‘Courage Ride’ Cyberrock, Dance/Electronica & Orgastica-DJ New Year Concert 2020 with Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali and The Chosen Few in the Omnidiet Music-Hall in Mirapuri on 31st December 2019 til 1st January 2020 on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download

Courage Ride New Year Concert
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‘Courage Ride’ Cyberrock, Dance/Electronica & Orgastica-DJ New Year Concert 2020 by Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali in the Omnidiet Music-Hall in Mirapuri on 31st December 2019 til 1st January 2020 The concert is released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download and presents 35 great songs by Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali including: ‘Welcome Song’, ‘Young Star’, ‘Erotic Devotion’, ‘Schmusen & Lachen – Huggin’ & Kissin’’, ‘Liebeszauber – Lovemagic’, ‘Rock ‘n’ Roll Girl’, ‘New Beginning – Neuanfang’, ‘What You Wann Do, Do It Now’, ‘The Courage Ride Song’, ‘The Child Of True Humanity – Das Kind Der Wahren Menschlichkeit’, ‘Die Ewigkeit Ist Zu Kurz Im Mondlicht Nackt – Eternity Is Too Short In Moonlight Naked’ and many more.

Michel Montecrossa about the New Year Party Concert 2020:
Welcome to the ‘Courage Ride’ New Year Party Concert 2020 in Mirapuri!
The New Year Party Concert 2020 which I play together with Mirakali and The Chosen Few is also the opening for our upcoming ‘Courage Ride’ Climate Change Concert Tour 2020. Throughout the year you can enjoy our music and the spirit of Courage Ride in concerts at Mirapuri, Italy and Miravillage, Germany as well as various other places on this planet. For all concert dates turn to my homepage www.MichelMontecrossa.com.
Have a happy and joyous 2020!”

The Songs, Disc One:

  1. Welcome Song
  2. Hoffnung
  3. Young Star
  4. Erotic Devotion
  5. Schmusen & Lachen – Huggin’ & Kissin’
  6. Ein Neues Jahr
  7. When Reality Becomes A Dream
  8. Liebeszauber – Lovemagic
  9. Rock ‘n’ Roll Girl
  10. Mutige Liebe
  11. New Beginning – Neuanfang
  12. Feelin’ Good
  13. Sweet Little Girl
  14. Nahe Deiner Seele
  15. Two Lovers – One Heartbeat
  16. Rockin’ Woman
  17. Lovemakin’ Supertrip
  18. Sinn Deines Lebens
  19. Promise

The Songs, Disc Two:

  1. Saturday Night Rock #2
  2. Cyberrocker Morfin’ U
  3. Liebe Und Zärtlichkeit
  4. Paradise Emotion
  5. Helicopter Baby
  6. Mondkuss Lust – Moonkiss Passion
  7. Du
  8. I Love You, Michel
  9. The Courage Ride Song
  10. Come On Baby! It’s The Bright Earth Dance!
  11. What You Wanna Do, Do It Now
  12. Zeit Und Raum
  13. Cyborg Dreams
  14. Freedomfire Burnin’
  15. Die Ewigkeit Ist Zu Kurz Im Mondlicht Nackt – Eternity Is Too Short In Moonlight Naked
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