The ‘Solidarity’ New-Topical-Song-Concert, released by Mira Sound Germany as Audio-CD and DVD is Michel Montecrossa’s second concert of the Future World & Climate Change Concert Tour. Performed in the Science Fiction Rocker Basement of the Michel Montecrossa Rock Vision Diner in Gauting near Munich. The concert includes 17 solo acoustic songs including the title song ‘Solidarity’ and great songs like ‘My Song For The People’, ‘The Right Way’, ‘On The Razor’s Edge’ and ‘It’s Time To Listen To More Than We Know’ and more songs about the need of our time for human unity, true understanding and readiness for change.
Michel Montecrossa about his Solidarity Solo Acoustic Concert:
“Good times, bad times, work, no work, worry, happiness, peace, revolution, catastrophe, war and isms: In all we need solidarity to find our way through, to come out of mean and low treatment, to help each other, to go beyond narrow thinking, to make life better and to live and celebrate humanity.
In my songs I sing and speak my mind so that you and me can get together and let new ideas grow like trees and flowers because we believe in something and understand the good of solidarity, of working together, of caring for earth and people and honest peace.
Solidarity is what my new topical song movement is about.”
The Songs (Click the song titles for the lyrics):
- Solidarity
- My Song For The People
- The Right Way
- Absolutely Family
- Unbroken Relation
- Ruby Gate 17
- On The Razor’s Edge
- I Have A Vision
- Tree On The Hill
- Talkin’ Future World
- Angelo Augustus
- Welcome To Real Life
- Working Hands
- The Government Is Out
- Beauty And Love Are Another Song
- Fire Of The Morning Star
- It’s Time To Listen To More Than We Know