Natural Queen

Come, all ye’ friends, do you know
what the future day is bringing?
A child will be born and you
will be my Natural Queen.

The stars and the moons
and the solar worlds
and the gods of the universe
will be near you
in the hour of the Lord,
in the hour when the new soul comes,
in the hour of your happy tears.

Did you hear, my friends,
did you hear the news?
Soon I will look into eyes
of the child born by you, my love,
you who are my Natural Queen.

May the winds and the rains
be gentle on that day,
may the fairies tell a good tale.
May the powers of Love
be gathered ‘round you
and protect your womb of man,
in that hour of your greatest belief.

Come, all my friends, come near to me,
let us be full of love
to the mother and her child, for the Lord,
for my Natural Queen.

Let us feel with her,
let us labor with her,
let us help her on the way.
Let us give her all the strength
of our hearts
in every moment of her day,
of her day of deepest fulfillment.

Let’s prepare, my friends,
with flowers and light
the coming of the Lord
in the sweetness of a little child
and the bliss of my Natural Queen.

Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany