Happiness for all, happiness for you.
If all were happy,
there would be no wars anymore.
When you are happy, you feel love.
When you are happy, you feel your soul.
You have the key in your hands.
The way is clear inside your soul.
If we all were happy,
the world would be wonderful.
With happiness in your heart
you give your love to the whole world,
you give your bliss to everybody and all.
And every new day shines with glory
and every moment is a beautiful song
singing with your heart’s treasures,
singing with the power that comes
from happiness in your soul.
Children and artists, dreamers and lovers
know this world, this beautiful place
where we all are one.
Oneness is the way, not division and war.
In truth we all are one.
We are one ocean with so many waves.
We can feel the movements with blissful delight.
Happiness for all, happiness for you.
If all were happy,
there would be no wars anymore.
When you are happy, you feel love.
When you are happy, you feel your soul.
Now I sing this song for you.
Happiness for all, happiness for you
with all love of a loving soul.
Lyrics & Music: Mirakali administered by Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany