
„My New-Topical-Song-Movement is there to bring to the people the songs that inspire and to bring them fast. To make Downloads, CDs and DVDs, songbooks, programs, songsheets, concerts.
To distribute the songs globally via internet, shops, radio & TV and get the messages discussed and cited in newspapers, magazines, talk shows, social networks and gatherings.
The New-Topical-Songs are songs for the people and a world where we all vote, eat, work, talk, plan, think and love together so that your people will know my people and we don’t lose the peace and the world along with it.”
-Michel Montecrossa

Michel Montecrossa is an attentive observer of reality and misses no opportunity to let his songs voice the painful problems that disturb the well-being of our planet.
– Gianni Mongrandi in the E-Zine ‘Daring To Do’

‘Nameless Glory: The Freedom Of Information Song’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD is a song-prayer for all victims of tyrants

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‘Nameless Glory: The Freedom Of Information Song’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD released by Mira Sound Germany is a song-prayer for all victims of tyrants in Syria and too many other places.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“Nameless Glory: The Freedom Of Information Song is a song-prayer for all victims of tyrants in Syria and too many other places.
These brave men gave their life for their strong belief in freedom and a better future. They indeed gave their life for all of us who always should take a stand for freedom and free information in our world.
In times of crisis and powerful change towards freedom there is heightened tension between belief and reality and each side is blocking access to free information from the other side.
But people neither want to lose their faith nor their sense for reality. They want to be free and for that they want free access to direct talking information from both sides, from the side of belief as much as from the side of reality. This access they will never get from tyrants.”

But, really, god is too old a name. / “It is the nameless glory and there is / consciousness and bliss”, she said / and all reflections of her flame-born self / told of mighty hours in our room of change.
I said: “Nobody is a liar.” And I asked: / “is there anybody true?” She said: “Nobody is a liar. / If not so, please, do tell me the truth.” / As a wind wrestling through some leaves of autumn she came by. / There was no chance again to stay where all times stage their play.
What is it that made us think of man and golden tunes? / Is there something true or real to believe in? / In all this light there was no reason anymore to see anything like that. / And what we are we even were before time had a say.
They all seemed to be thinkin’ and seemed to be so precise. / They all seemed to be ugly and to be full of pride. / “No more lyin’, no more pain”,
was written in all the games of consciousness bold / and of doubts somewhere in creature’s cold.
And then it was a golden journey, / wider than all this universe. / It was time to plug into this starship again / and to take off from a world so strange
and to find the ocean and the aim.
Freedom of information is the open road / to the true self of humanity, / the power of human genius / and the destiny of human life.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Talkin’ World Awakening’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD dedicated to Greece, Freedom and all people sacked by banka-gangstas

Talkin’ World Awakening‘ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD released by Mira Sound Germany is dedicated to Greece, Freedom and all people sacked by banka-gangstas.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talkin’ World Awakening’:
“Talkin’ World Awakening is a New-Topical-Song leading from bloody battles for freedom to bankers killin’ entire nations and to the solution:
The power is there of the people uniting.”

Build bridges with the people when governments fail. / Upheavals, risk of jobs and risk of lives enhance / the shift of awareness towards new consciousness change. / The power is there of world awakening. / The power is there of world awakening.
Security breaches, attacks on networks. / The culture is spreadin’ of conspiracy. / Down and out are Ratco Mladics / and rats of Srebrenica massacres, / and rats of Syria killin’.
The people don’t want unemployment. / They don’t want to hear lies from Serbia to Sudan. / They want peace and not Yemen fighting, / long and bloody battles and Sadr movements, / bloody battles for Libya freedom.
The world wakes up with the urban poor, / the uprooted, forsaken armies of the doomed. / The people know the people and demand peaceful change. / The bankas are killin’ entire nations and cut off workin’ hands, / are killin’ Greece and Europe, cut off common sense.
Politicians are feeding the bankas with the people’s tax money / so that politics may stay in the business of power / and corruption and wars and big trade of weapons / and drugs and slaves and human organs.
The world awakening is world youth awakening. / Listen to the young, they own the future. / The rich and the tyrants are old and are poor, / have no future because they don’t know how to lose, / have no future because they don’t know how to love.
Build bridges with the people when everything fails. / Upheavals, risk of jobs and risk of lives enhance / the shift of awareness towards new consciousness change. / The power is there of the people uniting. / The power is there of the people uniting.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Deutschland Ist Grün Für Die Zukunft von Europa’ – Michel Montecrossa’s Deutsch-Topical-Song Audio-CD and Music Video für Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel

Deutschland Ist Grün Für Die Zukunft Von Europa‘, veröffentlicht von Mira Sound Germany, ist Michel Montecrossa’s Deutsch-Topical-Song Audio-CD Single und Musik Video für Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel und ihr Konzept einer neuen Architektur der Energieversorgung in Deutschland.

Michel Montecrossa sagt:
“Deutschland Ist Grün Für Die Zukunft Von Europa ist ein Deutsch-Topical-Song für Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel und ihr Konzept einer neuen Architektur der Energieversorgung in Deutschland, die zuverlässig, bezahlbar und umweltverträglich ist und als zentrale Säule die erneuerbaren Energien hat. Diese Zielsetzung kann Deutschland durch die Leistungsfähigkeit seiner Industrie in das Zeitalter der risikoarmen, leben- und naturschonenden Energieversorgung der Zukunft führen, die es bislang so in Deutschland nicht gegeben hat.

In ihrer Regierungserklärung vom 9. Juni 2011 sagt Angela Merkel:
“Wir können als erstes Industrieland der Welt die Wende zum Zukunftsstrom schaffen. Wir sind das Land, das für neue Technik, Pioniergeist und höchste Ingenieurkunst steht. Wir sind das Land der Ideen, das Zukunftsvisionen mit Ernsthaftigkeit, Genauigkeit und Verantwortung für zukünftige Generationen Wirklichkeit werden lässt.
Wir alle, Regierung und Opposition, Bund, Länder und Kommunen, die Gesellschaft als Ganzes, jeder Einzelne, wir alle gemeinsam können, wenn wir es richtig anpacken, bei diesem Zukunftsprojekt ethische Verantwortung mit wirtschaftlichem Erfolg verbinden. Dies ist unsere gemeinsame Verantwortung. Für dieses gemeinsame Projekt werbe ich mit aller Kraft und mit aller Überzeugung.”

Deutschland ist grün für die Zukunft von Europa. / Europa wird grün für die Zukunft der Welt. / Die Welt ist grün für die Zukunft des Lebens. / Die Zukunft des Lebens ist ökologisch und reich:
Reich durch Wasser, Sonne, Wind und Erde, / reich durch Wälder und Artenvielfalt, / reich durch Kinder, gesund und voller Leben, / reich durch Klimawandel zum Besseren.
Die Energie der Zukunft ist erneuerbar, / nicht radioaktiv und unberechenbar. / Die Wirtschaft der Zukunft ist solar und klar / wie Wasser ohne Gift und reine Luft zum Atmen.
Investition in die Zukunft der Erde / ist für unsere Jugend das gute Erbe. / Die grüne Zukunft sichert Nahrung und Frieden, / baut den Weg in die vereinte Welt.
Deutschland ist grün für die Zukunft von Europa. / Europa wird grün für die Zukunft der Welt. / Die Welt ist grün für die Zukunft des Lebens. / Die Zukunft des Lebens ist ökologisch und wahr.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Vision & Action’ – 27 New-Topical-Songs and Movies by Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali on Double Audio CD and DVD dedicated to the worldwide awakening to freedom and true democracy

‘Vision & Action’ – 27 New-Topical-Songs and Movies by Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali, released by Filmaur Multimedia and Mira Sound Germany,  on Double Audio CD and DVD is dedicated to the worldwide awakening to freedom and true democracy and presents strong ethical songs of humanity and human unity. The powerful collection includes awareness-changing songs like ‘Living On A Planet’, ‘Cybergeneration’, ‘Family Of Man Song’, ‘Determined & Undeterred’, ‘The Need Of The People’, ‘Freedomfire Burnin’, ‘My Heart Is Bleedin’, ‘Talkin’ End Game – It’s The Radioactive Song’, ‘Besinnung’, ‘In The Street’ and ‘Tree On The Hill’ as well as great songs and movies by Mirakali like ‘Dreambirth’ and ‘Future Earth’ and 16 more down-to-earth reality songs.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Vision & Action’:
“My New-Topical-Song-Movement is there to bring to the people the songs that inspire and to bring them fast. To make CDs and DVDs, songbooks, programs, songsheets, concerts.
To distribute the songs globally via internet, shops, radio & TV and get the messages discussed and cited in newspapers, magazines, talk shows, social networks and gatherings.
The New-Topical-Songs are songs for the people and a world where we all vote, eat, work, talk, plan, think and love together so that your people will know my people and we don’t lose the peace and the world along with it.”

‘Vision & Action’ preview with selected songs:

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talkin’ India’ (From Corruption To Ecology There’s Another Side To Everything) Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD dedicated to the Future of India and the world

Talkin' India

‘Talkin’ India’ (From Corruption To Ecology There’s Another Side To Everything) Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD released by Mira Sound Germany is dedicated to the Future of India and the world.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talkin’ India’:
“Talkin’ India is a warning and hope giving New-Topical-Song in times of global change and crisis when we have to think and plan for the whole earth and the future of its people.
India in this time has, due to its largeness, free access to an enormous amount of sun, wind, water, earth and tidal energy.
India therefore can be the first comprehensive green technology and green economy continent of the world.
India could build its future society on pollution free and renewable energy, and provide for its people and the world at large immediately effective research into and realization of the only long term solution for secure food and energy production not threatened by otherwise inevitable food and energy wars approaching the earth in the near future.
India on such a sound and future oriented ecological and economical basis would then be fit to avert from its democracy the dangers of growing corruption and loss of universal rights generated by wars and conflicts centered around dwindling oil, gas, uranium and other resources, as well as social tensions in the wake of climate change and the growing natural disasters it brings.
Talkin’ India says: It’s high time for action!”

TALKIN’ INDIA (From Corruption To Ecology There’s Another Side To Everything)
India has a role to play in the world / free from corruption, injustice and suppression, / to be an example for the earth and man of democracy and politics that can.
Today it is rich and poor at once / standing on the crossroads of new endeavors / where demons of the past are no longer there but the vision of a continental green tomorrow.
Each nation carries a future dream / and India can make it real: / The industries of renewable energy, / the green revolution of freedom and peace,
ecology and economy in harmony / with a world of fair wages and good jobs, / a solar continent with no radioactivity / and cars that are run by electricity,
horizontal farming and vertical farming / together creating green cities of tomorrow, / wind and water and tidal energies / overcoming food and energy fears.
India has a role to play in the world / with clean water and air and wildlife forests, / with pollution control and smart energy consumption / and a democracy showing what it wants.
India has a role to play in the world / free from corruption, injustice and suppression, / to be an example for the earth and man
of democracy and politics that can.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Global Message’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD dedicated to the Dalai Lama after he dropped politics

Global Message‘ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD released by Mira Sound Germany is dedicated to the Dalai Lama after he dropped politics.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Global Message’:
“Global Message is my song message for the Dalai Lama after he dropped politics. Welcome back to the heavens! Now let’s do the True, the Right, the Vast. My girl told me that while I stood in the sun.”

Lyrics, music and movie of the Dalai Lama by Michel Montecrossa
Come gather ’round me people and a story I will tell / ’bout the day when too many saw the world at its end, / when too many turned away from the saving friend, / when too many did not listen and wanted to be dumb.
Come gather ’round me people, / the global message I will bring, / the message of hope for the times that are grim, / the message of kindness when war wants to win, / the message of union and peace I want to bring.
Listen all ye people all over the world: / The global message overcomes all despair, / it sings of world-union and not greed and hate, / it celebrates humanity on its way to a new age.
The world is changin’: That we all know / and it’s time to stand together for a new morn. / We can turn to the sunlight, we can save the earth. / The global message is a-tellin’ of a consciousness great.
We don’t have to steal and cheat and lie. / We don’t have to kill, destroy the base of our life. / We can turn to the truth of all mankind, / reach out for the future with the vision wide.
Space-age is callin’ for a united earth / with new energies and discoveries great. / Peace, my friend, is creative, makes all the world one. / Peace is the message, strong and unbound.
Division, I tell you, is not the way at all. / The United States of Planet Earth, you know, / are the highway leading to the bold goal / of saving life and its resources for the best of all,
of givin’ to economy the push that knows / how to share in the way that’s helpful to all: / The push that sees happiness as the real goal / and understands sharing to be the true gold.
The planet is rich and rich we are too / if only we want to know what is right to do. / Let’s do it together with wisdom and skill: / The earth can be saved, if that’s our will.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Tree On The Hill’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD dedicated to the international year of forests

‘Tree On The Hill’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD released by Mira Sound Germany is dedicated to the International Year of Forests.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Tree On The Hill’:
“Forests are a major part of the foundations of life on earth. The conflicting powers acting in our psychological jungle should not harm the life of natural forests and their wild life. When forests dwindle, get sick or disappear, not only wild life but humanity too is endangered, loses health of mind and body and moves into wrong directions. As an activist I promote afforestation in Mirapuri to save forests, their wild life and a consciousness of harmony with nature for future generations.”

Tree on the Hill, I see you waiting still. / Tree of the knowledge, branching far beyond. The fascists are hungry and time is running out. / The system is dangerous and you too. / Tree on the Hill, I’m a-waiting still.
The cops get payed and the criminal too. / The president likes money and the churchmen too. / All are running blindfold, why not you? / The rough road and the naked child, my Lord: / Tree on the Hill, I’m a-hangin’ ‘round still.
The desert is hot and the lifeless street. / The dirt is rollin’ into the waters, if you please. / Light is shining, I live this dream. / Words are good only if power they give. / Tree on the Hill, standing in the wind. / Tree on the Hill, standing so still.
Let’s gather round the tree on the Hill. / Truth is the key ‘cause Love is so real. / Gather in the city for a better world. / Tree on the Hill, I see you waitin’ still, / and my dream is active Will, / and my dream is active Will.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘The Happiness’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD contemplating the volcanic eruptions in Iceland

The Happiness‘ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD released by Mira Sound Germany contemplating the Eyjafjallajökull and the Grimsvötn volcanic eruptions in Iceland.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘The Happiness’:
“Volcano eruptions like the Eyjafjallajökull and the Grimsvötn eruptions in Iceland are two of the many calls of nature to us not to waste our time on earth with useless and evil things, but to rather turn to the growth of happiness for all.
Happiness makes us strong to face ordeals, to bring peace and love to the earth and to change the inner as well as the outer climate for the better.
This is what volcanoes taught me….”

I look up into the sky: / The happiness I see, free is the light. / Can you change your position? / Can you see the happy light!
Volcano ash-cloud closes airports. / Flights cancelled, eruption intensifies: / Is it that what it needs to make you cry? / Listen to the earth, listen to the sky.
With my hands I feel the fresh, clear water. / The happiness I feel of the great mother. / Dying is your river: You show no gratitude. / But earth is our mother, she knows what to do.
What is the reason why you don’t do? / Aren’t you ready, don’t you know the clue!
The vision is there beyond the passing scenes. / There’s a feeling in the air of a mighty thing. / Is there someone who can save the world? / Change is stable, change is always there.
Green tomorrow gives passion, is true. / I make the move into the new. / Young, exuberant and unruly too / I am for the sake of me and you.
I’m the new rebellious generation-might. / The drive is there in the new bright light. / I celebrate humanity through happiness and love. / I hear the voice, I’m on the new road.
Love is there, is saving the world. / The truth is stable, changes the earth.
I look up into the sky. / The happiness I see is in your life. / I can change any position. / I can see the happy light.
On my skin I feel your fresh, clear breath. / The happiness I feel is always in the best. / The planet is there, we can live there. / The world is there for lovers, it’s good to dare.
What is the reason why you don’t do? / Aren’t you ready, not sure of the clue? / Love is with you, is saving the earth. / The truth is power that changes the world.
Childlike I touch your wonderbreast, / your heart is ready for the best.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘In The Street’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD dedicated to the Real Democracy Protests in Spain and the Young Europe Awakening

In The Street‘ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD released by Mira Sound Germany is dedicated to the Real Democracy Protests in Spain and the Young Europe Awakening.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘In The Street’:
“Politics is cheap, you can’t trust a top thief. ‘In The Street’ is dedicated to the Real Democracy Protests in Spain and the Young Europe Awakening.”

Democracy Real Ya says:
“We are ordinary people. We are like you: people, who get up every morning to study, work or find a job, people who have family and friends. People, who work hard every day to provide a better future for those around us … We are all concerned and angry about the political, economic, and social outlook which we see around us: corruption among politicians, businessmen, bankers, leaving us helpless, without a voice… But if we join forces, we can change it. It’s time to change things, time to build a better society together… We need an ethical revolution. Instead of placing money above human beings, we shall put it back to our service. We are people, not products.”

In the street I hear the song of understanding, / the fighting instinct of misunderstanding. / I’m standin’ at the corner rockin’ guitar wild, / I’m in the street seein’ people passin’ by.
I’m a-cryin’ with the window, nobody in sight. / I’m a-cryin’ with a job lost, livin’ I must and not die. / I’m a-cryin’ without tears, I have seen too much.
In the street there are the ladies, there are the gents. / You can decide if you call them the queens and the kings. / In the street there are the voices and there is the sin. / In your heart there is the answer and the angry scream.
They sell you and your work for a soulless price. / They know no mercy, you have a child and a wife. / Politics is cheap, you can’t trust a top thief.
Fight your way through, be tuffer than all lies. / You know you’re in the jungle – it’s no surprise. / If you kill enough you belong to the right. / You are the good if you give up your life.
No, I’m in the street, / I won’t lose my right to battle and to win, / to come out of the night, / to be with my loved ones and know the right side.
In the street it is rumblin’, it is underground. / The pavement is a-shakin’ and suddenly it comes: / the obvious difference between right and wrong, / the revolution of love and the moment to be strong.
The hunger is there to be unbound, / the hunger and the thirst to be young / with union and power to move on.
People must unite, for that they are born. / Shakin’ hands is not enough: Workin’ hands are strong. / People unite! Act as one! / Be the strength and not the weakness, get things done!
In the street you can’t hide, you have a face. / In the street it is simple and the way is straight. / In the street it is whatever you can do best.
In the street I hear the song of unrest. / The fighting instinct of the entire mess. / I’m standin’ at the corner, rockin’ guitar wild, / I’m in the street seein’ people passin’ by / and I see, yes, I see the morning light.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Bygone Times’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD about love seen from the other side of the divide, just like the story of Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger

Bygone Times‘ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD released by Mira Sound Germany about love seen from the other side of the divide, just like the story of Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Bygone Times’ :
“‘Bygone Times’ is a New-Topical-Song Movie about love seen from the other side of the divide. It makes me think about Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger.”

The wind is howling / in an empty place / cold and strange like eyes / that stare into a glass / covered by dust / of bygone times.
A room might be there / in that desert-home, / filled with thoughts we once loved, / filled with visions / and memories / and all things / that once were precious / to you and me.
I would like to meet you / in a better place / and a better time, too. / But now I’m here, / where I saw you last, / where I lost my heart, / where all my feelings / are caught in bygone times.
Tell me, my love, are you happy still / in arms that are not mine? / Tell me, girl, don’t you see sometimes / bygone times passing by, / slow with pain / of a touching past, / once so sacred, once so bright, / forever lost, / yet living still / in some chamber of the mind?
Oh, how much I would like you to spare / this show of fading beats / of a loving heart / lost and struggling / where the cold wind blows / across the fields / of bygone times, / yes, of bygone times, my love.
Between the pages of a history book / I found a folded page, / sheltering a drawing / scribbled down by you / while you called me on the phone. / And I saw you near, babe, / and I felt you near, babe, / and I could understand, babe, / our love is so real / and not a finished tale / buried in the dust / of history’s pages / frozen into a figure / or a monument old.
No, it is living with all its might, / our love is strong and unbroken. / And I know you feel it, too, / at the same time as I do. / Yes, I am sure / that wherever you are / and whomever you might love / and whoever loves you / you’ll know: our love / doesn’t belong / to the times of bygone ages.
Music & Lyrics: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Street Rocker In Syria’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD dedicated to the road of change all over the world

Street Rocker In Syria‘ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD released by Mira Sound Germany dedicated to the road of change all over the world.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Street Rocker In Syria’ :
“The ‘Street Rocker In Syria’ song and movie, dedicated to the road of change all over the world, is a Topical-Song-Movement-Outcry against another useless tyrant-regime from the dead past, blind to the needs of the people. But life is the future, is a universal right and will always win.”

They stretch their bones in the casket green. / The void is near as much as is the dream. / Fantastic visions and cities rotten with human mind.
The late hour show is a way of prayin’ / as much as is the sexy girl hidin’ a man. / Me, I’m wonderin’ ’bout the college-boys, the small-brains of tomorrow.
There is enough trouble waitin’ everywhere. / I am young, I’m on the street to somewhere
where there are no snipers and leaders from hell, / the system-builders of no tomorrow.
Streets don’t last longer than your moments of attention. / In there is the vision of true and straight intention. / Don’t trust the ones outside the Street Rocker ocean.
Today is a great moment of media history. / There are no ambulances, only killin’ and arrestin’. / Dead bodies and the wounded are lying on the street.
Street Rocker I am with courage to look beyond / demonized leaders and the rule of the wrong. / Let us change the rules of the game, death-crazy and most insane.
They stretch their bones in the casket green. / The void is near as much as is the dream. / Fantastic visions and cities rotten with human mind.
The late hour show is a way of prayin’ / as much as is the sexy girl hidin’ a man. / Me, I’m wonderin’ ’bout the college-boys, the small-brains of tomorrow.
Streets don’t last longer than your moments of attention. / In there is the vision of true and straight intention. / Don’t trust the ones outside the Street Rocker ocean.
Music & Lyrics: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talkin’ End Of Terror – Talkin’ End Of Bin Laden’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD

Talkin’ End Of Terror – Talkin’ End Of Bin Laden‘ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD released by Mira Sound Germany.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talkin’ End Of Terror – Talkin’ End Of Bin Laden’:
“It is not hate and joy about death that bring the end of terror. It is the love for a young and new world that no longer wants intolerance but happy working together, peace for all and human unity.”

Song Lyrics:
It is sad to look into faces / of demonized men that call themselves leaders. / How deep must a man fall to kill his brothers and sisters? / How evil must a man be to destroy freedom and peace?
Every day we are more human beings on earth. / Every day it’s a young world that is born and is brave. / The future is young, is bright and is joyful, / is not the old maniac hateful and cruel.
The young blood will outlast every terror. / The young hearts will love where tyrants scream and bubble. / The young mind is rich with happy endeavors. / The young life is future, knows how to be free.
Soon the day dawns when the old world is gone / and young generations with love will move on. / I’m so fed up with haters and systems that kill. / I’m young and creative, to be is my will.
The living dead are jealous of me and my brothers / and sisters and our freedom feel / ’cause our life is yearning, kissin’ and laughin’, / our life is true work and strong love without borders.
It’s time to no more have to look into faces / of demonized men that call themselves leaders. / It’s time to unite with all brothers and sisters / to bring to the world freedom and peace.
Talkin’ End of Terror – Talkin’ End of Bin Laden.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

The Best Thing For America – Michel Montecrossa’s New Topical Song for the Presidential Debate and Obama’s Second Term

The Best Thing For America‘ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD released by Mira Sound Germany dedicated to Barack Obama’s second term and America’s way to World Unity.

Michel Montecrossa about ‘The Best Thing For America’:
“‘The Best Thing For America’ is a song and movie reminding America that a great and powerful nation has the duty to lead the world towards the United States of Planet Earth. It is a question of fulfilling a great nation’s true destiny. Barack Obama could be the man doing the right thing for that.”

The Best Thing For America is Obama’s second term. / He is a rare politician knowing humanity. / He can lead the nation on the right way.
Time is short and the way is long. / For doin’ great things you have to be young. / To stand for peace and unity you have to be strong.
America has problems, it don’t have to be so / if America is a-doin’ what destiny wants. / Destiny, my friend, wants peace and wants unity.
The United States of America / want good money and want good work / for all the good people in this good land.
The Best Thing For America is Obama’s second term. / He is a rare politician knowing humanity. / He can lead the nation on the right way.
When gold is at a record high / and the Arab world is awakenin’ / it’s time to think about achieving Human Unity.
Tornado outbreak in America, / clash of opposition groups, / protest and unrest and the violent storms, / hail of bullets and cruel war zones.
The United States of America / have a mission to fulfill: / I say, they must take the lead on the way to Unity.
The United States of Planet Earth / are the freedom goal ahead / bringin’ fair and equal wages everywhere / and good work and peace for all.
America has problems as everyone does / but they all can be solved through World Union, / my friend, / the Living Celebration of Humanity
through the work-force of us all.
The Best Thing For America is Obama’s second term. / He is a rare politician knowing humanity. / He can lead the nation on the right way.
Music & Lyrics: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Besinnung-Reflection’ Michel Montecrossa’s Deutsch-Topical-Song Audio-CD and Music Videos

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‘Besinnung-Reflection’ Michel Montecrossa’s Deutsch-Topical-Song-Movement Audio-CD and Music Videos released by Mira Sound Germany present 11 theme songs about humanity, future and love including the title song ‘Besinnung’ (Reflection), the heartfelt ‘Kommt wieder Ihr Menschen’ (Come All Ye People), the freedom-lovin’ ‘An Der Langen Straße’ (At The Long Road), the direct talking eco-song ‘Gift’ (Poison), the hopeful ‘Der Bote’ (The Messenger), the profound ‘Das Buch Des Lebens’ (The Book Of Life) and six more Deutsch-Topical Hit-songs.

‘Besinnung’ Michel Montecrossa’s Deutsch-Topical-Song-Movement Audio-CD und die dazugehörigen Musik Videos, veröffentlicht von Mira Sound Germany, präsentieren 11 Themen Songs über Menschlichkeit, Zukunft und Liebe einschließlich dem Titelsong ‘Besinnung’, dem empfindungsstarken ‘Kommt wieder Ihr Menschen’, dem freiheits-liebenden ‘An Der Langen Straße’, dem auf-den-Punkt-kommenden Öko-Song ‘Gift’, dem hoffnungsvollen ‘Der Bote’, dem tiefgründigen ‘Das Buch Des Lebens’ und sechs weiteren Deutsch-Topical Hit-Songs.

Michel Montecrossa says about his Deutsch-Topical-Song Audio-CD ‘Besinnung-Reflection’ and its Music Videos:
“‘Besinnung-Reflection’ is a bouquet of songs that lead away from the sadness about catastrophes, suffering and wars into the wideness of the light in our hearts where we can find the strength of peacefulness, the joy that comes through doing the good and the happiness of love.
They are new Deutsch-Topical-Songs that are confronting our hot spots of sorrow with positive action-power. They are songs of reflection, of turning to our better side of strengthening the joy of life, of protecting life, of preserving peace, nature, humanity, freedom and the way into a better future for our children and all coming generations.”

Michel Montecrossa sagt über seine Deutsch-Topical-Song Audio-CD ‘Besinnung’ und die dazugehörigen Music Videos:
“‘Besinnung’ ist ein Reigen von Liedern, die aus der Bedrückung über Katastrophen, Leid und Kriege herausführen in die lichte Weite unserer Herzen, wo wir die Stärke der Friedfertigkeit, die Freude am Guten und das Glück der Liebe finden können.
Es sind neue Deutsch-Topical-Songs, die unsere Sorgenthemen mit positiver Tatkraft konfrontieren. Es sind Lieder der Besinnung auf unsere bessere Seite der Freude am Leben, des Schutzes des Lebens, der Erhaltung von Frieden, Natur, Menschlichkeit, Freiheit und der Sicherung des Wegs in eine bessere Zukunft für unsere Kinder und alle kommenden Generationen.”

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talkin’ End Game: It’s The Radioactive Song’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio-CD and DVD dedicated to the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster

Talkin’ End Game: It’s The Radioactive Song‘ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio-CD and DVD released by Mira Sound Germany is dedicated to the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talkin’ End Game: It’s The Radioactive Song’:
“Nuclear disasters, human disasters, natural disasters are all warnings and strong calls to turn to a higher evolution of consciousness.
In the emergence of a knowing instead of an ignorant humanity would be the hope for a more harmonious and less desctructive evolutionary drive on terrestrial world.”

Gianni Mongrandi in the E-Zine ‘Daring To Do’:
“Here’s a new Michel Montecrossa song and video focusing on a current hot topic. In his song ‘Talkin’ End Game: It’s The radioactive Song’ the german-american songwriter deals with the Fukushima Nuclear Plant disaster. Michel Montecrossa, a songwriter gaining momentum especially among international listeners, is an attentive observer of reality and misses no opportunity to let his songs voice the painful problems that disturb the well-being of our planet.”

TALKIN’ END GAME: IT’S THE RADIOACTIVE SONG (Dedicated to the Fukushima Nuclear Plant)
Talkin’ End Game: It’s The Radioactive Song. / Push away the dark thoughts, see, yes, see the light of the One. / Latest news spreads the threat to this heart of mine: / Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant brought the demon time.
Talkin’ End Game: It’s The Radioactive Song. / It’s bad to feel alone with eyes like glitterin’ holes. / My head aches from contaminated ham and eggs and juice. / Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant did it to you too.
Talkin’ End Game: It’s The Radioactive Song. / Italian clothings and recycled Japanese paper: / I will leave them on the floor and am a-runnin’ faster. / Yeah, man! Fukushima plant poses as the Endzeit master.
Talkin’ End Game: It’s The Radioactive Song. / The texture of vision changes. / Evolution in me is a-goin’ on. / We tube into the city for a mega overthrill. / Like freak winds we are somethin’ / that can not be killed.
Talkin’ End Game: It’s The Radioactive Song. / Push away the dark thoughts, see, yes, see the light of the One. / Latest news spreads the threat to this heart of mine: / Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant brought the demon time.
Music & Lyrics by Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘All Is Not Enough’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical- Song-Movement Audio-CD and DVD

All Is Not Enough‘ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical- Song-Movement Audio-CD and DVD released by Mira Sound Germany is his warning citizen and statesman song for Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, Japan and many more countries.

Michel Montecrossa says about his song ‘All Is Not Enough’:
“Many countries are standing on the crossroads where citizens and statesmen have to decide whether they want to follow the upward path of peace, freedom, prosperity and progress or the downward path of bloodshed, suppression, poverty and breakdown. How much more is needed to make us understand that wisdom, generosity, compassion and a deep love for the Divine in humanity are the qualities needed to be a true statesman and a true citizen. They together can bring love, joy and beauty to the world.”

All Is Not Enough (The Citizen & Statesman Song)
Earthquakes, tsunamis, fire and storm: / How much more is needed to make us run? / All is not enough: Greed and terror is endless. / All the money, all the power, all the gold, all the slaves, / all resources, all control, all disasters, all the leaks. / Where are the true statesmen and citizens?
All is not enough in an archaic world / where you are punished for everything with death. / Spike in radiation, hardliners and the moderates. / People attacked and sectarian tension. / Disaster-lust for horror, killin’ torture, rape and death. / Leave the country. Apply strength of knowledge.
Youth unemployment and leads gone mad: / How much more is needed for the big crack? / All is not enough: Are service women needed / and female soldiers claimin’ abuse, / deaths and injuries during protests, / radioactive clouds and worldwide fall-out?
The food chain contaminated, afterquakes and condolences: / How much more is needed to make us independent / from death toll rising, / crackdowns on wisdom and generosity, / compassion and deep love / for the divine in all humanity?
Violence and killing they must stop. / How much more is needed to reach the top? / No more brutal laws and no end to mercy. / Self-determination of the free individual / in the free community of all humanity. / No more tyranny of states that cruelly mistreat entire populations, creating human machines, / soul-suppressed, mutilated and cut into patterns. / Healthy growth of freedom is the future, / the unity of individuals growing freely into / the United States of Planet Earth. / Yes, after law and order, truth and liberty. / After ego and conflict, soul and harmony. / Full human development beyond dictators, slaughter and terror. / Liberty is the watchword of the race: / Liberty of human unity.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Single ‘My Heart Is Bleedin’ (The Christchurch Song) is dedicated to all victims of earthquakes in New Zealand, Japan and all places on our planet

My Heart Is Bleedin’‘ is a song dedicated by Michel Montecrossa to the people of earthquake traumatized Christchurch and New Zealand and to all victims of earthquakes in Japan and all places on our planet.

Many thanks for sharing your song and kind words and thoughts.
Best regards,

NHK appreciates the overwhelming response from around the world and would like to thank you for your words of encouragement and concern for the current situation in Japan.
We are committed to gathering the latest news about the earthquake disaster and will keep our viewers up to date.
Thank you once again for your message.

Herzlichen Dank für Ihre Anteilnahme an den gegenwärtigen Ereignissen in Japan. Die japanische Regierung erbringt momentan grösstmögliche Anstrengungen, um in Zusammenarbeit mit der internationalen Gemeinschaft diese noch nie da gewesene Herausforderung zu meistern.
Mit bestem Dank und freundlichen Grüssen
Japanische Botschaft in der Schweiz

Message from the Japanese Embassy regarding Michel Montecrossa’s song ‘ My Heart Is Bleedin’: Wir danken Ihnen herzlich für Anteilnahme und Unterstützung angesichts der furchtbaren Ereignisse in Japan.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Botschaft von Japan

The street is all dusty, rubble’s everywhere. / The quake hit us for the end game. / I know no direction, no way to go. / My heart is a-bleedin’, I miss you so.
The house where we loved is all gone. / Somewhere in the ruins memories still moan. / What will be tomorrow? I don’t know. / I know no direction, no way any more. / My heart is a-bleedin’, I miss you so.
Pain is tearin’ my heart / but then I see you there. / You are not gone, you are somewhere. / I feel your love from there, / my soul you want to save. / I know no direction, except to the Lord. / My heart is a-bleedin’, I miss you so.
Music & Lyrics: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Freedomfire Burnin” Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio-Single and DVD

‘Freedomfire Burnin” Michel Montecrossa’s new-topical-song-movement Audio-Single and DVD, released by Mira Sound Germany, is a song for the living celebration of humanity and youth revolutions that can lead to a happy future of peace and human unity.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“Freedom is the basis of a happy future.”

Freedomfire burnin’ for the way of light. / Freedomfire burnin’ with the love that stays all fight.
A lonesome soldier thinkin’ / ‘bout freedom in the night. / Later he’ll be killin’. / Sure, it isn’t right.
Lonesome are the hours / before the mighty dawn. / A few shall know the hour / of the coming of the Lord, / of the love, the only hope.
Freedomfire burnin’ with revelation’s might. / Freedomfire burnin’ in the heartbeat of my bride.
The vision of the future, the fading of the past, / the luminous unfolding of soul’s eternal path / are the joyful ocean of the ever present now / where union is revealed / as the mystic goal of love that is the one.
Sometimes I’m a-weepin’ tears / and suffer cries for more / with freedomfire burnin’ in my heart of hope.
The cruelty of ignorance encircling conscious souls / will never be the answer, / never be the whole.
In the happiness of freedom our love will grow / and embrace all as becomin’ / of the body of the Lord for you and me to explore.
Freedomfire burnin’ with creation’s might. / A kiss is every moment of / wonder, cosmic, wide.
Do they feel the wonder? / See the vision wide? / The freedomfire burnin’, / is it with them in the night?
Are we born to die, driven by the cry? / Or are we born to smile / with freedomfire burnin’, the fire from the height?
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘The Need Of The People’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical- Song-Movement Audio-CD and DVD

The Need Of The People‘ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio-CD and DVD released by Mira Sound Germany is his straight forward and touching reaction to the ongoing evolution of world affairs and the important role of communication, dialogue, freedom of speech and media freedom culture in the growing complexity of day to day changes. Governments and leaders need a constant and effective reminder that they are there to meet the need of the people.

Michel Montecrossa says about his song ‘The Need Of The People’:
“North Africa pro-reform uprising, Gaddafi-Dino-World, Ruby-escort life, Middle-East war & strife, European and American this and that are all shaken by the voice of the people that pushes for good governments, a better life and action that meets the need of the people.
Free speech, free action, free communication is the need  of the young everywhere, a true media-freedom-culture showing the world as it is and where it can go. A media-freedom-culture of dialogue and not of monologues attempting to manipulate the mind of the people. No TV show, no magazine, no radio brings change as does the internet revolution do with instant program creations made by the people for the people.
Media czars, governments and presidents: Wake up! The freedom culture is on its way, is meeting the need of the people and can do it without you if you don’t want to join. But why not join for the good of all, why not communicate open and freely and be with the young?
Meet the need of the people: That’s what this song is all about.”

Come gather ‘round people, let’s sing our song, / honest to god in the lingo of all. / Let’s sing it loud so that the government knows / and the big boys and bosses of the big show: / “You have to meet the need of the people!”
Working People speak through their working / and fighting for a peace loving world, / a world that’s okay, that’s free and honest, / speaks out loud, lets you vote like you want: / A world that meets the need of the people.
The young will tell you what’s to be fixed / when disaster looms and truth is departing. / Things happen fast and sides are changing. / Freedom is hard work, needs shakin’ of hands: / Freedom is meeting the need of the people.
Starvation wages make people slaves / to hunger and anger and goin’ wrong. / Governments are meant to work for the people / and not to cheat and dehumanize: / They have to meet the need of the people.
Civil war is the end of the story / of failed education, corruption, suppression / and is spilling the blood / of the young and the hopeful: / of those who could have met the need of the people.
Come gather ‘round people, let’s sing our song, / honest to god in the lingo of all. / Let’s sing it loud and proud and strong / so that everyone everywhere knows: / Together we will meet the need of the people!
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘War Kills’ Michel Montecrossa’ s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio-Single and DVD

War Kills‘ Michel Montecrossa’s new-topical-song-movement Audio-Single and DVD, released by Mira Sound Germany, in response to the Libya uprising and the UN speech of Hillary Clinton,  is taking a stand for peaceful change, dialogue, talks with oppositions, joy and determination to realize equality, better housing, better jobs, social security and sweeping reforms replacing political wars, civil wars, wars against protestors, economy wars, ecology wars, energy wars and ideological wars.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“Times of upheavals can be times for the birth of a new level of awareness on the way to the United States of Planet Earth. War kills this birth.”

War kills in business. War kills at home. / You know the answer, honey, but you do the wrong. / What will you do when killers come to you? / We’ve gone a long way, still don’t know what to do.
War kills for sure, is dirty business. / But business is strong and you want your easiness. / What will you do when killers come to you? / You don’t know and nobody will know you.
War kills even lovers when they turn to hate. / You can’t find a job when you make mistakes. / What will you do when killers come to you? / If you don’t care for others, nobody cares for you.
War kills everybody, is strong with deadly doom. / If you don’t want to be true, what else you want to do? / What will you do when killers come to you? / If you don’t want to listen, nobody listens to you.
War is no good story, hides the answer from within. / Stay with your lovers and make them all a-sing. / What will you do when sunshine comes to you? / I guess you know the answer and me I’m happy too.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'