‘Nuclear Power Saves Up To Threat Level 7‘ released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song for the Chernobyl Anniversary and no end of radioactivity in a world with constantly growing contamination emanating from always more nuclear plants.
Michel Montecrossa says:
“’Nuclear Power Saves Up To Threat Level 7′ is a song of warning. Today we live in a world with no end of radioactivity and in a world with constantly growing contamination emanating from always more nuclear plants. ‘Nuclear Power Saves Up To Threat Level 7’ is triggered by the Chernobyl Disaster Anniversary and the fact that we are not able to handle our energy problems unless we find the way to achieving Human Unity and the realization of the United States of Planet Earth. It is the united effort of all humanity in a global union, free of borders that can find a new way for producing and distributing energy without endangering our life and the life and climate of the Earth.”
Nuclear power worldwide saves the / equivalent of about 500 million tons of coal.
Tougher controls on / polluting industries and a / strengthened pollution / inspectorate to / enforce them are to be / brought in by the / government under its ‘green bill’ / published yesterday, oho, yesterday.
Yes, nuclear power worldwide saves the / equivalent of about 500 million tons of coal and leads to
a poisoned environment and up to / threat level 7, / to dangerous and frightening / lawless places, / to economy breakdown and to / rising food prices and / medicine prices beyond control. / You may scream: “No way! That’s a non-starter! / Nuclear disasters also lead to no water!”
Nuclear power worldwide saves / the equivalent of about 500 million tons of coal. / And that is a great thing
indeed, oh Lord, / especially when no one will be / there any more. Any more …
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany