‘Talkin‘ Battle for Libya – Talkin‘ Battle for the World’: released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song about mercy, forgiveness and change based on compassion and goodwill.
Michel Montecrossa says about
‘Talkin‘ Battle for Libya – Talkin‘ Battle for the World’:
“The battle for Libya is a battle for the world when victory brings mercy and forgiveness and not hatred and revenge.
The whole world needs a rise of civilization and not downfall into a barbarian age. Every change must be based on compassion and goodwill to be worthy of the world.
Let the past be past and bring the future of love and freedom, then not only the battle for Libya will be won but also the much greater battle for the world.”
Talkin‘ Battle for Libya – Talkin‘ Battle for the World: / Victory for Libya means victory for the world / if it doesn’t mean bloodshed and cruel revenge, / if it will not bring conflicts of dirty power games.
Listen to me children of the future world, / learn from history not to repeat it again. / I sing today of the now that you think about / your today and now and keep tyrants out.
The battle for freedom is the battle of the world. / Wherever it is, it’s the battle of the young. / The young are made by love and for love they are born. / They shall bring love that makes all the world one.
Battle for Libya and for the World: / nations united bring peace to the earth. / The battle for Libya must bring end of sorrow / to be the sign of love for the world of tomorrow.
Victory of Libya must be a victory of mercy / and the end of things that are crazy. / Forgiveness, kindness and cooperation / are the victory needed for the whole world.
The world then will remember Libya’s rebellion / as a step and action on the upward path. / Future world of true intelligence demands / freedom of soul for the life of all.
Battle for Libya and for the world: / Each victory of love is good for the earth. / Each victory of love is good for us all. / Listen to me children of the bright coming dawn:
“Victory of rebellion / is a victory for the world / when changes come / without hate and pain.”
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany