‘Simple Time’ Climate Change Concert with New-Topical-Songs on Audio-CD and DVD, dedicated to love, wisdom and unity

“Simple Time” Simple Time Concert Michel Montecrossa
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‘Simple Time’ Climate Change Concert with new topical songs, released by Mira Sound Germany as Double Audio-CD or DVD is Michel Montecrossa’s eighth concert of the Future World & Climate Change Concert Tour 2011 and is dedicated to love, wisdom and unity.
Performed in the Omnidiet Music-Hall in Mirapuri on 11th June 2011 the concert includes 27 landmark acoustic and electric songs including the title song ‘Simple Time’ and more far reaching acoustic songs like ‘Street Lovin’ (Let’s Do It On The Road)’, ‘Listen To My Heart’, ‘Nameless Glory: The Freedom Of Information Song’, ‘Talkin’ World Awakening’, ‘Talkin’ India’, ‘Secrets Of The Green World’, ‘Deutschland Ist Grün Für Die Zukunft Von Europa’, as well as great feeling electric songs like ‘When I Change Dimensions (Don’t Want To Hide My Feelings)’, ‘Complete Liberation’ (together with Mirakali), ‘Feel It!’, ‘Gang’s Dream Anthem’, ‘Sittin’ At A Table’ and 14 more acoustic and electric songs.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Simple Time’:
“The simple time is the time of finding. What will we find? Love, wisdom, unity ’cause up to now we’ve only found hate, stupidity and war.”

The Songs, Disc One (Click the song title to read the lyrics):

  1. Simple Time
  2. Street Lovin’ (Let’s Do It On The Road)
  3. Listen To My Heart
  4. Nameless Glory: The Freedom Of Information Song
  5. Talkin’ World Awakening
  6. Talkin’ India (From Corruption To Ecology There’s Another Side To Everything)
  7. Secrets Of The Green World
  8. Deutschland Ist Grün Für Die Zukunft Von Europa
  9. Cute Girl
  10. When I Change Dimensions (Don’t Want To Hide My Feelings)
  11. Complete Liberation
  12. Superclone
  13. Feel It!
  14. All The Trouble
  15. Fire Of Youth
  16. The Beauty Of Innocence Rock
  17. Living Soul

The Songs, Disc Two (Click the song title to read the lyrics):

  1. Lovedance
  2. Voice Of The Heart
  3. Summer Rock
  4. On The Road Runnin’ Free
  5. Supergang
  6. Heartbeat
  7. New Love Star Song
  8. Rising
  9. Green Valley Of Love
  10. Gang’s Dream Anthem
  11. Sittin’ At A Table