
„My New-Topical-Song-Movement is there to bring to the people the songs that inspire and to bring them fast. To make Downloads, CDs and DVDs, songbooks, programs, songsheets, concerts.
To distribute the songs globally via internet, shops, radio & TV and get the messages discussed and cited in newspapers, magazines, talk shows, social networks and gatherings.
The New-Topical-Songs are songs for the people and a world where we all vote, eat, work, talk, plan, think and love together so that your people will know my people and we don’t lose the peace and the world along with it.”
-Michel Montecrossa

Michel Montecrossa is an attentive observer of reality and misses no opportunity to let his songs voice the painful problems that disturb the well-being of our planet.
– Gianni Mongrandi in the E-Zine ‘Daring To Do’

‘Cybergeneration’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio-Single and DVD dedicated to the young pro-reform and democracy movement reaching from Fukushima to Cairo and around the world

Cybergeneration‘ Michel Montecrossa’s new-topical-song-movement Audio Single and DVD released by Mira Sound Germany is dedicated to the young pro-reform and democracy movement reaching from Fukushima to Cairo and around the world.

Michel Montecrossa about ‘Cybergeneration’:
“‘Cybergeneration’ is a song and movie dedicated to the young Facebook-Twitter-Microblogger based revolutions that toppled not only the Egyptian regime but brought a new and dynamic vision of change to the whole world.
The young neither want to live in a suppressive Old-Cairo-World, nor do they want to live in a Radioactive-Fukushima-World.
They rather like to live in a Freedom World of renewable energy, peace, fair wages and work for all.
I performed the song ‘Cybergeneration’ together with my band at the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy, the greatest European Festival of the Free Music Revolution.

Ya, Ya, Ya, Ya …
Cybergeneration! Consciousness Expansion! / Cybergeneration! Consciousness Extension! / Cybergeneration! Conscious And So Handy! / Cybergeneration! Conscious Understanding!
What Do You Want To Know? What Do You Want To Show? / Are You Living? Are You Strong? / Are You Loving? Are You Born? / Cybergeneration! Conscious To Be Young!
Ya, Ya, Ya, Ya …
Cybergeneration! For Love There Is No Ending! / Cybergeneration! Enjoying Honey-Bangin’! / Cybergeneration! Touchin’, Sizzlin’, Drivin’! / Cybergeneration! Ridin’ On The Rays Of Light!
What Do You Want To Do? What Do You Want To Prove? / Are You Really Seein’? Do You Have The Feelin’? / Are You The Freedombeing? Are You Truly Livin’? / Cybergeneration! Laughin’, Conscious, Kissin’!
Ya, Ya, Ya, Ya …
Cybergeneration! Consciousness Expansion! / Cybergeneration! Consciousness Extension! / Cybergeneration! Conscious, Warm And Friendly! / Cybergeneration! Conscious, Kind And Sunny!
– Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

I Have A Vision – My Christmas Wishes

Please donate to the artists for their music:

‘I Have A Vision – My Christmas Wishes’ released by Mira Sound Germany presents 18 straightforward acoustic songs by Michel Montecrossa expressing the spirit of our time with the clear-sighted mind and the warm heart of an independent and freedom loving man. The 18 tracks include the title song ‘I Have a Vision’ which Michel Montecrossa dedicated to Oprah Winfrey and Barack Obama and deeply thoughtful and encouraging songs like ‘I Am There’, ‘I’m Lovin’ You’, ‘Simple Time’, ‘Optimist’, ‘I’m You’, ‘Clean Shaven’, ‘The Road Ahead’, ‘One World Nations’ and ‘Something in the Mind #2’. A booklet with all 18 songlyrics comes together with the CD.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“I have a vision of the United States of Planet Earth.”

Want to know more? Click here.'

Land Under Water – dedicated to all flood victims from Superstorm Sandy to Pakistan to the Mississippi and more

‘Land Under Water’ released by Mira Sound Germany presents as audio-single and DVD Michel Montecrossa’s admonishing New-Topical-Song prayer ‘Land Under Water‘ dedicated to all flood victims from Pakistan to the Mississippi and more.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Land Under Water’:
“‘Land Under Water’ is an admonishing New-Topical-Song prayer dedicated to all flood victims from Superstorm Sandy to Pakistan to the Mississippi and more. We are flooded by water as the result of climate change. We are flooded by all kinds of evil as the result of no or too little consciousness change which in turn increases the speed of climate change. The land is under water in the outside world as well as in the inner world and both worlds ask the same question: ‘When will man grow up in consciousness?'”

The land is under water, / can’t you see it, my friend? / The land is under water, / and it’s not the end: other things are waitin’ / and it’s not just climate change!
A baby is a-cryin’ / and there’s no helpin’ hand. / Man forgets forgiveness. / The land is under water, man is drowned in hatred and this is not the end.
Other things are waitin’ / just around the bend. / Tomorrow won’t be easy / unless you understand: kindness is the answer / and to learn to be a friend. The hours of the darkness / are long and full of pain / when greed becomes your master / and terror is your aim: the land is under water, / without love it’s all in vain.
The polar ice is melting, / the weather changes fast. / Volcanos are erupting / and earthquakes hit us hard: the inner world is shakin’ / when nature shows her wrath.
Your consciousness must change, / must change through peace and love. / The land is under water, / under water is your heart when drowned by cruel war / in the name of hate and god.
All nations must unite / on the way of love’s true order / beyond the fascist-borders / and the rascist-games, beyond the banka-gangstas / and their cheating hands.
Truth is in your soul / beyond all thought-control. / Truth is like a mother: / simple she is and warm, brings world and man together / for healing all the wounds.
The land is under water, /can’t you see it, my friend? / The land is under water, / and it’s not the end: other things are waitin’ / and it’s not just climate change!
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

5 Green Tomorrow Eco-Hits – Michel Montecrossa’s songs for the United Nations Climate Change Conference including ‘Living On A Planet’

‘5 Green Tomorrow Eco-Hits’ released by Mira Sound Germany as Audio Maxi-Single, presents five Michel Montecrossa Eco-Hits for the United Nations Climate Change Conference: ‘Green Tomorrow‘, ‘Are You Gettin’ Ready?‘, ‘Another World‘, ‘Sunray Revolution‘ and ‘Living On A Planet‘.

Michel Montecrossa’s message for the United Nations Climate Change Conference: “Let it be a beginning of the way towards World Unity and the creation of the United States of Planet Earth.”

Want to know more? Click here.'

Something’s Crushin’ In

‘Something’s Crushin’ In’, recorded live in Mirapuri and released by Mira Sound Germany as double Audio-CD & DVD is a landmark album in Michel Montecrossa’s outstanding career presenting him as one of the greatest poet-balladeers of cyberage.

Michel Montecrossa together with his golden voice, acoustic guitar and harmonica gives life to a stunning cosmos of songs with hard hitting lyrics and great tunes including the title song ‘Something’s Crushin’ In‘ and reality songs like ‘Truth Of The Moment‘, ‘Criminal Blues‘, ‘All The Words‘, ‘Yes Or No Blues‘, ‘Spinnin’ Round Blues‘ and ‘Exactly Like You‘.

Michel Montecrossa’s genius-way of creating and performing intelligent and emotionally sensitive songmusic reaches with ‘Something’s Crushin’ In’ the height of intensity that can make a lone balladeer the voice of the world and can make the world listen.

‘Something’s Crushin’ In’ features twelve Michel Montecrossa master songs touching the criminal heart of our time of fear, anguish, war, pain and suffering as well as the soul of our time with its love and bright hopes that have never been so strongly and poignantly visible as in our contradictory and brutal world of today.

Want to know more? Click here.'