Connection to Love, oh girl, is the proof.
I stick to you and what do you do?
Runnin’ into the story of the cold heart?
Listen, honey, it ain’t that smart.
Connection to Love is the story’s sweetest part.
Zombies are everywhere and the cheatin’ dreams
are tellin’ you all you want to hear.
Sometimes, I say, it’s you and sometimes it is me.
I’m out of trouble, honey, I can give you the treat.
Connection to Love is the proof.
I stick to you, honey, and what do you do?
Runnin’ through the doorway into the dark heat?
You are there with me. Connection to Love is for the free.
Connection is for lovers, not for dumb jerks.
I am with you, honey, I’m the one with strong nerves.
Runnin’ into the nothing of brainwash world
will only kill your soul, honey,
won’t bring the happy birth.
Connection to Love is the proof.
Fight for you, girl, when demons check your every move,
you must know, honey, love’s freedom is the clue.
Connection to Love I give to you
and in my arms you are wonderfully true.
Connection to Love, oh girl, is the proof.
I stick to you, honey, and what do you do?
Touchin’ my bliss with your best feel?
You can do it, honey, you can do it with me.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany