‘Greetings of Happiness from the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2015 In Mirapuri, Italy’ – Michel Montecrossa’s special collection of 16 Festival Hit Songs, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio CD, DVD and as Download. With the ‘Greetings of Happiness from the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2015 in Mirapuri, Italy’ Michel Montecrossa together with Mirakali and his band The Chosen Few sing of the Love, Peace and Happiness World of the Free Music Revolution.
Spirit of Woodstock Festival Website: www.SpiritofWoodstockFest.com
Michel Montecrossa says about the ‘Greetings of Happiness from the Spirit of Woodstock Festival’:
“The ‘Greetings of Happiness from the Spirit of Woodstock Festival‘ DVD and CD present 16 Hit-Songs from our 2015 festival-performance of more than 160 songs which we played during the ten festival days from 24th July to 2nd August 2015.
For me and my band the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri is a genuinely touching event of Love, Peace and Happiness where our songs stand as messengers of Light and Truth in times of merciless cynicism and brutal mass manipulation. All our music tells of a Future of Harmony that offers itself to be proclaimed to the world.
‘Greetings of Happiness from the Spirit of Woodstock Festival‘ freely carries the message of this future to everyone‘s heart and mind and soul to comfort and drive away isolation, loneliness and discouragement.”
The Songs (Click the song title to read the lyrics):
- Festival Of Love, Peace And Happiness
- Mit Dir Und Der Welt – With You And The World
- Der Montecrossa Highway
- Die Ewigkeit Ist Zu Kurz Im Mondlicht Nackt – Eternity Is Too Short In Moonlight Naked
- The Heart Of A Hero
- Schmusen & Lachen – Huggin’ & Kissin’
- Ich Bin Der Typ – I’m The One
- Große Party – Big Party
- Mondkuss Lust – Moonkiss Passion
- Sexy Lovin’ Party Groove
- Cybergeneration
- Dancedrive: I Like It!
- Wideness, Freedom, Bliss
- Met You In The Paradise – Mit Dir Bin Ich Im Paradies – Con Te In Paradiso
- Orgastica-DJ-Dream
- Vikingfest