’Ballad of Love and Sweetness’, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD for Valentine’s Day and all Lovers on Earth singing of the real thing, of love and sweetness that will always win, no matter what bankas and politos say.
Michel Montecrossa says:
“The New-Topical-Song ‘Ballad Of Love And Sweetness’ is my ballad of winning the battle over limits and demons born from the dark, of the gentle strength that saves our souls with kindness, of the light that ends the eternal fight through victorious love and sweetness.“
In my heart burns the power of my love-flame strong. / My love is made of sweetness, singin’ you this song. / My dream I bring to you, from heaven it comes to earth. / Magic it has of the bold and generous compassion.
I sing you in my ballad of victorious love and sweetness, / of wonders that heal all wounds and give peace to the restless.
A child appeared, a light in the darkness, / a friend and lover and bringer of the Bright Earth. / The child grew up into a boy, a man, / a soul, a heart, ready for loving.
I sing you my ballad of seeking and of finding, / of love embracing with sweetness all your longing.
Now I’m a-growin’ into light unending. / I see the things behind the veil. / Now it’s wonder, young and entrancing. / Power it is of doing and of giving.
I sing you my ballad of winning the battle / over limits and demons born from the dark.
Love and sweetness are our victory. / Love and sweetness lead you to me. / Love and sweetness are our eternity. / Love and sweetness are there to make us free.
I sing you my ballad of victorious love and sweetness, / of the gentle strength that saves our souls with kindness.
In my heart burns the power of my love-flame strong. / My love is made of sweetness, singin’ you this song. / My dream I bring to you, from heaven it comes to earth. / I find you through my bold and generous birth.
The birth that kindles the fire of our love and sweetness, / the fire of the light that ends the eternal fight.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany