The Virtual Climate Change Concert Tour, Session #1 ‘Songs For The Marvellous Change’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is the new internet music platform for presenting the continuous flow of the most recent New-Topical-Cyberrock, Dance-Electronica, Orgastica-DJ & Cyberpoem productions of Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali and their band The New Chosen Few.
The Virtual Climate Change Concert Tour every month brings a full-blooded Climate Change Concert Session with brand-new songs of Michel Montecrossa & Mirakali for singing along and dancing to the virtual stage to give to the worldwide audience the possibility to join the always new stream of their creative Evolver-Experience of New Music of Peace, Love & Happiness.
All songs are featured with subtitles of the original song lyrics for singing along and dance moves for dancing along presented by the Blue Girl and Michel Montecrossa.
The Songs, Cyberpoems & Orgastica-DJ of Session #1: ‘The Song Of The Marvellous Change’, ‘That’s It’, ‘Geheimnis’, ‘Tender Touch’, ‘How Come?’, ‘Wassertropfen’, ‘Stars Beyond The Blue Sky’ and ‘Strong Days Are Coming’.
Michel Montecrossa says:
“The Virtual Climate Change Concert Tour, Session #1 ‘Songs For The Marvellous Change’ is healing music of hope and the certitude of a better future that is uplifting with joy, giving strength and good humor.”
Die Virtuelle Climate Change Konzert Tour, Session #1 ‘Songs For The Marvellous Change’, veröffentlicht von Mira Sound Germany auf Audio-CD, DVD und als Download, ist die neue Internet Musik Plattform für die Präsentation des ununterbrochenen Stroms der neuesten
New-Topical-Cyberrock, Dance-Electronica, Orgastica-DJ & Cyberpoem Produktionen von Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali und ihrer Band The New Chosen Few.
Die Virtuelle Climate Change Konzert Tour bringt jeden Monat eine Vollblut-Climate Change Konzert Session mit top-aktuellen Liedern von Michel Montecrossa & Mirakali zum Mitsingen und Mittanzen auf die virtuelle Bühne, um das weltweite Publikum an ihrem beständig neuen kreativen Strom des Evolver-Experience von neuer Musik des Friedens, der Liebe und des Glücklichseins teilnehmen zu lassen.
Alle Songs sind versehen mit Untertiteln der original Songtexte zum Mitsingen und Tanz-Moves präsentiert von dem Blue Girl und Michel Montecrossa zum Mittanzen.
Die Lieder, Cyberpoems & Orgastica-DJ der Session #1: ‘The Song Of The Marvellous Change’, ‘That’s It’, ‘Geheimnis’, ‘Tender Touch’, ‘How Come?’, ‘Wassertropfen’, ‘Stars Beyond The Blue Sky’ und ‘Strong Days Are Coming’.
Michel Montecrossa sagt:
“Die Virtuelle Climate Change Konzert Tour, Session #1 ‘Songs For The Marvellous Change’ ist heilende Musik des Friedens und der Gewissheit einer besseren Zukunft, die mit Freude aufbaut, Kraft und gute Stimmung gibt.”
Il Climate Change Concert Tour Virtuale, Sessione #1 ‘Songs For The Marvellous Change’, pubblicato dalla Mira Sound Germany su CD audio, DVD e come download, è la nuova piattaforma musicale su internet per presentare il flusso continuo delle più recenti produzioni New-Topical-Cyberrock, Dance-Electronica, Orgastica-DJ & Cyberpoem di Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali e la loro band The New Chosen Few.
Il Climate Change Concert Tour Virtuale propone ogni mese una sessione concertistica all’insegna del tema Climate Change con nuovissime canzoni di Michel Montecrossa e Mirakali sul palco virtuale per dare al pubblico di tutto il mondo la possibilità di unirsi al flusso sempre nuovo della loro Evolver-Experience creativa con nuove canzoni incentrate sulla pace, sull’amore e sulla felicità.
Tutte le canzoni sono sottotitolate con i testi originali per poter cantare insieme e ballare i passi di danza presentati dalla Blue Girl e Michel Montecrossa.
Canzoni, Cyberpoems e Orgastica-DJ della sessione #1: ‘The Song Of The Marvellous Change’, ‘That’s It’, ‘Geheimnis’, ‘Tender Touch’, ‘How Come?’, ‘Wassertropfen’, ‘Stars Beyond The Blue Sky’ e ‘Strong Days Are Coming’.
Dice Michel Montecrossa:
“Il Climate Change Concert Tour Virtuale, Session #1 ‘Songs For The Marvellous Change’ rappresenta una musica curativa e di speranza e la certezza di un futuro migliore in grado di sollevare con gioia, dare forza e buon umore”.