I deliver in a world
that don’t deliver.
Yes, I deliver in a world
that delivers no more.
I deliver in a world
where too many drink their blood
and no bliss at all.
Too many are drunk
with their tears a-falling.
Yes, too many are drowning
in their tears that don’t deliver.
But I deliver all you need to speak
about your life’s dreams
and your soul.
I believe in a world
that is real.
Yes, I believe in a world
that is there for real.
I believe in a world
I can bring and live,
a world of bliss and love.
Too many are depressive,
are in love with illusions,
are selling them as truths,
truths that don’t deliver,
truths that can kill,
aren’t greater than reality
and can not stand for you.
For you I am the world that is real.
Yes, for you I am the world that’s for real.
I am for you the world you can find and live,
the world of love and bliss.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany