‘Free – Frei!’ Michel Montecrossa’s New Topical, Cyberrock & Orgastica-DJ Geburtstagskonzert im Filmaur Multimedia Haus in Gauting bei München am 28. Oktober 2017

Free - Frei! Konzert

28. Oktober 2017
21:00 – 22:30
im Filmaur Multimedia Haus
Danziger Str. 1
82131 Gauting (bei München)
Tel ++49-89-850 8555

‘Free – Frei!’ Michel Montecrossa’s New Topical, Cyberrock & Orgastica-DJ Geburtstagskonzert gemeinsam mit Mirakali und seiner Band The Chosen Few im Filmaur Multimedia Haus in Gauting bei München am 28. Oktober 2017 von 21:00 bis 22:30 Uhr.

Vor dem Konzert findet ab 20 Uhr die Präsentation der neuesten CDs, DVDs und Bücher von Michel Montecrossa statt. Highlights sind die Cyberschlager Audio-CD ‘An Deiner Seite Glücklich – At Your Side Happy’ mit 20 deutsch-englischen Cyberschlager Hit Songs, die Audio-CD des Michel & Bob Dylan Fest 2017 mit dem Titel ‘Long And Wasted Years’, die Audio-CD des Michel Montecrossa New Topical & Orgastica-DJ Konzerts ‘Das Leben Singt Mit Freude Und Liebe’, die New-Topical Song & Movie Collection mit dem Titel ‘Top Topical Part Six’, die 17 New-Topical-Songs & Movies auf Audio-CD und DVD präsentiert sowie das ‘Love, Peace & Happiness’ Song Lyrics Buch der Climate Change Concert Tour 2015. Zu dem ‘Love, Peace & Happiness’ Song Lyrics Buch gehört die ‘Love, Peace & Happiness’ Song Collection 6 Audio-CD Box mit 60 Michel Montecrossa New-Topical-Songs.

Ebenfalls vor dem Konzert kann man die LOOKING FORWARD Ausstellung mit 184 neuen Michel Montecrossa Gemälden und Zeichnungen sehen.

Michel Montecrossa sagt über sein ‘Free – Frei!’ Geburtstagskonzert:
“Ich lade alle Freunde zu meinem New Topical, Cyberrock & Orgastica-DJ Geburtstagskonzert ein, das ich gemeinsam mit Mirakali und The Chosen Few im Filmaur Multimedia Haus in Gauting bei München spiele. Bei dieser Gelegenheit präsentiere ich auch meine neuen Audio-CD, DVD und Buchveröffentlichungen. Seid alle herzlich willkommen!”

Michel Montecrossa says about his ‘Free – Frei!’ Birthday Concert:
“I invite all friends to my New Topical, Cyberrock & Orgastica-DJ Birthday Concert which I perform together with Mirakali and The Chosen Few at the Filmaur Multimedia Haus in Gauting near Munich. On this occasion I also present my new Audio-CD and DVD as well as book releases. Welcome to everybody!”

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking New German Government’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD apropos the Future of Germany

Talking New German Government
“Talking New German Government” Talking New German Government Michel Montecrossa
Audio Player
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‘Talking New German Government’, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD apropos the Future of Germany. It is a strong statement by Michel Montecrossa about what Germany could do and be in the world of today and tomorrow. His song is a reality reflection coming straight to the point of what German people are worried about, touching the hot spots of a two-class society, loss of savings, high living cost, war industry, substandard wages, education, future of the young and existential fears. Michel Montecrossa looks at all these burning questions and shows the solution in a vast and liberal way.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“Let’s hope that Germany fulfills its true meaning in the world.”

What will the new German government do? / Will it rise taxes to make the less rich more poor? / Will it increase living cost to send the people into poverty? / Will it create the armies of modern day slaves, / forced to work for a crumb of bread? / What will the new German government do?
What will the new German government do? / Will it follow the old Banka Gangsta rules? / Will it help to take away the peoples’s piggy bank? / Will it help to increase interest for loans? / What will the new German government do?
What the new German government must do / is to decrease the living cost for everything and all / to create wages that can compete with the wages of the world / so that production cost falls and living standard rises. / That’s what the new German government must do.
And what more must the new German government do? / To stand for Peace and Space Age and not war industry, / To stand for the Ideal of Human Unity / by helping to create the United States of Planet Earth. / That’s what the new German government must do.
And that’s what the new German government must understand: / Equal wages in the whole world create jobs for all. / Space Age industry instead of war field industry / brings Peace and Progress for happy families / and the building of the United States of Planet Earth.
And real value banking based on real work and product / will end the evil circle of crime and poverty. / Education must be wide and free to bring the end of slavery / and to lead the young into a lasting world of peace. / That’s what a new German government must see.
I’m the singing newsman and spokesman for the people / and the people want to have in a civilized way / safe access to food, water, sleep and sex / and for that any government must do the right thing / and the right thing is a True and Vast Intelligence.
That’s what the new German government must achieve: / Intelligence that leads to Love and Harmony, / Intelligence that leads to Respect and Loyalty, / Intelligence that cares for the People’s Need. / Soul-Intelligence is what the new German government will need.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Angela Must Act Now – Angela Muss Jetzt Handeln!’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song For A Strong German Future

Angela Must Act Now - Angela Muss Jetzt Handeln!
“Angela Must Act Now - Angela Muss Jetzt Handeln!” Michel Montecrossa
Audio Player
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‘Angela Must Act Now – Angela Muss Jetzt Handeln!’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song For A Strong German Future and a call to Angela Merkel to earn Karma Points.

Michel Montecrossa about the New-Topical-Song ‘Angela Must Act Now – Angela Muss Jetzt Handeln!’:
“Es ist ein Song, der sagt: ‘Lass die Haare wehen!’ It is a song that says: ‘Get the lead out!'”

Angela must act now: / must take the lead for European Unity, / must bring Turkey into the E.U., / must end Russia sanctions,
must join the E.U. with Eurasia, / must stand for and effectively build / the great E.U. and Eurasia Free-Trade-Continent / together with China, Russia, India and all nations,
to end NATO conflicts, / to solve the Ukraine problem, / to solve the Islamic riddle, / to activate the Transatlantic Free-Trade
with South America, Canada and the U.S.A. / and make superfluous Brexit and disunity. / “Angela must act now – Angela muss jetzt handeln!” / “Angela must act now – Angela muss jetzt handeln!”
Angela muss jetzt handeln: / muss Führung zeigen für Europäische Einheit, / muss die Türkei in die E.U. bringen, / muss Russland Sanktionen beenden,
muss die E.U. verbinden mit Eurasien, / muss zielstrebig und effektiv aufbauen / den großen E.U. und Eurasien Freihandels-Kontinent / zusammen mit China, Russland, Indien und allen Staaten,
um zu beenden NATO Konflikte, / um zu lösen das Ukraine Problem, / um zu lösen das islamische Rätsel, / um mit Südamerika, Kanada und den U.S.A.
den Transatlantik-Freihandel zu aktivieren, / überflüssig machend Brexit und Uneinigkeit. / “Angela must act now – Angela muss jetzt handeln!” / “Angela must act now – Angela muss jetzt handeln!”
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Sendlinger Haferlschuh 2017 Song Contest’ Michel Montecrossa’s Friedens-Besinnung New-Topical-Song Konzert am 17. Oktober 2017 auf der Friedensbühne Song Parnass bei Ars Musica im Stemmerhof, Plinganserstr.6, 81369 München ab 20:00 Uhr

Sendlinger Haferlschuh 2017 Song Contest

Michel Montecrossa mit seiner Gitarre und Friedens-Besinnung New Topical-Songs beim ‘Sendlinger Haferlschuh 2017 Song Contest’ auf der Friedensbühne Song Parnass bei Ars Musica im Stemmerhof, Plinganserstr.6, 81369 München ab 20:00 Uhr

17. Oktober 2017
ab 20:00 Uhr
Sendlinger Haferlschuh 2017 Song Contest
auf der Friedensbühne Song Parnass
bei Ars Musica im Stemmerhof
im Stemmerhof
81369 München
Beginn: 20 Uhr
Eintritt: 9 Euro

Tel: 089-850 8555


Michel Montecrossa über das ‘Sendlinger Haferlschuh 2017 Song Contest’ New-Topical-Song Konzert:
“Während dem ‘Sendlinger Haferlschuh 2017 Song Contest’ mache ich mit meinem Friedens-Besinnungskonzert mit aktuellen New-Topical-Songs wie z.B. ‘Besinnung’ und ‘Beendet All Eure Kriege’ bei dem Wettbewerb für Münchens Nachwuchsförderpreis für Liedermacher und Musikkabarettisten mit, den die Friedensbühne Song Parnass im Herbst 2017 veranstaltet. Dazu lade ich euch alle ein.
Lasst uns zusammen eine schöne Friedensatmosphäre entstehen lassen.”

Want to know more? Click here.'

Michel Montecrossa and his band The Chosen Few at the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2017 in Mirapuri, Italy during five days of Joy & Love Music, 19th July – 23rd July, each day from 19:00 – 24:00

Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2017 in Mirapuri, Italy

The 25th Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2017 in Mirapuri, Italy, (www.SpiritOfWoodstockFest.com) from Wednesday 19th July till Sunday 23rd July 2017: five Joy & Love Music days of the free music revolution with free entrance and friendly prices for camping, food, drinks and Hotel accommodation, together with the Mirapuri Open Nature Camping and Mirapuri’s one and only original Bavarian Oktoberfest in Italy presenting live concerts, hearty festival feastin’ and drinkin’, groovy festival-bazaar and international coming together.
During the five festival-days Michel Montecrossa together with Mirakali and Diana Antara, his band The Chosen Few and International Guest Bands is presenting his brand-new original Cyberrock, Cyberschlager, Cyberdance, Cyberviking, New-Topical and Cyberelectronica-DJ songs and instrumentals for having a good time.
Special highlights for 2017 are the Michel sings Bob Dylan Fest as well as the Dreamspace Electronica Fest, both on Thursday.
Another highlight in addition to the great music performances is the inspiring ENERGY OF ART exhibition of new Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings in the Mirapuri New Art Gallery of the Omnidiet Hotel which can be seen during the five Spirit of Woodstock Festival days.

Want to know more? Click here.'

Michel Montecrossa together with Mirakali and his Band The Chosen Few at the DreamSpace Electronica Fest 2016 in Mirapuri on 5 Audio CDs and 1 DVD and as Downloads

DreamSpace Electronica Fest 2016
“I'm So Happy With You” DreamSpace Electroncia Fest 2016 Mirakali
Audio Player
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Michel Montecrossa together with Mirakali and his band The Chosen Few at the DreamSpace Electronica Fest 2016 in Mirapuri, released by Mira Sound Germany on 5 Audio CDs and 1 DVD and as Downloads, presents all 54 songs which they played on Sunday, 24th July 2016 and Monday, 25th July 2016 in the open air area of the Omnidiet Hotel in Mirapuri, including ‘I’m So Happy With You’, ‘Come On Baby! It’s The Bright Earth Dance!’, ‘Sunship’, ‘Evolving Love Magic’, ‘I Know Her Somewhere’, ‘Electrified Orgastica’.

Michel Montecrossa says about the DreamSpace Electronica Fest in Mirapuri and the songs he performs there together with Mirakali:
“At the DreamSpace Electronica Fest 2016 in Mirapuri the première of my and Mirakali’s new Orgastica-DJ style is the main highlight. It features futuristic Sound Images combined with Cyberbeat Poetry Chants like Mirakali’s ‘I’m So Happy With You’ and my own ‘I Know Her Somewhere’.”

For more information on the DreamSpace Electronica Fest in Mirapuri: www.dreamspacefestival.com

Want to know more? Click here.'

Michel Montecrossa’s ‘Love & Freedom Climate Change’ complete concert series at the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2016 in Mirapuri, Italy released as two Boxes-Set with twelve Audio-CDs, DVDs and as Download featuring all 144 festival songs of Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali together with their band The Chosen Few

Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2016 in Mirapuri, Italy
“Festival Of Love & Freedom Song” Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2016 in Mirapuri, Italy Michel Montecrossa
Audio Player
Please donate to the artists for their music:

Michel Montecrossa’s powerful ‘Love & Freedom Climate Change’ complete concert series at the legendary Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2016 in Mirapuri, Italy, is released by Mira Sound Germany as two Boxes-Set with nine Audio-CDs featuring all 144 festival songs of Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali together with their band The Chosen Few plus three Bonus DVDs: ‘Going To The Spirit Of Woodstock Festival In Mirapuri, Italy’, ‘Straight From The Spirit Of Woodstock Festival 2012’, ‘Greetings from The Spirit Of Woodstock Festival 2013’. The two Boxes-Set presents a sensual and stimulating variety of original music ranging from acoustic and electric New Topical Songs to consciousness enhancing Cyberrock and Dancedrive Hits as well as great Bob Dylan songs. The 144 festival songs include profoundly visionary and empathic ‘Love & Freedom Climate Change’ songs by Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali and like ‘Festival Of Love & Freedom Song’, ‘Love & Freedom, My Love, I Am With You’, ‘Love & Freedom Showdown In The Making’, ‘Rettet Die Willkommens Kultur – Save The Welcome Culture’, ‘Refugees Blues – Flüchtlinge Blues’, ‘Meine Alternative Für Deutschland – My Alternative For Germany’, ‘The Day Of Love’s Compassion – Der Tag Mitfühlender Liebe’, ‘Große Party – Big Party’, ‘Küss Mich Noch Einmal’, ‘Looking Into The Sky’, ‘Sinnlich Mit Dir – Sensual With You’, ‘Met You In The Paradise – Mit Dir Im Paradies – Con Te In Paradiso’ and many more.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“Hi everybody and welcome to the whole world! We invite everyone to come and join the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri 2016. Me, Mirakali and my band The Chosen Few will play for you during all the ten days of the Spirit of Woodstock Festival presenting our brand-new songs, our brand-new New-Topical-Songs, our brand-new Cyberrock and Electronica-Dance songs. All these songs will open you to the universe. Welcome again! Let’s join the Party! The Spirit of Woodstock Festival is the great European Festival of the Free Music Revolution. Come and enjoy the Spirit of Woodstock Festival, the Spirit of Love & Freedom! Welcome!”

For more see: www.SpiritofWoodstockFest.com and www.Michel-BobDylan.com

See here the complete list of all 144 songs performed by Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali at the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2016 in Mirapuri.

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Das Leben Singt Mit Freude Und Liebe’ New Topical & Orgastica-DJ Konzert mit Michel Montecrossa und Mirakali im Filmaur Multimedia Haus in Gauting bei München am 30. September 2017

Das Leben sing mit Freude und Liebe Konzert

30. September 2017
21:00 – 22:30
im Filmaur Multimedia Haus
Danziger Str. 1
82131 Gauting (bei München)
Tel ++49-89-850 8555

‘Das Leben Singt Mit Freude Und Liebe’ New Topical & Orgastica-DJ Konzert mit Michel Montecrossa und Mirakali im Filmaur Multimedia Haus in Gauting bei München am 30. September 2017 von 21:00 bis 22:30 Uhr.
Michel Montecrossa (Akustik Gitarre, Gesang, Mundharmonika), Mirakali (Cyberbeat Poetry, Orgastica-DJ, Gesang) und Artis Aldschalis (E-Violine) präsentieren 21 New-Topical-Songs, Cyberbeat Poetry und Orgastica-DJ Instrumentals.

Vor dem Konzert kann man die LOOKING FORWARD Ausstellung mit 184 neuen Michel Montecrossa Gemälden und Zeichnungen sehen.

Michel Montecrossa sagt über das New Topical & Orgastica-DJ Konzert ‘Das Leben Singt Mit Freude Und Liebe’:
“Mit dem Konzert ‘Das Leben Singt Mit Freude Und Liebe’ präsentiere ich gemeinsam mit Mirakali unser neues Musik- und Konzertformat, das akustische New-Topical-Songs, Cyberbeat Poetry und Orgastica-DJ Instrumentals zu einem Gesamtkunstwerk verbindet, das mit der Ungewissheit und den Beklemmungen unseres Zeitgeistes und seinen Ergebnissen, die aus Angst geboren sind, abrechnet, um zu dem Schluss zu kommen, dass Liebe erwidern genial ist.”

Michel Montecrossa says about the New Topical & Orgastica-DJ Concert ‘Das Leben Singt Mit Freude Und Liebe’:
“With the concert ‘Das Leben Singt Mit Freude Und Liebe’ I present together with Mirakali our new music and concert platform fusing acoustic New-Topical-Songs, Cyberbeat Poetry and Orgastica-DJ Instrumentals into a holistic work of art coming to terms with the uncertainty and anxieties of our time spirit and its outcomes that are born from fear to come to the conclusion that responding to love is genial.”

Want to know more? Click here.'

Joy & Love Vision Concert in Mirapuri – For the Free Cinema Filmfestival 2017 by Michel Montecrossa and his band The Chosen Few with songs of Joy & Love

Joy & Love Vision Concert

17. June 2017
22:00 – 24:00
in the Omnidiet Music-Hall
Via Monte Falò 8
28011 Mirapuri – Coiromonte
Phone ++39-0322-999009

Michel Montecrossa together with Mirakali, Diana Antara and their band The Chosen Few play the JOY & LOVE VISION CONCERT IN MIRAPURI for the Free Cinema Filmfestival 2017 presenting picturesque Cyberrock, Dance, Electronica and acoustic songs of Joy & Love on 17th June 2017 at the Omnidiet Music-Hall in Mirapuri, Italy.
The set list includes great English and German songs like the opening ‘Joy & Love Vision’, the cinematic ‘The Man’ as well as ‘Joy & Love Medicine – Freude & Liebes Medizin’, ‘Dunkel Und Licht’ and the acoustic finale ‘Grateful Love – Dankbare Liebe’.

In addition to the JOY & LOVE VISION CONCERT Concert you can see the ‘Energy Of Art’ Exhibition of 102 Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings in the Mirapuri New Art Gallery of the Omnidiet Resort and Business Hotel.

For the Free Cinema Filmfest 2017 Program click here.

Michel Montecrossa says about the JOY & LOVE VISION CONCERT:
“The JOY & LOVE VISION CONCERT is a movie in songs that lead you into your wonderland of feeling and enjoying.”

Want to know more? Click here.'