
„My New-Topical-Song-Movement is there to bring to the people the songs that inspire and to bring them fast. To make Downloads, CDs and DVDs, songbooks, programs, songsheets, concerts.
To distribute the songs globally via internet, shops, radio & TV and get the messages discussed and cited in newspapers, magazines, talk shows, social networks and gatherings.
The New-Topical-Songs are songs for the people and a world where we all vote, eat, work, talk, plan, think and love together so that your people will know my people and we don’t lose the peace and the world along with it.”
-Michel Montecrossa

Michel Montecrossa is an attentive observer of reality and misses no opportunity to let his songs voice the painful problems that disturb the well-being of our planet.
– Gianni Mongrandi in the E-Zine ‘Daring To Do’

Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘Love World Action Saves’ – triggered by Tea Party money and career craziness and the all-time ethical low of U.S. politos

Love World Action Saves

Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘Love World Action Saves‘ – triggered by Tea Party money and career craziness and the all-time ethical low of U.S. politos is released by Mira Sound Germany as Audio-CD Single, DVD and Download.

Michel Montecrossa about ‘Love World Action Saves‘:
“My New-Topical-Song ‘Love World Action Saves‘ comes at a time when polito stunting reaches top levels of funny but dangerous Tea Party money and career craziness and an all-time U.S. polito ethical low.
In this song I speak out what millions understand:
‘Love World Action saves
is my answer great,
is my answer when all explodes
into revenge and more blood,
greed and torture and the big collapse,
for my love and I we know and see:
Love brings the Bright Earth for the true and free.’”

Love World Action saves / when politos are goin’ mad, / when career and money take the place / of ideals in polito-corrupto-heads, / when war business is the cold lord / of banka-gangstas void of Love / for Humanity and Future and Hope.
Love World Action saves / when the big economies bring / more war industry to earth / instead of standing for Peace / and Human Unity / in the United States / of Planet Earth.
Love World Action saves / when you don’t cheat your friends, / when you don’t seduce their wives / and tear to pieces their lives / making children into slaves / of sadness and porn. / I say: “Love is the better world to be born.”
Love World Action saves / when people lose their faith, / when nations are falling apart / listening to Tea Party stuff / or nazism dark / creating a void in the heart. / “Love is the savior”, I say, / “from the Bright Earth smart.”
Love World Action saves / is my answer great, / is my answer when all explodes / into revenge and more blood, / greed and torture and the big collapse, / for my love and I we know and see: / Love brings the Bright Earth for the true and free.
Love World Action saves / no sanction can do that, no lie, / no bluff, no crime, / no trick, no dirty deal, / no death and no war field / can bring what Love can bring: / The Bright Earth of Strong Love Power / in you and me.
Music, Lyrics, Paintings & Drawings by Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Talking Syria Countdown’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD about the bloody tracks of big war business

Talking Syria Countdown’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song about the bloody tracks of big war business for USA, Russia, Europe etc. and the Syria Support Group’s Brian Sayers, the former NATO official who is channeling money from Washington to Syrian Free Army and to the Syrian opposition chaos for extending the war within Syria and generating big war business for economy growth in weapons selling countries.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking Syria Countdown’:
“I wrote ‘Talking Syria Countdown’ at a time when in Syria big war business was writing its bloody tracks.
Booming weapons industry on all levels of human society is increasingly changing politicians, bankers and media people into polito-corruptos, banka-gangstas and media-payolas.
Now the people must rise and show a new ethics and that’s what ‘Talking Syria Countdown’ is all about.”

Syria’s unrelenting violence, torture and massacres / are the bloody tracks of big war business and trade of weapons. / And all the traders of weapons are prolonging / and expanding now the war. / Syria countdown is about how much longer / war-profit-slaughter can be extended.
In Russia, America, England, Germany and where not, / you‘ll find the big producers and dealers of weapons / having a good time. / “Booming weapons industry means employment and / money for the states,” they say. / “So let’s kill them all as long as it goes for the profit great.”
Talking Syria countdown is about politos and bankas / walking over dead bodies with no sense of humanity at all. / It’s about money, greed and no ethics, propaganda and bluffing us all. / Leaders and speculators work together, mislead the people, / don’t help them at all. / The rich help the rich, they don’t help the poor, / they create them. / Talking Syria countdown tells about cynicism / of leaders who are no statesmen. / Talking Syria countdown tells about warmongers / and human breakdown. / Talking Syria countdown tells about the people / that must rise.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Talking Egypt in Crisis’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD released at a time when Egypt must have the chance to find and create its own free and progressive future

Talking Egypt In Crisis

Talking Egypt In Crisis‘ is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, which he wrote for Egypt at a time of difficult changes and dangerous situations but also at a time of great hope and the realistic chance to find and create a free and progressive future.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking Egypt in Crisis’:
“In my New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Egypt In Crisis’ I sing for the coming of a new Egypt on the way towards building a truly democratic and open society. The old fascist systems are outdated. Now it’s the time of the young peace and freedom loving people who know what tomorrow means.”

Now for the sake of humanity / it is time for Morsi to step back / from any claim for power, / clearing the way for the new Egypt.
With a new constitution, a new outlook / and a non-fascist future / the hope of Egypt is its social movement / and its world-open Spirit of Freedom and Peace.
The true revolution must come for all: / Liberty‘s Revolution of Equality and Love, / The Revolution of Humanity, / The positive way of Future Building.
For Egypt I hope that Morsi says: / “Stop all violence, I leave the game.“ / And I say: “It‘s time for the new to begin, / the New that makes Young Future and Freedom win!“
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘German Wahlgetoese’: Michel Montecrossa’s 4 New-Topical-Songs on Audio-CD and DVD about finding a new chancellor

German Wahlgetoese

‘German Wahlgetoese’ is Michel Montecrossa’s 4 New-Topical-Songs and Movies Collection presenting the titles ‘Talking German Wahlgetoese – Or: Who Is The Clown?’, ‘Talking New German Chancellor‘, ‘Talking The German Chancellor I Want‘, ‘Talking Angel for Germany‘, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and Video Download, triggered by the money driven brainwash campaign for finding a new German chancellor: It is the time for either future building or endgame playing. It is the time for answers and Michel Montecrossa’s songs give the answers we all need.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘German Wahlgetoese – 4 New-Topical-Songs‘:
“The 4 New-Topical-Song Movies with the title ‘German Wahlgetoese’ are released at the time of German Federal Election for finding a chancellor. These songs are dedicated to the people confronted by the German Wahlgetoese of childish but dangerous polito stupidities and lies leading us nowhere. It is the time of approaching German recession. It is the time for either future building or endgame playing. It is the time for answers and in my songs I give the answers we all need.”

(Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song about Steinbrueck-Steinreich, Diplomacy & Clowns)
In Germany there is rumbling in the air, / “Wahlgetoese” as they say. / The Steinbrueck candidate reaches Steinreich levels, / promotes himself as the little devil / that at last downgrades politics into the vulgar: / It’s the image-suicide of the Social Democrats / and of their funny star.
Framing other politos as clowns won’t help / and it surely won’t create the needed friends. / But friends we need for European Unity, / for Europe intelligent and able to see / that we, the people, don’t need troublemakers on top / making our Europe into a big flop.
What then would Mr. Steinbrueck-Steinreich say / if as clown he is portrayed, / a clown of the German-European-Reich, / the Social Democratic suicide? / The German people need the real answers and not tricks / or publicity stunts of a vulgar rich.
The German Wahlgetoese will be without end, / But I hope the people will not bend / to the thrill of nonsense and a painful end / of needed progress, justice and common sense. / Politos are already vulgar enough, / now it’s time to change and bring the real stuff, friends!
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

(Song about Peer Steinbrueck, German Election & EU-Crisis)
I’m talking about the German chancellor that wants to win, wants to come. / His name now-a-days is Steinbrueck Peer. / He wants to lead Germany, wants to lead us somewhere. / Oh, baby, baby! What is his plan? / Oh, baby, baby! Is it future or is it the endgame?
I tell you, baby: Germany has a meaning for this world / and the coming of the United States of Planet Earth. / For Germany is practical and skilful, has the good ethical feel. / Oh, baby, baby! The feel for community, / for standing together in truth of love and liberty.
Polito corruptos must change into politicians that don’t cheat the people / who are the power, the working hand, the real. / The German working hand and human spirit are the key / for this nation to set free a new policy / of liberation from the greed of wrong banka schemes.
I tell you, baby, Germany must stop to be banka slave, / must stop to give our tax money to dangerous speculator gangs. / Germany needs a new chancellor who for the people takes a stand. / Oh, baby, baby! With the rich less rich / and the poor no more poor we’ll together surely find the clue.
Real value banking must replace gangsta banking. / Real statesmanship must replace corrupto-acting. / On the way to World Unity Germany must be a-walking. / Oh, baby, baby! Is Steinbrueck our man? / Oh, baby, baby! Is he our friend?
Will he bring down the cost of living so that our wages can compete / with wages all over the globe so that quality can easily be the big deal? / Will he bring to Germany the peace and the jobs that the people need? / Oh, baby, baby! What is his plan? / Oh, baby, baby! Is it future or the endgame?
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

The German Chancellor I want is a she or he / who is courageous enough to put banka-gangstas in their place, / who is not a money greedy polito-corrupto and good-for-nothing, / who is intelligent and selfless enough to understand / that to work for the people means saving our good nation.
The German Chancellor I want is a she or he / who takes a liberating stand ‘gainst Goldman-Sachs world-domination, / who is activating the true statesmanship / for handling all the rich cheaters, / the club of the world’s thirty most lawless wealthy / and the Dragi-Monti style tax payer misleaders.
The German Chancellor I want is a she or he / who brings down our living cost to save / German working force, / who leads on the way to the United States of Planet Earth, / who stands for young and new political ethics / in touch with people’s reality, / a young generation of lady politicians / on the side of life and peace.
The German Chancellor I want / is just like me / taking a stand for Love and World Unity, / for Love Action of the free.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Germany won’t make it / without an angel that sees, / without an angel of warmth / satisfying the need,
the need of the people / for freedom from fear / of financial disaster / made by polito corruptos.
Is Germany ready / for the young and unexpected? / For the end of banka gangstas / and rising cost and taxes?
Is Germany ready / for true information / ’bout what really happens / on the way to Human Unity?
Germany won’t make it / without an angel that leads / on the way to World Union / where all humanity can meet.
Only unity knows the answer / to the problems all around. / “Act together!” is the answer / of my angel soul unbound.
France is looking forward / to E.U. government. / Is Germany doing the same? / Is an angel lending a hand?
Who is the angel intervening / when things turn anti-social / and nazism becomes the new religion? / Is Germany ready for Angel-Action?
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

German Wahlgetoese 4 New-Topical Song Movies

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‘Talking Angel For Germany’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD about Germany seen from the side of the people

Talking Angel For Germany

Talking Angel For Germany‘ is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, takes a strong stand for the need of the German people for freedom from financial disaster, polito corruptos, banka gangstas, rising cost and taxes. ‘Talking Angel For Germany’ is Michel Montecrossa’s anthem for the young and unexpected, for true information and Human Unity, when he sings ‘Act together! is the answer of my angel soul unbound’. Michel Montecrossa’s ‘Talking Angel For Germany’ points to the vision of the future E.U. government capable of preventing anti-social changes and the growth of nazism into a new religion by leading the E.U. to World Union where all humanity can meet and work together in freedom and mutual respect.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking Angel For Germany’:
“I sing you my New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Angel For Germany’ at the time when in Germany the gap between ruthlessly corrupt politos and the people on the way into poverty is widening. The people in Germany, as everywhere in the world, don’t need a war industry based economy favouring the thirty most dangerous rich. The people need Peace, Right Action for Fair Wages and Human Unity.”

Germany won’t make it / without an angel that sees, / without an angel of warmth / satisfying the need,
the need of the people / for freedom from fear / of financial disaster / made by polito corruptos.
Is Germany ready / for the young and unexpected? / For the end of banka gangstas / and rising cost and taxes?
Is Germany ready / for true information / ’bout what really happens / on the way to Human Unity?
Germany won’t make it / without an angel that leads / on the way to World Union / where all humanity can meet.
Only unity knows the answer / to the problems all around. / “Act together!” is the answer / of my angel soul unbound.
France is looking forward / to E.U. government. / Is Germany doing the same? / Is an angel lending a hand?
Who is the angel intervening / when things turn anti-social / and nazism becomes the new religion? / Is Germany ready for Angel-Action?
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Dreamspace Reality Call’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD for announcing the Dreamspace Electronica Festival 2013 in Mirapuri, Italy

Dreamspace Reality Call

Dreamspace Reality Call‘ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD, released by Mira Sound Germany, for announcing the Dreamspace Electronica Festival 2013 in Mirapuri, Italy. During the Dreamspace Electronica Festival 2013 in Mirapuri on 9th and 10th August, Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali and Diana Antara bring their Top Electronica Music to the stage. It is an exciting adventure into the experience of Consciousness Expansion and Visionary Future Building. Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali and Diana Antara together with the guest bands Anna Aliena, Unort and Anarcord present on 9th and 10th August from 19:00 – 24:00 the best of modern electronica at the Dreamspace Electronica Festival 2013 in Mirapuri, Italy.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Dreamspace Reality Call’, the song for the Dreamspace Electronica Festival 2013 in Mirapuri:
“The Dreamspace Reality is the Reality of a Higher Sphere of Consciousness to which we can open ourselves.
As a species we feel a constant attraction to go to this Higher Sphere because it is our Future.
‘Dreamspace Reality Call’ is pointing to this Future holding the key of Peace and Joy, Love and Happiness, Unity and Action. It is the opening song for the Dreamspace Festival 2013 in Mirapuri.”

For more see here:

Dreamspace Reality Call / is a-speakin’ to you all / of the solution for all the troubles / through evolving our Love World Action.
Dreamspace goes beyond / distortion and behaviour wrong / and no-future slavery / and no-youth destiny.
Dreamspace is a Young Future, is / Peace and Joy of the Green Earth Kiss, / is Love and Happiness great, / is Unity and Action brave.
Dreamspace is the Bright Earth / of New Consciousness Birth / connecting our present days / to our Future Realities.
Dreamspace is fast moving change / into the World of Futureman / where at last we will be free / to be the Good Reality.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘When I Sing For You My New Song’ – Michel Montecrossa’s song for the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2013 in Mirapuri, Italy on Audio CD & DVD

When I Sing For You My New Song

When I Sing For You My New Song‘ – Michel Montecrossa’s song for the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2013 in Mirapuri, Italy on Audio CD & DVD, released by Mira Sound Germany, was recorded on Friday 26th July 2013 for the opening of the Festival as a hymn to love and joy and the spirit of humanity.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘When I Sing For You My New Song’:
“‘When I Sing For You My New Song’ is a song of warmth and humanity taking a stand for love and joy in a world that desperately needs love and joy and I say: Let’s keep on doin’, not just tryin’.”

When I sing for you my new song / the shadows of the world are gone. / No more tears are flowing gently, / now it‘s the tune of love that‘s unending.
You say you need no jewels, / no costly diamonds at all, / but the love you need of my sweet soul / to make you tremble, make you feel sunny, / make you enjoy and taste my honey.
When I sing for you my new song / all the sorrow of the world is gone. / Let‘s keep on walking, not just talking / til we come home. / When I sing for you my new song / your eyes shine bright and your heart is warm.
It‘s early in the morning, / all the world is young. / Our love is yearning, pushin‘ on, / makes us shiver, makes us cum, / makes us enjoy, makes us one.
When I sing for you my new song / all my happiness to you will come. / Let‘s keep on doin‘, not just tryin‘ / and become whatever we want. / When I sing for you my new song / you will see the light of the strong.
Music & Lyrics: Michel Montecrossa, © 2013 Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking Edward Snowden’s Next Move’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD for stimulating the debate about the balance between privacy and security

Talking Edward Snowden's Next Move

Talking Edward Snowden’s Next Move‘, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD for stimulating the debate about the balance between privacy and security and top-secret U.S. and British mass surveillance programs disclosed to the public by Edward Snowden.

Michel Montecrossa says about his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Edward Snowden’s Next Move’:
“Like General Michael Hayden I welcome the debate about the balance between privacy and security which is fueled by Edward Snowden’s discloser of top-secret U.S. and British mass surveillance programs and want to say with my song: It’s time for Lindsay and Edward to marry and for governments to show mercy.”

Talking Edward Snowden’s Next Move after he disclosed / top-secret U.S. and British mass surveillance programs / to inform the people about what is done against them, / fueling debates about security and privacy.
Prosecutor charged him with espionage and theft. / His disclosures are said to rank among the most significant / security breaches by leakers in United States history. / John Boehner, speaker of the House, called Snowden “a traitor”.
A “We The People” petition launched on the White House website seeks: / “A full, free and absolute pardon” for Snowden. / German politician Jürgen Trittin wrote: / “Edward Snowden has done us all a great service.” / And Amy Davidson is thankful for the “overdue” conversation / on privacy and the limits of domestic surveillance.
General Michael Hayden welcomed the debate about / the balance between privacy and security. / “I am convinced”, he said, “the more the American people know exactly / what it is we are doing in this balance between privacy and security, / the more they know, the more comfortably they will feel.”
I say: “Hysteria and paranoia and death wish strangling libido / and state machine brutality are the dark world only. / I see the Bright Earth of Love to be the true / and winning in each one of us and that’s what I say: / “It’s time for Lindsay and Edward to marry / and for governments to show mercy.”
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking The Pope Needed’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD for the World Youth Day, the Pope and the question of progress

Talking The Pope Needed’, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, for the World Youth Day, the Pope and the question of Progress because the importance of religion for society is great. Therefore it is important for every religion that only the best of its people are in charge of leading it. They must be people having wideness, tolerance and compassionate understanding for helping to unite humanity in peace and love.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking The Pope Needed’:
“A good Pope is a good chance for Progress.”

The pope needed is the one of union, / union of religions for human unity building. / The question of sex must come out of the shades. / The pope needed is the one of ‘Freedom Today’.
The pope needed is the one banning corruption / from a one billion customers industry, / answers questions of politics with the truth. / The pope needed is the one giving good clues.
The pope needed must be a pope for the world, / the world of children, of women and men, / the world of criminals and wars without end. / The pope needed must be ready to take a stand,
a stand for the billions without work, / driven by bankas into their early graves, / made by politos into helpless slaves, / expunged from heaven without having been there.
The pope needed must be for heaven on earth, / praying and acting like the living grace / for women’s rights and freedom sweet. / The pope needed must a-do the right deed.
The pope must act with the courage of Christ / and be the one of the people, the one of the light, / the one of the wisdom that unifies, / the one of the love that can make us smile,
the one acting straight in difficulties, / the one that gives money, gives the peace, / the one that gives vision to humanity / of a world like heaven united and free.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking European Croatia’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD for Croatia joining the European Union

Talking European Croatia‘, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song for Croatia joining the European Union. The European Idea expressed through the growing European Union is a light of hope for the whole world that peace, good relations and common prosperity can overcome conflicts, isolation and insecurity. With Croatia joining the European Union the possibilities of the European Idea gain further strength. Union and not division is what the world needs for tackling its problems. A strong Europe ready to face the challenges of the present and the future with its rich spiritual, cultural and economical capacities is destined to be a great helper for all humanity on the way to Human Unity. In his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking European Croatia’ Michel Montecrossa takes a heart-felt stand for the European Idea and the growing reality of Human Unity in the expanding European Union.

Michel Montecrossa says about his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking European Croatia’:
“Croatia joining the European Union is a further step of economic, cultural and spiritual growth of the European Idea. It shows the world that the hope for lasting European peace, good relations and common prosperity is becoming reality. My New-Topical-Song ‘Talking European Croatia’ is dedicated to the beauty of this reality.”

In my heart I feel strongly / the European Croatia / and I’m happy to be / with the people of Croatia.
I wish them the good way / of peace and understanding, / the way of Union / for a future of us all.
Unity in diversity / is the good Europe / and Croatia / is a good friend.
The Living Celebration / of Humanity / is the good fest / and for all of us the best.
In my heart I feel strongly / the people of Croatia / and I’m happy to be / with them
in a family of friends, / in the European Union, / in a most precious place / for the future, the future world.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Call Of The Festival – The Days Of Love World Action’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD for announcing the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2013 in Mirapuri, Italy

Call Of The Festival – The Days Of Love World Action‘ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD, released by Mira Sound Germany, for announcing the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2013 in Mirapuri, Italy. Michel Montecrossa together with his band The Chosen Few during ten days (26th July – 4th August) presents 20 concerts featuring brand-new songs from Michel Montecrossa’s ongoing New-Topical-Song and Cyberrock concert tour. Michel Montecrossa and his band The Chosen Few play along with international guest bands creating together with them the stimulating and happy flair of the most important festival of the free music revolution.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Call Of The Festival – The Days Of Love World Action’:
“At the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2013 in Mirapuri, Italy I play with my band 20 concerts featuring brand-new songs from our ongoing New-Topical-Song and Cyberrock concert tour. It’s our Call of the Festival. It’s a celebration of the free music revolution.”
Buy here Michel Montecrossa Full-Stream-of-Consciousness feature film length movie:
Going To The Spirit Of Woodstock Festival
Come, ladies and gents from everywhere! / I sing you my Call of the Festival! / Come for the Days of Love World Action great! / The Love World is there of the Bright Earth!
On wings of the wind over the deep blue sea / the music is coming of Love and of Peace. / Hear the wind singing of Love that’s true, / see the Peace shining with the silvery hue.
We are sisters and brothers from the same spring. / We are together and together can sing / of Love World Action, of you and me, / of the good tomorrow, of the soul that sees.
Come, ladies and gents from everywhere! / Listen to the Call of the Festival! / The Call it is of Love World Action great! / The Love World Action of the Bright Earth!
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking Gitmo – Close It!’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD about Human Values, Civilized USA Government and Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp

Talking Gitmo – Close It!‘, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD about Human Values, Civilized USA Government and Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp. It is Michel Montecrossa’s call for wisdom in politics and true statesmanship reaching out to the mind of religions and views of every kind.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking Gitmo – Close It!’:
“The New-Topical-Song Movie ‘Talking Gitmo – Close It!’ I made at the time when Obama was giving his speech in Berlin and I was thinking about Human Values, Civilized USA Government and Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp. It’s time to close the past and start a new path without anger’s heavy load.”

There is something in the world you may call divine. / Gitmo ain’t that! It’s hate and it’s pain! / Close it! Be wise! Turn down the hate! / Start to change humanity’s fate!
The United States of America / are great, they can do that. / They can close the past and start / a new path of education smart:
Education leading to more good guys / saving and not destroying lives, / the ethics that reaches out to the mind / of religions and views of every kind
and brings back everybody on the boat / to work together for the common hope / of a united world, free and bold, / relieved from anger’s heavy load.
Be wise and be the soulful type. / Gitmo ain’t that! It’s wrong! It ain’t right! / Close it! Be wise! Bring in the grace! / Start to change humanity’s face!
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Single ‘Determined & Undeterred! The Pro-Reform Song For Turkey’

Determined & Undeterred! The Pro Reform Song For Turkey‘ is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song released on Audio Single and DVD in answer to the protest movement in Turkey which continues the long row of similar upheavals which began in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt. And again the big question is there: Will the idealistic motivated protest of the people soon be misused by extremist professionals and political parties for radicalization, bloodshed and civil war as it happened in Syria? Will the Turkish government abstain from brutal suppression and instead turn to the wisdom of dialogue and respect? In the European and Middle East relation context it would be better for all involved parties not to destroy the inner stability of Turkey, but rather work together for finding the right solution for the people and the nation. The previous upheavals unfortunately led from the bad to the worse. Stability for Turkey and its future of joining the EU is preferable to a collapse into the chaos of sectarian violence, fanaticism and extremism destroying in a short time all the gains of long developments.
The legitimacy of the people’s non-violent idealism should be embraced by the government in peaceful and respectful ways and be evolved into new and better ways how young and old and different ways of thinking can creatively work together for the best of all.
With his New-Topical-Song ‘Determined & Undeterred!‘ Michel Montecrossa takes a strong stand for a positive outlook regarding the future of Turkey.
‘Determined & Undeterred!‘ is Michel Montecrossa’s Pro-Reform Song for Turkey.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“Protesters are the fuel for progress if the protest expresses a true ideal, is peaceful and able to see all sides of the question and is able to unify the various points of view in a greater vision.”

Come gather ’round me people and a story I will tell / ’bout bein’ no more endangered by livin’ hell. / We don’t want to stay forever locked up and forgotten / in state-terror and its prisons, hateful and rotten.
We are thousands of protesters and we band together / for sweeping reforms and the way to the better. / We want the clan-government to resign. / Determined and undeterred we aren’t blind.
We call for equal rights and breakin’ of chains, / demand the willingness to quit or to change. / Future’s joy we bring and determination, / of society we are the renewing generation.
No tragedy we want but the end of lies. / Falsehood it is that lets protesters die. / We want to show the world a new way is open and that / determined and undeterred we all can unite.
The people are the life of a nation’s endeavor, / the driving force that can end all sorrow, / the sorrow caused by corruption, injustice and civil war. / The truth we need, the right and the vast.
The growing joy of peace and love’s intensity / will open our eyes to seeing who we are and what we need. / Victory, I say, begins in our soul: / Determined and undeterred she leads straight to the goal.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Brutal And Proud Of It’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD released in memory of Lee Rigby and all victims of brutality

Brutal And Proud Of It‘, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, in memory of Lee Rigby and all victims of brutality. Lee Rigby was brutally hacked and stabbed in London by two extremists. With this New Topical Song Michel Montecrossa takes a strong stand against all brutality and makes clear that the world of love is the healing power and that love must spread into all we are and do so that brutality no more has a chance in the human society.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Brutal And Proud Of It’:
“My New Topical Song ‘Brutal And Proud Of It’ was released in response to the brutal hacking and stabbing of Lee Rigby by two extremists in London and says: Turn away from brutality, there’s nothin’ there to be proud of. Shake off your brutality, there’s nothin’ there to find. Drop your brutality, that’s what you must do. Human energies must be saved and enhanced! Love shared by all is the Future World we need.”

Turn away from brutality, there’s nothin’ there to be proud of. / The wind is howlin’ in an empty glass. / I see the deadly outbreak and right by its side / there are new bailouts and the right to die. / Brutal and proud of it, brutal you are!
Shake off your brutality, there’s nothin’ there to find. / There’s only extremism and fear that makes you blind. / Fanatical ideas will kill all your human rights. / Children are sold into sex trade by their parents. / Brutal and proud of it, brutal you are!
Drop your brutality, that’s what you must do. / Change for the better hovers over you. / Democracy is good for avoiding tyrants. / We all together must secure human rights. / Brutal and proud of it ain’t no starter!
Brutality is fed by disappointing job reports. / Systematic rape, detention and torture to death / are no proud answers for the youth population. / Human rights mean more than the right to die. / Human energies must be saved and enhanced!
The world of love is the healing power. / Love can heal the wounds of today. / The core of love’s power are sound relations. / Love shared by all is the Future World we need. / Love spreading into all we are and do!
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Talking Boston Marathon Learning’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD calling for action against self-radicalization

Talking Boston Marathon Learning‘, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, calling for action against self-radicalization through improvement of ethical education which will put future generations on a secure basis of love and respect for life and the sense of oneness with all humanity for a happy self-fulfillment instead of killing each other.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking Boston Marathon Learning’:
“I wrote ‘Talking Boston Marathon Learning’ in response to the urgent need for overcoming self-radicalization and its murderous consequences. It is high time for reaching a new and higher level of ethical education which will save our future from loss of civilization. We have to give to our children our love-protection, our friendship and unrestricted kindness that will make them grow into good friends for others, liked by all as protectors of life and will give them the strength to be the bringers of love and oneness which the world needs.”

Talking Boston Marathon Learning, / asking the question: “What went wrong?” / Talking self-radicalization. / Talking next step in education.
When you and I came to earth / we came from the good to do the good on earth. / What went wrong with the brothers / who did the Boston Marathon killing?
When the two came down to earth / what changed them from the good to the bad? / What is it that changes too many like them, / too many young people of this world?
Talking Boston Marathon Learning, / asking the question: “What went wrong?” / Talking self-radicalization. / Talking next step in education.
Give your children your love-protection, / your friendship and kindness wide / that will make them grow into good friends for others, / liked by all as protectors of life.
Me and my love are mother and father / teaching that to our children bright, / giving them a world of loyalty and hope / where love and oneness are the truth and the goal.
Talking Boston Marathon Learning, / asking the question: “What went wrong?” / Talking self-radicalization. / Talking next step in education.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Talking Media World’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD about himself as singing newsman and the online future newspaper crises

Talking Media World‘, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD about himself as singing newsman and the online future newspaper crises à la Spiegel, Newsweek and all who follow.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking Media World’:
“The New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Media World’ I wrote at a time when newspaper crises were exploding into their online future and intelligent journalism had to fight its way through advertisement payola journalism wreaking havoc in the lives of people threatening to bring press ethics and media standards to an all-time low. In a world of polito-corruptos and banka-gangstas I, as the singing newsman, stand on the side of true journalism of freedom, democracy and independence. My newspapers are New-Topical-Songs and Movies going online, talking true to the people of the world, giving them hope, insight, solidarity and encouragement for effective future action.”

Come gather ‘round journalists, a song I will sing / about media world and about the right thing. / And the right thing is truth of precious life. / That’s why the right people talk true and don’t lie.
Demands and violence, division and death / can’t stand against harmony and unity great. / The newspaper crises, they are all exploding: / Advertisement payola means death of knowing.
Online is the future and online are my songs. / The world happens in the world of the young. / Youth unemployment and slavery are there / and I’m the voice singin’ for the free who dare.
Bankas and politos are killing journalism, / retarding media ethics into opportunism. / Through outrageous behavior media world is doomed. / Wreaking havoc in our lives isn’t that cool.
Too many journalists lose their lives or get hurt / while others send hoax calls to the nurse / of the pregnant duchess and thus push the nurse / into suicide ending her life on earth.
I’m the singing newsman, the voice of the soul, / the soul of the people beyond mind-control, / the soul of the people, the truth of us all, / the truth of love resisting the wrong.
Come gather ‘round journalists, a song I did sing / about media world and about the right thing. / And the right thing is truth of precious life. / That’s why the right people talk true and don’t lie.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Talking Laughing Love World Action’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD about no more broken heart syndrome for Korea, America, Syria, Mali and the World Estate

Talking Laughing Love World Action‘, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, about no more broken heart syndrome for Korea, America, Syria, Mali and the World Estate at a time when the world’s doped rulers entered a new round of bizarre inhumanity stunts making clear once more how much they are out of touch with the people’s reality.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking Laughing Love World Action’:
“I wrote ‘Talking Laughing Love World Action’ at a time when the world’s doped rulers entered a new round of bizarre inhumanity stunts making clear once more how much they are out of touch with the people’s reality. This New-Topical-Song is about no more broken heart syndrome for Korea, America, Syria, Mali and the World Estate.”

Talking Laughing Love World, / Laughing Love World Action, I say, / is the name of my song I will sing for you today. / Love World is pushing boundaries, / is unlocking our potential world. / Its action is almighty if we know how to dare.
Love World Action means relation great / of our soul divine with our human vital nerve. / Love World Action is laughing and smiling, / brings into the play the next step of evolving.
The step that makes it easy for all nations to unite, / for love in us is taking delight / as we can take delight in our lover‘s love and light. / North Korea and America / suddenly can change their way uptight
as can Syria and Mali and the whole wide World Estate. / No more broken heart syndrome, / no more pain of normal hate. / No more separation from / Love World Action’s Laughing Might. / I believe in smiles and bring love into every night.
Talking Laughing Love World, / Laughing Love World Action, I say, / is the name of my game, / the light that saves every day. / Come on, baby! Let’s always stay / on the Bright Earth laughing / with Love World Action great.
Lyrics, Music & Paintings: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Talking The German Chancellor I Want’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD about handling all the rich cheaters and what chancellor candidates should stand for

Talking The German Chancellor I Want’, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, about handling all the rich cheaters and what chancellor candidates should stand for.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“The New-Topical-Song ‘Talking The German Chancellor I Want’ is about all I would do if I were chancellor.”

The German Chancellor I want is a she or he / who is courageous enough to put banka-gangstas in their place, / who is not a money greedy polito-corrupto and good-for-nothing, / who is intelligent and selfless enough to understand / that to work for the people means saving our good nation.
The German Chancellor I want is a she or he / who takes a liberating stand ‘gainst Goldman-Sachs world-domination, / who is activating the true statesmanship / for handling all the rich cheaters, / the club of the world’s thirty most lawless wealthy / and the Dragi-Monti style tax payer misleaders.
The German Chancellor I want is a she or he / who brings down our living cost to save / German working force, / who leads on the way to the United States of Planet Earth, / who stands for young and new political ethics / in touch with people’s reality, / a young generation of lady politicians / on the side of life and peace.
The German Chancellor I want / is just like me / taking a stand for Love and World Unity, / for Love Action of the free.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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“Talking German Wahlgetoese, Or ‘Who Is The Clown?’”: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD about Steinbrueck-Steinreich, Diplomacy & Clowns

Talking German Wahlgetoese, Or ‘Who Is The Clown?’“, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, about Steinbrueck-Steinreich, Diplomacy & Clowns and the image-suicide of the Social Democrats in Germany.

Michel Montecrossa says about “Talking German Wahlgetoese, Or ‘Who Is The Clown?’”:
“We don’t need troublemakers on top making our Europe into a big flop.”

(Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song about Steinbrueck-Steinreich, Diplomacy & Clowns)
In Germany there is rumbling in the air, / “Wahlgetoese” as they say. / The Steinbrueck candidate reaches Steinreich levels, / promotes himself as the little devil / that at last downgrades politics into the vulgar: / It’s the image-suicide of the Social Democrats / and of their funny star.
Framing other politos as clowns won’t help / and it surely won’t create the needed friends. / But friends we need for European Unity, / for Europe intelligent and able to see / that we, the people, don’t need troublemakers on top / making our Europe into a big flop.
What then would Mr. Steinbrueck-Steinreich say / if as clown he is portrayed, / a clown of the German-European-Reich, / the Social Democratic suicide? / The German people need the real answers and not tricks / or publicity stunts of a vulgar rich.
The German Wahlgetoese will be without end, / But I hope the people will not bend / to the thrill of nonsense and a painful end / of needed progress, justice and common sense. / Politos are already vulgar enough, / now it’s time to change and bring the real stuff, friends!
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Talking The Pope Needed’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD about the election of a new Pope and the question of Progress

Talking The Pope Needed’, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, about the election of a new Pope and the question of Progress because the importance of religion for society is great. Therefore it is important for every religion that only the best of its people are in charge of leading it. They must be people having wideness, tolerance and compassionate understanding for helping to unite humanity in peace and love.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking The Pope Needed’:
“Election of a new Pope is a new chance for Progress to be elected.”

The pope needed is the one of union, / union of religions for human unity building. / The question of sex must come out of the shades. / The pope needed is the one of ‘Freedom Today’.
The pope needed is the one banning corruption / from a one billion customers industry, / answers questions of politics with the truth. / The pope needed is the one giving good clues.
The pope needed must be a pope for the world, / the world of children, of women and men, / the world of criminals and wars without end. / The pope needed must be ready to take a stand,
a stand for the billions without work, / driven by bankas into their early graves, / made by politos into helpless slaves, / expunged from heaven without having been there.
The pope needed must be for heaven on earth, / praying and acting like the living grace / for women’s rights and freedom sweet. / The pope needed must a-do the right deed.
The pope must act with the courage of Christ / and be the one of the people, the one of the light, / the one of the wisdom that unifies, / the one of the love that can make us smile,
the one acting straight in difficulties, / the one that gives money, gives the peace, / the one that gives vision to humanity / of a world like heaven united and free.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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