‘German Wahlgetoese’ is Michel Montecrossa’s 4 New-Topical-Songs and Movies Collection presenting the titles ‘Talking German Wahlgetoese – Or: Who Is The Clown?’, ‘Talking New German Chancellor‘, ‘Talking The German Chancellor I Want‘, ‘Talking Angel for Germany‘, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and Video Download, triggered by the money driven brainwash campaign for finding a new German chancellor: It is the time for either future building or endgame playing. It is the time for answers and Michel Montecrossa’s songs give the answers we all need.
Michel Montecrossa says about ‘German Wahlgetoese – 4 New-Topical-Songs‘:
“The 4 New-Topical-Song Movies with the title ‘German Wahlgetoese’ are released at the time of German Federal Election for finding a chancellor. These songs are dedicated to the people confronted by the German Wahlgetoese of childish but dangerous polito stupidities and lies leading us nowhere. It is the time of approaching German recession. It is the time for either future building or endgame playing. It is the time for answers and in my songs I give the answers we all need.”
(Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song about Steinbrueck-Steinreich, Diplomacy & Clowns)
In Germany there is rumbling in the air, / “Wahlgetoese” as they say. / The Steinbrueck candidate reaches Steinreich levels, / promotes himself as the little devil / that at last downgrades politics into the vulgar: / It’s the image-suicide of the Social Democrats / and of their funny star.
Framing other politos as clowns won’t help / and it surely won’t create the needed friends. / But friends we need for European Unity, / for Europe intelligent and able to see / that we, the people, don’t need troublemakers on top / making our Europe into a big flop.
What then would Mr. Steinbrueck-Steinreich say / if as clown he is portrayed, / a clown of the German-European-Reich, / the Social Democratic suicide? / The German people need the real answers and not tricks / or publicity stunts of a vulgar rich.
The German Wahlgetoese will be without end, / But I hope the people will not bend / to the thrill of nonsense and a painful end / of needed progress, justice and common sense. / Politos are already vulgar enough, / now it’s time to change and bring the real stuff, friends!
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany
(Song about Peer Steinbrueck, German Election & EU-Crisis)
I’m talking about the German chancellor that wants to win, wants to come. / His name now-a-days is Steinbrueck Peer. / He wants to lead Germany, wants to lead us somewhere. / Oh, baby, baby! What is his plan? / Oh, baby, baby! Is it future or is it the endgame?
I tell you, baby: Germany has a meaning for this world / and the coming of the United States of Planet Earth. / For Germany is practical and skilful, has the good ethical feel. / Oh, baby, baby! The feel for community, / for standing together in truth of love and liberty.
Polito corruptos must change into politicians that don’t cheat the people / who are the power, the working hand, the real. / The German working hand and human spirit are the key / for this nation to set free a new policy / of liberation from the greed of wrong banka schemes.
I tell you, baby, Germany must stop to be banka slave, / must stop to give our tax money to dangerous speculator gangs. / Germany needs a new chancellor who for the people takes a stand. / Oh, baby, baby! With the rich less rich / and the poor no more poor we’ll together surely find the clue.
Real value banking must replace gangsta banking. / Real statesmanship must replace corrupto-acting. / On the way to World Unity Germany must be a-walking. / Oh, baby, baby! Is Steinbrueck our man? / Oh, baby, baby! Is he our friend?
Will he bring down the cost of living so that our wages can compete / with wages all over the globe so that quality can easily be the big deal? / Will he bring to Germany the peace and the jobs that the people need? / Oh, baby, baby! What is his plan? / Oh, baby, baby! Is it future or the endgame?
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany
The German Chancellor I want is a she or he / who is courageous enough to put banka-gangstas in their place, / who is not a money greedy polito-corrupto and good-for-nothing, / who is intelligent and selfless enough to understand / that to work for the people means saving our good nation.
The German Chancellor I want is a she or he / who takes a liberating stand ‘gainst Goldman-Sachs world-domination, / who is activating the true statesmanship / for handling all the rich cheaters, / the club of the world’s thirty most lawless wealthy / and the Dragi-Monti style tax payer misleaders.
The German Chancellor I want is a she or he / who brings down our living cost to save / German working force, / who leads on the way to the United States of Planet Earth, / who stands for young and new political ethics / in touch with people’s reality, / a young generation of lady politicians / on the side of life and peace.
The German Chancellor I want / is just like me / taking a stand for Love and World Unity, / for Love Action of the free.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany
Germany won’t make it / without an angel that sees, / without an angel of warmth / satisfying the need,
the need of the people / for freedom from fear / of financial disaster / made by polito corruptos.
Is Germany ready / for the young and unexpected? / For the end of banka gangstas / and rising cost and taxes?
Is Germany ready / for true information / ’bout what really happens / on the way to Human Unity?
Germany won’t make it / without an angel that leads / on the way to World Union / where all humanity can meet.
Only unity knows the answer / to the problems all around. / “Act together!” is the answer / of my angel soul unbound.
France is looking forward / to E.U. government. / Is Germany doing the same? / Is an angel lending a hand?
Who is the angel intervening / when things turn anti-social / and nazism becomes the new religion? / Is Germany ready for Angel-Action?
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany