Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘Call To The British: Stay In The EU!’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, was written to take a stand for Great Britain staying in the EU.
Michel Montecrossa about his New-Topical-Song ‘Call To The British: Stay In The EU!’:
“The EU means future for Great Britain.”
In the hour of danger / the call goes forth to the British: / “Stay in the EU! Stay in the EU!”
In the hour of danger / union gives strength and saves: / “Stay in the EU! Stay in the EU!”
Separation leads to division, / division leads to conflict, you know: / “Stay in the EU! Stay in the EU!”
Live and work in Europe, / free, united and progressive: / “Stay in the EU! Stay in the EU!”
Give to the young their future / of free trade, jobs and success / everywhere in the EU! Everywhere in the EU!
The future are the children, / not the dangerous old / polito corruptos and banka gangstas! / Polito corruptos and banka gangstas!
The future wants to move towards / the United States of Planet Earth, / towards World Peace and not World War! / Towards World Peace and not World War!
The EU protects peace and income, / understanding and cooperation / on the way to a world that’s good for us all! / On the way to a world that’s good for us all!
On the way into the future, / the way into tomorrow, / the call goes forth to the British: / “Stay in the EU! Stay in the EU!”
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany