
„My New-Topical-Song-Movement is there to bring to the people the songs that inspire and to bring them fast. To make Downloads, CDs and DVDs, songbooks, programs, songsheets, concerts.
To distribute the songs globally via internet, shops, radio & TV and get the messages discussed and cited in newspapers, magazines, talk shows, social networks and gatherings.
The New-Topical-Songs are songs for the people and a world where we all vote, eat, work, talk, plan, think and love together so that your people will know my people and we don’t lose the peace and the world along with it.”
-Michel Montecrossa

Michel Montecrossa is an attentive observer of reality and misses no opportunity to let his songs voice the painful problems that disturb the well-being of our planet.
– Gianni Mongrandi in the E-Zine ‘Daring To Do’

‘Let’s Have A Goal For Us And Our Children’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single, DVD and Download dedicated to ’Je suis Charlie’.

Let’s Have A Goal For Us And Our Children

Let’s Have A Goal For Us And Our Children’ is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single, DVD and Download, released by Mira Sound Germany dedicated to ’Je suis Charlie’. Michel Montecrossa created this song on the day when the Charlie Hebdo killings in Paris took place. In his song he takes a strong stand for a goal for us and our children, a strong stand for true humanity that we need in a time when everybody tends to kill everybody. In his song Michel Montecrossa does not sing about bad-future and hater-answer horror but sings courageously about the answer of human unity which gives us freedom to think, freedom to love, freedom to act and peace that helps.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Let’s Have A Goal For Us And Our Children’:
“I made this song when the sad Charlie Hebdo killings descended upon Paris. This madness showed what is no goal for us and our children. My song is showing the goal for us and our children.”

Let’s have a goal for us and our children. / Let’s have a goal bringing us together. / Let’s have a goal for us and our children. / Let’s have a goal that’s like a mother.
What could that goal be? / The goal for you and me? / The goal that keeps us free, / the goal that gives prosperity?
The goal is Human Unity, / the goal is free trade everywhere, / the goal is equal wages everywhere, / the goal is peace all over the earth.
Unity gives us freedom to think, / unity gives us freedom to love, / unity gives us freedom to act, / unity gives peace that helps.
The United States of Planet Earth / are the good goal for us and our children, / the goal bringing us together, / the goal that is like a mother:
Loving, sweet and caring, / playful with the good ideas, / the sunshine and the dream-magic, / the happy day rich with quality work.
Love is the good soil for freedom, / love builds a good man. / The sunshine of love, the world of hope / are the good future for us all.
Let’s have a goal for us and our children. / Let’s have a goal bringing us together. / Let’s have a goal for us and our children. / Let’s have a goal that’s like a mother.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Seelenrasur – Soulshave’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single, DVD and Download about Ferguson’s Michael Brown and Offenbach’s Tugce Albayrak

Seelenrasur - Soulshave

Seelenrasur – Soulshave’ is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single, DVD and Download, released by Mira Sound Germany in English and German about Ferguson’s Michael Brown and Offenbach’s Tugce Albayrak. Racism, injustice, aggression, violence, extremism are on the rise and take always more lives. With his bilingual New-Topical-Song ‘Seelenrasur – Soulshave’ Michel Montecrossa sends the call for a new spiritual humanism in German and English into the world: “Don’t become the hell of a world without the ‘We’. Rather have the Soulshave and like her be bright and free. Be the soul of love’s moment, show the greatness of the big ‘We’.” In the strengthening of convincing ethical values Michel Montecrossa sees the way out of desperation for the young when he sings: “Feel the Evolver Culture, really know what’s drivin’ the wheel. Violence and racism won’t lead you to the ‘We’. Be heroes of love whose hearts are poundin’ for all.”
‘Seelenrasur – Soulshave’ is Michel Montecrossa’s strong and heartfelt New-Topical-Song for Christmas.

Michel Montecrossa about ‘Seelenrasur – Soulshave’:
“I wrote the New-Topical-Song ‘Seelenrasur – Soulshave’ at the time when Ferguson and wide ranges of the USA exploded with anger about racism and the shooting of Michael Brown, and Germany mourned the brutal killing of the 23 years young student girl Tugce Albayrak. My song is dedicated to both of them and to the coming of a new spiritual humanism changing the human world into a better place.”

(On the other side of Ferguson and Tugce – Auf der anderen Seite von Ferguson und Tugce)
Werdet nicht zur Hölle einer Welt ohne das ‘Wir’. / Macht lieber die Seelenrasur und seid hell und frei. / Seid die Seele der Liebeszeit, zeigt die Größe des großen ‘Wir‘.
Don’t become the hell of a world without the ‘We’. / Rather have the Soulshave and like her be bright and free. / Be the soul of love’s moment, show the greatness of the big ‘We’.
Fühlt die Fortschrittsbewegung, erkennt was wirklich geschieht. / Gewalt und Rassismus bringen euch nicht zum ‘Wir’. / Seid Helden der Liebe, deren Herz für alle schlägt.
Feel the Evolver Culture, really know what’s drivin’ the wheel. / Violence and racism won’t lead you to the ‘We’. / Be heroes of love whose hearts are poundin’ for all.
Herz und Seele in Aktion verändern unser Denken, / unsere Sehensweise und unsere Lebensart. / Seid Freunde und seid Liebende, seid Wege in eine bessere Welt.
Heart and soul in action change our way of thinkin’, / change our way of seeing and our way of livin’. / Be friends and be lovers, be ways into a better world.
Dann sind wir vereint in der Welt des freien Seins / der Ganzheit unserer Menschlichkeit, des Guten, liebesweit, / befreit von Extremismus und Lebensfeindlichkeit, / Seelengröße sind wir dann für eine neue Zeit.
Then we are united in the world of freedom life, / the wholeness of our humanity, of the good, the love so wide, / freed from extremism that’s a-killin’ our life, / greatness of soul are we then for a new time.
Werdet nicht zur Hölle einer Welt ohne das ‘Wir’. / Macht lieber die Seelenrasur und seid hell und frei wie sie. / Seid auf der anderen Seite von Ferguson und Tugce und zeigt das große ‘Wir’.
Don’t become the hell of a world without the ‘We’. / Rather have the Soulshave and like her be bright and free. / Be on the other side of Ferguson and Tugce and show the big ‘We’.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Talking ISIS: Give It A Name – Nenn’ Es Beim Namen’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single, DVD and Download about No-Future Youth Movement, Jihadism and Big War Field Business

Talking ISIS: Give It A Name - Nenn' Es Beim Namen

Talking ISIS: Give It A Name – Nenn’ Es Beim Namen’ is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single, DVD and Download, released by Mira Sound Germany in English and German about ISIS, No-Future Youth Movement, Jihadism and the criminal heart of our time of fear, anguish, Big War Field Business, pain and suffering as well as the Soul of our Time with its love and bright hopes that have never been so strongly and poignantly felt as in our contradictory and brutal world of today.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“The Love, the Good, the Beautiful must be the victorious answer of humanity to the desperation of a lost youth that gathers under the bloody flag of ISIS. This is what my song ‘Talking ISIS: Give It A Name – Nenn’ Es Beim Namen’ is about. It is my call to humanity to rise to a higher sphere of existence and bring to an end the no-future hater world of the most dangerous old rich through joy and happiness for all in a peacefully united world of Love, Freedom and Progress.”

Sex, money, power, horror insane. / Sex, Geld, Macht, Horror verrückt. / Give it a name – nenn’ es beim Namen.
The dangerous old and under-dog youngstas. / Die gefährlichen Alten und Under-Dog Jungen. / Give it a name – nenn’ es beim Namen.
The young people rise, want to be top-dog. / Die Jugend erhebt sich, will Top-Dog sein. / Give it a name – nenn’ es beim Namen.
Oil and weapons, ransom and mass killin’. / Öl und Waffen, Erpressung und Morden. / Give it a name – nenn’ es beim Namen.
The magic of faith made into a grave. / Die Magie des Glaubens verwandelt in ein Grab. / Give it a name – nenn’ es beim Namen.
Ten-thousands of youngstas from all nations / Zehntausende Junge aus allen Nationen / go from No-Future to Jihadism / gehen von No-Future zum Dschihadismus. / Banka-Gangstas and Polito-Corruptos / Banker-Gangster und Polito-Korruptos / smell Big War Field Business. / wittern grosses Kriegsgeschäft. / Give it a name – nenn’ es beim Namen.
A youth movement of hate and manslaughter / Eine Jugendbewegung des Hasses und Abschlachtens / with plunder, greed and deathwish-madness: / mit Raubzügen, Gier und Todeswunsch-Wahnsinn: / The most dangerous old rich want it like that. / Die gefährlichsten alten Reichen wollen das so. / Give it a name – nenn’ es beim Namen.
But what I want is freedom and the unity of men. / Aber was ich will, ist Freiheit und das Geeintsein der Menschen. / For the United States of Planet Earth I take a stand. / Die Vereinigten Staaten des Planeten Erde will ich. / Give it a name and I say:”It is Love.” / Nenn’ es beim Namen und ich sage: “Es ist Liebe.”
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘My Christmas World’ Michel Montecrossa’s 2014 Christmas Song as Audio Single-CD and Download

My Christmas World - Single

My Christmas World’ – Michel Montecrossa’s 2014 Christmas Song, released by Mira Sound Germany as Audio Single-CD and Download. ‘My Christmas World’ is a deeply real and heartfelt New-Topical Christmas Song by Michel Montecrossa celebrating the precious meaning of the saving birth of the divine light and love on earth. It is a sweet, triumphant, warm and tender Christmas that Michel Montecrossa gives with his great and uplifting inspirational New-Topical-Song.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“‘MY CHRISTMAS WORLD’ is my 2014 Christmas Song of Love, adoration and thankfulness for the great harmony that comes with the birth of the divine on earth.”

My Christmas World ain’t made of plastic. / My Christmas World ain’t made of gold. / My Christmas World is in my blood, / is in my heart of love, is in my soul.
It shines the light into the whole wide world / with all the yearning, all the hope / that comes from high above / to embrace our life on this globe.
My Christmas World is there for you, / my Christmas World is talkin’ true. / My Christmas World loves the world, / embraces all to give the clue:
The clue of freedom and of happiness / in a world united and true. / My Christmas World is bringin’ that to you: / The embrace of love that’s forever true.
My Christmas World is made by love, / my Christmas World is there for you. / My Christmas World is eternal love, / is full of light, is strong and pure.
My Christmas World is free of darkness, / my Christmas World is free of war. / My Christmas World is in my soul, / is in my heart of love, is in my all.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

“Talking EU & Russia Understanding“: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single, DVD and Download about EU, Russia and the Eurasian Union

Talking EU & Russia Understanding

Talking EU & Russia Understanding”: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single, DVD and Download about EU, Russia and the Eurasian Union. EU and Russia must come together to build the Eurasian Union and a strong economy based on free trade from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans. This complete Eurasian Union means prosperity, peace and hopeful future for all nations of the Eurasian continent, an immediate end to the Ukraine crisis and in the long run a hastening of the coming of the United States of Planet Earth as a new step of human evolution.

Michel Montecrossa says about “Talking EU & Russia Understanding”:
“EU & Russia must find together in the Eurasian Union. Sanctions, national opportunism and lack of statesmanship in the service of all humanity are a danger for our common future.”

Come gather ’round people, I sing you this song / called: “Talking EU And Russia Understanding”. / I wrote it when Putin, Merkel and Obama had a say. / When they are gone this song is for their successors. / I’m too young not to understand / that only together we are strong friends.
The EU needs union with Russia, not sanctions. / The future for all is Eurasia, not division. / Understanding means free-trade and not tensions. / Understanding brings peace and not war. / The EU must practice good foreign policy, / must work for the building of Eurasia.
Seems Merkel and Obama have not enough vision, / but me and Putin have. / His vision, like mine, is union building from / the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans. / This vision sees Eurasian Union in free diversity, / able to cooperate and play a role / in global economy and for the future culture / of the United States of Planet Earth. / Now is the time to take a stand / for such an understanding.
Come gather ’round people, I sing you this song / called: “Talking EU And Russia Understanding”. / I wrote it when Putin, Merkel and Obama had a say. / When they are gone this song is for their successors. / I’m too young not to understand / that only together we are strong friends.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

’Talking Four Curses: Ebola, Isis, Gaza, Ukraine’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single, DVD and Download urgently pointing to Human Unity

Talking Four Curses: Ebola, Isis, Gaza, Ukraine

Talking Four Curses: Ebola, Isis, Gaza, Ukraine’, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single, DVD and Download urgently pointing to Human Unity in a world of utter cynicism, suffering and Endzeit politicians. Michel Montecrossa’s call goes to the people of the world to understand the curses of our time as signs to wake up to the United States of Planet Earth.

Michel Montecrossa says about ’Talking Four Curses: Ebola, Isis, Gaza, Ukraine’:
“Human Unity alone can tackle the Ebola, Isis, Gaza and Ukraine curses. A wonderful future of the United States of Planet Earth wants to come. The people everywhere know, feel and want this future of an unprecedented era of Peace, Harmony, Progress and Well-Being for every soul on earth. Human Unity is the way.”

I wrote this song during four curses time: / Ebola, Isis, Gaza, Ukraine drivin’ you out of your mind. / Ebola is there, no cure for the poor. / But the cure is there, it’s held back by the rich for sure. / When the rich get sick, it will be sold. / That’s the way pharma industry is makin’ gold. / It’s ‘Mission Impossible’ style.
Isis now is the big money-maker: / Cash, gold, oil, anything goes. / Taxes, drugs, smuggling / and war-industry big deals. / Ideology serving economy. / Kill them all who don’t want to pay. / Scare all into the right belief. / Ransom, money, blackmail: That’s the way it is.
Gaza is the same old trick, / it’s the way war-industry ticks. / Bankas and politos make big money / through unending wars, / through endless suffering, I say, / the people must wake up. / Human Unity is needed.
The United States of Planet Earth / are the next tomorrow. / Ukraine can be the key / if Russia and EU unite / to build Eurasia / instead of tearing apart Ukraine. / The United States of Planet Earth / need the Eurasian Federation to come to birth.
I wrote this song during four curses time: / Ebola, Isis, Gaza, Ukraine and I say: / “Human Unity is the way, / is the cure for Ebola, / is the end of Isis, / is the peace for Gaza, / is Ukraine solution, / is the way to the United States of Planet Earth, / is the way to the United States of Planet Earth.”
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Festival Of Love & Sweetness’ Michel Montecrossa’s Audio Single and DVD for announcing the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2014 in Mirapuri, Italy

Festival Of Love & Sweetness

Festival Of Love & Sweetness’ Michel Montecrossa’s Audio Single and DVD, released by Mira Sound Germany, for announcing the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2014 in Mirapuri, Italy. Michel Montecrossa together with his band The Chosen Few during ten days (25th July – 3rd August) presents 20 concerts featuring brand-new songs from Michel Montecrossa’s ongoing New-Topical-Song and Cyberrock concert tour. Michel Montecrossa and his band The Chosen Few play along with international guest bands creating together with them the stimulating and happy flair of Love, Peace and Sweetness at the most important European Free-Music-Revolution-Festival.

Michel Montecrossa says about the ‘Festival Of Love & Sweetness’ Song and Movie:
“Hi, all ye ladies and gents out there! I’m Michel Montecrossa and with my song ‘Festival Of Love & Sweetness’ I invite you all to come to the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2014 in Mirapuri, Italy.
Myself, Mirakali, Diana Antara and our band The Chosen Few will play for you our new Cyberrock, Dance, Viking, Electronica and Topical Songs. Let’s sing, dance, eat and drink together for ten great days at the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2014 in Mirapuri. We love to be with you and share the feeling, the good feeling of Love, Peace, Sweetness and of being together in the good place of the most important European Free-Music-Revolution-Festival: The Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy.”

Come gather ‘round me, people, / of the festival I’ll sing. / The fest of love and sweetness, / the fest of you and me. / The fest of love and sweetness, / the fest that’s truly real. / I hold you in my arms so sweet, / give you my love, give you the feel.
La-La-La …
Come nearer to me, baby, / of your festival I’ll sing: / your fest of love and sweetness, / the fest of you and me. / The fest of love and sweetness, / the fest for all the free. / I look into your eyes so deep, / feel all your love embracing me.
La-La-La …
Dive deep into my wonder, /my festival I’ll give: / my fest of love and sweetness, / my fest of you and me. / My fest of love and sweetness, / my fest that makes you see. / My fest has all the magic sweet / of dreams becoming love’s real.
La-La-La …
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Festival of Love & Sweetness – Michel Montecrossa’s song for announcing the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2014 in Mirapuri, Italy

For more see:

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‘It’s The Ball’ – Michel Montecrossa’s Topical-Sportsmanship song & movie for FIFA WM 2014

It's The Ball - Fifa WM 2014 Song

It’s The Ball‘ – Michel Montecrossa’s Topical-Sportsmanship Song & Movie for FIFA WM 2014, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-single and DVD dedicated to the spirit of true sportsmanship

Michel Montecrossa says:
“My Topical-Sportsmanship Song & Movie ‘It’s The Ball’ is dedicated to the true spirit of sport and the joy behind its ideals of fairness, friendship and solidarity.”

It’s The Ball (FIFA WM 2014 Song)
There’s a boy and there’s a girl. / They are born to be great. / They feel the power, they hear the call, / they have the will and the strength to move on.
Chorus: It’s the ball! It’s the ball!
Further and further towards the goal / of winning the prize and winning it all. / Training and endurance and team-spirit feel / bring them together, give the energy real,
Chorus: It’s the ball! It’s the ball!
The discipline and joy of a fit body, / rapid action leading to big success, / the sporting spirit and good humor, / self-control, fair play and friendliness, / the loyal acceptance of decisions.
Chorus: It’s the ball! It’s the ball!
There’s the boy and there’s the girl, / they act together, master of team-work skill. / It’s the ball! It’s the ball! / They never miss it, they are the wonderful! / It’s the ball! It’s the ball! / They always get it and they hit the goal!
Chorus: It’s the ball! It’s the ball!
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

4 UKRAINE – Michel Montecrossa’s four Ukraine New-Topical-Songs & Movies showing the solution for the Ukraine crisis. 4 UKRAINE on DVD, Audio-CD and as Download.

4 Ukraine
Please donate to the artists for their music:

‘4 UKRAINE’ – Michel Montecrossa’s four Ukraine New-Topical-Songs & Movies showing the solution for the Ukraine crisis are released by Mira Sound Germany on DVD, Audio-CD and Download. The ’4 UKRAINE’ New-Topical-Songs were written by Michel Montecrossa for the time when Angela Merkel, Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin were standing on the crossroads of history and had to decide to show true statesmanship. Michel Montecrossa sees that the Ukraine crisis is not an isolated crisis of the state of Ukraine but rather the urgent call for closing the relation-gap between EU and Russia by establishing a confederative Eurasian Union and free trade-zone along with the transatlantic free-trade treaty between EU and USA. The Ukraine needs to be embedded in a tension-free Eurasia with free economic access to EU, Russia and all other states as well as USA. Then the danger of division, civil war and even world war would be dissolved and a prosperous Eurasia and USA could move toward a new and peaceful era of positive international relations on the way to the United States of Planet Earth.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“The collection of four Ukraine New-Topical-Songs & Movies with the title ‘4 Ukraine’ takes a strong and positive stand for the people of Ukraine and for the closing of the communication-gap between the EU, Russia and USA.
‘4 Ukraine’ looks forward to the coming of the Eurasian Union and free-trade zone together with the transatlantic free-trade treaty between EU and USA that are the effective answer to the problems created by nationalism and superpower domination games.
‘4 Ukraine’ features the New-Topical-Songs ‘Talking Ukraine Crisis, Eurasia and U.S.A.’, ‘Talking E.U. & U.S.A. Sanctions against Russia’, ‘Talking Ukraine Solution’, ‘Talking Ukraine, E.U., Russia, China and the U.S.A.’ as stimulations for non-propagandistic free-mind thinking and application of humanity oriented value-action.”

Want to know more? Click here.'

’Talking Ukraine Crisis, Eurasia and U.S.A.’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD about ending the crisis

Talking Ukraine Crisis, Eurasia and U.S.A.
Please donate to the artists for their music:

Talking Ukraine Crisis, Eurasia and U.S.A.‘, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD showing the solution for leading out of the crisis.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“The New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Ukraine Crisis, Eurasia and U.S.A.’ shows the solution for leading out of the crisis:
The Ukraine crisis is ended when the Eurasian Confederation and Free Trade Zone are established. Merkel, Obama and Putin now have the chance to show true statesmanship for the progress of the world and for saving Ukraine.”

World domination interests now must step back. / World Unity interests now must come first. / The Ukraine crisis is the big chance / for E.U., U.S.A. and Russia coming together / for a New Eurasian Confederation and Free Trade Zone.
Civil war, NATO and superpower domination / are the wrong direction for the people. / Merkel, Obama and Putin now / must take a strong stand for the unity of all: / The Unity of Eurasia and the U.S.A.
Ukraine then would be free to interact / and make business with everyone. / There would be peace and a prosperous time. / Merkel, Obama and Putin now must bring / the building of the United Eurasia, they must show true statesmanship.
World domination interests now must step back. / World Unity interests now must come first. / The Ukraine crisis is the big chance / for E.U., U.S.A. and Russia coming together / for a New Eurasian Confederation and Free Trade Zone.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

Top Topical Part Three – Michel Montecrossa’s 18 New-Topical-Songs & Movies on DVD and Audio-CD from Love and Sweetness to Gitmo

Top Topical, Part Three

Michel Montecrossa says about the ‘Top Topical’ Song & Movie Collection Part Three:
“The ‘Top Topical’ Song and Movie Collections continues my heart’s blood call for action through New-Topical-Songs from Love and Sweetness to Gitmo. They are stimulating educational songs transporting the values of the true, the right and the vast. They stand for high ethics and bring it to the streets. They stand for the living celebration of humanity and the life of happy generations embraced by the warmth of love on a united earth. They stand for safe homes where mothers and fathers together with their children of hope can live and look towards a prosperous future of peace, progress and fulfillment.”

The 18 songs include masterpieces like ‘Ballad of Love and Sweetness’, ‘Talking Poverty Migrants & Extreme Poverty Rising’ and ‘Talking Climate Change In Daily Life’.

Preview Top Topical Part Three – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Songs & Movie Collection:

Top Topical Part Three – The Songs:

  1. Ballad Of Love And Sweetness
  2. Talking Poverty Migrants & Extreme Poverty Rising
  3. Talking Climate Change In Daily Life
  4. Talking U.S. Deep Freeze
  5. Talking New German Government
  6. Talking Nelson Mandela
  7. Talking Ukraine, E.U., Russia, China And U.S.A.
  8. What Can We Do To Change The Climate Change?
  9. Talking U.S. Surveillance Scandal
  10. Love World Action Saves
  11. Talking Egypt In Crisis
  12. Talking Angel For Germany
  13. Dreamspace Reality Call
  14. When I Sing For You My New Song
  15. Talking Edward Snowden’s Next Move
  16. Talking European Croatia
  17. Call Of The Festival – The Days Of Love World Action
  18. Talking Gitmo – Close It!
Want to know more? Click here.'

’Ballad Of Love And Sweetness’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD for Valentine’s Day and all Lovers on Earth

Ballad Of Love And Sweetness

Ballad of Love and Sweetness’, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD for Valentine’s Day and all Lovers on Earth singing of the real thing, of love and sweetness that will always win, no matter what bankas and politos say.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“The New-Topical-Song ‘Ballad Of Love And Sweetness’ is my ballad of winning the battle over limits and demons born from the dark, of the gentle strength that saves our souls with kindness, of the light that ends the eternal fight through victorious love and sweetness.“

In my heart burns the power of my love-flame strong. / My love is made of sweetness, singin’ you this song. / My dream I bring to you, from heaven it comes to earth. / Magic it has of the bold and generous compassion.
I sing you in my ballad of victorious love and sweetness, / of wonders that heal all wounds and give peace to the restless.
A child appeared, a light in the darkness, / a friend and lover and bringer of the Bright Earth. / The child grew up into a boy, a man, / a soul, a heart, ready for loving.
I sing you my ballad of seeking and of finding, / of love embracing with sweetness all your longing.
Now I’m a-growin’ into light unending. / I see the things behind the veil. / Now it’s wonder, young and entrancing. / Power it is of doing and of giving.
I sing you my ballad of winning the battle / over limits and demons born from the dark.
Love and sweetness are our victory. / Love and sweetness lead you to me. / Love and sweetness are our eternity. / Love and sweetness are there to make us free.
I sing you my ballad of victorious love and sweetness, / of the gentle strength that saves our souls with kindness.
In my heart burns the power of my love-flame strong. / My love is made of sweetness, singin’ you this song. / My dream I bring to you, from heaven it comes to earth. / I find you through my bold and generous birth.
The birth that kindles the fire of our love and sweetness, / the fire of the light that ends the eternal fight.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking Poverty Migrants & Extreme Poverty Rising‘: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD about the answer of love and sweetness ending the horror of poverty

Talking Poverty Migrants & Extreme Poverty Rising

Talking Poverty Migrants & Extreme Poverty Rising‘, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD about the answer of love and sweetness ending the horror of poverty inflicted on the people by polito corruptos, banka gangstas and the club of the most dangerously rich to create cheap labor and slavery.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“My song ‘Talking Poverty Migrants & Extreme Poverty Rising‘
shows love and sweetness to be the answer for ending darkness, pain, horror and despair.
Extreme poverty and rising horror numbers of poverty migrants let a world of darkness and pain emerge where polito corruptos, banka gangstas and the club of the most dangerously rich do nothing for the poor people and for ending their suffering.
The poor are left to slavery by politos, bankas and the rich and must find their own way and meaning outside of cold state machineries, brutal media power and heartless judiciary to battle their despair. Through their own love and sweetness, their own standing together and their own sense of humanity they must survive.
With my song ‘Talking Poverty Migrants & Extreme Poverty Rising’ I stand at their side. The People will bring the big future change humanity needs.

Extreme poverty rising all over the world. / Extreme poverty rising all over the world / sends people down the road of darkness and of pain.
The nail is driven hard into flesh and bone. / The nail is driven hard into flesh and bone, / the nail of poverty burns, drives insane, feeds the pain, / takes away every home.
Poverty migrants come from everywhere. / Poverty migrants come from everywhere, / show you the truth in the way that scares.
The truth is: Poverty must end on earth. / The truth is: Poverty must end on earth. / Too many are too rich for poverty to be there.
Truth you find in love and sweetness that dare. / Truth you find in love and sweetness that dare, / dare to give and dare to share.
Poverty migrants need humanity great. / Poverty migrants need humanity great. / Love and sweetness are the way of humanity great.
Extreme poverty is humanity’s disgrace. / Extreme poverty is humanity’s disgrace, / the great magnet for horror and despair.
Love and sweetness end horror and despair. / Love and sweetness end horror and despair, / bring the happy Bright Earth / and joy that never goes away.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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’Talking Climate Change In Daily Life’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD about ecological, economical, humanitarian, social and spiritual climate change

Talking Climate Change In Daily Life

Talking Climate Change In Daily Life’, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD about ecological, economical, humanitarian, social and spiritual climate change. All over the world the crises generated by constantly intensifying climate change are reaching our daily life. For finding solutions Michel Montecrossa in his song calls for the application of high ethics when he sings:
The Romance of Love and Sweetness indeed
is the climate change we daily need,
showin’ the conscious way
that alone has the power to save.“

Michel Montecrossa says:
“The song ‘Talking Climate Change In Daily Life’ was written at the time of the Atlanta snow storm debacle as the cold signal that climate change finally has reached our daily life. A debacle of climate change that will more and more hit the mega cities around the world in many ways from heat waves to deep freeze, from earthquakes to storms and more. The grim reality crisis of climate change is not only ecological, but very soon becomes an economic crisis, a humanitarian crisis, a social crisis and a spiritual crisis.
The answer to all this is not the blame game but application of high ethics showin’ the conscious way that has the power to save. It’s the way of Love and Sweetness – that’s what I say.“

Now we feel it in daily life: / The climate change is a-comin’. / Heat waves make us sweat / and deep freeze makes us shiver.
The little boy is lost in the desert wind. / His mother died of hunger. / Poverty migrants are everywhere. / Where is mercy found on earth?
Now we feel it in daily life: / The climate change is a-comin’. / Gangsta bankas give us the chills / and politos make us shudder.
Billions are there who want to live / with their children, friends and lovers. / Trapped in wars they lose the peace / while Wall Street feels at ease.
Now we feel it in daily life: / The climate change is a-comin’. / Heat waves of protesters are rising / ending deep freeze of freedom-feeling.
High ethics must a-drive out / same-sex-hate cold and loud. / Love and Sweetness now must rule: / It’s their romance that is cool.
The Romance of Love and Sweetness indeed / is the climate change we daily need, / showin’ the conscious way / that alone has the power to save.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Talking New German Government’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD for the swearing-in of Angela Merkel as German Chancellor

Talking New German Government
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‘Talking New German Government’, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD for the swearing-in of Angela Merkel as German Chancellor. It is a strong statement by Michel Montecrossa about what Germany could do and be in the world of today and tomorrow. His song is a reality reflection coming straight to the point of what German people are worried about, touching the hot spots of a two-class society, loss of savings, high living cost, war industry, substandard wages, education, future of the young and existential fears. Michel Montecrossa looks at all these burning questions and shows the solution in a vast and liberal way.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“Let’s hope that Germany fulfills its true meaning in the world.”

What will the new German government do? / Will it rise taxes to make the less rich more poor? / Will it increase living cost to send the people into poverty? / Will it create the armies of modern day slaves, / forced to work for a crumb of bread? / What will the new German government do?
What will the new German government do? / Will it follow the old Banka Gangsta rules? / Will it help to take away the peoples’s piggy bank? / Will it help to increase interest for loans? / What will the new German government do?
What the new German government must do / is to decrease the living cost for everything and all / to create wages that can compete with the wages of the world / so that production cost falls and living standard rises. / That’s what the new German government must do.
And what more must the new German government do? / To stand for Peace and Space Age and not war industry, / To stand for the Ideal of Human Unity / by helping to create the United States of Planet Earth. / That’s what the new German government must do.
And that’s what the new German government must understand: / Equal wages in the whole world create jobs for all. / Space Age industry instead of war field industry / brings Peace and Progress for happy families / and the building of the United States of Planet Earth.
And real value banking based on real work and product / will end the evil circle of crime and poverty. / Education must be wide and free to bring the end of slavery / and to lead the young into a lasting world of peace. / That’s what a new German government must see.
I’m the singing newsman and spokesman for the people / and the people want to have in a civilized way / safe access to food, water, sleep and sex / and for that any government must do the right thing / and the right thing is a True and Vast Intelligence.
That’s what the new German government must achieve: / Intelligence that leads to Love and Harmony, / Intelligence that leads to Respect and Loyalty, / Intelligence that cares for the People’s Need. / Soul-Intelligence is what the new German government will need.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Talking Nelson Mandela’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD dedicated to the long way to freedom

Talking Nelson Mandela

Talking Nelson Mandela‘, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD in memory of Nelson Mandela, his moral stature and his great humanitarian and political achievements for the South-African Nation Building.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“I wrote the New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Nelson Mandela’ as a dedication to the long way to freedom of the anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela, the father of the South-African Nation and his legacy of Equality, Unity and Forgiveness.”

Talking Nelson Mandela is the name of my song: / I sing it for your soul, friend from Africa, born to be strong, / born to bring the light / that’s ending apartheid, / showing humanity’s might.
Talking Nelson Mandela: you stand for liberty / born from the truth of forgiveness that knows the unity / of all colors and nations, / of friend and foe alike / in love’s unending might.
Talking Nelson Mandela: you show what has to be seen – / the power of heart and destiny that will never cheat / the aim of our life / to strengthen the light / of wisdom, love and compassion.
Talking Nelson Mandela is the name of my song / I sing for you on your way back to your home. / Grow there in peace and light / til all will call for new life / and a new name and body.
And then from the temple within, the next unexpected will come / to drive out the night even stronger, / dispel the ignorance / with truth and love unending, / meeting memories that will tell / of Nelson Mandela’s Love and Work on Earth, / Love and Work, / Love and Work on Earth.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Talking Ukraine, E.U., Russia, China and the U.S.A.’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD for the Pro-EU protests in Ukraine

Talking Ukraine, E.U., Russia, China and the U.S.A.

Talking Ukraine, E.U., Russia, China and the U.S.A.‘, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD taking a stand for the Pro-EU protests in Ukraine in the context of a future Supertrade Union bringing together Ukraine, E.U., Russia, China and the U.S.A. with the help of Vladimir Putin.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“I wrote the New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Ukraine, E.U., Russia, China And U.S.A.’ at the time of the protests in Ukraine for a E.U. deal and thought:
At certain periods the whole terrestrial life seems to pass miraculously through stages which, at other times, it would take thousands of years to traverse.
This song is a strong call to Vladimir Putin to support the Ukraine – E.U. deal as a most important step toward a grand style Eurasian Trade Union joining the E.U. – U.S.A. Trade Union through good statesmanship treaties, bringing together Ukraine, E.U., Russia, China and the U.S.A. in a Supertrade Union for a spectacular step on the way to the United States of Planet Earth.”

The people of Ukraine raise their voice, / the European Union they want to join. / With dependence on Russian gas-fields / it’s Putin’s hour, I say, to take a stand.
A stand for the people of the Ukraine / by supporting their wish for an E.U. deal / as a jump start for the Eurasian-American Trade Union / uniting Ukraine, E.U., Russia, China and the U.S.A.
It’s now the period for global life / to pass through powerful progress stages. / A butterfly effect, I say, is close at hand / uniting earth’s power nations / through treaties as friends.
It’s Putin’s hour for boosting change / toward Eurasian-American Supertrade. / The stand-off in Ukraine will change the game. / Ukraine is Putin’s hour, I say, for the best thing.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

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Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘What Can We Do To Change The Climate Change?’ triggered by the monster typhoon hitting the Philippines and tornados hitting the U.S.A.

What Can We Do To Change The Climage Change?

Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘What Can We Do To Change The Climate Change?‘, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD and DVD, is dedicated to all victims of climate change from the Philippines to the U.S.A. to everywhere. Michel Montecrossa is the New-Topical-Song writer who founded Mirapuri – the City of Peace and Futureman in Europe, Italy as one of the most outstanding centers of action for changing the climate change. His song ‘What Can We Do To Change The Climate Change?’ is a poignant call to do the right thing for the future of the earth before it is too late. For more about Mirapuri see:

Michel Montecrossa about ‘What Can We Do To Change The Climate Change?’:
“Written when a monster typhoon hit the Philippines and tornados hit the U.S.A., sending the ultimate climate change warning to every government and to every climate change conference, my New-Topical-Song ‘What Can We Do To Change The Climate Change?’ is singing: We must do the right thing for the future of the earth before it is too late.”

What can we do to change the climate change? / First thing for sure is consciousness change. / We must grow in awareness and practice habit change / that‘s what we can do to change the climate change.
What can I do to change the climate change? / First thing for sure is consciousness change. / I grow in awareness and lend a helping hand. / That‘s what I do to change the climate change.
What can we do to bring the wrong to an end? / I say, let‘s take the direction away / from doom and deadly games / towards deep understanding of truth and action / that‘s what we can do to bring the wrong to an end.
Consciousness growth is my evolving truth, / leads to love and vision free of egoism, / leads to wisdom of union and working together. / Yes, consciousness growth is my evolving truth.
Climate change will change if we come together / to build places of green ways to handle the future / and learn to be human, peaceful and strong. / Climate change will change if it‘s that what we want.
That‘s what I do together with my friends, / building a city for futureman / where the best of today meets the future-forces / coming from our inner resources,
where love is the master and soul the key / to creation boundless and free, / where consciousness meets consciousness and sees, / ‘cause love is the master and soul is the key.
This place is Mirapuri, the place for you and me / to set an example and give proof and the key / that ecology works and consciousness is great. / This place is Mirapuri, it‘s a conscious place
where unity is true and young the drive / to find the good way of kindness bright / that is healthy and progressive, saves the climate and our life. / Unity is true and young change, I say, is right.
This is Mirapuri, it‘s my pounding life. / It‘s my message of encouraging love and light / of a better world ending climate change night. / This is Mirapuri, well, it‘s the helping might.
What can we do to change the climate change? / First thing for sure is consciousness change. / We must grow in awareness and practice habit change / that‘s what we can do to change the climate change.
And what can I do to change the climate change? / First thing I know is consciousness change. / I grow in awareness and lend a helping hand. / That‘s what I do to change the climate change.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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Top Topical Part One & Part Two – Michel Montecrossa’s 38 New-Topical-Songs & Movies on DVD and Audio-CD

Top Topical, Part One

Michel Montecrossa says about the ‘Top Topical’ Song & Movie Collection Part One & Part Two:
“The ‘Top Topical’ Song and Movie Collections is my heart’s blood call for action through New-Topical-Songs. They are stimulating educational songs transporting the values of the true, the right and the vast. They stand for high ethics and bring it to the streets. They stand for the living celebration of humanity and the life of happy generations embraced by the warmth of love on a united earth. They stand for safe homes where mothers and fathers together with their children of hope can live and look towards a prosperous future of peace, progress and fulfillment.”

The 38 songs include masterpieces like ‘I Have A Vision‘, ‘Malala’s Tempest Of Darkness & Light‘ and ‘Talking Laughing Love World Action‘.

Preview Top Topical – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song & Movie Collection

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Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘Talking U.S. Surveillance Scandal’ – triggered by NSA lawlessness and Whistleblowers on Audio-CD and DVD

Talking U.S. Surveillance Scandal

Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘Talking U.S. Surveillance Scandal‘, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD and DVD, is triggered by NSA lawlessness and Whistleblowers like Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning and the urgent need for growing into a new and higher level of political ethics able to create trust and the spirit of cooperation among the nations on the way to Human Unity.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking U.S. Surveillance Scandal’:
“There is a New Consciousness of Love and Change active on earth. The people all around the globe feel it and want Truth and Sincerity to prevail over polito cynicism and banka greed.
‘Talking U.S. Surveillance Scandal’ is a reminder that only truth-telling will help the nations out of their problems and not distrust, opportunism, lying and cheating. The people don’t want that and the day of irreversible change is nearing bringing the dawn of a United Humanity and a United World.”

(No More Lying On The Phone)
Come on! Talking U.S. Surveillance Scandal! / Yes, I‘m a-talkin‘ U.S. Surveillance Scandal!
Europe – U.S.A., the world‘s biggest / free trade zone: is it going down the drain?
“No more lying on the phone / is the only chance, that‘s for sure, we all know!”
With Edward Snowden and his whistleblowin‘ in the ear / politos know: NSA spying will be here.
‘No spying’ agreement from the U.S.A. they want. / The British already got it. Who’s the next to come?
“No more lying on the phone! / No more doing what is wrong!
No more misleading and acting the fool! / No more cheatin’ and being untrue!”
Oh! Talking U.S. Surveillance Scandal / is the best scandal since hell came to earth.
From radioactive leaks at Fukushima / to religions of nazism to weapons everywhere, / nothin’ will be hidden, nothing disappear, / all the dirt of the world will poison your ear.
“No more lying on the phone! / Only truth-telling so that everyone knows!”
Talking U.S. Surveillance Scandal / is the best scandal for every soul on earth.
From Bradley Manning to Syria war lords: / Now it’s time to stop being at each other’s throats!
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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