Episode 3 of the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2020/2021 with the title ‘GOING TO THE FESTIVAL’ will be broadcasted on Onda Novara TV on 2nd August 2020, evening 21:00

Episode 3 of the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2020/2021 in Mirapuri, Italy with the title ‘GOING TO THE FESTIVAL’ will be broadcasted as live stream on Sunday, 2nd August 2020 evening 21:00 on the Italian TV station Onda Novara TV (https://www.ondanovara.it/guarda-onda-novara-tv/)

For watching it on Onda Novara TV

Region of Lombardy: LNC 611 and 864

Region of Piemont: LNC 635 and 864

Province of Novara: LNC 611 and 864

Want to know more? Click here.'

The Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy Season 2020/2021 Episode 3 ‘Going To The Festival’

Episode 3 'Going To The Festival'

Episode 3 ‘GOING TO THE FESTIVAL’ of the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy Season 2020/2021 carries you straight into the heart and soul of this great European Free Music Event with six mind-blowing Cyberrock, Cybermetal, Ballad and Dance Hit songs by the famous TV-, Radio- and Recording Artist Michel Montecrossa together with Mirakali and his band The Chosen Few. It’s the experience of inimitable Festival fun and flair for having a good time with the following songs:
‘I’m The Voice Of Peace’, ‘Magic Fire’, ‘Cyberbeat’, ‘Vomit Of Your Soul’, ‘Cybergeneration’, ‘Met You In Paradise’.


Episode 3 ‘GOING TO THE FESTIVAL’ des ‘Virtuellen Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italien Season 2020/2021‘ trägt euch direkt in das Herz und die Seele dieses großen europäischen Free Music Events mit sechs Wachrüttel-Cyberrock, Cybermetal, Ballad und Dance Hit Songs des international bekannten TV-, Radio- und Recording Artist Michel Montecrossa gemeinsam mit Mirakali und seiner Band The Chosen Few.
Erlebt die unvergleichliche Festival Freude und habt eine gute Zeit mit folgenden Songs:
‘I’m The Voice Of Peace’, ‘Magic Fire’, ‘Cyberbeat’, ‘Vomit Of Your Soul’, ‘Cybergeneration’, ‘Met You In Paradise’.


Want to know more? Click here.'

The Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy Season 2020/2021 Episodes 1 & 2 on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download

The Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy Season 2020/2021 Episodes 1 & 2
Please donate to the artists for their music:

From 2020 till 2021 starting in June, every month Michel Montecrossa & Mirakali and their band The Chosen Few are presenting in the Internet a powerful series of concert episodes to help coming through the time of no concerts, no being together, no dancing, no enjoying.
The Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy Season 2020/2021 Episode 1 ‘LIFT OFF’ & Episode 2 ‘NEW & FREE’, is now released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download (with Italian, German and English subtitles & booklet with pictures and song lyrics) featuring ten of Michel Montecrossa’s & Mirakali’s great original New-Topical-Songs, Cyberrock, Dance-Electronica & Orgastica-DJ Hits including Michel Montecrossa’s joyous and optimistic ‘Spirit of Woodstock Festival Dance’, the heartfelt and forward looking ‘Corona & Weltvereinigung’ (Corona & World Union), the deeply touching ‘Tomorrow I Will Shine – Morgen Werde Ich Leuchten’, Mirakali’s great Festival Song ‘Forever Love’ and as homage to Bob Dylan the interpretation by Michel Montecrossa of Bob Dylan’s song ‘Mississippi’ plus six more thrilling original burners to cheer you up in times of Corona restrictions.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“The Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy Season 2020/2021 Episode 1 ‘LIFT OFF’ & Episode 2 ‘NEW & FREE’ takes a powerful stand to keep up the Spirit of Music and Creativity for the Living Celebration of Humanity through our Virtual Festival that can spread and embrace the whole world. It encourages undeterred optimism and contagious happiness. Let’s come together every month at the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival!”

Want to know more? Click here.'

Episode 2 of the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2020/2021 with the title ‘NEW & FREE’ will be broadcasted on Onda Novara TV on 12th July 2020, evening 21:00

Episode 2 of the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2020/2021 in Mirapuri, Italy with the title ‘NEW & FREE’ will be broadcasted as live stream on 12th July 2020 evening 21:00 on the Italian TV station Onda Novara TV (https://www.ondanovara.it/guarda-onda-novara-tv/)

For watching it on Onda Novara TV

Region of Lombardy: LNC 611 and 864

Region of Piemont: LNC 635 and 864

Province of Novara: LNC 611 and 864

Want to know more? Click here.'

The Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy Season 2020/2021 Episode 2 ‘New & Free’

Virtual Festival Episode 2

Episode 2 ‘NEW & FREE’ of the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy Season 2020/2021 features five Hit-Songs and Music-Movies by Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali and a homage to Bob Dylan:
‘Call Of The Festival’, ‘Corona & Weltvereinigung ( Corona & World Union)’, ‘Forever Love’, ‘Mississippi’, ‘New & Free – Neu & Frei’ to bring in times of Corona Lockdown the legendary Spirit of Woodstock Festival Feeling to your home for cheering you up.


Episode 2 ‘NEW & FREE – NEU & FREI’ des ‘Virtuellen Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italien Season 2020/2021’ präsentiert fünf Hit-Songs und Music-Movies von Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali und eine Hommage an Bob Dylan:
‘Call Of The Festival’, ‘Corona & Weltvereinigung ( Corona & World Union)’, ‘Forever Love’, ‘Mississippi’, ‘New & Free – Neu & Frei’, um in Zeiten von Corona Lockdown das legendäre Spirit of Woodstock Festival Feeling zu euch nach Hause zu bringen und um gute Laune zu verbreiten.


L’episodio 2 “NEW & FREE” dello Spirit of Woodstock Festival Virtuale a Mirapuri, Italia, stagione 2020/2021 presenta cinque hit-songs e film musicali di Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali e un omaggio a Bob Dylan:
“Call Of The Festival”, “Corona & World Union (Corona & Unione del mondo)”, “Forever Love”, “Mississippi”, “New & Free – Nuovi & liberi” per portare il leggendario Spirit of Woodstock Festival a casa vostra e portare buon umore ai tempi del Coronavirus.


Want to know more? Click here.'

Concert Episode 1 of the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2020/2021 broadcasted on Onda Novara TV on 21st June 2020 evening 23:00

The Concert Episode 1 of the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2020/2021 with the title ‘Lift Off’ is broadcasted on 21st June 2020 evening 23:00 on the Italian TV station Onda Novara TV (https://www.ondanovara.it/guarda-onda-novara-tv/)

For watching it on Onda Novara TV

Region of Lombardy: LNC 611 and 864

Region of Piemont: LNC 635 and 864

Province of Novara: LNC 611 and 864

Want to know more? Click here.'

June 2020 – June 2021 The Virtual Spirit Of Woodstock Festival Concert Series

Virtual Festival 2020 #2

The Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2020 this year will not take place live due to Corona. :‘-(
But the GOOD NEWS is:
It will take place as the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival concert series 2020/2021 in the Internet 🙂 www.SpiritofWoodstockFest.com

From 2020 till 2021 starting in June, every month Michel Montecrossa & Mirakali and their band The Chosen Few are presenting in the Internet a powerful series of concert episodes featuring their great original New-Topical-Songs, Cyberrock, Dance-Electronica & Orgastica-DJ Hits here at the Spirit of Woodstock Festival Website. www.SpiritofWoodstockFest.com

The Concert Episode 1 of the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2020/2021 with the title ‘Lift Off’ has its worldwide première in the Internet on 1st June 2020. Don’t miss it!
The Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival concert series will present till June 2021 a total of twelve episodes!

Michel Montecrossa says:
“The songs of episode 1: ‘Lift Off’ begin with the bright and joyful Festival Song 2020 ‘The Spirit of Woodstock Festival Dance’ inviting you all for a happy dance and boosting your positive energies.
‘Sei Hungrig – Be Hungry’ then is a New-Topical-Song taking a strong stand for your own identity and freedom of mind and spirit making the earth a better place through your being there.
‘Moon Dream’ by Mirakali is her futuristic Orgastica-DJ Lovestory further building up positive energies and a loving outlook on life and action.
‘200% Leben’ is the encouragement to boldly cut through mega-fears and the imprisoning hypnotism of discouraging messages and to take a stand for the ultimate strength of our true reality that is the 200% Life source coming from the heart singing ‘Life comes through Love’. And this is the best remedy against all trouble.
‘Tomorrow I Will Shine – Morgen Werde Ich Leuchten’ finally is a song of enduring clarity embedded in a movie of pure love.”

Want to know more? Click here.'

Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Album ‘2020 Montecrossa’ with 20 fullblooded trax from the Corona era

2020 Montecrossa
Please donate to the artists for their music:

The New-Topical-Song Album ‘2020 MONTECROSSA’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, presents 20 Trax in English and German by singer/songwriter Michel Montecrossa written, produced and recorded in May 2020, acoustic-solo and electric with his band The Chosen Few at the peak of the Corona pandemic in Piemont, North-Italy featuring a powerful statement of the will to live in an apocalyptic fusion of ultimate health care stress, political turmoil and seeking for answers. Michel Montecrossa in his songs takes the audience on a Reality-Journey always supported by forward looking hope and strength of character in a time when the story of the future of the world may be rewritten and changed dramatically.

