‘Talkin’ Future World’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio-CD and Music Video ‘Talkin’ Future World’ released by Mira Sound Germany presents 10 hard travelin’ and honest songs including the gripping title song and music video ‘Talkin’ Future World‘, stimulating mind-shakers like ‘Welcome to Real Life‘, ‘No Slump In Love‘, ‘Fortuna‘ and six more broadsides about taking a stand in times between civil war in Libya and earthquakes, tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan. Michel Montecrossa’s ‘Talkin’ Future World’ boldly looks forward beyond the present shocks towards a better future.
Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talkin’ Future World’:
“In times of earthquakes, nuclear disasters, tsunamis, volcanoes erupting, mad leaders, financial crisis, crushin’ of rebels and what not – it’s time for Talkin’ Future World …”
The Songs (Click the song titles for the lyrics):