‘Gesprungenes Handy-Display’ New-Topical, Cyberrock, Dance-Electronica, Cyberpoetry & Orgastica-DJ Live-Concert Album of Michel Montecrossa’s and Mirakali’s performance at the Filmaur Multimedia Haus in Gauting near Munich, Germany on 9th December 2017 on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download

Gesprungenes Handy-Display Concert
“Hurra! Hurra! Mika Ist Da! Hurray! Hurray! Mika Is There” Gesprungenes Handy-Display Concert Michel Montecrossa
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‘Gesprungenes Handy-Display’, the New-Topical, Cyberrock, Dance-Electronica, Cyberpoetry & Orgastica-DJ Live-Concert Album of Michel Montecrossa’s and Mirakali’s stunning performance of their new format of high-intensity songwriting at the Filmaur Multimedia Haus in Gauting near Munich, Germany on 9th December 2017, is released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download. The concert presents 30 outstanding acoustic and electric New-Topical, Cyberrock, Dance-Electronica Songs, Cyberpoetry Readings & Orgastica-DJ Instrumentals like ‘Hurra! Hurra! Mika Ist Da! Hurray! Hurray! Mika Is There!’, ‘Mein Weihnachten Der Liebe’, ‘Große Liebe – Großer Frieden! Big Love – Big Peace!’, ‘Gesprungenes Handy-Display’, ‘Das Sanfte Und Dunkle Freiheitsgefühl Beim Tanzen’, ‘Die Faust Ballade’, ‘Dimensionen’, ‘Deep Like Your Emotions’, ‘My Christmas Of Love’, ‘The Ballad Of Faust’, ‘Download Experiences #2’, ‘Something’s Crushin’ In – Part Two -‘, ‘Flucht In Etwas Besseres’, ‘Tauchst Du Ein In Cyberspace’ and ‘Seashore Of Light’ and many more.

Michel Montecrossa says about the New-Topical, Cyberrock, Dance-Electronica, Cyberpoetry & Orgastica-DJ Live-Concert Album ’Gesprungenes Handy-Display’:
“Mirakali and myself with the Live-Album ’Gesprungenes Handy-Display’ set free our new format of high-intensity songwriting and its powerfully scenic and awareness stimulating word-song-energy for the 21st century.”

The Songs, Disc One:

  1. Hurra! Hurra! Mika Ist Da! Hurray! Hurray! Mika Is There!
  2. Mein Weihnachten Der Liebe
  3. Große Liebe – Großer Frieden! Big Love – Big Peace!
  4. Gesprungenes Handy-Display
  5. Das Sanfte Und Dunkle Freiheitsgefühl Beim Tanzen
  6. Die Faust Ballade
  7. Dimensionen
  8. Deep Like Your Emotions
  9. My Christmas Of Love
  10. The Ballad Of Faust
  11. Download Experiences #2
  12. Something’s Crushin’ In – Part Two –
  13. Flucht In Etwas Besseres
  14. Tauchst Du Ein In Cyberspace
  15. Seashore Of Light

The Songs, Disc Two:

  1. Küss Mich Noch Einmal
  2. Lovemakin’ Supertrip
  3. Cybergeneration
  4. Ein Traum Für Die Liebe
  5. Dancedrive: I Like It
  6. Met You In The Paradise – Mit Dir Bin Ich Im Paradies – Con Te In Paradiso
  7. Sprung In Die Zukunft
  8. Magic Of The Moment
  9. The Wind And The Sea
  10. Under Palm Trees
  11. The Antelopes Of The Girl
  12. Irdisches Abenteuer
  13. Heaven Level
  14. Love & Sweetness Song
  15. All Your Dreams
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