Michel Montecrossa says about his New-Topical-Song Album ‘2020 MONTECROSSA’:
“My New-Topical-Song Album ‘2020 MONTECROSSA‘ begins with the strong lines of the insurmountable will to live: ‘Kiss and lust of the winner and the singer, self-made and sure telling always: Be hungry! Sei hungrig!’ and ends with ‘out of the almost desperate I go towards the future full of promise, full of light and full of love-fulfillment’.
The 20 trax of ‘2020 MONTECROSSA’ were written, produced and recorded together with my life companion Mirakali in May 2020 at the peak of the Corona pandemic in Piemont, North-Italy in our studio at Mirapuri-Coiromonte, the City of Peace and Futureman in Europe, Italy to take a strong and undeterred stand for 200% Life.”

Das New-Topical-Song Album ‘2020 MONTECROSSA’, veröffentlich von Mira Sound Germany als Audio-CD, DVD und als Download, präsentiert 20 Trax in Englisch und Deutsch von Singer/Songwriter Michel Montecrossa geschrieben, produziert und aufgenommen, akustisch Solo und elektrisch mit seiner Band The Chosen Few im Mai 2020, auf dem Höhepunkt der Corona Pandemie in Piemonte, Nord-Italien als kraftvollen Ausdruck des Lebenswillens während einer apokalyptischen Verschmelzung von äußerstem Stress in der Gesundheitsversorgung mit politischen Unruhen und dem Suchen nach Antworten. Michel Montecrossa nimmt die Zuhörer in seinen Songs mit auf eine Wirklichkeits-Reise immer unterstützt durch vorwärtsblickende Hoffnung und Charakterstärke in einer Zeit, in der möglicherweise die Geschichte der Zukunft der Welt neugeschrieben und dramatisch verändert wird.

Michel Montecrossa sagt über sein New-Topical-Song Album ‘2020 MONTECROSSA’:
“Mein New-Topical-Song Album ‘2020 MONTECROSSA’ beginnt mit den starken Zeilen des unüberwindlichen Lebenswillens: ‘Kuss und Lust des Gewinners und des Sängers, selbstgemacht und sicher, sagend für immer: ‘Be hungry! Sei hungrig!’ und endet mit den Worten ‘Aus beinahe Verzweiflung gehe ich hinein in die Zukunft weit, voll Verheißung und voller Licht und Liebesglück’.
Die 20 Trax von ‘2020 MONTECROSSA’ wurden gemeinsam mit meiner Lebensgefährtin Mirakali geschrieben, produziert und aufgenommen im Mai 2020 auf dem Höhepunkt der Corona Pandemie in Piemonte, Nord-Italien in unserem Studio in Mirapuri-Coiromonte, der Stadt des Friedens und des Zukunftsmenschen in Europa, Italien als starkes und unbeirrbares Statement für 200% Leben.”


L‘album di canzoni New-Topical ‘2020 MONTECROSSA’, pubblicato dalla Mira Sound Germany come CD audio, DVD e download, presenta 20 brani in inglese e tedesco scritti, prodotti e registrati dal cantautore Michel Montecrossa come assolo acustico o in versione elettrica con la sua band The Chosen Few nel maggio 2020, al culmine della pandemia del Coronavirus in Piemonte, nel nord Italia, come potente espressione della volontà di vivere in mezzo a un’apocalittica fusione tra le estreme pressioni nell’ambito della sanità e i disordini politici e la ricerca di risposte. Michel Montecrossa accompagna l’ascoltatore in un viaggio della realtà nelle sue canzoni, sempre supportato dalla speranza del futuro e dalla forza di carattere in un’epoca in cui la storia del futuro del mondo può essere ridefinita e cambiata radicalmente.

Michel Montecrossa dice del suo nuovo album di canzoni New-Topical ‘2020 MONTECROSSA’:
“Il mio nuovo album di canzoni New-Topical ‘2020 MONTECROSSA’ inizia con le forti parole dell’insormontabile voglia di vivere: ‘Bacio e desiderio del vincitore e del cantante, fatto da sé e sicuro di ripetere sempre: Be hungry! Abbi fame!’ e finisce con le parole: “Quasi per disperazione vado lontano verso il futuro, pieno di promesse e pieno di luce e gioia d’amore”.

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Corona & Weltvereinigung’ (Corona & World Union / Corona e Unione del Mondo) – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song in Deutsch mit einem Song Lyrics Booklet in English, Italiano und Deutsch

Corona & Weltvereinigung
Please donate to the artists for their music:

Der einfühlsame deutschsprachige New-Topical-Song ‘Corona & Weltvereinigung’ von Michel Montecrossa und seiner Band The Chosen Few wird von Mira Sound Germany auf Audio-CD, DVD und als Download zusammen mit einem Song Lyrics Booklet in Englisch, Italienisch und Deutsch als hoffnungsvoll-tröstende Songmessage für die ganze Welt veröffentlicht. Michel Montecrossa fokussiert sich in seinem Song auf die Corona Pandemie auf eine Art, die über die gegenwärtige Krise hinausweist auf die Weltvereinigung als universale Antwort, um die globalen Probleme der planetarischen Menschheit durch die Vereinigten Staaten des Planeten Erde zu lösen.

Michel Montecrossa sagt:
“Mein New-Topical-Song ‘Corona & Weltvereinigung’ ist ein Lied der Zuwendung und Hoffnung, das die Zukunftsantwort gibt, die lautet: Weltvereinigung von uns allen als Vereinigte Staaten des Planeten Erde ist es, was uns Corona lehrt, um jetzt die Pandemie zu beenden.”

The profound and heartfelt New-Topical-Song ‘Corona & World Union’ in German language by Michel Montecrossa and his band The Chosen Few is released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download together with a song lyrics booklet in English, Italian and German language as hopeful and comforting song message for the whole world. Michel Montecrossa focuses in his song on the Corona pandemic in a way that points beyond the present crisis toward the universal answer of World Union for tackling all global problems of planetary humanity in the form of the United States of Planet Earth.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“My New-Topical-Song ‘Corona & World Union’ is a song of care and hope giving the future answer that says: World Union of us all as United States of Planet Earth is what Corona teaches now to tackle the pandemic now.”

La toccante nuova canzone New-Topical in lingua tedesca “Corona & Weltvereinigung” (Corona e unione del mondo) di Michel Montecrossa e della sua band The Chosen Few viene pubblicata dalla Mira Sound Germany su CD audio, DVD e come download insieme a un libretto con i testi delle canzoni in inglese, italiano e tedesco per trasmettere un messaggio di speranza e di conforto a tutto il mondo. Nella sua canzone Michel Montecrossa si concentra sulla pandemia del Coronavirus con un approccio che mira oltre la crisi attuale ad una risposta universale dettata dall’Unione Mondiale per affrontare tutti i problemi globali dell’umanità planetaria sotto forma degli Stati Uniti del Pianeta Terra.

Dice Michel Montecrossa:
“La mia canzone New-Topical ‘CORONA E UNIONE DEL MONDO’ è una canzone di cura e speranza che dà la risposta futura secondo la quale: L’unione del mondo fra tutti noi come Stati Uniti del Pianeta Terra è ciò che il Coronavirus ci insegna per affrontare la pandemia ora.”

“Corona Und Weltvereinigung” / heißt das Lied, das ich singen will. / “Corona Und Weltvereinigung” / in den leeren Straßen.
In den stillen Hallen, / in dem verlassenen Park, / an allen Plätzen, wo einst / die Menschenseele erklang.
Weltvereinigung von uns allen / als Vereinigte Staaten des Planeten Erde / ist es, was uns Corona lehrt / um jetzt die Pandemie zu bewältigen.
Alle Nationen sehen ihre Geliebten sterben. / Ich senke meinen Kopf und weine. / Geeintsein oder jeder für sich selbst? / Der Zukunfts-Schock kommt aus der Hölle.
Aber es gibt die rettende Gnade. / Sie heilt mit zärtlicher Liebe / und der Atmosphäre des Friedens / und dem Wunder des Zusammenhalts.
Mach das Beste, das du kannst / und schließ dich an dem Spirit des Geeintseins an. / Höre auf die Stimme der Liebe, die rettet.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

“Corona And World Union” / is the song I’m gonna sing. / “Corona And World Union” / in the empty streets.
In the silent halls, / in the vacant park, / in all the places where once / the human soul was heard.
World Union of us all / as United States of Planet Earth / is what Corona teaches now / to tackle the pandemic now.
All nations see their loved ones die. / I bow down my head and cry. / Union or every one for himself? / Future shock is coming from hell.
But there is the Saving Grace. / It is healing with tender Love / and the atmosphere of peace / and the wonder of holding together.
Do the best you can / and join the spirit of oneness. / Listen to the voice / of the Love that saves.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

“Corona e unione del mondo” / è la canzone che canterò. / “Corona e unione del mondo” / nelle vuote strade.
Nelle silenziose sale, / nel parco abbandonato, / in tutti i luoghi dove una volta / si udiva l’anima umana.
L’unione del mondo fra tutti noi / come Stati Uniti del Pianeta Terra / è ciò che il Coronavirus ci insegna / per affrontare la pandemia ora.
Tutte le nazioni vedono morire i loro cari, / io chino il capo e piango. / Unione o ognuno per se stesso? / Lo shock del futuro giunge dall’inferno.
Ma esiste la grazia salvatrice. / Grazia che guarisce con tenero amore, / con atmosfera di pace / e con il miracolo di restare uniti.
Fai del tuo meglio / e unisciti allo spirito di unione. / Ascolta la voce dell’amore che salva.
Testi e musica: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'