She’s talkin’ Burmese language,
how to ask her a question?
Time to translate in real time.
What might be her profession?
She’s a cool motion picture, the bestselling type,
the author of another life,
wonderful and selfenhancin’.
No use askin’ technical questions.
Ask the girl about herself.
She’s educated and therefore persecuted.
Dictators always live in paranoia.
She works in every way.
Surprising, clever, smarter.
She’s just about the best,
exceeds her high standards.
Double-checkin’ before downloadin’
and then hittin’ on solution.
Between NSA black suits
she’s welcomin’ any intrusion.
She’s a thriller alive.
Nobody is like her.
She’s the girl I want to embrace.
She’s cool under pressure.
You have to conquer the threat
or the threat will conquer you.
They started away smoothly
and the rest was techno pure.
She is wish fulfillment.
She is fresh as ever,
knows the mind of criminals.
She’s faster than a 78.
In trouble every second counts.
Get the dongle into her PC.
She doesn’t want the job,
just wants to remove tension.
She’s a terrific lover,
has a unique style of life,
knows how people really feel.
Her affairs ring authentic.
She met them with a drawn pistol.
Pantomime is the better English.
“Well”, she said, lettin’ the door bang.
Talk to her or something before it’s too late.
Master of the scene she’s supremely high-heat.
Hard-action violence she is
and she makes you listen.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany