
„My New-Topical-Song-Movement is there to bring to the people the songs that inspire and to bring them fast. To make Downloads, CDs and DVDs, songbooks, programs, songsheets, concerts.
To distribute the songs globally via internet, shops, radio & TV and get the messages discussed and cited in newspapers, magazines, talk shows, social networks and gatherings.
The New-Topical-Songs are songs for the people and a world where we all vote, eat, work, talk, plan, think and love together so that your people will know my people and we don’t lose the peace and the world along with it.”
-Michel Montecrossa

Michel Montecrossa is an attentive observer of reality and misses no opportunity to let his songs voice the painful problems that disturb the well-being of our planet.
– Gianni Mongrandi in the E-Zine ‘Daring To Do’

‘Talking Love World Never Ending’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD about the Pope, Pistorius, Officer Murphy and more Love

Talking Love World Never Ending’, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, reminding that, after everything has been said and done and after we have survived the daily information hell, what remains to be real is only the intensity of our own love and truth performance. No Pope, Gangsta, Asteroid, Pistorius or Officer will care a damn for us. It is only our personal access to love from far beyond that will help us, guide us and take a stand for us when we most need it. The building of a better world begins with building this better world in ourselves.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking Love World Never Ending’:
“The Song ‘Talking Love World Never Ending’ is about the circus of world madness featuring the pope going, the North Korea nuclear bomb, racism in football, energy gangstas, asteroids, quakes, meteor blasts, US radioactivity, vatican intrigues, Pistorius murder charge, sportsmanship, Marco Rubio, Officer Murphy and my peaceful Love World Action.”

One pope is going, another pope is coming. / That’s the way how things go on and on. / North Korea with its nuclear bomb / shows the way leading to the wrong. / Racism in football goes mad everywhere. / Energy gangstas play the dirty rip-off game. / But baby, baby I tell you: our Love World, baby, / our Love World will never end!
Asteroids are passing close to earth. / Quakes are hitting all over the world. / Meteor blast is hurting hundreds in Russia. / U.S. radioactive waste site is leaking. / Intrigue and politics at the Vatican, / mismanagement and corruption. / But baby, baby, I tell you: our Love World, baby, / our Love World will never end!
Pistorius is going, murder charge is coming. / Sportsmanship needs bio passports. / ‘Who, what, where, when and why’ / can’t be answered unless you don’t lie. / Never forget: We are humans. / Marco Rubio is the next savior gamer. / But baby, bay I tell you: our Love World, baby, / our Love World will never end!
Officer Murphy took fifty rounds. / Staying alive is what we all want. / Yeah man, it’s love from far beyond. / And we play for you every month / brand new songs of Love World Action / for strengthening peaceful satisfaction. / Yes, baby, baby I tell you: our Love World, baby, / our Love World will never end!
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘I Have A Vision’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD for Obama’s USA presidential inauguration 2013

I Have A Vision’, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, for Obama’s USA presidential inauguration 2013. In this song Michel Montecrossa presents the vision of a straight forward five-steps-program for a future of worldwide unity manifesting as the United States of Planet Earth and the conquest of the next step of human civilization through the ushering in of Space Age.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘I Have A Vision’:
“I made the Topical-Song movie ‘I Have A Vision’ at the time when Obama was inaugurated for his second term as president of the USA. I would wish him to be the president that takes the lead on the way to creating the United States of Planet Earth, helps to change the UN into the world government, takes a bold step towards promoting Space Age-Science, -Technology and -Psychology and, for serving the living Celebration of Humanity, takes a decisive stand for a world of peace, love and joy unending. All these things I would do if I would be president.”

I have a vision / of the United States of Planet Earth.
I have a vision / of the U.S.A. taking the lead on this way.
I have a vision / of the U.N. changing into the world government.
I have a vision / of the United Humanity moving into space age.
I have a vision / of the living celebration of Humanity / in a World of Peace and Love / and Joy unending.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking Rape In India’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD for Jyothi Singh Pandey, Women’s Rights, Freedom and Security

Talking Rape in India’, is a New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, about the horrifying kidnap, gang-rape and murder of the 23 years young Indian woman Jyothi Singh Pandey in a Delhi bus that led to a nationwide shock and outrage. All over the world a change of attitude towards women is needed to secure respect, equality, freedom, education and justice for every woman and girl on earth. Only then can we truly build nations that are free of rape, corruption and violence. Women of all ages are the all-important economic, social, cultural and ethical work-power that sustains the life of every nation.
Michel Montecrossa in his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Rape In India’ takes a passionate stand for the recognition of women’s rights everywhere and for this liberating change of attitude towards women which every nation needs.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking Rape In India’:
“I wrote the song ‘Talking Rape In India’ at a time when more and more governments all over the world got poisoned by corruption, lost contact with reality and mistreated their people. This decline of ethical standard spread like wildfire throughout the societies and pushed the minds of the people into bewilderment, lack of trust, confusion and mental disorder leading to increase of rape, murder and a general loss of civilization and humanity.
All this must be ended if nations want to survive. Women are the most precious power for the life of every nation. They must be free from suppression, rape and murder and for this liberation I full-heartedly take a stand with my song.”

Of kidnap and gang-rape and murder I will sing, / of a 23 years young woman in a bus in Delhi, o listen, friends: / Capital punishment demanded. Is it the answer? / The judiciary system failed in protecting women. / There’s nationwide outrage / shouting: “Punish the police!”
The young woman died of her injuries. / There is pressure for change of laws, / pressure for faster court reaction / and change of attitude towards women. / Anger and fury drives the young India. / Flaws in the system are so obvious. / It’s the hour of awakening to
equality, respect, liberty and strong / recognition of the all-important / economic, social, cultural and ethical work-power / of women serving the life of the nation. / Rape is as if you rape your own mother / and your mother did not bring you to the world / for hurting her so much, o Lord!
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘The Devil He Can’t Bring Us Down’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD triggered by the U.S. shooting massacre at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut

The Devil He Can’t Bring Us Down‘, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song triggered by the U.S. shooting massacre at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut where the gunman Adam Lanza killed 20 children between 5 and 10 years and 6 adults. The tragedy at Sandy Hook makes clear that action is needed for consciousness education that keeps the human mind healthy and prevents personality disorder.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘The Devil He Can’t Bring Us Down’:
“This New-Topical-Song was triggered by the U.S. shooting massacre at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut. Fact is: On earth we must change and reach a new ethical standard for real of peace and community, of happiness and love that relieve. The tragedy at Sandy Hook makes clear that action is needed for consciousness education that keeps the human mind healthy and prevents personality disorder.”

(Song triggered by the U.S. shooting massacre at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut)
The devil he can’t bring us down, / the devil can’t kill our life. / Our life is coming from heaven / and no evil can reach that high.
Our children and our loved ones / may pass from this bloody earth. / On the wings of our prayers / we will rise and meet them again.
The devil he can’t bring us down, / he can’t imagine life. / Life will always bring heaven to earth / through love’s sweet paradise.
It’s love that holds us together / in sunshine and darkness-days. / It’s love that is a-peace giving / and love is showing the way.
The souls of our loved ones / in our love are always at home / and come back to this earth reborn / as children of love so warm.
The devil he can’t bring us down, / the devil can’t kill our life. / Our life is coming from heaven / and no evil can reach that high.
On earth we must change and reach / a new ethical standard for real / of peace and community, / of happiness and love that relieve.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking New German Chancellor’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD about Peer Steinbrueck, German Election & EU-Crisis

Talking New German Chancellor‘, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song about Peer Steinbrueck, German Election & EU-Crisis at a time when polito-corruptos and banka-gangstas will have to change their ethics and become good politicians and good bankas in the service of the people if we and our children want to have a peaceful European future.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking New German Chancellor’:
“I made the song and movie ‘Talking New German Chancellor’ at the time when the election campaign for a new German chancellor began and Peer Steinbrueck appeared as a candidate. It was the time when 3000 Opel workers lost their jobs as a christmas present offered by Opel owner General Motors. It was the time when, for the purpose of making big speculator profits, banka-gangstas and polito-corruptos sent the European people down the austerity way of poverty, rising taxes and social breakdown. It was the time of approaching German recession. It was the time for either future building or endgame playing. It was the time for answers and in my song I give the answers we all need.”

(Song about Peer Steinbrueck, German Election & EU-Crisis)
I’m talking about the German chancellor that wants to win, wants to come. / His name now-a-days is Steinbrueck Peer. / He wants to lead Germany, wants to lead us somewhere. / Oh, baby, baby! What is his plan? / Oh, baby, baby! Is it future or is it the endgame?
I tell you, baby: Germany has a meaning for this world / and the coming of the United States of Planet Earth. / For Germany is practical and skilful, has the good ethical feel. / Oh, baby, baby! The feel for community, / for standing together in truth of love and liberty.
Polito corruptos must change into politicians that don’t cheat the people / who are the power, the working hand, the real. / The German working hand and human spirit are the key / for this nation to set free a new policy / of liberation from the greed of wrong banka schemes.
I tell you, baby, Germany must stop to be banka slave, / must stop to give our tax money to dangerous speculator gangs. / Germany needs a new chancellor who for the people takes a stand. / Oh, baby, baby! With the rich less rich / and the poor no more poor we’ll together surely find the clue.
Real value banking must replace gangsta banking. / Real statesmanship must replace corrupto-acting. / On the way to World Unity Germany must be a-walking. / Oh, baby, baby! Is Steinbrueck our man? / Oh, baby, baby! Is he our friend?
Will he bring down the cost of living so that our wages can compete / with wages all over the globe so that quality can easily be the big deal? / Will he bring to Germany the peace and the jobs that the people need? / Oh, baby, baby! What is his plan? / Oh, baby, baby! Is it future or the endgame?
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Strong Is My Christmas Dream’ – Michel Montecrossa’s music video DVD for his 10 New Christmas Songs Audio-CD album

The movie ‘Strong Is My Christmas Dream‘ released by Mira Sound Germany on DVD is Michel Montecrossa’s uplifting music video for the opening song of his 10 New Christmas Songs album with the same title. ‘Strong Is My Christmas Dream’ is a music video featuring Michel Montecrossa’s revolutionary genius way of Christmas Songwriting. He sovereignly goes beyond all clichés of this genre and opens for the listeners a new level of experiencing Christmas Music and Lyrics of an awesome depth of insight, wisdom, emotion and humanity. Michel Montecrossa again stands in the high light of outstanding songwriting and poetic excellence that easily communicate profound messages to a global audience in his own inimitable way of true soulfulness and compassionate generosity.
The movie is directed by Michel Montecrossa and produced by Mira Sound Germany and Filmaur Multimedia.

Michel Montecrossa says about the ‘Strong Is My Christmas Dream’ music video:
“‘Strong Is My Christmas Dream’ is a music video that turns to every woman and man and child, to every nation, country and race, to everything and all of the whole wide world with love and the message of light and hope.”

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘It’s Time To Share!’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD about EU-Protest, World Hunger and World War Future

It’s Time To Share!’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song about EU Protest, World Hunger and World War Future at a time when polito and banka brutality, cynicism and lying reach such dehumanizing levels that clever propaganda no longer can cheat the people. Protest in Europe is rising against polito-supported banka-speculator gangs that are not only plundering the people of the Eurozone but are also stealing food, water, land, housing and energy resources from the poor and hungry all over the world and are leading entire nations down the bloody road of World War profiteering.
Protesters all over the world are now taking to the streets and are beginning to put politos and bankas in their place. It’s time to share! Is the outcry of the Family of Man everywhere.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘It’s Time To Share!’:
“The ‘It’s Time To Share!’ New-Topical-Song was written when protests in Europe against polito and banka led raids became always stronger. People no longer are silent when they are driven down the road to poverty, hunger and war. I say, sharing is the answer making economies work, sharing of food, water, land, housing and energy resources. It’s time for the building of the United States of Planet Earth.”

(Song about EU-Protest, World Hunger and World War Future)

It’s Time To Share! Is the outcry of European protesters. / Go to the streets! Is the call of a Lafontaine. / In Portugal thousands of soldiers are protesting against / austerity measures together with all people.
It’s Time To Share! Tax the rich! No spending cuts / and tax increases for Greece! Jail not bail! / The German army now is entitled to use war weapons / to kill German people in “special circumstances”!
It’s Time To Share! World hunger hits one billion! / Without a Palestinian state Israel has no future! / Going to ground war will end lip service of Arab leaders! / It’s a very bad place for Israel and the world / without real peace endeavors.
It’s Time To Share! The Middle East ever more is a World War explosion! / The future looks grim with bankas and politos makin’ us into slaves! / Politos must change the banka system and reduce the cost of living! / Politos must save the Eurozone and drive out dangerous speculators.
It’s Time To Share! Is the outcry of the Family of Man. / Sharing is the answer making economies work, / sharing of food, water, land and housing and energy resources. / It’s time for the building of the United States of Planet Earth!
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking World War & Good Israeli Foreign Policy’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD about the Israeli – Palestinian conflict & road to World War

Talking World War & Good Israeli Foreign Policy’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song about the Israeli – Palestinian conflict & road to World War. Israel and Palestine are in a dangerous historic situation near the brink of committing disastrous mistakes escalating into possible World War. But handled rightly this fateful moment can be turned into a wonderful opportunity of unprecedented change for the better and a young and hopeful tomorrow.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking World War & Good Israeli Foreign Policy’:
“The New-Topical-Song ‘Talking World War & Good Israeli Foreign Policy’ is written at a time when the temptation to do big war business and no good foreign policy wants to take hold of warmonger politos pushing humanity coldblooded to the brink of World War. We urgently need true and young politicians who take a stand for Humanity, Peace, Progress and Unity. We need sincere politicians that are not afraid of the work. Israelis and Palestinians at this moment are a hot spot where old, dull outlooks must come to an end for a new world of the young to begin as a good example for the global community. The Israeli-Palestinian two states solution must be given to the people of these remarkable nations as the basis of Freedom and Self Determination needed for finding the Greater Union in the concert of all nations of the world. The road to World War is no road for Humanity.”

The warmonger autocrat’s escalation game / is the road to World War, the deadly end game. / In Israel it’s Netanyahu’s end game: / The escalation of choice and war till the end.
Good foreign policy is what Israel needs for its life. / Occupation and denial of rights is no way with Palestine. / Good foreign policy is not one-dimensionality. / Good foreign policy helps to build Human Unity.
Israel led escalation is World War in the making. / A Palestinian state is the first step of union-building: / Two states living in peace, guided by young generations / of future-builders, strengthening growth and unification.
The great nation of Israel must turn to the new Arab situation, / must recognize the great historic moment’s beginning, / must catch up with its new dynamics, / must not play with the fire of deadly conflicts.
Good foreign policy is what Israel needs, not ground war / and mass killing of women and children. / Good foreign policy listens to other voices / than that of warmongers and hardliners.
Israel should listen to its Labor Party, / should stop the war and start a new era. / With the help of America it can happen today: / The Israeli – Palestinian two states solution,
Israeli – Palestinian two states evolution / towards peace, prosperity and the greater union, / towards the coming together of the entire region / in the great idea of growing World Union.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking Beppe Grillo & The Five Stars Movement’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD apropos Italian & European protest against criminal Banka-Politos

Talking Beppe Grillo & The Five Stars Movement‘, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos Italian & European protest against criminal Banka-Politos. The Italian activist Beppe Grillo and his ‘Five Stars Movement’ as well as the people all over Europe and in fact all over the world are fed up with the totally anti-social speculator tactics of criminal bankas and the equally anti-social opportunism of equally criminal politos. The pressure mounts leading inevitably to Europe-wide protests and revolts if the polito and banka moral as well as the ethics of the rich do not improve in the very near future. Politos must change the banka-speculator criminality into real value banking and rise to the level of true statesmanship if they really stand for the people and want to save the European Union.

La casa discografica Mira Sound Germany lancia il Singolo e DVD di Michel Montecrossa intitolato ‘Talking Beppe Grillo & The Five Stars Movement‘, un New-Topical-Song riguardo proteste italiane & europee contro Banchieri-Politici criminali. L’attivista italiano Beppe Grillo ed il suo ‘Movimento 5 Stelle’ nonché i popoli in ogni parte d’Europa, i popoli nel mondo intero, sono esasperati dalle tattiche antisociali in cui operano banchieri criminali cosiccome politici ugualmente criminali. La pressione sta aumentando, conducendo inevitabilmente a proteste e rivoluzioni in tutta Europa, se non cambia la morale di politici e banchieri e se non si migliora l’etica dei ricchi in un futuro molto vicino. I politici devono ottenere il cambiamento della criminalità di banchieri e speculanti ad un sistema di Real Value Banking e devono essere capaci di raggiungere un livello di saggezza politica ,se vogliono prendere posizione per la gente e per salvare l’Unione Europea.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking Beppe Grillo & The Five Stars Movement’:
“Beppe Grillo in Italy stands with his ‘Five Stars Movement – Movimento 5 Stelle’ for the people and a non-criminal banka & polito world.
Beppe Grillo is not alone with this aspiration nor is Italy the only country demanding a new level of political and economic ethics. All countries in Europe and all people of the European Union want that. European politicians must become true statesmen at the service of the people, bankas must become real value bankers at the service of the people, rich speculators must develop a social conscience, must be ready to share with the people and to pay higher taxes. Banka-gangstas shall get jail instead of bail. The living, housing, food and energy costs for the people must be radically lowered so that European workers can adjust their wages to the global reality without losing their jobs and their civilised living standard.
On this basis Europe’s working hand will stay competitive in the global economic scene and the well-being of the young will have top priority by giving free education and quality jobs instead of outsourcing. The securing of pensions and health-care then will equally have top priority to guaranty peace and human dignity.
For all this and more I sing my New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Beppe Grillo & The Five Stars Movement’.”

Michel Montecrossa dice su ‘Talking Beppe Grillo & The Five Stars Movement’:
“In Italia Beppe Grillo ed il suo ‘Movimento 5 Stelle’ prendono posizione per la gente e per un mondo senza criminalità di banchieri e politici.
Beppe Grillo non è l’unico con questa speranza, né l’Italia è l’unico paese in cui è richiesto un nuovo livello di etica politica ed economica. Tutti i paesi dell’Unione europea e tutti i popoli dell’Unione europea vogliono un tale progresso. Politici europei devono divenire uomini di Stato al servizio della gente, banchieri devono trasformare l’attività bancaria in Real Value Banking al servizio della gente, speculatori ricchi devono sviluppare una coscienza sociale e devono essere in grado di condividere con la gente e di pagare più tasse. Banchieri criminali devono subire il carcere invece di fare un bailout. Si deve abbassare radicalmente il costo della vita, le spese per l’alloggio, le spese di vitto e le spese per l’energia a favore della gente per permettere che i salari dei lavoratori siano più in sintonia con la realtà globale senza perdere il posto di lavoro e senza sacrificare il loro standard di vita civile.
Su tale base la forza lavoro europea riuscirà a rimanere competitiva sul mercato globale. Attraverso una educazione pubblica e gratuita e la creazione di posti di lavoro di qualità – invece di Outsourcing – daremo priorità superiore al benessere dei giovani. Salvare le pensioni e fornire assistenza sanitaria sono di uguale importanza , avranno priorità superiore e aiuteranno a garantire la pace e la dignità umana. Per tutto questo e molto altro canto la mia canzone ‘Talking Beppe Grillo & The Five Stars Movement’.”

Songlyrics in English & Italiano
Come gather ‘round people, ‘bout Italy I sing. / With bankas and politos there is little to win. / Must there be earthquakes before we start to think? / Beppe’s “5 Stelle” may be the next thing.
“Movimento 5 stelle” is the “Five Stars Movement” / of comedian Beppe Grillo against Italian corruption / and banka-politos with criminal records. / “Italians, wake up!” is Beppe’s message to the millions who listen.
Outdated, overpaid politos and banka-gangstas / hang around in power all over the world / caring little for the people, caring little for the young. / The world is exploding, time for change has come.
The Five-Stars Movement can go everywhere / as politos-banka-gangs exist everywhere. / It’s time for the uprising of new awareness culture / and conscious action that unites us all.
Mainstream-media must be liberated, / must be opened to the culture and movements of the people, / replacing dino-parties in the parliament. / The people know the people, know what people want.
Energy, transport, recycling and what not: / The people are the workers, know the hot spots. / They can fix things in a way no polito or banka ever can. / The people know the people, know what people can.
The Beppes are there all over the world, / can raise their voice, make people understand, / can bring the art of the heart into the parliaments, / the art of love for humanity that counts.
Yes, the Five-Stars Movement can go everywhere / as the power of the people is everywhere. / It’s time for the uprising of new awareness culture / and conscious action that unites us all.
‘Bout the world and Europe and Italy I sing. / With banka-politos there is little to win. / Must there be earthquakes before we start to think? / Beppe’s “5 Stelle” may be the best thing.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Gente, venite qui, canto dell’Italia. / Con bankas e politos c’è poco da vincere. / Devono esserci terremoti prima di iniziare a pensare? / Il “5 Stelle” di Beppe potrebbe essere il prossimo passo.
“The Five Stars Movement” è il “Movimento 5 Stelle” / del comico Beppe Grillo contro la corruzione italiana / e contro banka-politos con precedenti penali. / “Italiani, svegliavi” è il messaggio di Beppe a milioni di persone che lo ascoltano.
Basta con i politos e banka-gangstas strapagati / attaccati al potere in tutto il mondo / preoccupandosi poco per il popolo, curandosi poco per i giovani. / Il mondo sta esplodendo, è arrivato il tempo per cambiare.
Il ‘Movimento 5 Stelle’ può essere ovunque / come bande di polito-banka esistono ovunque. / È tempo per la rivolta della cultura della nuova consapevolezza / e delle azioni consapevoli che ci uniscono tutti quanti
I mainstream-media devono essere liberalizzati, / devono essere aperti alla cultura e ai movimenti delle persone, / sostituendo i partiti-dinosauri in parlamento. / La gente conosce le persone, sa cosa vogliono.
Energia, trasporti, riciclo e cosa no: / le persone sono i lavoratori, conoscono i punti caldi. / Possono sistemare le cose in un modo / in cui un polito o banka non lo potrebbe mai fare / la gente conosce le persone, sa cosa riescono fare.
I Beppe ci sono in tutto il mondo / possono alzare la loro voce, far capire, / possono portare l’arte del cuore nei parlamenti, / l’arte dell’amore per l’umanità, quella che conta.
Sì, il ‘Movimento 5 Stelle’ può andare ovunque / come il potere del popolo è ovunque. / È tempo per la rivolta della cultura della nuova consapevolezza / e delle azioni consapevoli che ci uniscono tutti quanti.
Canto del mondo e dell’Europa e dell’Italia / Con banka-politos c’è poco da vincere. / Devono esserci terremoti prima di iniziare a pensare? / Il “5 Stelle” di Beppe potrebbe essere la miglior cosa.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Totally Topical: Jobs & Economy Grow With World Unity’ : Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD apropos USA President Obama’s Re-Election

Totally Topical: Jobs & Economy Grow With World Unity‘, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos USA President Obama’s Re-Election and a new outlook on solving the problem of creating jobs and stimulation of economy.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Totally Topical: Jobs & Economy Grow With World Unity’:
“I wrote this song when Obama was re-elected as a song of love for the people, the nation and the whole world and as a song of unity with the people, with the nation and with the whole world. It is a totally topical song carrying the message: Jobs & Economy grow with World Unity.”

This song is for America, for the whole wide world indeed. / This song is for all people, a song for you and me. / I wrote it when Obama won his second term. / It’s totally topical and this is what it sings:
Jobs and economy grow with World Unity / by doing what is real for everyone to see. / It is green technology for every walk of life. / It is energy cost reduction, it is education drive.
It is culture of new understanding and of vision wide / givin’ the people the power that makes intelligence rise. / It’s internet based small farming on a global scale, / it’s home industry networks for millions of working hands.
It is vertical farming and architecture that save / land and energy, improve the climate and health. / It is the spiritual human village and eco-city project / where all can come together to embody the healing best.
It is the way of exploring the economy of change, / the freedom human potential / able to share with the entire world. / The way of real value banking and ethics that help / to pave the way of true politics making everyone understand:
Beyond the national limits human unity is there / and the United States of Planet Earth / with free trade and equal wages everywhere / and quality work and jobs for all.
America now can take the lead / on the way to Human Unity. / It can give the word and vision. I say: “The time is ripe. / The whole wide world will listen / and join the action wide.”
This song is for America, for the whole wide world indeed. / This song is for all people, a song for you and me. / I wrote it when Obama won his second term. / It’s totally topical and this is what it sings:
Jobs and economy grow with World Unity / by doing what is real for everyone to see. / It is green psychology creating space age industry, / it is the spirit’s liberty on a planet of the free.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Malala’s Tempest Of Darkness & Light’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD for Malala Yousafzai fighting for her future

Malala’s Tempest Of Darkness & Light‘, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song dedicated to the Pakistani girl Malala Yousafzai who was nearly shot to death by the Taliban and her battle for her freedom to receive education, to have her future and to live in a good world.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Malala’s Tempest Of Darkness & Light’:
“The future is young, it is not old. Malala Yousafzai is a young girl from Pakistan fighting for her freedom to receive education, to have her future and to live in a good world. For that she was nearly shot to death by Taliban. But it is the young who are the future of us all, not the merciless old. The young are the new, the progress, the unexpected, the free. They must be protected, helped, brought to fulfillment if human civilization, humanity itself wants to survive.
Malala has become a poignant symbol for this battle of the living future against the remnants of a dying past who doesn’t want to go.
When the older generations become the killers of our own youth they must know that no power of the world can stand against the power of a young soul’s victory light of intelligence and freedom.
To this victorious light I dedicate my New-Topical-Song ‘Malala’s Tempest Of Darkness & Light’ as a prayer for her quick recovery and a happy tomorrow.”

Malala Yousafzai is a young girl from Pakistan / fighting for her life and fighting for freedom of education / and for her future…
When they mistreated her light of intelligence, / mistreated the light of her soul, / when they mistreated her simple confidence, / the understanding of hope, / then, I say, they brought darkness and the fall.
When they mistreat the balance of harmony, / lead people away from the goal, / turn the simple into the blood of misery, / turn the warm into the cold, / then, I say, this is darkness of the old.
When they mistreat the cycles of life, / cheat the meaning, the true gold, / when they mistreat, the right with the wrong, / become a danger for the young, / then, I say, this is the darkness and is not at all strong.
When they sell kids to hell, / mistreat everything that helps, / lead people into unhappiness / and have no conscience at all, / then, I say, this is the darkness of the death of their soul.
When you stand upright in the light of your soul, / in the light of intelligence and truth that knows / and do the good action of love for all, / the one thing important for reaching the goal, / then, I say, this is the victory light of Malala’s soul, / the victory light, saving us all. / The victory light of Malala’s soul.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Talking Aamir Khan From India’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD apropos ‘Satyamev Jayate – The Truth Alone Prevails’ Talk Show

Talking Aamir Khan From India‘, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, calling for cultural, social, humanitarian and ecological awakening to the urgent need for Human Unity, for co-operation, for freedom and standing together for a young future of hope, love and peace.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“My New-Topical-Song and movie ‘Talking Aamir Khan From India’ was triggered by Bollywood megastar Aamir Khan’s controversial and taboo breaking talk show ‘Satyamev Jayate – The Truth Alone Prevails’. This show attracts a mass viewership of up to 500 Millions. Tackling some of India’s most serious social issues it is a great and important reaction to the big waves of change sweeping over the globe, born from the international democracy and occupy movements, courageous women activists, green energy revolutionaries and the mass outcry of the jobless young everywhere demanding free access to education, demanding their future from the dangerous old, demanding a world without corruption, discrimination, slavery, abuse, poverty and hunger.
India is the home of a great part of the world population. Maybe India is ripe today for a historical social change that will help in the building of a future world of peace, progress, prosperity and unity for the entire Family of Man. ‘The Truth Alone Prevails’ can be a good help on this way and that’s why I sing this song: Let’s join forces for the Living Celebration of Humanity on this Earth.”

(Apropos ‘Satyamev Jayate – The Truth Alone Prevails’ Talk Show)
Aamir Khan is a good man, megastar by hand. / To India he brings his ideals of social change, / saying: “The truth alone prevails,” / in his talk show gives a voice to the lonely, to their pain.
When Aamir speaks out loud, rapists are driven out / and injustice is no longer covered by the dark. / He is the Indian Oprah for hundreds of millions of viewers, / tackling India’s most serious social issues.
Aamir Khan is breaking taboos to make things better, / is pointing to the future of great social changes in India happening, / is pointing, I say, in the direction of change in the world / and for this future world building India’s change is most important, my friend.
Aamir Khan is saying to every one in every region: / “People who are part of the problem can become part of the solution.” / And the people are responding well as do the politicians. / And one can ask: “Is the upper class going social?”
Aamir Khan is a good man, megastar by hand. / To India he brings ideals of change for the better, / saying: “The truth alone prevails.” / And I say: “We see history in the making in India and the whole wide world.”
“Listen, all ye people! Reveal the tricky stuff! / Join the peaceful change! Communicate your problems! / Share your lonely suffering with the Family of Man! / Join the Living Celebration of Humanity on this Earth!”
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

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10 Special Attention New-Topical-Songs & Movies by Michel Montecrossa apropos U.S.A. Presidential Election 2012 and presidential term 2012 – 2016 on Audio-CD and DVD

’10 Special Attention New-Topical Songs & Movies by Michel Montecrossa apropos U.S.A. presidential election 2012 and presidential term 2012 – 2016′ released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio CD and DVD is Michel Montecrossa’s powerful Topical Song and Movie statement of commitment to a new level of work ethic in politics and economy for the future world. Michel Montecrossa’s 10 New-Topical-Songs turn in a universal way to the burning questions the USA has to face and to the fact that the quality of the USA answer to these questions will be affecting the entire world. The USA Presidential Election 2012 and the following Presidential Term 2012 – 2016 mark the time and the crossroads of destiny where humanity will have to decide if it moves towards unity and peace or towards disunity and endless wars. In the play of forces that influence the quality of this decision the USA will play a great role. Therefore the greatness or the smallness of the USA president is a major factor for building World Unity and World Peace.
The ’10 Special Attention New-Topical-Songs & Movies Apropos U.S.A. Presidential Election 2012 & Presidential Term 2012 – 2016′ include masterpieces like ‘Talking Big Warning‘, ‘Talking U.S.A. Apocalypse‘, ‘Talking Occupy Wall Street Movement‘ and ‘Talking Banking Solution‘.
All songs take up their themes in the spirit of positive answers and unflinching reality awareness to be helpful in finding clarity, determination, hope and courage.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“The ten special attention New-Topical-Song Movies feature ten red-hot hot spot themes for concerts, discussions and debates in talk shows, articles and forums related to the U.S.A. Presidential Election 2012 and Presidential Term 2012 – 2016 and their impact on the world.
Click the following titles and you can see the movies, listen to the audio files and read the song lyrics.”

The titles of the ten New-Topical-Songs & Movies are:

  1. Talking Big Warning
  2. The Best Thing For America (Is Obama’s Second Term)
  3. O Baby! I Met Mitt In AmerC.I.A.
  4. Talking U.S.A. Apocalypse
  5. American Crossroads
  6. Talking Occupy Wall Street Movement
  7. Talking Banking Solution (The Evolver Song)
  8. Talking World War & The Nato Gang
  9. The Best Thing For America Reloaded
  10. The United States Of Planet Earth
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‘Talking Big Warning’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD apropos the Obama versus Romney presidential debate

Talking Big Warning’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song about the fantasy level of the Obama versus Romney presidential debate and the actuality of the real world which clearly says: “The mode of consciousness must change. There’s no future for economy without World Unity and there’s no climate change without the United States of Planet Earth.”

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking Big Warning’:
“I made the ‘Talking Big Warning’ song and movie at the time when Obama and Romney had their fantasy presidential debate about no economy solutions in a payola media centre to talk the people into something through non-communicative-discourse. At the same time outside this house the planetary reality world was ‘Talking Big Warning’ in the language of storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, heavy rain, drought, sweeping slavery, energy wars, suffering, poverty, unemployment, pain, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes erupting and nuclear wars saying: The mode of consciousness must change. There’s no future for economy without World Unity and there’s no peace and climate change without the United States of Planet Earth.
And I say that it is in our hands, it’s our moment to listen to the Big Warning.”

TALKING BIG WARNING (Apropos Obama versus Romney debate)
What is our task and duty / in a world of battle and no pity? / In a world of crisis and conflicts? / In a world speaking the language of greed?
There’s big warning everywhere. / U.S.A. to Israel: “Get to the damn table!” / Merkel to the world: “Politics has failed.” / And we need food and some kind of housing.
Storms and hurricanes, tornadoes, heavy rain, / sweeping slavery, poverty and pain, / earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes erupting, / nuclear wars: It’s in our hands, / it’s our moment.
The operating mode of consciousness must change, / it’s like a new birth into a higher existence, / the lucky number in an apocalyptic world / of hunger and Endzeit outside the banka-elevators.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Talking Camila Vallejo Warning – Restricted Education Leads To Modern-Day Slavery’ is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD in support of the marathon-protest of ten thousands of students in Chile for free education and the young future of the country

Talking Camila Vallejo Warning – Restricted Education Leads To Modern-Day Slavery‘ released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song in support of the marathon-protest of ten thousands of students in Chile for free education and the young future of the country. Education in Chile as well as in all parts of the world has become a target for shameless profit-making as has the hunt after land, water, food and energy resources – a hunt that creates future fear, poverty, slavery and a free world only for the rich.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking Camila Vallejo Warning – Restricted Education Leads To Modern-Day Slavery’:
“In Chile the students are fighting for their future. A marathon-protest of ten thousands is taking to the streets. It’s a protest against expensive private universities, expensive private schools and against thousands of dollars which the students have to pay for five years of study and fifty years of debt-payment.
Education in Chile as well as in all parts of the world has become a target for shameless profit-making as has the hunt after land, water, food and energy resources – a hunt that creates future fear, poverty, slavery and a free world only for the rich.
Modern-day slavery comes through restricted education wanting to keep the intelligent poor out of power. The modern-day slave of the rich is the undereducated, underpayed or not at all payed worker.
The world knows Chile’s Camila Vallejo for taking a stand for free education and for the young future of the country. Camila Vallejo is Warning hard-line politos that violence is rising if they show no mercy, no understanding.
In my song ‘Talking Camila Vallejo Warning – Restricted Education Leads To Modern-Day Slavery’ I say that intelligence and love are God’s freedom gifts for all humanity. That’s why education must be free everywhere for humanity to unfold.”

Unfair systems of education are there all over the earth. / They are driven by the old and the dangerous. / And the young are there too all over the earth – / most of them need free education. / I‘m a-talking Camila Vallejo Warning. / Yes, I am talking Camila Vallejo Warning.
In Chile the students are fighting for their future. / A marathon-protest of ten thousands is takin‘ to the streets. / There are expensive private universities, expensive private schools. / Thousands of dollars you have to pay: The dollars you don‘t have! / I‘m a-talking Camila Vallejo Warning. / Yes, I am talking Camila Vallejo Warning.
Camila Vallejo takes a stand for the students. / The world knows her and she‘s talking warning. / Five years of study and fifty years of debt-payment / means future fear, poverty, slavery and a free world only for the rich. / I‘m a-talking Camila Vallejo Warning. / Yes, I am talking Camila Vallejo Warning.
Modern-day slavery comes through restricted education. / The modern-day slave is the undereducated, underpayed or not at all payed worker. / The rich want cheap working hands and costly education, controlled by them, / for the rich help the rich, want to keep the intelligent poor out of power. / I‘m a-talking Camila Vallejo Warning. / Yes, I am talking Camila Vallejo Warning.
Camila Vallejo is warning hard-line politos / that violence is rising if they show no mercy, / no understanding. / I say, intelligence and love are God‘s freedom gifts / for all humanity. / That‘s why education must be free everywhere / for humanity to unfold. / I‘m a-talking Camila Vallejo Warning. / Yes, I am talking Camila Vallejo Warning.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Talking Syria Countdown’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD about the bloody tracks of big war business

Talking Syria Countdown’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song about the bloody tracks of big war business for USA, Russia, Europe etc. and the Syria Support Group’s Brian Sayers, the former NATO official who is channeling money from Washington to Syrian Free Army and to the Syrian opposition chaos for extending the war within Syria and generating big war business for economy growth in weapons selling countries.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking Syria Countdown’:
“I wrote ‘Talking Syria Countdown’ at a time when Romney and Obama had their conventions and wanted to become USA president. They talked their slogans while in Syria big war business was writing its bloody tracks.
Booming weapons industry on all levels of human society is increasingly changing politicians, bankers and media artists into polito-corruptos, banka-gangstas and media-payolas.
Now the people must rise and show a new ethics and that’s what ‘Talking Syria Countdown’ is all about.”

Syria’s unrelenting violence, torture and massacres / are the bloody tracks of big war business and trade of weapons. / And all the traders of weapons are prolonging / and expanding now the war. / Syria countdown is about how much longer / war-profit-slaughter can be extended.
In Russia, America, England, Germany and where not, / you‘ll find the big producers and dealers of weapons / having a good time. / “Booming weapons industry means employment and / money for the states,” they say. / “So let’s kill them all as long as it goes for the profit great.”
Talking Syria countdown is about politos and bankas / walking over dead bodies with no sense of humanity at all. / It’s about money, greed and no ethics, propaganda and bluffing us all. / Leaders and speculators work together, mislead the people, / don’t help them at all. / The rich help the rich, they don’t help the poor, / they create them. / Talking Syria countdown tells about cynicism / of leaders who are no statesmen. / Talking Syria countdown tells about warmongers / and human breakdown. / Talking Syria countdown tells about the people / that must rise.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Talking U.S.A. Apocalypse and what Romney and Obama should do’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD reminding the two candidates of the USA presidential race to look beyond their nose into the wider vision of Human Unity

Talking U.S.A. Apocalypse and what Romney and Obama should do’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song reminding the two candidates of the USA presidential race to look beyond their nose into the wider vision of Human Unity. Sooner or later everyone will understand that national and imperial ambitions can not solve any of the big economic, humanitarian and ecological crises. Only the Unity of all mankind manifested in the United States of Planet Earth has a real chance for finding and applying effective solutions. The true destiny of the USA is to work for the achievement of this aim.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking U.S.A. Apocalypse and what Romney and Obama should do’:
“I wrote this song while the Romney-Obama campaign circus was going on. It is a New-Topical-Song looking beyond the nose of limited perspectives and confusing ignorance into the wider vision of Human Unity and the fulfillment of the true destiny of the USA in the emergence and building of the United States of Planet Earth.”

I wrote this song when Romney and Obama / were cruisin‘ across the country, / wanting to be president, tryin‘ to talk the people into something. / They showed many-a colorful poster-frontside to the people. / The backside of the poster, though, was blank / and that was the side for me.
The blank side told what the U.S.A. / and their president should do. / They should help in the birth of the United States of Planet Earth. / They should boldly pave the way to Human Unity. / They should make the transition from war / to peaceful space age industry.
They should understand that this road is the way out of unemployment, / economic crises, humanitarian crises, land, water, food and / ecological crises, / healthcare, education, slavery and fair wages crises. / The ideal of Human Unity must be proclaimed to be the aim / for Planet Earth.
‘Talking U.S.A. Apocalypse‘ is the title of this song.It was written when Romney and Obama / were cruisin‘ across the country, / wanting to be president, tryin‘ to talk the people into something. / Drought and heat waves, tornadoes and sand storms, / wars and no peace and the west nile outbreak / at the same time made clear what‘s the real thing.
I wrote this song when Romney and Obama / were cruisin‘ across the country, / wanting to be president, tryin‘ to talk the people into something. / Apocalypse has many-a colorful poster-frontside for the people. / But the backside still is blank and is the side of hope / for you and me.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Talking Pussy Riot Jail Sentence’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD in honor of the Pussy Riot ladies, their freedom love, their art and humanity

Talking Pussy Riot Jail Sentence’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song in honor of the Pussy Riot ladies, their freedom love, their art and humanity which is not only good for Russia but for the people of the whole world.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking Pussy Riot Jail Sentence’:
“I wrote this song to honor the Pussy Riot ladies for their freedom love, their art and humanity. They give hope to us – the people of the world – that a time is near when the people will take care of the need of the people, when love will rule and not power crazed politos and their soulless state machineries.
The Orthodox Church was right when she expressed forgiveness and Mr. Putin will be right when he wakes up and sets Pussy Riot free.”

