Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘LIVING ON A PLANET’, pre-release by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download of the opening movie of the upcoming Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri Episode 6 ‘LIVING ON A PLANET’.
Michel Montecrossa says:
“‘LIVING ON A PLANET’ is a New-Topical-Song declaration of love and tender care for Planet Earth which is our home.”
I’m living on a planet, living just like you. / I’m living on a planet, green and blue, / with raindrops sad like you.
We are weepin’, we are cryin’ / with the trees a-fallin’ down, / with the monkeys and the flowers / that no more will see the dawn.
I’m living on a planet. / I’m living there – it’s my home.
I’m a-lookin’ at the waterfall, see the rainbow glow, / see the mountains and the valleys, / see from where we come, / see the time grow young.
See all that faded come back again, / see me living on a planet with you again, / you: my love and friend.
I’m living on a planet. / I’m living there – till the end.
I’m walkin’ with you through a free dream / where we follow a living stream / that no one has ever seen.
We are laughin’, we are smilin’ / and the trees touch the sky. / And the monkeys and the flowers too / know how to smile.
Yes, we are living on a planet. / We live there – it’s our life.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany