Tarana’s Island must be the place for you.
It’s soon to come with surprise and courage, too,
on a planet blue near to us and strong indeed.
There in the ocean’s vastness
it will emerge with innocence
and the answer of deathless life.
Strong within protection’s Ray it will show
what now only the Soul deeply knows.
Yes, it is the place for you.
But can you imagine or even dream of a place
stepping ahead of man’s limits towards higher shores
and see a nature taken up freely by
transformation’s mighty wings?
It’s Tarana’s Island I’m speaking of.
It’s your place, I know –
it’s your soul, it’s your yearning.
And it will come with fulfillment.
And I gaze over the ocean wide,
while mind’s folly rages and has no excuse.
Far in the distance I know the Truth.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany
Tarana, Kohana, Schamana
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany
Michel Montecrossa’s “Tarana and the Island of Immortality” is a fantasy-action Novel presenting the Love Power Story of the coming together of Douglas Goldfield from the 19. Century with the futuristic Tarana from the future. They both meet on the mysterious island Kohana which turns out to be a multidimensional time-space gate.
In Tarana and the Island of Immortality Michel Montecrossa presents a fascinating and deeply felt fusion of erotic-realistic future vision with thrilling action dynamics turning round the passionate and tender relation of Tarana and Douglas Goldfield.
The intensity of their personality-contrasts and the fire of their love are the center of Michel Montecrossa’s breathtaking Fantasy Novel Tarana and the Island of Immortality about the discovery and exploration of a new world dimension with undreamed of possibilities for future humanity.
With Tarana and the Island of Immortality Michel Montecrossa opens the door to the exciting and picturesque panorama of emotional peaks, dangers and unexpected clues accompanied by painful as well as ecstatic experiences.
The story directly touches the reader through the adventures of Tarana and Douglas Goldfield on the island Kohana – Adventures into a supernaturally transformed world where there are telepathic animals, timelenses, the secret of Atlantis, holographic journeys and bodyexperiences coming froma distant future.
Tarana and the Island of Immortality is Michel Montecrossa’s ultramodern fantasy-action Novel bringing together love, struggle and futuristic vision in a masterfully designed story told in Michel Montecrossa’s trendsetting and unique way of strong expressiveness and sensuality.