The Orthodox Church has forgiven / the Pussy Riot ladies. / Now it’s time for Putin to do just the same. / Pussy Riot sang from the heart of free people. / Pussy Riot sang in a church for free people. / I’m a-singin’ about the Pussy Riot jail sentence.
Pussy Riot didn’t sing in favor of Vladimir Putin. / He’s the strong man and put them in jail for two years. / Come on, Mr. Putin! That’s not the way of a strong man. / Pussy Riot are the people and they are to be honored / for showin’ they are free people, showing their freedom.
Set them free and understand: they are Russia, / the free, the young and loveable Russia / and not the dark Russia of the dangerous old. / Pussy Riot are the people of the future / and the future is young and rich with love / and with laughter.
The Orthodox Church has forgiven / the Pussy Riot ladies. / Now it’s time for Putin to do just the same. / Pussy Riot sang from the heart of free people. / Pussy Riot sang in a church for free people. / Pussy Riot says: “We are more free than the one / who sentenced us!”
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

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‘The Days of Love and Unity’ – Michel Montecrossa’s song for the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2012 in Mirapuri, Italy and its 20th birthday on Audio CD and DVD

The Days Of Love And Unity‘ – Michel Montecrossa’s song for the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2012 in Mirapuri, Italy on Audio CD and DVD, released by Mira Sound Germany, was recorded on Friday 27th July 2012 as the opening of the Spirit of Woodstock Festival and as celebration of its 20th birthday.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘The Days of Love and Unity’:
“‘The Days of Love and Unity’ is a song which I wrote to celebrate the 20th birthday of the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy. This festival takes a stand for the free music revolution and the living celebration of humanity through music, creativity and being together in the spirit of love and understanding. ‘The Days of Love and Unity’ is a song for everyone in this world who likes love and understanding.”

Come gather ’round me, I sing you my song, friends, / of the love and unity days. / And I sing you sweet my song, oh girl, / of the love and unity we can share.
I feel your hand on my breast, girl, / and warm is the love of your soul. / Tender are your eyes and they tell all / a true man wants and needs to know.
Come gather ’round me, I sing you my song, friends, / of the love and unity days. / And I sing you sweet my song, oh girl, / of the love and unity we can share.
I’m touchin’ your soul with my smile, girl, / and touch deeply your wondering heart. / I can trust you and you can trust me, / we tremble and feel the embrace of god.
Come gather ’round me, I sing you my song, friends, / of the love and unity days. / And I sing you sweet my song, oh girl, / of the love and unity we can share.
Tender are your arms and they tell all / a real man wants and needs to know.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Talking World War & The Nato Gang’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD apropos Romney, Obama, Netanyahu, Assad and the entire World War circus

Talking World War & The Nato Gang‘ is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD, released by Mira Sound Germany, apropos Romney, Obama, Netanyahu, Assad and the entire World War circus. The people of the world again shall be fooled into wars for boosting war business. The politos again serve the bankas and don’t care for the millions who will bleed. One day there will be the time for young people who will be true leaders at the service of humanity, bringing the United States of Planet Earth, bringing the change from war industry to space age industry and bringing thus the change from monumental destruction to peace, progress and prosperity for all of us.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking World War & The Nato Gang’:
“I wrote the song ‘Talking World War & The Nato Gang’ during the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2012 in Mirapuri apropos Romney, Obama, Netanyahu, Assad and the entire World War circus. At that time the dangerously rich warmongers and arms traders once more were on the way with their traveling circus of lies, barking silly propaganda for starting World War after summer holidays and U.S. election. Don’t be blind: Syria, Israel, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan is big war business! The people of the world again shall be fooled into wars for boosting war business. The politos again serve the bankas and don’t care for the millions who will bleed. One day there will come the time for young people who will be true leaders at the service of humanity, bringing the United States of Planet Earth, bringing the change from war industry to space age industry and bringing thus the change from monumental destruction to peace, progress and prosperity for all of us.”

Someone on the street gave me something to think when she said: / “Iraq war first, Afghanistan next and then / Syria and Iran for the big World War bang. / It’s time for talking World War and the Nato gang. / It’s time for us all to wake up and to take a stand.”
The direction has the logic of the very few, / it’s not the logic of humanity, not the logic of us all. / Division must be ended, humanity needs the peace / for growing with its children into the happy and free.
Wars are big business, that’s why they don’t end. / Banka greed and politos weak are their best friends. / It’s the working hand alone that has the mighty strength / to put them in their place and bring trouble to an end.
Someone on the street gave me something to think when she said: / “Iraq war first, Afghanistan next and then / Syria and Iran for the big World War bang. / It’s time for talking World War and the Nato gang.”
The direction has the logic of the very few, / it’s not the logic of humanity, not the logic of the cool. / Division must be ended, humanity needs the peace / for growing with its children into the happy and free.
Wars are big business, that’s why they don’t end. / Banka greed and politos weak are their best friends. / It’s the working hand alone that has the mighty strength / to put them in their place and bring trouble to an end.
Someone on the street gave me something to think when she said: / “Iraq war first, Afghanistan next and then / Syria and Iran for the big World War bang. / It’s time for us all to wake up and to take a stand.”
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'