SHOW YOUR LOVE New Year Party And Concert 2023 with Michel Montecrossa and The New Chosen Few in the Omnidiet Music-Hall in Mirapuri

31st December 2022 – 1st January 2023
22:00 – 24:00
in the Omnidiet Music-Hall
Via Monte Falò 8
28011 Mirapuri-Coiromonte
(Prov. di Novara), Italy
Phone: ++39-0322-999009

Michel Montecrossa about the New Year Party and Concert 2023:
“Welcome to the SHOW YOUR LOVE New Year Party And Concert 2023 in Mirapuri!
Let’s celebrate!”

On Saturday 31st December the SHOW YOUR LOVE New Year party and concert will lead you into January 1st 2023 with the happy feeling of new Cyberdance, Cyberrock and Orgastica-DJ love songs by Michel Montecrossa and The New Chosen Few.
The New Year Concert takes place in the Omnidiet Music-Hall from 22:00 till 24:00.

On Sunday, 1st January, 2 o’clock in the afternoon, you can come to the Miravinci – the meditation centre of Mirapuri – for the distribution of the Mirapuri calendar for the year 2023 and the premiere of the recording of Michel Montecrossa’s New Year ‘SHOW YOUR LOVE Song Symphony‘ including the uplifting New Year Message Recitation for 2023 by Mira Alfassa – The Mother.

Want to know more? Click here.'

Mirapuri New Year Music 2023 ‘Show Your Love’ – A Song Symphony by Mira Alfassa – The Mother together with Michel Montecrossa and The New Chosen Few

New Year Music 2023 - Show Your Love

The ‘SHOW YOUR LOVE’ Movie presents 16 tracks with songs and instrumentals by Michel Montecrossa and The New Chosen Few together with messages of Mira Alfassa – The Mother. It is released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download including a booklet with the Song Lyrics and The Mother’s messages.

New Year Message #1 by Mira Alfassa – The Mother from the Dhammapada:
Denn wahrlich, in dieser Welt wird der Hass nie den Hass
befrieden; sondern einzig die Liebe befriedet den Hass.
Das ist dort ein ewiges Gesetz.
For, in truth, in this world hatred is not appeased by
hatred; hatred is appeased by love alone. This is the
eternal law.

New Year Message #2 by Mira Alfassa – The Mother:
Wenn das menschliche Herz in voller Aufrichtigkeit auf Die
Liebe, die auf es herabströmt, mit einer spontanen Dankbarkeit, einer
Liebe, welche versteht und sie schätzt, antwortete, würden sich die Dinge
auf der Welt schnell ändern.
Because if the human heart responded
in all sincerity to the Love that is being poured into it with
the spontaneous gratitude of a love which understands and
appreciates, then things would change quickly in the world.

New Year Message #3 by Mira Alfassa – The Mother:
Wenn nämlich die Liebe auf den Hass antworten muss,
damit sich die Welt verändern könnte, wäre es dann nicht noch natürlicher,
dass die Liebe Der Liebe antwortet?
Wenn man sieht, wie das Leben, das Wirken und das Herz
des Menschen geartet sind, könnte man sich völlig zu Recht über
den ganzen Hass, die Verachtung und, im besten Falle, die Gleichgültigkeit
wundern, die auf diese Unermesslichkeit von Liebe
antwortet, welche die Göttliche Gnade über die Welt ausschüttet,
auf diese Unermesslichkeit von Liebe, welche in jeder Sekunde
auf der Welt wirkt, um sie zur göttlichen Freude zu führen, und
die einer so armseligen Antwort im menschlichen Herzen begegnet.
If love must be returned for hatred in order that the world may change,
would it not be even more natural that love should be returned for
Love? If one considers the life and action and heart of men as they
are, one would have every right to be surprised at all the hatred,
contempt, or at best, the indifference which are returned for this
immensity of Love which the divine Grace pours upon the world,
for this immensity of Love which acts upon the world at every
second to lead it towards the divine delight and which finds so
poor a response in the human heart.

Prayer To The Divine Love
Today my prayer rises to Thee,
always with the same aspiration: to live
Thy love, to radiate Thy love, with such
potency and effectiveness that all may
feel fortified, regenerated and illumined
by our contact. To have power to heal life,
to relieve suffering, to generate peace
and calm confidence, to efface anguish
and replace it by the sense of the one
true happiness, the happiness that is
founded in Thee and never fades…
The Mother‘s Love and Blessings
are with you

Want to know more? Click here.'

Michel Montecrossa’s Metaverse woman power ink painting ’The Spacewalkin’ Woman’

The Spacewalkin' Woman

Please donate to the artists for their music:

Michel Montecrossa’s ink painting ‘The Spacewalkin’ Woman’ is the illustration of his New-Topical-Song with the same title.
It is the strong female vision of the intensity of the upcoming space age era.
It is the woman power that sees the entirely new horizon and hopes of the next generations which have space traveling and outer space as their home and consciousness building environment.
In the Song Lyrics of ‘The Spacewalkin’ Woman’ Michel Montecrossa writes:

The Spacewalkin’ Woman turned to me from the light.
In a moment was dispelled the daily fight.
The struggle for survival had nothin’ to say.
In a moment I could see the soulful way … (click here for the complete lyrics)

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘THE BRIGHT EARTH CHRISTMAS SHAMANA SONG COLLECTION’ by Michel & Mirakali Montecrossa and their band The New Chosen Few that sings of Love that understands

The Bright Earth Christmas Shamana Song Collection
Please donate to the artists for their music:

‘THE BRIGHT EARTH CHRISTMAS SHAMANA SONG COLLECTION’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is Michel & Mirakali Montecrossa’s revolutionary Christmas Album presenting 16 Metaverse Space-Age Christmas Shamana Songs that sing of Love that understands.

Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali say about their Album ‘THE BRIGHT EARTH CHRISTMAS SHAMANA SONG COLLECTION’:
“It is the thirst for Love and Freedom. It is the thirst for Warmth and Peace. It is the thirst for Wideness and Beauty. Here you are and here you can be: the Bright Earth Christmas Shamana Song world with its flight into Space Age and the Living Celebration of Humanity.”

Want to know more? Click here.'

Das Lichte Erde Gebet der Göttlichen Liebe – The Bright Earth Prayer of the Divine Love

Das Lichte Erde Gebet der Göttlichen Liebe - The Bright Earth Prayer of the Divine Love

Please donate to the artists for their music:

Das Lichte Erde Gebet der Göttlichen Liebe
Lasst uns gemeinsam ein großes sehnendes Streben nach der Lichten Erde der Göttlichen Liebe in uns wachrufen; Lasst uns nach einem Eingreifen der Güte der Göttlichen Liebe rufen. Ein Wunder kann immer geschehen. Glaube hat eine überlegene Kraft.
Und wenn wir an dem großen Werk der Verkörperung der Lichten Erde teilnehmen wollen, das unserer Seele gezeigt wurde, dann wird die Güte der Göttlichen Liebe eingreifen und uns dazu befähigen.
Lasst uns mit der Demut des Weisen und dem einfachen Glauben des Kindes beten; Lasst uns mit Ehrlichkeit dieses Neue Lichte Erde Bewusstsein der Göttlichen Liebe, diese Neue Kraft, diese Neue Wahrheit, diese Neue Schönheit, die sich verkörpern wollen, in unsere Herzen rufen für die Umwandlung der Erde und ihres Lebens in das Leben der Lichten Erde und ihrer Verkörperung in der materiellen Welt.

Mit den Segnungen von Sri Aurobindo und der Mutter
und aller Liebe von Michel und Mirakali

The Bright Earth Prayer of the Divine Love
Let us kindle together the flame of an intense aspiration for the Birth of the Bright Earth of the Divine Love in us; Let us call for the intervention of the Grace of the Divine Love. A miracle can always happen. Faith has an all-mighty power.
And if we want to participate in the magnificent work of the embodiment of the Bright Earth which was revealed to our soul, then the Grace of the Divine Love will intervene and makes us ready to manifest it.
Let us pray with the humility of the sage and the simple faith of the child; Let us call with sincerity this New Bright Earth Consciousness of the Divine Love, this New Power, this New Truth, this New Beauty which want to manifest into our hearts for the change of the Earth and her Life into the Life of the Bright Earth and her embodiment in the material world.

With the Blessings of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother
and all Love of Michel and Mirakali

Preghiera della Terra Luminosa del Divino Amore
Accendiamo insieme la fiamma di un‘intensa aspirazione alla nascita della Terra Luminosa del Divino Amore in noi; invochiamo l‘intervento della Grazia del Divino Amore.
Un miracolo può sempre accadere. La fede è onnipotente.
E se vogliamo partecipare alla magnifica opera di incarnazione della Terra Luminosa che è stata rivelata alla nostra anima, allora la Grazia del Divino Amore interverrà e ci renderà pronti a manifestarla.
Preghiamo con l‘umiltà del saggio e la semplice fede del bambino; chiamiamo con sincerità questa Nuova Coscienza della Terra Luminosa dell‘Amore Divino, questo Nuovo Potere, questa Nuova Verità, questa Nuova Bellezza che vogliono manifestarsi nei nostri cuori per la trasformazione della Terra e della sua Vita nella Vita della Terra Luminosa e della sua incarnazione nel mondo materiale.

Con la benedizione di Sri Aurobindo e della Madre
e tutto l‘amore di Michel e Mirakali.

Want to know more? Click here.'

Michel Montecrossa’s Metaverse Book ‘Song Lyrics #3’ presenting 980 Cyberrocker New-Topical Song Lyrics

Song Lyrics #3

Michel Montecrossa in his Book ‘Song Lyrics #3’ presents on 688 intensely consciousness expanding pages 980 highly stimulating English & English/German Song Lyrics:

  • 980 Original Michel Montecrossa Cyberrocker New-Topical Song Lyrics & Metaverse Cyberrock – Poetry – Image Power & Stream-Of-Consciousness Discography & Filmography.
  • Michel Montecrossa Song Lyrics are Metaverse Poetry for the future. Through them he discloses the innumerable mind-shaking stream-of-consciousness actions that come from the future.
  • Michel Montecrossa in his Song Lyrics articulates the world in a new, exciting and deeply moving way, liberating from soulless abstractions, breaking through the insensible surface of conformity, reanimating bold creative insight, intense sensuality and thrilling wisdom.
  • Michel Montecrossa is writing 21st century Cyberbeat poetry abundant with genius and most communicative expressiveness, satisfying every lover of forward looking, inspired and powerfully innovative poetry.

Paperback, 688 pages, presenting 980 English & English/German Song Lyrics including images, Discography & Filmography

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘SAVING MESSAGE’ Prayer Chant for the Bright Earth World Planetbirthday, 1st December 2022

Please donate to the artists for their music:

‘SAVING MESSAGE’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD & DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s Prayer Chant for the Bright Earth World Planetbirthday, 1st December 2022. It celebrates this day as the birthday of all humanity and was originally recorded as the final song for the New Year Song Symphony 2022 ‘THE MOTHER’S NEW MIRAPURI YEAR’.


The day comes when all barriers have fallen, / within and around us / and we can feel like the bird that opens its wings / for an unopposed soar.
Saving Message of the wisdom. / Saving Message of courage strong. / Saving Message of love always young. / Saving Message of freedom born.
Saving Message for the great morn’. / Saving Message when all is a-turnin’ ‘round. / Saving Message for all time to come. / Saving Message like your beauty song.
The Saving Message knows the love / bringing peace to all hearts, / bringing joy that will last, / giving satisfaction, / giving living hope.
Saving Message leads us through the open door. / Saving Message of the wisdom. / Saving Message of courage strong. / Saving Message of love always young.
Saving Message of freedom born. / Saving Message for the great morn’. / Saving Message when all is a-turnin’ ‘round. / Saving Message for all time to come.
Saving Message like your beauty song. / The day comes when all barriers have fallen, / within and around us / and we can feel like the bird that opens its wings / for an unopposed soar.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘THE BRIGHT EARTH CHRISTMAS SONG’ is Michel Montecrossa’s heartfelt Christmas Song on Audio-CD & DVD and as Download

Please donate to the artists for their music:

‘THE BRIGHT EARTH CHRISTMAS SONG’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD & DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s heartfelt Christmas Song of good thoughts and love that understands.

Michel Montecrossa sings in his lyrics for THE BRIGHT EARTH CHRISTMAS SONG:

A New Light shall break upon the earth, / the Light it is of the Bright Earth, / a New Light of Truth and Harmony. / Yes, a New World it is for the free. / And all things announced / shall be fulfilled: / It is the Bright Earth Christmas Song.
The New World of the Bright Earth / is there for all and for / the Living Celebration of Humanity / and for the birth of human unity / and of harmony and beauty / and the paradise of love: / It is the Bright Earth Christmas Song.
It sings of New Understanding / and a new way to be one and the many / in our hearts and souls / of wideness and trust. / All hopes and prayers / shall be fulfilled: / It is the Bright Earth Christmas Song.
The United States of Planet Earth / are the home for the Bright Earth Children, / the home for love and space age visions, / the home for the True and the Right and the Vast / and for working together / in peace and joy forever: / It is the Bright Earth Christmas Song.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

Michel Montecrossa & Mirakali – The Virtual Climate Change Concert Tour, Session #9 ‘Cyberthingies’

Virtual Concert Session #9

The Virtual Climate Change Concert Tour, Session #9 ‘CYBERTHINGIES’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download presents Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali with their great Metaverse songs:
‘Cyberthingies’, ‘Silent Word‘, ’As If In Another World’, ‘From Light To Light’ and ‘Gute Ideen Für Die Neue Politik – Good Ideas For The New Policy’.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“The Virtual Climate Change Concert Tour, Session #9 ‘CYBERTHINGIES’ leads you straight into the Metaverse New-Topical-World of tomorrow where you can find me, Mirakali,The New Chosen Few and a new feeling of life for a new feeling of the future.”

Want to know more? Click here.'