With his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking America First Is A Good Idea’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, Michel Montecrossa expresses his hope that the people of the USA might understand the importance of the USA for the future of the world. The world destiny of the USA, as Michel Montecrossa sees it, is not Americanism, but to be a leader on the way to building the United States of Planet Earth which would be a free World Union expressing a complex unity based on diversity and free self-determination. According to Michel Montecrossa it is up to the people of the USA to choose a president that is capable to work for the realization of this noble vision. But above all it is the people themselves that have to understand this true historic meaning of the USA and do the best for its fulfillment.
Michel Montecrossa says about his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking America First Is A Good Idea’:
“At the time when I wrote my New-Topical-Song ‘Talking America First Is A Good Idea’ Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump wanted to become the President of the USA. With this election it is up to the people of the USA to give to the slogan ‘America First’ its true meaning as a first step to World Unity, as a moment of reflection on humanity and the world’s need for peace, sharing and giving. ‘America First’ is a good idea if it means a moment of gathering strength to evolve the USA into a considerate and compassionate nation of wisdom and joy that is truly capable of building a better tomorrow of Love, Peace and Freedom for all the world. I hope that the future of the USA is not the future of Americanism, but a future of safety, prosperity and peace for all nations which is responsibly protected by the USA as the most powerful nation on present earth. In this way my song ‘Talking America First Is A Good Idea’ is a song-prayer for all of us and our children wherever we might be on earth.”
“America First!” is a good idea / if it’s the first step to World Unity, / the Unity of the Americas, / of Europe and Eurasia / and the first step of building / the United States of Planet Earth.
“America First!” is a good idea / if it’s a moment of reflection on humanity, / on the world’s need for peace, / sharing and giving / and looking forward to / the United States of Planet Earth, you know.
“America First!” is a good idea / if it means a country of warmth and generosity, / of safety, prosperity and peace / as the first step of building / the United States of Planet Earth.
“America First!” is a good idea / if it don’t mean violence, / if it don’t mean hatred and oppression / but a better tomorrow / of love, peace and freedom for all the world.
“America First!” is a good idea / if it means a country of wisdom and joy, / a country that’s considerate and compassionate / and on the way to building / the United States of Planet Earth.
“America First!” is a good idea / if it’s a moment of reflection on humanity, / on the world’s need for peace, / sharing and giving / and bringing nearer / the United States of Planet Earth, you know.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany