‘Gesprungenes Handy-Display’, the New-Topical, Cyberrock, Dance-Electronica, Cyberpoetry & Orgastica-DJ Live-Concert Album of Michel Montecrossa’s and Mirakali’s stunning performance of their new format of high-intensity songwriting at the Filmaur Multimedia Haus in Gauting near Munich, Germany on 9th December 2017, is released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download. The concert presents 30 outstanding acoustic and electric New-Topical, Cyberrock, Dance-Electronica Songs, Cyberpoetry Readings & Orgastica-DJ Instrumentals like ‘Hurra! Hurra! Mika Ist Da! Hurray! Hurray! Mika Is There!’, ‘Mein Weihnachten Der Liebe’, ‘Große Liebe – Großer Frieden! Big Love – Big Peace!’, ‘Gesprungenes Handy-Display’, ‘Das Sanfte Und Dunkle Freiheitsgefühl Beim Tanzen’, ‘Die Faust Ballade’, ‘Dimensionen’, ‘Deep Like Your Emotions’, ‘My Christmas Of Love’, ‘The Ballad Of Faust’, ‘Download Experiences #2’, ‘Something’s Crushin’ In – Part Two -‘, ‘Flucht In Etwas Besseres’, ‘Tauchst Du Ein In Cyberspace’ and ‘Seashore Of Light’ and many more.
Michel Montecrossa says about the New-Topical, Cyberrock, Dance-Electronica, Cyberpoetry & Orgastica-DJ Live-Concert Album ’Gesprungenes Handy-Display’:
“Mirakali and myself with the Live-Album ’Gesprungenes Handy-Display’ set free our new format of high-intensity songwriting and its powerfully scenic and awareness stimulating word-song-energy for the 21st century.”
The Songs, Disc One:
- Hurra! Hurra! Mika Ist Da! Hurray! Hurray! Mika Is There!
- Mein Weihnachten Der Liebe
- Große Liebe – Großer Frieden! Big Love – Big Peace!
- Gesprungenes Handy-Display
- Das Sanfte Und Dunkle Freiheitsgefühl Beim Tanzen
- Die Faust Ballade
- Dimensionen
- Deep Like Your Emotions
- My Christmas Of Love
- The Ballad Of Faust
- Download Experiences #2
- Something’s Crushin’ In – Part Two –
- Flucht In Etwas Besseres
- Tauchst Du Ein In Cyberspace
- Seashore Of Light
The Songs, Disc Two:
- Küss Mich Noch Einmal
- Lovemakin’ Supertrip
- Cybergeneration
- Ein Traum Für Die Liebe
- Dancedrive: I Like It
- Met You In The Paradise – Mit Dir Bin Ich Im Paradies – Con Te In Paradiso
- Sprung In Die Zukunft
- Magic Of The Moment
- The Wind And The Sea
- Under Palm Trees
- The Antelopes Of The Girl
- Irdisches Abenteuer
- Heaven Level
- Love & Sweetness Song
- All Your Dreams