Future Power (by Mirakali)

Future Power strong with eternal love,
love that feels every heartbeat of every living being.
Feeling oneness, wide like the universe,
oneness with the whole world.

Peaceful unity, happy and creative
with the courage to leap into the new without fear or reservation.
Inspired, centered in trust
that there is that greater consciousness,
that higher good and delight that carry you
wide into the light, wide into infinity.

Future Power with the destiny of saving the planet
and its treasures of green wood housing animals
living there where the earth is free.
Majestic mountains rise bright into the sky.

There I see the eagle flying high,
high and free like our dreams.
Gigantic sea, power of the great mother
that has created the world.
Plants and animals rich in colors and forms
belonging all to her world.

They ask us for respect and a place to live.
Future Power, honor and dignity of the warriors
that help those who need help.
Glorious fighters that save the world
in which we all live
like brothers and sisters,
like children of our planet to whom we belong.

Sky and earth, ocean and sun they all are one.
Future Power, warriors of the golden dawn.
No cruelty but forgiveness,
no hate but understanding,
no loneliness or isolation
but the truth of love and oneness.

Murmur of the river, dreaming stars,
blooming flowers and a mankind of love.
Future Power will bring it all.
The true warriors know that we all are one.

Lyrics & Music: Mirakali administered by Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany