Dreambirth of a girl and a boy.
Dreambirth is heavenly joy.
The light returns with golden bliss.
Wonderful the beauty of your kiss.
Day and night you give delight.
You are the guardian of truth and might.
The riddle you solve with a smile.
We rush towards the goal mile for mile.
Dreambirth on a sacred, magic isle.
Dreambirth is heaven’s victory and birth.
Dreambirth brings beauty and bliss upon earth.
Strong is the sea.
Mysterious is her key.
Glorious wide is the sky.
Into majestic light we fly.
Dreambirth carries us into golden energy.
Dreambirth is joy and heavenly orgy.
Dreambirth of a boy and a girl.
Their love is as precious as a pearl.
When two lovers meet dreambirth awakes.
Nothing can stop the wonder, no storm can touch it.
The angels, nymphs and stars come upon earth.
A new world will come. For all it will be a new birth.
We will sing and dance and love with happiness.
We all will join to collaborate and caress
all beings living on this planet of delight
leading us out of the dark towards the light.
Dreambirth is future‘s reality and might.
Lyrics & Music: Mirakali administered by Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany