![Talking Turkey & The E.U. – Über Die Türkei & E.U. Reden](https://michelmontecrossa.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Talking-Turkey-CD-Cover-vorne-1.jpg)
‘Talking Turkey & The E.U. – Über Die Türkei & E.U. Reden’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos Turkey joining the EU. In his song Michel Montecrossa sees Turkey as the big bridge to Eurasia and sees that with Turkey joining the EU the door is open for great Eurasia business, opening a new dimension of trade, prosperity and peace culture for the EU, Turkey and the Middle East. Michel Montecrossa wrote this song as a mature answer to the childish Polito-Kindergarten-Game of insulting each other and thinks that it is better now to say ‘sorry’ and rather do what is really needed: to open new ways of peace for the Kurds and Turkey, to save all the refugees and to change the Middle East into a world of peace by building the big bridge between EU and Turkey for creating a united Eurasia of free trade and free associations for a better tomorrow of the greatest continent on earth.
Michel Montecrossa says:
“I wrote the New-Topical-Song ’Talking Turkey & The E.U. – Über Die Türkei & E.U. Reden’ at a time when the EU and Turkey had nothing better to do than to insult each other and to make the big show of political Kindergarten. What I have to say is that Turkey must join the EU so that trade, prosperity and peace culture can grow on the way to a strong Eurasia. Stop all useless insults and get to the table! New ways then can open to change the Middle East into a world of peace.
That is what my New-Topical-Song ’Talking Turkey & The E.U. – Über die Türkei & E.U. Reden’ is all about and I wish all the best to Erdogan and the EU.”
Michel Montecrossa also says:
“Apropos the economic crisis in Turkey the topic of Turkey becoming member of the EU is number one of the agenda. A foreign policy is needed leading in the direction of Eurasia and for this the membership of Turkey in the EU would be a big step forward. My New-Topical-Song ‘TALKING TURKEY & THE E.U. – ÜBER DIE TÜRKEI & E.U. REDEN’ is my future oriented statement regarding this issue.”
Time it is to talk about the E.U. and Turkey. / Zeit ist es, über die Türkei und E.U. zu reden, / For Turkey is the big bridge to Eurasia. / Denn die Türkei ist die große Brücke nach Eurasien.
With Turkey joining the E.U. / the door is open for great Eurasia business. / Mit der Türkei als E.U. Mitglieds Staat / ist das Tor offen für große Eurasien Geschäfte.
A new dimension of the E.U. then opens, you know, / Eine neue Dimension der E.U. zeigt sich dann / Of trade, prosperity and peace-culture strong / Des Handels, des Wohlstands und Friedenskultur stark.
New Ways can open then of peace / for the Kurds and for Turkey. / Neue Wege des Friedens können entstehen / für die Kurden und für die Türkei.
New ways can open to save all refugees / and to change the Middle East into a world of peace. / Neue Wege können entstehen, zu retten alle Flüchtlinge / und zu wandeln den Mittleren Orient in eine Friedenswelt.
Time it is to talk about the E.U. and Turkey. / Zeit ist es, über die Türkei und E.U. zu reden, / For Turkey is the big bridge to Eurasia. / Denn die Türkei ist die große Brücke nach Eurasien.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany