The shadows are fading, the mornin’ is red.
The shadows are hidin’, daylight spreads.
The world is in awe, the kings show respect.
The world is free when heroes come back.
Heroglory, sunborn might.
Heroglory, victorious light.
Heroglory, Herostory.
Heroglory, end of worry.
The land is a-chantin’ wide in front of my eyes
that have seen the dangers, have seen the lies.
The land is sweet with honey and drinks love’s wine.
The girls are precious with beauty divine.
Heroglory, sunborn might.
Heroglory, victorious light.
Heroglory and the woman strong.
Heroglory and the mighty song.
When battlefields are silent and the winter is gone,
I’m on the way to your lovefields, I’m a-comin’ home.
I’m flyin’ through time, carried by the wind
of eternity’s breath, on peaceful wings.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany