Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘Aus Den Flammen Von Notre-Dame – From The Flames Of Notre-Dame’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, was written in the night of 15th April 2019 when in Paris the Cathedral Notre-Dame stood in flames, the central symbol of European Christianity, Culture and Unity. This tragedy shook the hearts and minds of millions of people in Europe and all over the world. Yet it not only brought sadness but also the strong emotion that looks towards the future with hope and energy to save and rebuild Notre-Dame and stand with renewed determination for the great cultural and spiritual values of European civilization. With this determination Michel Montecrossa wrote his New-Topical-Song ‘Aus Den Flamen Von Notre-Dame – From The Flames Of Notre-Dame’.
Michel Montecrossa about his New-Topical-Song ‘Aus Den Flammen Von Notre-Dame – From The Flames Of Notre-Dame’:
“Aus Verlust entsteht Großes durch die Stärke des Vertrauens in die Zukunft der Liebe, des Guten und des Schönen.
From loss emerges the Great through the Strength of Trust in the Future of Love, the Good and the Beautiful.”
(Apropos Notre-Dame in flames, 15th April 2019)
Aus den Flammen von Notre-Dame / sah ich erscheinen die Seele von Europa. / From the flames of Notre-Dame / I saw emerging the Soul of Europe.
Ihr Herz der Liebe und Einigkeit / fühlte ich stärker als die Trauer. / Her heart of love and unity / I felt stronger than the sadness.
Aus den Flammen von Notre-Dame / hörte ich den Ruf von Europa: / From the flames of Notre-Dame / I heard the call of Europe:
“Baut neu die Kathedrale für / ein neu-beseeltes Europa!” / “Build new the cathedral for / a new and soulful Europe!”
Notre-Dame wird stark und leuchtend sein / und Europa wird stark und leuchtend sein / für die lebendige Feier der Menschlichkeit / auf der ganzen Welt – für immer.
Notre-Dame will be strong and bright / and Europe will be strong and bright / for the Living Celebration of Humanity / all over the world – forever.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany