With his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking G7 To G8 Upgrade – Über Das G7 Auf G8 Upgrade Reden’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single, DVD and as Download, Michel Montecrossa takes a stand for bringing back Russia to the G7 table for the best of Eurasia, world security and the global economy.
Michel Montecrossa about ‘Talking G7 To G8 Upgrade – Über Das G7 Auf G8 Upgrade Reden’:
“‘The song ‘Talking G7 To G8 Upgrade – Über Das G7 Auf G8 Upgrade Reden’ was written for the G7 summit at Schloss Elmau, Krün, Bavaria, Germany on June 7–8, 2015. Russia should come back to the G7 summits so that things have a chance to go from bad to good instead of going from bad to worse. The unity of Eurasia is the immediate future and the only way to prevent escalations and wars and to bring peace and prosperity to the people. Every true politician and economist knows that and I say, the people want it and no more of polito corrupto and banka gangsta stuff.”
G7 To G8 Upgrade is the hot thing. / G7 auf G8 ist die heiße Sache. / Without Russia there is no meaning in the whole thing. / Ohne Russland macht die ganze Sache doch keinen Sinn.
G8 means Eurasia in the making. / G8 bedeutet Eurasien im Werden. / Eurasia means good business for all. / Eurasien heißt gute Geschäfte für alle.
Eurasia means EU-Russia and China free trade / along with India and the Islamic riddle. / Eurasien heisst EU-Russland und China Freihandel gemeinsam mit Indien und dem islamischen Rätsel.
This Eurasia and free trade with the Americas / are almost the United States Of Planet Earth. / Dies Eurasien und Freihandel mit den Amerikas / sind schon fast die Vereinigten Staaten Des Planeten Erde.
G7 to G8 upgrade therefore is the right thing. / G7 auf G8 Upgrade deshalb ist das Richtige. / Let’s bring Russia back to the table again. / Bringt Russland wieder mit an den Tisch.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany