Love & Unity Climate Change Concert Tour 2012

Michel Montecrossa’s ‘Love & Unity Climate Change’ concert series at the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2012 in Mirapuri, Italy released as two Boxes-Set with twelve Audio-CDs or DVDs featuring all 171 festival songs of Michel Montecrossa and his band lady Mirakali

Michel Montecrossa together with Mirakali and his band The Chosen Few at the Dream Space Electronica Festival 2012 in Mirapuri on Audio CD and DVD

‘Totally Topical’ Michel Montecrossa’s Concert with Topical Songs about True Ideals and Real Ethics on Audio CD and DVD

Oktoberfest Party – Michel Montecrossa’s Good Mood Concert from Oktoberfest to Carnival and Oktoberfest again on Double Audio-CD and DVD

‘Big Change’ Michel Montecrossa’s Concert for the Mirapuri World Peace Festival in Mirapuri on Audio CD and DVD

‘V Day’ Michel Montecrossa’s Hello Beppe Grillo Love & Unity Concert on Audio CD and DVD apropos strike and protest in Europe

3 Audio-CD plus 1 Bonus DVD set release of Michel Montecrossa’s Michel & Bob Dylan Fest 2012 recorded live during the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2012 in Mirapuri, Italy.

‘Eyes Cascading Over Your Skin’ Michel Montecrossa’s Concert for the International Free Cinema Filmfestival in Mirapuri, Italy on Audio CD and DVD

‘Straight from the Spirit of Woodstock Festival’ – Michel Montecrossa’s special collection of 10 Hit-Songs celebrating the 20th birthday of the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy on Audio CD and DVD

‘Talking Love & Unity For A Small Planet’ – Songs for the Big Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2012 in Mirapuri, Italy on Audio-CD and DVD