
„My New-Topical-Song-Movement is there to bring to the people the songs that inspire and to bring them fast. To make Downloads, CDs and DVDs, songbooks, programs, songsheets, concerts.
To distribute the songs globally via internet, shops, radio & TV and get the messages discussed and cited in newspapers, magazines, talk shows, social networks and gatherings.
The New-Topical-Songs are songs for the people and a world where we all vote, eat, work, talk, plan, think and love together so that your people will know my people and we don’t lose the peace and the world along with it.”
-Michel Montecrossa

Michel Montecrossa is an attentive observer of reality and misses no opportunity to let his songs voice the painful problems that disturb the well-being of our planet.
– Gianni Mongrandi in the E-Zine ‘Daring To Do’

‘It’s The Ball’ – Michel Montecrossa’s Topical-Sportsmanship Song & Movie for UEFA Euro 2012

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‘It’s The Ball’ – Michel Montecrossa’s Topical-Sportsmanship Song & Movie for UEFA Euro 2012, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-single and DVD dedicated to the spirit of true sportsmanship

Michel Montecrossa says:
“My Topical-Sportsmanship Song & Movie ‘It’s The Ball’ is dedicated to the true spirit of sport and the joy behind its ideals of fairness, friendship and solidarity.”

It’s The Ball (UEFA Euro 2012 Song)
There’s a boy and there’s a girl. / They are born to be great. / They feel the power, they hear the call, / they have the will and the strength to move on.
Chorus: It’s the ball! It’s the ball!
Further and further towards the goal / of winning the prize and winning it all. / Training and endurance and team-spirit feel / bring them together, give the energy real,
Chorus: It’s the ball! It’s the ball!
The discipline and joy of a fit body, / rapid action leading to big success, / the sporting spirit and good humor, / self-control, fair play and friendliness, / the loyal acceptance of decisions.
Chorus: It’s the ball! It’s the ball!
There’s the boy and there’s the girl, / they act together, master of team-work skill. / It’s the ball! It’s the ball! / They never miss it, they are the wonderful! / It’s the ball! It’s the ball! / They always get it and they hit the goal!
Chorus: It’s the ball! It’s the ball!
Lyrics, Music & Movie: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

EM-Song 2012 – Michel Montecrossa It’s the ball
Ein EM-Song 2012 von Michel Montecrossa. Der EM-Song 2012 heißt It’s the ball und wird von einem Video begleitet, das in einem Comic-Stil den Text des EM-Songs 2012 veranschaulicht. DerEM-Song 2012 ist laut Michel Montecrossa ein Song, der dem wahren Sportsgeist gewidmet ist. Ob Mädchen oder Junge, beim Fußball zeigen sie ihr Bestes und sind für etwas Großes bestimmt.
Der EM-Song 2012 It’s the ball soll die Freude und den Spaß vermitteln, den der Sport Fußball mit sich bringt. So widmet Michel Montecrossa den EM-Song 2012 dem “spirit of true sportsmanship”. Mit einem relativ simplen Text kann der EM-Song 2012 It’s the ball vonMontecrossa zum Mitsingen verleiten und ist auch für Kinder, besonders wegen dem Video, ansprechend.

Want to know more? Click here.'

A Song – Michel Montecrossa’s Evolver-Song & Movie appealing to The Conscience Of The Leaders Of Iran, Russia, Israel and America not to lose sight of the people

A Song‘ – Michel Montecrossa’s Topical-Evolver-Song & Movie (from his Slam Poetry Earth and Peace Musical ‘The Invisible Wall), released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-single and DVD, is a passionately non-propagandistic appeal to the conscience of the leaders of Iran, Russia, Israel and America not to lose sight of the people and not to send millions and billions of children, mothers and fathers to death.

Michel Montecrossa about ‘A Song’ from his Slam Poetry Earth and Peace Musical ‘The Invisible Wall’:
“There are millions and billions of children, mothers and fathers living on planet earth. They don’t need wars to prove something and they don’t need politos who don’t know how to live properly and are badly in need of a conscience.
‘A Song’ is a passionately non-propagandistic appeal to the conscience of the leaders of Iran, Russia, Israel and America not to lose sight of the people and not to send millions and billions of children, mothers and fathers to death.
‘A Song’ sees the world as the world of the people who know how to live and not as the world of a few dangerously old politos who are out of touch with reality.”

See here the trailer: ‘The Invisible Wall

A song can be the conscience of the world. / A song can be like love always on the verge, / the animal within and the day after, / the slave and the king, / the viper and the master. / A song can be the blood in your heart. / A song can be the light, can be the dark.
A song can be the bleeding of the wrong. / A song can be the wound, the rose and the thorn, / the stripper on the table and moment on the mount, / the unexpected gesture when dawn drops her gown. / A song can be the blood in your heart. / A song can be the light, can be the dark.
A song can be the blonde, wanting more. / A song can be the impossible, the possibly more. / A song can be the young star, the power of a girl turned on. / A song can be like oil on the skin, under the sun. / A song can be the blood in your heart. / A song can be the light, can be the dark.
Evil needs no intro, wants to come direct. / Shaven and wet, naked with you in bed, / the truth can be as dirty, is making big effect. / My song is for the lawless, for the good and the bad. / A song can be the blood in your heart. / A song can be the light, can be the dark.
A song can be the fantasy of the main thing, / can be the almost virgin, can be the young that wins. / Can be the cheap search well below twenty, / can be the online honey wanting to make money. / A song can be the blood in your heart. / A song can be the light, can be the dark.
There are wonders of ambition / and there’s talkin’ about weather. / A song has eyes and more, knows that love is better. / There are the good girls for the hot and big. / My song sometimes even sings ‘bout politics. / A song can be the blood in your heart. / A song can be the light, can be the dark.
Horny for the best thing? My song will pull it out. / My song is she-adventure cryin’ out. / My song is the thing ‘bout secrets all around. / My song is like a dream, real and unbound. / A song can be the blood in your heart. / A song can be the light, can be the dark.
Life is the song of ultimate surrender, the extreme, / ecstatic female wonder. / Male is the young, the optimistic hunger. / Idiotic terms can’t oppose lightning thunder.
We will meet somewhere in the silent night. / It’s the early hour. / I know that you are right. / I meet you with a song that caresses the earth. / It will last longer than a million births. / A song can be the blood in your heart. / A song can be the light, can be the dark.
A song can be the conscience of the one. / A song can be like love always strong, / the angel within and the time after, / the queen and the king, the riddle and the answer.
A song is like the blood in your heart. / A song can be the light in the dark.
Lyrics, Music & Movie: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

Russia and America Rock: Michel Montecrossa’s Evolver-Song & Movie dedicated to Russia and America and their hot spots Iran and Syria on Audio-Single and DVD

Russia And America Rock‘: Michel Montecrossa’s Evolver-Song & Movie (from the Reality Rocker movie series Part One ‘New Day’), released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-single and DVD, is dedicated to Russia and America and their hot spots Iran and Syria.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“The ‘Russia and America Rock’ is a New-Topical-Evolver-Song dedicated to the global conflict players Russia and America and their hot spots Iran and Syria for obvious reasons: We need a new direction for a new day where superpowers lead the family of nations to world unity and not into conflicts.
We are humans and it’s up to us to create the human world we want to live in. It is simple: a world of love, warmth and happiness or a world of brutality, torture and suffering. It’s up to us.”

See here the trailer: Reality Rocker I-VI

Hey, Russia! Proud of what? / Hey, Russia! Show what you can!
Hey, America! Proud of what? / Hey, America! Show what you can!
Yeah, it’s high time to bring this mess, / this mess to an end! / Hey, Russia!
Hey, America! / Show what you can!
Hey, Russia! You’re on the way! / Hey, Russia! Don’t lose your way!
Hey, America! You’re on the way! / Hey, America! Don’t lose your way!
I’m sure your people are near / to a final end of war and hate / and petty arguments.
Hey, leaders of Russia! / Hey, leaders of America!
Don’t sell out our hopes! / Don’t sell out our souls!
The time is now to take a big step / towards Union of all the nations of the world.
Hey, Russia! Proud of what? / Hey, Russia! Show what you can!
Hey, America! Proud of what? / Hey, America! Show what you can!
Yeah, it’s high time to bring this mess, / this mess to an end! / Hey, Russia!
Hey, America! / Show what you can!
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

Talking Banking Solution (The Evolver Song): Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD stimulated by World Economic Forum, Occupy & the People

Talking Banking Solution‘ (The Evolver Song), released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song singing ‘capitalism has to change’ and is stimulated by World Economic Forum, Occupy & the People.

Michel Montecrossa says about Talking Banking Solution (The Evolver Song):
“Talking Banking Solution (The Evolver Song) is singing about capitalism that has to change and is singing that true banking is no myth and is singing that the solution is Real Value Banking which is not destroying business and nations through rising interest rates in times of crises.
This song is linked to what I told the Greek magazine ITHAQUE.GR during an interview: We all need a fundamental change of the world’s financial system, including full debt relief for all EU countries, controlled change from speculator banking to Real Value Banking, a stabilizing Euro reform that makes the Euro the currency of the United States of Europe and all that followed by a fresh, unburdened start of the working hand free for future building.
There is a Big Consciousness working behind the tough appearances for the True, the Right and the Vast. It is also working in us. Let’s be open to it with hope and courage and a better future will come.”

Listen all ye people all over the world: / The songs of hope I bring, they are Evolver Songs. / They are about solutions for fixing all that’s wrong. / Talking banking solution – here it comes!
The outer must feedback with the inner, I say, / and the inner must be free to see the great / that has the power to bring the big change / into the outer as a consciousness gain.
Consciousness is there everywhere, / is there in our seeing and feeling and loving, / is there in our sense of unity action, / is there in our will for the true and right direction.
It brings the solution for the banking disaster, / is a shift to Real Value Banking that masters / greed-dominated speculator shit / through equal sharing of profit and risk,
by investing only in real work and production, / by earning according to high or low profit / and not through interest rates that rise when deals go down, / killing products and jobs and lives of the young.
The only real value is the working hand. / Real Value Banking is earning less in less good days / and is earning well in bright, good days. / Through fairness it is saving working hands and happy days.
Listen all ye people all over the world: / The songs of hope I bring, they are Evolver Songs. / They are about solutions for fixing all that’s wrong. / They are for the bold and strong.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talkin’ Piraten Marina Weisband’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single und DVD über Veränderung des Polito Stils und für eine Zukunft mit Hoffnung

Talkin’ Piraten Marina Weisband‘, veröffentlicht von Mira Sound Germany als Audio Single und DVD, ist Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song über Veränderung des Polito Stils, eine Zukunft mit Hoffnung und den Sieg des gesunden Menschenverstands.

Michel Montecrossa sagt:
“Marina Weisband von der Piratenpartei gehört zu den jungen Hoffnungsträger Frauen wie Camila Vallejo in Chile oder Aljona Arschinowa in Russland, die unter schwierigen Bedingungen eine Veränderung des Polito Stils wollen, weg von Korruption, Charakterschwäche, Betrug und Lügen. Wir brauchen eine Zukunft, in der Politos wieder für das Wohl aller Menschen arbeiten und nicht nur Handlanger für Banka-Gangstas sind. Wir brauchen neue Werte für eine Jugend mit Zukunft und ein lebenswürdiges Leben mit echter Hoffnung. Daran erinnert mein Song für Piraten Marina Weisband, der ich von Herzen alles Gute wünsche.”

Marina Weisband ist schön und gebildet. / Jung ist sie, nicht gefährlich wie die starren Alten. / Kunst und Wissen ist ihr Ding, hält Piraten zusammen, / ist Staatsfrau von Morgen und keine Polito-Korrupto.
Marina Weisband ist West-Kraft aus dem Osten, / gesunder Menschenverstand ist sie: für alle zum Besten. / Geht mit Amelie und Tolstoi in die Lebenserlebnisse, / wo Da-Sein besser ist als Hirnkrampf-Programme.
Marina Weisband ist für die junge Zukunft, / ist für Bildung und ist für Weltfrieden, / führt die Polito-Piraten-Geschäfte, / will den Wandel des Stils der Politos.
Marina Weisband will freie Bürger, / selbstwirksam und verantwortungsstark. / Sie trinkt Kaffee mit vier Stück Süßstoff / und mag, so wie ich, Kunst und Schauspiel / und Seelenkunde.
Text und Musik: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking Sanctions’ (On Iranian Oil Import): Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD about EU sanctions and bad foreign policy

Talking Sanctions‘ (On Iranian Oil Import), released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song about EU sanctions on Iranian oil import and the dangers of bad foreign policy for the European people.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking Sanctions’ (On Iranian Oil Import):
“EU-sanctions on Iranian oil import are no good foreign policy. They boost division, non-communication and the danger of drifting into big war. The people of Europe and everywhere don’t need that. They need true statesmen and true stateswomen with wisdom, capable of a mature foreign policy that secures lasting peace through cultural openness, respect, positive communication and flourishing trade among the nations for the happiness and welfare of all people.
The EU must be a good player in the concert of Eurasia and should not create rising tensions between Europe on one side and Russia, Iran, China, India and other countries on the other side. Such a policy is against the good of the people, against the future of us all and therefore should not be pursued.”

Sanctions are no foreign policy, / they are the absence of common sense. / True foreign policy worthy the name / is the one of culture and trade agreements.
Sanctions are the way to build up aggression. / Aggression, as you all know, is the way to war. / Sanctions on Iranian oil import / is not good for the unity of us all.
The earth needs unity and not conflicts. / Unity comes through goodwill and respect, / makes different systems work together / and different minds open to each other.
Europe and Iran must find together / on the way to a united world of peace / and of progress for the good of all people. / Foreign policy maker we need worthy the name.
Sanctions are no foreign policy, / they are the absence of common sense. / Listenin‘ and talkin‘ true is good, / leads to action that will help the people.
People everywhere want to live happy / through peace and jobs and good money, / through health care and education / for the loved ones, / through loyalty and good human values, / through living unity of all nations on earth, / knowing that sanctions will only drive us crazy.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Intensivstörung’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD stimulated by Wulff, Guttenberg, Ackermann & Co.

Intensivstörung‘, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song about polito-banka-media non-culture.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Intensivstörung’:
“‘Intensivstörung’ is a Deutsch-Topical-Song about polito-banka-media non-culture, stimulated by Wulff, Guttenberg, Ackermann & Co.”
“Intensivstörung ist ein Deusch-Topical-Song über Polito-Bänka-Medien un-Kultur, angeregt durch Wulff, Guttenberg, Ackermann & Co.”

Die Medien verbreiten Lügen, / die Regierung stinkt und / die Geld Philosophie ist Scheiße. / Intensivstörung macht sich breit.
Die Leute kommunizieren massenhaft, / Politos und Bankas haben Angst, / wollen das Internet kappen. / Intensivstörung macht uns krank.
Die Medien verbreiten Lügen, / die Regierung stinkt und / die Geld Philosophie ist Scheiße. / Intensivstörung wird von Bank und Staat / in unser Leben gebracht.
Wenn die Menschen zusammenkommen, / geeint sind und im Echten stark, / dann ist die Stunde gekommen und / Intensivstörung haut einfach ab.
Die einfachen Dinge sind einfach, / sind grenzenlos und wahr. / Liebe ist die Wahrheit, ist wunderbar. / Intensivstörung endet, wenn der Mensch erwacht.
Music & Lyrics: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking European Crisis’ (Bankas and Politos Fight the big war): Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD dedicated to the people of the European Union

Talking European Crisis (Bankas and Politos fight the big war)’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song dedicated to liberating the European Union from ruthless polito-corruptos and banka-gangstas for the good of a prospering European Union of all the people.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking European Crisis’:
“There is no European or any other crisis if we expand our consciousness. The banka and polito world is only a narrow minded hypnotism to make people think like bureaucrats, functionaries, managers and unquestioning system slaves.
Activate your brain, leave the unreal system hypnotism and be powerfully free in the real world of love and unity.
Then you can make true everything that’s good for all and the harmful power and greed obsessions of mad bankas and politos will simply evaporate.”

Bankas and politos fight the big war. / It’s not the war on terror but the war on us all. / Banka-polito world, I say, is not human, / is a greed and software based world of cruel oppression, / is a world of cheap labour and sell-out slavery.
Genocide and torture are the end of the road / that begins with austerity and big bail out money / to make the rich richer and the less rich poor / and the poor poorer and void of liberty. / Be it Europe or the whole world: It’s the wrong road.
Bankas and politos fight the big war. / Bankas are united in their global greed system / and can be active everywhere. / Politos have big weapons but are limited to nations. / That’s why politos lose their battles with the bankas / and we, the people, are cheated by both of them.
But our future is strong with the young dream, / is a love based world of total liberty, / is a world that cares for all humanity. / The European crisis is no crisis at all / if we follow the true way, hear the unity call.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Let‘s Be Together And Care For Love’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD dedicated to Greece and its Future in the European Union

Let’s Be Together And Care For Love‘ released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song dedicated to Greece whose people are one of the first in Europe who became victims of ruthless banka-gangstas and polito-corruptos that want to exploit the European workers and tax-payers.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“‘Let‘s Be Together And Care For Love‘ is dedicated to Greece and its Future in the European Union. The people of Greece are one of the first in Europe who became victims of ruthless banka-gangstas and polito-corruptos wanting to exploit the European workers and tax-payers. The people of the European Union must stand together and care for each other. Together they can build a happy future free from tyranny of banka-gangstas and polito-corruptos.”

Let‘s be together and care for love. / Let‘s be together and care for life. / Let‘s be together, be together. / Let‘s be together and care for love.
Let‘s be together for the world. / Let‘s be together for the earth. / Let‘s be together, be together. / Let‘s be together and care for love.
Let‘s be together for the freedom. / Let‘s be together for the joy. / Let‘s be together, be together. / Let‘s be together and care for love.
Let‘s be together with our children. / Let‘s be together with old and young. / Let‘s be together, be together. / Let‘s be together and care for love.
Let‘s be together, let‘s be strong. / Let‘s be together for the fun. / Let‘s be together, be together. / Let‘s be together and care for love.
Let‘s be together and care for love. / Let‘s be together, together with all. / Let‘s be together, be together. / Let‘s be together and care for love.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking Selfish David From England (Is It David Cameron?): Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD dedicated to PM David Cameron

Talking Selfish David From England (Is It David Cameron?)‘, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song dedicated to PM David Cameron who has vetoed an EU-wide treaty change to tackle the eurozone crisis, making the mistake to separate and isolate England.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“Union is good for Europe and the world, Separation is bad. PM David Cameron has effectively vetoed an EU-wide treaty change to tackle the eurozone crisis, making the mistake to separate and isolate England. Is it David Cameron who will fix the mistake and join the union again?”

Come gather ‘round me people and listen to this song / ‘cause selfish David from England is missing the chance / of working for the people and not the banka-gang. / He is betrayin’ solidarity and European Unity, / helps to make the poor ever more poor.
Unity is needed and not division, / lookin’ beyond one’s nose and not treachery. / Selfish David from England is missing the chance / of ending secret banking that brings our nations down.
Selfish David from England is missing the chance / to stand for international cooperation. / Instead he’s performing ruthless calculation, / takes the easy money for the price of all.
Selfish David from England, / you don’t have to miss the chance / for showing that politics can do its job / of helping and protecting the people
by courageously applying fair bank regulation / and by joining the union again.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking Anna Hazare’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD dedicated to Anti-Corruption

Talking Anna Hazare‘, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song dedicated to the Anti-Corruption movement in India and the world

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking Anna Hazare’:
“Anna Hazare is speaking out in India against corruption and has become a symbol for the anti-corruption movement not only in India but all over the world. My song says that as long as humanity follows the inner urge to overcome the psychological weakness leading to corruption there is good hope for reaching a better ethics and consciousness making real the fact that truthfulness and not corruption leads to happiness.”

Anna Hazare is India’s voice / for freedom from corruption. / And ‘Talking Anna Hazare’ is my song / reminding that corruption is everywhere / ’cause it’s part of the human nature / that needs an upward change:
A change of ethics and consciousness / making people understand in their own way / that corruption is a harmful way of getting’ money, / of getting’ power and the magic of pleasures / and that it’s not part of nature’s game / to always stay at the lowest level.
Corruption won’t bring you friends or love, / corruption won’t bring you honor or trust, / corruption won’t bring you respect or success, / corruption won’t bring you acceptance or good luck… / No, it will only pull you down / into lonely depression and shame.
The strength of your own decision / to do what’s best for all / will give you the riches of happiness / coming from the hearts of all, / the loyalty and respect from everyone / loving an uncorrupted soul.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking Young Russia’s Aljona Arschinowa / Алена Аршинова’ Michel Montecrossa’s New Topical Song Audio Single and DVD about the question where young Russia will go

Talking Young Russia’s Aljona Arschinowa / Алена Аршинова‘ released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song about young Russia’s future in times of uprising, new outlooks and urgent drive for self-determination.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“‘Talking Young Russia’s Aljona Arschinowa’ is a song dedicated to young Russia eager for multiple new ways towards building its own future. Aljona follows one of the ways. She is captain of the ‘Young Guard’ and wants to stand for fresh blood, WLAN epidemic, modernization, free press and human rights.
The youth movement of Russia today is a strong diversity of directions heavily sweeping between idealism, uprising, protest, new thinking and fearful conformity to old power structures.
Where will young Russia go in times of uprising, new outlooks and urgent drive for self-determination? That’s the question behind this song.”

Talking young Russia‘s Aljona Arschinowa. / The party is changin‘ and the mood is good. / What are they doin‘ or want to prove? / I‘m a-talkin‘ young Russia‘s Aljona Arschinowa.
She has laughin‘ and stars in her face. / She likes Putin Superman and likes to feel great. / In Kolkovo you‘ll find Russia‘s Silicon Valley. / It‘s not like living in a poisoned town.
Aljona is dream-magic for the young Russians / while commodities make Russian export strong. / Singin‘ and dancin‘ won‘t hurt none. / With Aljona the party will go on.
Music she loves and yoga, studied sociology, / wrote articles and columns / and likes to dance herself free. / Best things, I tell you, go beyond all plans. / Wireless for all is not the only thing.
I‘m talkin‘ young Russia‘s Aljona Arschinowa. / Youth uprising is there, is adrenalin pure. / The party is changing into another mood. / Youth uprising, I tell you, / shows what you have to do.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking Germany, France and Europe’ Michel Montecrossa’s New Topical Song Audio Single and DVD about Eurozone default and Robin Hood time

Talking Germany, France and Europe‘ released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song about Eurozone default, Robin Hood time and change of power from politos to bankas.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking Germany, France and Europe’:
“The politos have lost the power to the bankas who now rip off every vulnerable nation. The politos are meant to help us, the people, and that’s why I tell every leader: It’s Robin Hood time!
The worldwide banka speculator crusade taking away the holy AAA grail from every surviving nation must be stopped.”

Angela now must show stateswomanship / and Nicolas must show statesmanship. / They must help the people ’cause that is their job. / Rating agencies now send Europe into default.
Angela and Nicolas must help to hold Europe together. / Well then, let’s tax the rich and bank transactions. / It’s the work force money, after all, that will then come back / in part again to the people, to the working hand.
Germany and France can bring real value banking / where sharing of risk replaces computerized greed. / It’s well beyond midnight and it’s no joke: / I say, vision  is needed and the open road.
Europe must unite beyond all selfish limits. / Europe and Russia must unite on the way to Eurasia. / Eurasia and America must unite on the way to world union. / Yeah man, let the people shake hands and let us work together.
Angela now must show stateswomanship / and Nicolas too must show statesmanship. / They must help the people, that’s their job. / Hearts are needed now to make wrong things stop.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Happy Future’ CD-Box with 4 Audio CDs and 2 DVDs and Song Lyrics Art Book

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‘Happy Future Climate Change Song Collection 2010’, released by Mira Sound Germany is the great New-Topical-Song 6 CD-Box (4 Audio-CDs and 2 DVDs) and Song Lyrics Art Book presenting all 59 greatest Hits from Michel Montecrossa’s ‘Happy Future Climate Change Tour 2010’.
Michel Montecrossa’s ‘Happy Future’ songs are a bold and encouraging expression of finding the deeper answers to the questions of humanity in a rapidly changing world.
The ‘Happy Future’ 6 CD-Box presents great Topical-Song-Audio-Tracks like ‘Happy Future’, ‘Relaxing Climate Girls’, ‘Cybergreen Breakthrough’, ‘You Are My Girl – You Are The One’, ‘Love & Listen’, ‘Cyberpunk #2’, ‘The Visionary Man’, ‘Hyperpunk’s Ballad In A Haunted Street’, ‘Cyberrocker Ballad’, ‘Talkin’ Future World’, ‘It’s The Ball’, ‘In The Street’, ‘The Story Of The Lightbulb’ and ‘The Rich And The Poor’.
The bonus DVDs in addition feature stunning live concert performances of touching songs like ‘Optimist’, ‘The Road Ahead’, ‘I Have A Vision’ and ‘I’m On My New Way’.
‘Happy Future’ is a superb masterpiece of song writing by Michel Montecrossa, one of the 21st century’s greatest musician-artist.
‘Happy Future’ unfolds its dedicated message of peace, love and happiness on 4 CDs and 2 DVDs as well as in an Art Book featuring 321 pages with 59 song lyrics, commentaries, images, concert poster art, discography and guitar chords.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“My songs are topical songs that want to stimulate your emotions and outlook on things. They take a stand for clear-sighted, positive action. They are songs for the living celebration of humanity.”

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‘Natural Queen’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD dedicated to all young mothers on earth and the triumph of life

Natural Queen‘: released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD is a New-Topical-Song from Michel Montecrossa’s Overground Musical ‘Living The Experience’ reminding us that life is the first and most precious flower of love.

The movie ‘Living The Experience’ can be ordered from

Michel Montecrossa says:
“‘Natural Queen’ is a Topical-Song from my Overground Musical ‘Living The Experience’, dedicated to all young mothers on earth and the triumph of life. Man is too much occupied with death, but woman brings life. ‘Natural Queen’ is a reminder that life is the first and most precious flower of love and that we are here to protect it and help it to grow.”

Come, all ye’ friends, do you know / what the future day is bringing? / A child will be born and you / will be my Natural Queen.
The stars and the moons / and the solar worlds / and the gods of the universe / will be near you / in the hour of the Lord, / in the hour when the new soul comes, / in the hour of your happy tears.
Did you hear, my friends, / did you hear the news? / Soon I will look into eyes / of the child born by you, my love, / you who are my Natural Queen.
May the winds and the rains / be gentle on that day, / may the fairies tell a good tale. / May the powers of Love / be gathered ‘round you / and protect your womb of man, / in that hour of your greatest belief.
Come, all my friends, come near to me, / let us be full of love / to the mother and her child, for the Lord, / for my Natural Queen.
Let us feel with her, / let us labor with her, / let us help her on the way. / Let us give her all the strength / of our hearts / in every moment of her day, / of her day of deepest fulfillment.
Let’s prepare, my friends, / with flowers and light / the coming of the Lord / in the sweetness of a little child / and the bliss of my Natural Queen.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Love Is Sweet, Love Is Cool’ Michel Montecrossa’s New Topical Song Audio Single and DVD dedicated to the ultimate goal of all uprisings

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Love Is Sweet, Love Is Cool‘ released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song dedicated to the ultimate goal of all uprisings.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Love Is Sweet, Love Is Cool’:
“Wisdom is reason, faith and instinct unified for the highest purpose, but love is its ultimate consummation.”

Love is sweet, love is cool, / she’s breakin’ all the rules. / She’s the only true and real / in man’s world of fantasies.
Love is sweet, love is cool / pushin’ through all the moods. / She’s the peace and the sea / redeeming man’s night of fear, / night of fear, night of fear.
Love is sweet, love is cool, / never building any wall. / She’s future and the sun / of kindness, bright and warm.
Love is sweet, love is cool / soothing pain and the tears. / She’s the power of growth / for man’s soul of hope, / soul of hope, soul of hope.
Love is sweet, love is cool / she’s winning without war. / She’s the wonder of becoming / in man’s heart of longing.
Love is sweet, love is cool, / she’s breakin’ all the rules. / She’s the only true and real / in man’s world of fantasies.
Love is sweet, love is cool / soothing pain and the tears. / She’s the power of growth / for man’s soul of hope, / soul of hope, soul of hope.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Occupy Wall Street – 17 New-Topical-Songs & Movies’ on Audio CD and DVD dedicated to the voice of the people of the world

‘Occupy Wall Street – 17 New-Topical-Songs & Movies’: released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio CD and DVD is Michel Montecrossa’s poignant song expression of the need, the anguish, the unrest and the hope of the people of the world. In his topical songs Michel Montecrossa not only confronts conflicts, controversial issues and grave problems but above all leads to solutions and hopeful answers.
The 17 ‘Occupy Wall Street’ topical songs are:
Talking Occupy Wall Street Movement‘, ‘Talking Italy, Portugal, Spain Austerity‘, ‘Talkin’ Chile‘s Camila Vallejo‘, ‘Young Million Rap‘, ‘Talkin‘ Battle For Libya – Talkin‘ Battle For The World‘, ‘Talkin‘ Norway, Syria And More‘, ‘Talkin‘ Somalia Famine‘, ‘Nameless Glory Reloaded‘, ‘My Heart Is Bleedin‘ (The Christchurch Song)‘, ‘Talking Lines Of Fire‘, ‘In The Street‘, ‘Talkin‘ End Of Terror – Talkin‘ End Of Bin Laden‘, ‘Germany Is Green For The Future Of Europe‘, ‘American Crossroads‘, ‘China Means Future‘, ‘The United States Of Planet Earth‘, ‘Let‘s Go Future!‘.

Michel Montecrossa about the 17 ‘Occupy Wall Street’ songs:
“The world is driftin’ apart. The distance between rich and poor is growing. Mad politos and mad bankas. From terror to nuclear war. And in the midst of all human and natural disasters something wonderful is happening. It is outside the limitations of mind and it is moving the soul of the people. A quantum leap of humanity, a marvel of evolution.
Things don’t fall apart. Finally we are set free and the prisons crumble.”

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‘Sahra Wagenknecht hat recht’ – Michel Montecrossa’s Deutsch-Topical-Song Audio-CD and Music Video für Beendigung des perversen Wahnsinnssystems der Polito-Bankas

Sahra Wagenknecht hat recht‘, veröffentlicht von Mira Sound Germany, ist Michel Montecrossa’s Deutsch-Topical-Song Audio-CD Single und Musik Video für Beendigung des perversen Wahnsinnssystems der Polito-Bankas.

Michel Montecrossa:
“Manche Politos und manche Bankas wissen ganz genau, dass sie uns, den Leuten, nicht helfen, sondern nur für sich selbst da sind und uns betrügen. Sahra Wagenknecht hat recht, wenn sie von einem ‘perversen Wahnsinnssystem‘ spricht.
Ich sage, dass es der Job der Politos und Bankas ist, für uns, die Leute, da zu sein. Es ist nicht ihr Job, die Welt zu ruinieren und dafür von uns auch noch Bezahlung zu verlangen.“

“Some politos and some bankas know very well that they are not helping us, the people, but are only helping themselves and are cheating us. Sahra Wagenknecht is right when she speaks of a ‘perverted madness-system’.
I say that it is the job of politos and bankas to be there for us, the people. It is not their job to ruin the world and to even demand from us payment for that.”

Sahra Wagenknecht hat recht, / Sahra Wagenknecht ist echt, / Sahra Wagenknecht ist korrekt. / Das Wahnsinnssystem der Banka-Zockerbuden / muss verschwinden, muss sich ändern. / Der Wert der Arbeit ist der wahre Wert, / denn der wahre Wert sind wir.
Die Bankas und Politos / wollen uns, den wahren Wert, / wollen uns zu Sklaven machen, / billig und gefügig, ohne viel zu denken / sollen wir für sie die ewigen Reichtümer sichern. / Nahrung wollen sie von uns, / Autos, Häuser und Vergnügen. / Alles sollen wir machen und sie tun nichts.
Sahra Wagenknecht hat recht, / Sahra Wagenknecht ist echt, / Sahra Wagenknecht ist korrekt.
Das Wahnsinnssystem der Polito-Zockerbuden / muss verschwinden, muss sich ändern. / Der wahre Wert der Arbeit ist der wahre Wert, / denn der wahre Wert sind wir.
Bankas und Politos / wollen unser Geld, / wollen uns am Boden halten. / Ihr Zynismus und ihr Lügen / sind grenzenlos und schlecht. / Es ist Zeit, alles zu verändern. / Leute, macht nicht länger mit! / Wir sind die Leute, unser eigenes Glück!
Sahra Wagenknecht hat recht, / Sahra Wagenknecht ist echt, / Sahra Wagenknecht ist korrekt. / Das Wahnsinnssystem der Polito-Banka-Gangstas / ist am Ende, doch der Anfang sind wir: / Wir sind der Wert der Arbeit, der wahre Wert, / ja, der wahre Wert sind wir.
Text und Musik: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Nameless Glory Reloaded’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD dedicated to the Syria, Yemen and all other anti-tyrant uprisings

Nameless Glory Reloaded‘ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD released by Mira Sound Germany is dedicated to the Syria, Yemen and all other anti-tyrant uprisings

Michel Montecrossa says:
“’Nameless Glory Reloaded’ is a New-Topical-Song Movie dedicated to the Syria, Yemen and all other anti-tyrant uprisings.
When will tyrants understand that it is time to stop and make place for change?
We live in a time of great tension between hopes and realities. But the hopeful future is bound to come and those who gave their life for this better future to be born will be the real heroes of the people all over the world.”

But, really, god is too old a name. / “It is the nameless glory and there is / consciousness and bliss”, she said / and all reflections of her flame-born self / told of mighty hours in our room of change.
I said: “Nobody is a liar.” And I asked: / “is there anybody true?” She said: “Nobody is a liar. / If not so, please, do tell me the truth.” / As a wind wrestling through some leaves of autumn she came by. / There was no chance again to stay where all times stage their play.
What is it that made us think of man and golden tunes? / Is there something true or real to believe in? / In all this light there was no reason anymore to see anything like that. / And what we are we even were before time had a say.
They all seemed to be thinkin’ and seemed to be so precise. / They all seemed to be ugly and to be full of pride. / “No more lyin’, no more pain”,
was written in all the games of consciousness bold / and of doubts somewhere in creature’s cold.
And then it was a golden journey, / wider than all this universe. / It was time to plug into this starship again / and to take off from a world so strange
and to find the ocean and the aim.
Freedom of information is the open road / to the true self of humanity, / the power of human genius / and the destiny of human life.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany


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‘Talking Italy, Portugal, Spain Austerity’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD for 15 October 2011 Global Mass Protests

Talking Italy, Portugal, Spain Austerity’: released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song dedicated to the Global Mass Protests of 15 October 2011 for change in finance and politics.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“The song ‘Talking Italy, Portugal, Spain Austerity’ is dedicated to the Global Mass Protests of 15 October 2011, the day of Global Revolution for change in finance and politics.
‘Austerity’, ‘Downgrading’, ‘Bail Out’ are slogans used by bankas and politos to hide the simple trick of taking away the people’s tax money and giving it to the banks and the rich so that the 99% get poorer and the 1% gets richer.
Italy, Portugal, Spain, Greece and always more countries are threatened by this wrong banka and polito action.”

Now they drive us down the road of pain, / the people of Italy, Portugal, Spain. / Just as they do it with the people of Greece / they downgrade us to favor the rich.
A war rages between politos and bankas / for power over us, the people. / The bankas now win almost every day / and drive us down the poverty way.
People wake up! People stand up! / The people know what the people need! / The people can set the people free! / The people, you know, the people are we!
Banka speculators want our tax money / to become bail out funds for them, / want control over us, the only real value, / by turning us into cheap and mindless slaves.
Politos are there to help the people, / not to join the banka-gansta-gang. / Politos must change the financial game, / put right what went wrong for a happy end.
People wake up! People stand up! / The people know what the people need! / The people can set the people free! / The people, you know, the people are we!
People wake up! People stand up! / The people know what the people need! / The people can set the people free! / The people, you know, the people are we!
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

Ora ci guidano lungo la strada del dolore / la gente di Italia, Portogallo, Spagna. / Così come lo hanno fatto con la gente della Grecia / ci sono downgrade a favore dei ricchi.
Una guerra infuria tra politos e bankas / per il potere su di noi, il popolo. / I bankas ora vincono quasi tutti i giorni / e ci spingono giù sulla via della povertà.
Gente svegliatevi! Gente alzatevi! / La gente sa quello che la gente ha bisogno! / La gente può liberare la gente! / La gente, si sa, la gente siamo noi!
Speculatori bancari vogliono le nostre tasse / per avere i fondi salvataggio per loro, / vogliono il controllo su di noi, l’unico valore reale / facendoci diventare schiavi a buon mercato e senza cervello.
Politos sono lì per aiutare il popolo / per non aderire alla banka-gangsta-gang. / politos devono cambiare il gioco finanziario / rimediare cosa è andato storto per un lieto fine.
Gente svegliatevi! Gente alzatevi! / La gente sa quello che la gente ha bisogno! / La gente può liberare la gente! / La gente, si sa, la gente siamo noi!
Gente svegliatevi! Gente alzatevi! / La gente sa quello che la gente ha bisogno! / La gente può liberare la gente! / La gente, si sa, la gente siamo noi!

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