‘Love & Freedom Heal – Liebe & Freiheit Heilen’, Michel Montecrossa’s Concert for the Mirasiddhi Wellness Festival and the Sunrevolution Festival of Work 2016 in Mirapuri, Italy on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download

Love & Freedom Heal - Liebe & Freiheit Heilen Concert
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‘Love & Freedom Heal – Liebe & Freiheit Heilen’ Concert released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s Concert for the Mirasiddhi Wellness Festival and the Sunrevolution Festival of Work 2016 in Mirapuri, Italy.
It is a concert of human value songs that convey the encouraging message of working together for building a world that effectively manifests a life of Love & Freedom.
Recorded live in the Omnidiet Music-Hall at Mirapuri, Italy on 7th May 2016 it presents 28 songs by Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali including ‘Love & Freedom Heal – Liebe & Freiheit Heilen’, ‘Cosmic Fantasy’, ‘Refugees Blues – Flüchtlinge Blues’, ‘Beyond Borders’, ‘From Honeymoon I Started Into The Open Years’, ‘Summer In Your Heart’, ‘The Day Of Love’s Compassion – Der Tag Mitfühlender Liebe’, ‘Xperience’, ‘Der Montecrossa Highway’, ‘Adventure Of Love’, ‘Mit Dir Und Der Welt – With You And The World’, ‘Liebe & Tanz Sie Machen Uns Ganz – Love & Dance They Make Us One’, ‘Stronger Than Anything Else’, ‘Come On Baby! It’s The Bright Earth Dance!’, ‘Liebesbefreiung – Loveliberation #2’.

Michel Montecrossa says about the ‘Love & Freedom Heal – Liebe & Freiheit Heilen’ Concert:
“Love & Freedom are the life-qualities which are like a double-sun making the flowers of creative peace grow with unlimited speed.”

“Liebe & Freiheit sind die Lebensqualitäten, die einer Doppelsonne gleichen, welche die Blumen des kreativen Friedens mit grenzenloser Geschwindigkeit wachsen lassen.”

The Songs, Disc One (Click the song title to read the lyrics):

  1. Love & Freedom Heal – Liebe & Freiheit Heilen
  2. Cosmic Fantasy
  3. Refugees Blues – Flüchtlinge Blues
  4. Beyond Borders
  5. Rettet Die Willkommens Kultur – Save The Welcome Culture
  6. Tender Friendship
  7. Meine Alternative Für Deutschland – My Alternative For Germany
  8. Good Heart
  9. Die Schönen Bilder, Die Im Herzen Wohnen – The Beautiful Visions Living In The Heart
  10. Dreambirth
  11. An Deiner Seite Glücklich – At Your Side Happy
  12. In Your Heart
  13. From Honeymoon I Started Into The Open Years
  14. Summer In Your Heart

The Songs, Disc Two (Click the song title to read the lyrics):

  1. The Day Of Love’s Compassion – Der Tag Mitfühlender Liebe
  2. Xperience
  3. Der Montecrossa Highway
  4. Adventure Of Love
  5. Mit Dir Und Der Welt – With You And The World
  6. Music Coming From The Heart
  7. Liebe & Tanz Sie Machen Uns Ganz – Love & Dance They Make Us One
  8. Stronger Than Anything Else
  9. Come On Baby! It’s The Bright Earth Dance!
  10. Changing Power
  11. Liebesbefreiung – Loveliberation #2
  12. New Earth, New Sky
  13. Mondkuss Lust – Moonkiss Passion
  14. Festival Of Love & Freedom Song
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