um die neue Kanzlerin möglich zu machen. Darüber singt mein New-Topical-Song ‘Ich Hab Bock Auf Annalena’ mit den besten Wünschen.“

(Apropos Annalena Baerbock)
Ich hab Bock auf Annalena, / die deutsche Kanzlerin. / Jung und frisch ist sie, / das Signal, das sagt: „Ich kann!“
Alles ist möglich mit neuen Ideen. / Dank an Gentleman / Habeck für den Support / der Kanzlerin Annalena.
Ich hab Bock auf Annalena / und ihre guten Ideen. / Keine Müdigkeit mehr der Alten, / sondern Appetit auf neue Würze.
Appetit auf das neue Tun / und Weltvereinigung, / Appetit auf neuen Schwung / der E.U. Erweiterung.
Eurasien wartet am Horizont, / die große Freihandels-Erweiterung / in die eurasische Union / vom Atlantik bis zum Pazifik
und Frieden und Wohlstand / und Arbeit für alle / auf dem größten Kontinent der Erde / und Friedenskultur / für den ganzen Planeten.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

Michel’s Cyberrocker Birthday Concert in the newspaper ‘LA STAMPA’

Compleanno a tutto rock per Michel Montecrossa
Concerto di compleanno all’Omnidiet in frazione Coiromonte di Armeno dalle 20 di domani, sabato. Il rocker Michel Montecrossa taglia il traguardo dei animando il «Michel’s cyberrocker birthday concert». Sul palco di Mirapuri, Michel Montecrossa con la band The new chosen few, intonerà anche il brano «Kamala is good for the Usa», la canzone new-topical che il song-writer ha scritto in onore della candidata alla presidenza degli Stati Uniti Kamala Harris. R.L.—

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘I Have A Vision’ − Michel Montecrossa′s New-Topical-Song apropos of the new government of the U.S.A.

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Michel Montecrossa says:
“Here comes my New-Topical-Song ‘I HAVE A VISION’ apropos of the new government of the U.S.A.”

I have a vision / of the United States of Planet Earth.
I have a vision / of the U.S.A. taking the lead on this way.
I have a vision / of the U.N. changing into the world government.
I have a vision / of the United Humanity moving into space age.
I have a vision / of the living celebration of Humanity / in a World of Peace and Love / and Joy unending.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Kamala Is Good For The U.S.A.!’ – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song for Kamala Harris and the United States Of Planet Earth

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‘Kamala Is Good For The U.S.A.!’ is Michel Montecrossa’s Wake-Up New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single, DVD and as Download, for Kamala Harris and the United States Of Planet Earth. It’s time for a change, time for Kamala Harris as the first female President of the great United States of America and the way to make the dream true of the United States of Planet Earth and a world free of wars, hunger and the pain. A new time for peace and happiness for all humanity.

Want to know more? Click here.'

Virtual International Free Cinema Filmfestival 2024

Virtual Filmfestival 2024

Welcome to the Virtual International Free Cinema Filmfestival 2024
26th – 27th October 2024

With a Collection of INFINITYLIFE Stream-of-Consciousness Movies by Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali, produced by Filmaur Multimedia

Here are the Movies you can experience during the Virtual Filmfestival 2024 here on this website:
Saturday, 26th October 2024 – 15:00:
The Great Archetype – Das Große Urbild (38 min.)

Offering (17min.)

Meditation in Mahabalipuram (34 min.)

Sunday, 27th October 2024 – 15:00
Living The Experience (120 min.)

Or you can experience the INFINITYLIFE movies in the New Art Cinema in the Filmaur Multimedia House
Danziger Str. 1
82131 Gauting near Munich, Germany
Phone ++49-(0) 89 850 8555

All movies you can buy as Download or as DVD at

Want to know more? Click here.'

THE BIG, UNITED EURASIA PEACE PLAN – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song for the Future after the Ukraine War

Please donate to the artists for their music:

‘THE BIG, UNITED EURASIA PEACE PLAN’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is the title of Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song for the Future after the Ukraine War. In this song he sings about the coming together of all Eurasian countries in the Foundation of the Free Eurasian Economic Union for a future of economic and soulful-constructive blossoming of consciousness manifesting itself through lasting peace, progress and prosperity for all countries of Eurasia and thus for the entire world.

Michel Montecrossa says about ’THE BIG, UNITED EURASIA PEACE PLAN’:
“The New-Topical-Song ’THE BIG, UNITED EURASIA PEACE PLAN’ is my message of hope for the finding of the redeeming next step after the end of Ukraine War in the creation of the Free Eurasian Economic Union by all Eurasian countries for securing of lasting peace, progress and prosperity for all countries of Eurasia and thus for the entire world.”


The Big United Eurasia Peace Plan brings together all countries of Eurasia in the foundation of the Free Eurasian Economic Union, for exchange of continental products, energy and culture for only states with a sound economy can realize stable social security as well as future-proof climate change and peace policy.
The Free Eurasian Economic Union can be for that the decisive next step. It could prevent wars as well as economic and ecological losses for all Eurasian countries, including Germany and the E.U.. For this the foundation of the Free Eurasian Economic Union would be the redeeming next step
into a future of economic and soulful-constructive blossoming of consciousness manifesting itself through lasting peace, progress and prosperity for all countries of Eurasia and thus for the entire world.

Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

IL GRANDE PIANO DI PACE COMUNE DELL’EURASIA – La canzone New Topical di Michel Montecrossa per il futuro dopo la guerra in Ucraina

‘IL GRANDE PIANO DI PACE COMUNE DELL’EURASIA’, pubblicato dalla Mira Sound Germany come CD audio, DVD e download, è il titolo della canzone New Topical di Michel Montecrossa per il futuro dopo la guerra in Ucraina. Canta l’unificazione di tutti i paesi eurasiatici nella creazione della Libera Unione Economica Eurasiatica per un futuro di fioritura della coscienza in senso economico e spirituale-costruttivo incarnato da pace duratura, progresso e prosperità per tutti i paesi dell’Eurasia e quindi per il mondo intero.

“La canzone New Topical ‘IL GRANDE PIANO DI PACE COMUNE DELL’EURASIA’ è il mio contributo di speranza alla ricerca del prossimo passo salvifico dopo la fine della guerra in Ucraina, per la formazione della Libera Unione Economica Eurasiatica fra tutti i paesi dell’ Eurasia per assicurare una pace duratura, il progresso e la prosperità per il bene del mondo intero”.


Il Grande Piano di Pace Comune dell’ Eurasia unisce tutti i paesi eurasiatici nella creazione della Libera Unione Economica Eurasiatica per lo scambio continentale di beni, energia e cultura, perché solo gli stati economicamente sani possono realizzare una sicurezza sociale stabile e politiche di pace e cambiamento climatico orientate al futuro.

La Libera Unione Economica Eurasiatica può essere il prossimo passo decisivo in questa direzione. Potrebbe prevenire guerre e perdite economiche ed ecologiche per tutti i paesi eurasiatici, compresa la Germania e l’Unione Europea. Pertanto, la creazione della Libera Unione Economica Eurasiatica sarebbe il prossimo passo salvifico per un futuro di fioritura della coscienza in senso economico e spirituale-costruttivo che si manifesterebbe in una pace duratura, progresso e prosperità per tutti i paesi dell’Eurasia e quindi per il mondo intero.

Testi e musica: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘2024 MONTECROSSA’ – the great New-Topical Album of Michel Montecrossa presenting 12 original New-Topical-Songs for the answers the world need

Please donate to the artists for their music:

‘2024 MONTECROSSA’, released by Mira Sound Germany as Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is the great New-Topical Album of Michel Montecrossa presenting 12 original New-Topical-Songs for the answers the world need.
Here are all the answers: End all your wars, activate the big, United Eurasia Peace Plan. I have the Vision of the United States of Planet Earth. Our goal is World Union. Then we save this planet and have a place to live and love on this Planet for the Free. Because Truth is simple: It is Love. And then Love and Peace will come upon the earth and we all can live in World Peace. You are my World Unity Girl and together we save the climate.

Mirakali says about the album ‘2024 MONTECROSSA’:
“’2024 MONTECROSSA’ – this music means Freedom, Love and Peace. And here are all the answers for the world.”

Want to know more? Click here.'