Changing World Cyberrock & Slam Poetry Concert

“It's Still Heaven And Hell” Changing World Michel Montecrossa
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‘Changing World’ is Michel Montecrossa’s second great cyberrock & slam poetry concert of his ‘Peace & Climate Change Concert Tour’ released by Mira Sound Germany on double Audio-CD and double DVD presenting 35 Michel Montecrossa super songs that make everyone listen. Included are stunning topical songs like ‘It’s Still Heaven And Hell’, ‘Ecological Music #2’, the german ‘Gift’, the band version of ‘Sunray Revolution’, the power-guitar version of ‘Earthrocker Callin’ You’, a killer version of ‘Vomit Of Your Soul’ and masterful ‘Truth Of The Moment’.

About ‘Changing World’ Michel Montecrossa says:
“CHANGING WORLD presents songs about our times. The environment changes and we face an urgent need for change of consciousness. New thinkin’, new awareness, new attitudes are needed. We must change our habits. We must adapt to the unfolding crisis. We must confront daring questions and chilling consequences. We must be ready to live on a planet with dwindling resources. We must halt global energy wars. We must find new ways of progress. They are there in our consciousness – if it changes.
That’s what CHANGING WORLD is all about.”

The Songs, Disc One:

  1. This World Is My World
  2. Changing World
  3. Shall We Go To War Again?
  4. It’s Still Heaven And Hell
  5. Ecological Music #2
  6. Gift
  7. Sunray Revolution
  8. Green Girls
  9. Earthpower
  10. Earthrocker Callin’ You (Power-Guitar Version)
  11. Aliens On Earth
  12. Lovers On Earth
  13. Future Power
  14. Vomit Of Your Soul
  15. Burnin’ Blood
  16. Shit Place Rock
  17. Earth Goddess

The Songs, Disc Two:

  1. So Sei Es!
  2. Earthfire
  3. Dunkel Und Licht
  4. The Heart Of A Hero
  5. Europe The Beautiful
  6. We Play The Shit We Like – We Play The Shit We Love
  7. Reload
  8. The Power Of Peace
  9. Sun Queen
  10. Cybergeneration
  11. Blue Star
  12. Meet You During Earthly Life
  13. Keep On Runnin’
  14. Earthbeat
  15. Emotional Being
  16. Freedomfire Burnin’
  17. Truth Of The Moment
Changing World Concert - Michel Montecrossa