The Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2020 this year will not take place live due to Corona. :‘-(
But the GOOD NEWS is:
It will take place as the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival concert series 2020/2021 in the Internet 🙂 www.SpiritofWoodstockFest.com
From 2020 till 2021 starting in June, every month Michel Montecrossa & Mirakali and their band The Chosen Few are presenting in the Internet a powerful series of concert episodes featuring their great original New-Topical-Songs, Cyberrock, Dance-Electronica & Orgastica-DJ Hits here at the Spirit of Woodstock Festival Website. www.SpiritofWoodstockFest.com
The Concert Episode 1 of the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2020/2021 with the title ‘Lift Off’ has its worldwide première in the Internet on 1st June 2020. Don’t miss it!
The Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival concert series will present till June 2021 a total of twelve episodes!
Michel Montecrossa says:
“The songs of episode 1: ‘Lift Off’ begin with the bright and joyful Festival Song 2020 ‘The Spirit of Woodstock Festival Dance’ inviting you all for a happy dance and boosting your positive energies.
‘Sei Hungrig – Be Hungry’ then is a New-Topical-Song taking a strong stand for your own identity and freedom of mind and spirit making the earth a better place through your being there.
‘Moon Dream’ by Mirakali is her futuristic Orgastica-DJ Lovestory further building up positive energies and a loving outlook on life and action.
‘200% Leben’ is the encouragement to boldly cut through mega-fears and the imprisoning hypnotism of discouraging messages and to take a stand for the ultimate strength of our true reality that is the 200% Life source coming from the heart singing ‘Life comes through Love’. And this is the best remedy against all trouble.
‘Tomorrow I Will Shine – Morgen Werde Ich Leuchten’ finally is a song of enduring clarity embedded in a movie of pure love.”