The Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy Infinity Season Episode 24 ‘Believe In Your Dream’

Episode 24 ‘BELIEVE IN YOUR DREAM’ of the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy, Infinity Season, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, presents Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘Believe In Your Dream’ dedicated to international sportsmanship and the true spirit for the Summer Olympic Games 2024 in Paris and great songs from The Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2023 and from the Overground Musical ‘LIVING THE EXPERIENCE’. The Songs: ‘Believe In Your Dream’, ‘Feelin’ Good’, ‘The Wind & The Sea’, ‘Exploration Teknotrance’, ‘Kommt Wieder Ihr Menschen’.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“In sports the power of the dream generates the joy, the will, the endurance and the fairness that lead to victory. My New-Topical-Song ‘Believe In Your Dream’ brings this message to the Summer Olympics 2024 in Paris and to the hearts of the people all over the world who join the event. The Olympic Games are one of the greatest possibility for all humanity to come together in a spirit of joy and human unity. The true sporting spirit is a strong inspiration to achieve peace on earth and overcome wrong political and financial trends on the way to the United States of Planet Earth.”

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘My Festival Kisses For You’ Climate Change Konzert von Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali und The New Chosen Few am 25. Mai 2024 um 20 Uhr im Filmaur Multimedia Haus in München – Gauting, Deutschland

My Festival Kisses For You Concert

Das ‘MY FESTIVAL KISSES FOR YOU’ KONZERT von Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali und The New Chosen Few findet am 25. Mai 2024, im Filmaur Multimedia Haus, Danziger Str. 1 in München-Gauting, Deutschland statt. Telefon: 089-850 8555. Die Show beginnt um 20:00 Uhr.
Das ‘MY FESTIVAL KISSES FOR YOU’ KONZERT präsentiert 20 original Cyberrock Songs und Orgastica-DJ Instrumentals von Michel Montecrossa und Mirakali, wie ‘My Festival Kisses For You’, ‘Beyond The Horizon’, ‘Like A Beauty In Her Palace’, ‘Happy To Be’ … und viele mehr.

Michel Montecrossa sagt:
“Das ‘MY FESTIVAL KISSES FOR YOU’ KONZERT ist ein erster Teaser für das Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2024, das vom 7. bis 11. August 2024 in Mirapuri, Italien stattfindet. Es ist die Freie Musik Revolution! Welcome!“

Want to know more? Click here.'

The Jesus Symphony Concert

‘The Jesus Symphony’ composed by Michel Montecrossa is a modern Christian Spiritual Symphony for electronic instruments, choir and solo chants in English and German language based on the Gospel of Thomas.

‘The Jesus Symphony’ is modern classical music of light and love in honour of the great Jesus performed by Michel Montecrossa and his Lightsound Orchestra. (Michel Montecrossa: singing and keyboard, Mirakali: keyboard, Diana Antara: keyboard, Mirachandra: omnichord, David Butterfield: midi-guitar, Artis Aldschalis: e-violin)

Want to know more? Click here.'

I Know Your Love Is There – from the album ‘2023 MONTECROSSA’

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‘2023 MONTECROSSA’, released by Mira Sound Germany as Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is the great Album of Michel Montecrossa presenting 36 outstanding New-Topical-Songs that take a stand for Intelligence, Love and Unity in a Changing World.
From the good-feeling songs ‘YOU ARE MY WORLD UNITY GIRL! YOU ARE MY WORLD PEACE GIRL!’ to ‘HIP & COOL’, ‘HOT & READY – HEISS & BEREIT’, ‘LOVE, FOREVER LOVE’, ‘I COME FROM THE FUTURE – ICH KOMME AUS DER ZUKUNFT’ and ‘DU BRAUCHST DAS MUSEUM NICHT FINDEN’ (YOU DON’T NEED TO FIND THE MUSEUM) to the visionary ‘UTOPIA’ you can experience 36 Michel Montecrossa Hit Songs he wrote and performed together with his band The New Chosen Few during his ‘SHOW YOUR LOVE’ Climate Change Concert Tour 2023.

“2023 MONTECROSSA is a great musical work coming from the big heart of a great artist, born out of love, for love in this world. 36 songs that show you another world. A world of hope, confidence, peace, progress and change for a world of the Living Celebration of Humanity.”
Mirakali Montecrossa

For more click here.

Want to know more? Click here.'


Please donate to the artists for their music:


‘2023 MONTECROSSA’, released by Mira Sound Germany as Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is the great Album of Michel Montecrossa presenting 36 outstanding New-Topical-Songs that take a stand for Intelligence, Love and Unity in a Changing World.
From the good-feeling songs ‘YOU ARE MY WORLD UNITY GIRL! YOU ARE MY WORLD PEACE GIRL!’ to ‘HIP & COOL’, ‘HOT & READY – HEISS & BEREIT’, ‘LOVE, FOREVER LOVE’, ‘I COME FROM THE FUTURE – ICH KOMME AUS DER ZUKUNFT’ and ‘DU BRAUCHST DAS MUSEUM NICHT FINDEN’ (YOU DON’T NEED TO FIND THE MUSEUM) to the visionary ‘UTOPIA’ you can experience 36 Michel Montecrossa Hit Songs he wrote and performed together with his band The New Chosen Few during his ‘SHOW YOUR LOVE’ Climate Change Concert Tour 2023.

“2023 MONTECROSSA is a great musical work coming from the big heart of a great artist, born out of love, for love in this world. 36 songs that show you another world. A world of hope, confidence, peace, progress and change for a world of the Living Celebration of Humanity.”
Mirakali Montecrossa

For more click here.

Want to know more? Click here.'

The Maria Magdalena Symphony on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download

The Maria Magdalena Symphony
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Michel Montecrossa’s great ‘Maria Magdalena Symphony’ released by Mira Sound Germany as Audio-CD, DVD and Download with 19 orchestral and chant tracks is dedicated to the life and heritage of Maria Magdalena and to love, equality and freedom of women in religious life. Michel Montecrossa has written the lyrics of the chants on the basis of the Gospel of Maria Magdalena. ‘The Maria Magdalena Symphony’ is performed by Michel Montecrossa and his Lightsound Orchestra. The chants are performed in English and German by Michel Montecrossa.
‘The Maria Magdalena Symphony’ is part of Michel Montecrossa’s great sacral symphonic triptych comprising ‘The Christmas Symphony’, ‘The Jesus Symphony’ and ‘The Maria Magdalena Symphony’.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘The Maria Magdalena Symphony’:
“It is music of innerness and warmth in honor of Maria Magdalena and her love for Jesus.”

Want to know more? Click here.'

The Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy Infinity Season Episode 23 ‘Magic Circle’

Episode 23 ‘Magic Circle’ of the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy, Infinity Season, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, presents Michel Montecrossa and his band The New Chosen Few with great songs from The Spirit of Woodstock Festival Concert 2021 and from The House Of Time, Courage & Love Climate Change Musical: ‘Magic Circle’, ‘Calm Beauty’, ‘Love And Peace’, ‘World Love Song’ and ‘Poets And Heroes’.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“It is a declaration of Love and Freedom to the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri and all who love it.”

Want to know more? Click here.'

Joy & Love Rock New Year Party and Concert 2024 with Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali and The New Chosen Few in the Omnidiet Music-Hall in Mirapuri

Joy & Love Rock New Year Concert

31st December 2023 – 1st January 2024
22:30 – 24:00
in the Omnidiet Music-Hall
Via Monte Falò 8
28011 Mirapuri-Coiromonte
(Prov. di Novara), Italy
Phone: ++39-0322-999009

Michel Montecrossa about the New Year Party and Concert 2024:
“Welcome to the JOY & LOVE ROCK New Year Party And Concert 2024 in Mirapuri!
Let’s celebrate! Great Joy is the origin of generous Love, the Love that embraces us all and leads us to the great Joy that ends all conflicts and sufferings in the happiness of unity and oneness.”

On Sunday 31st December the JOY & LOVE ROCK New Year party and concert will lead you into January 1st 2024 with the happy feeling of new Cyberdance, Cyberrock and Orgastica-DJ love songs by Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali and The New Chosen Few.
The New Year Concert takes place in the Omnidiet Music-Hall in Mirapuri from 22:30 till 24:00.

On Monday, 1st January, 2 o’clock in the afternoon, you can come to the Miravinci – the meditation centre of Mirapuri – for the distribution of the Mirapuri calendar for the year 2024 and the premiere of the recording of Michel Montecrossa’s Song Symphony ‘The New Mirapuri Year Of The Mother’s Power And Strength Of Joy’ including the uplifting New Year Message Recitation for 2024 by Mira Alfassa – The Mother:

“Joy! Joy means to live in the Truth, to live in communion with Eternity, with
the true Life, the Light that never fails. Joy means to be free, free with the
true Freedom, the Freedom of the constant, invariable union
with the Divine Will.“

Want to know more? Click here.'

2023 MONTECROSSA – the great Album of Michel Montecrossa presenting 36 outstanding New-Topical-Songs from his ’SHOW YOUR LOVE’ Climate Change Concert Tour 2023

2023 Montecrossa
Please donate to the artists for their music:

‘2023 MONTECROSSA’, released by Mira Sound Germany as Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is the great Album of Michel Montecrossa presenting 36 outstanding New-Topical-Songs that take a stand for Intelligence, Love and Unity in a Changing World.
From the good-feeling songs ‘YOU ARE MY WORLD UNITY GIRL! YOU ARE MY WORLD PEACE GIRL!’ to ‘HIP & COOL’, ‘HOT & READY – HEISS & BEREIT’, ‘LOVE, FOREVER LOVE’, ‘I COME FROM THE FUTURE – ICH KOMME AUS DER ZUKUNFT’ and ‘DU BRAUCHST DAS MUSEUM NICHT FINDEN’ (YOU DON’T NEED TO FIND THE MUSEUM) to the visionary ‘UTOPIA’ you can experience 36 Michel Montecrossa Hit Songs he wrote and performed together with his band The New Chosen Few during his ‘SHOW YOUR LOVE’ Climate Change Concert Tour 2023.

“2023 MONTECROSSA is a great musical work coming from the big heart of a great artist, born out of love, for love in this world.
36 songs that show you another world. A world of hope, confidence, peace, progress and change for a world of the Living Celebration of Humanity.”
Mirakali Montecrossa

“2023 MONTECROSSA ist ein großes musikalisches Werk aus dem großen Herz eines großen Künstlers, aus Liebe geboren, für die Liebe in dieser Welt.
36 Songs, die dir eine andere Welt zeigen. Eine Welt der Hoffnung, der Zuversicht, des Friedens, des Fortschritts und Wandels für eine Welt der lebendigen Feier der Menschlichkeit.”
Mirakali Montecrossa

Want to know more? Click here.'