9th November 2018
20:00 – 22:00
in the Filmaur Multimedia Haus
Danziger Str. 1
82131 Gauting (near Munich)
Tel ++49-89-850 8555
‘Wild Cyberrock Meets Orgastica-DJ & Cyberpoetry’ Concert by Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali live at the Filmaur Multimedia House in Gauting near Munich, Germany on 9th November 2018 from 20:00 till 22:00 presents Michel Montecrossa’s wild power of Cyberrock Songs and Mirakali’s exciting Orgastica-DJ Instrumentals together with the recitations of her Zen-Style Cyberpoems. The setlist includes hits like ‘Ridin’ Wild – Naked And In Leather’, ‘The Man’, ‘Rockin’ Woman’, ‘Keep On Lovin”, ‘Lustomania’, ‘Don’t Drink Alone’ and dancefloor Orgastica-DJ burners like ‘Promise’, ‘Flight Into The Light’ and many more.
Michel Montecrossa says about the ‘Wild Cyberrock Meets Orgastica-DJ & Cyberpoetry’ Concert:
“The ‘Wild Cyberrock Meets Orgastica-DJ & Cyberpoetry’ Concert is the wild fusion experience of sensuality with virtuality, music with reality and cyberspace with every nerve and cell of our body ecstasy.”