The Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy Season 2020/2021 Episode 4 ‘Dream Space’

Episode 4 'Dream Space'

Episode 4 ‘DREAM SPACE’ of the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy Season 2020/2021 is the next sizzling chance to see and hear the famous TV-, Radio- and Recording Artist Michel Montecrossa together with Mirakali and his band The Chosen Few singing passionate and cheerfully optimistic Cyberdance songs for giving you the treat of a lifetime. The power-songs ‘Mondkuss Lust – Moonkiss Passion’, ‘Dancedrive: I Like It!’, ‘Starbringing Heroes’, ‘Discomania’ & ‘Come On Baby! It’s The Bright Earth Dance!’ are presented as brilliantly entertaining music movies with lightning tunes and lines showing Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali and their compelling image as the Living Celebration of Humanity Singer/Songwriters. Experience them taking off once more!

Episode 4 ‘DREAM SPACE’ des Virtuellen Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italien Season 2020/2021 ist die nächste erregende Chance den international bekannten TV-, Radio- und Recording Artist Michel Montecrossa gemeinsam mit Mirakali und seiner Band The Chosen Few zu sehen und zu hören, wie sie leidenschaftliche und freudig optimistische Cyberdance Songs singen, um dem Publikum ein Super-Konzerterlebnis zu geben. Die Power-Songs ‘Mondkuss Lust – Moonkiss Passion’, ‘Dancedrive: I Like It!’, ‘Starbringing Heroes’, ‘Discomania’ & ‘Come On Baby! It’s The Bright Earth Dance!’ werden durch großartig unterhaltende Music Movies mit leuchtenden Melodien und Texten präsentiert, zeigend Michel Montecrossa und Mirakali und deren überzeugende Ausstrahlung als Singer/Songwriters der Lebendigen Feier der Menschlichkeit. Hebt erneut zusammen mit ihnen ab!

‘DREAM SPACE’, il quarto episodio dello Spirit of Woodstock Festival Virtuale a Mirapuri, Italia Stagione 2020/2021 è la nuova, entusiasmante occasione per vedere e ascoltare il famoso artista televisivo, radiofonico e discografico Michel Montecrossa insieme a Mirakali e alla sua band The Chosen Few mentre cantano canzoni Cyberdance appassionate e gioiosamente ottimistiche per regalare al pubblico un’ esperienza indimenticabile. Le power-songs “Passione del Bacio di Luna – Moonkiss Passion”, “Dancedrive: I Like It!”, “Starbringing Heroes”, “Discomania” e “Come On Baby! It’s The Bright Earth Dance” vengono presentate come film musicali brillantemente intrattenenti con luminosi brani e testi che mostrano Michel Montecrossa e Mirakali e la loro avvincente rappresentazione come cantanti/cantautori della Celebrazione Vivente dell’Umanità.
Preparatevi a decollare ancora una volta insieme a loro!