You are my World Unity Girl!
You are my World Peace Girl!
You bring World Unity for World Peace
and I will love you forever!
Now is the time to be young
and to be strong with tomorrow!
You are my sweet World Unity Girl!
You are my sweet World Peace Girl!
A dream to be kissed with tender care!
And now is the time for your Glory Day!
And to grow strong with this song
of a future of light and of hope,
a future made by our souls,
a future never growing old!
This happy time, it has come!
This happy time of the young!
You are my World Unity Girl!
You are my World Peace Girl!
You are my happy girl for tomorrow’s gold!
You are my World Unity Girl!
You are my World Peace Girl!
Living you are to end all pain!
You are the healing World Unity Girl!
You are the healing World Peace Girl!
A vision come true of all that is new!
Now is the time to fall in love with you!
And to feel it: the pulse of your heart so true!
A heart of glorious hope,
a heart pounding with your soul,
a heart strong with the truth of your love!
A heart that will always be new born
young and bold into the Big Love for all,
knowing that the truth is love and that
Big Love is the best love
and that you are my World Unity Girl,
and that you are my World Peace Girl!
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany