May We See

May we see, when the Light returns.
May we see with a truthful heart.
May we see all that is hidden now.
May we see with love and
may we see with eyes not blinded
by falsifying facts.

May we see, when the Light is near.
May we see, when the Truth is near.
May we see the Sun of the future world.
May we see with wisdom and
may we see with eyes not blinded
by falsifying words.

May we see the Light within.
May we see who is the true friend.
May we see our lover with a joyful heart.
May we see with Light and
may we see with eyes
not blinded by the Dark.

May we see, when the Light returns.
May we see with a satisfied heart.
May we see for all eternity.
May we see with strength and
may we see with a Soul
forever in tune with the Lord,
with the Lord.

Lyrics & Music by Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany