
„My New-Topical-Song-Movement is there to bring to the people the songs that inspire and to bring them fast. To make Downloads, CDs and DVDs, songbooks, programs, songsheets, concerts.
To distribute the songs globally via internet, shops, radio & TV and get the messages discussed and cited in newspapers, magazines, talk shows, social networks and gatherings.
The New-Topical-Songs are songs for the people and a world where we all vote, eat, work, talk, plan, think and love together so that your people will know my people and we don’t lose the peace and the world along with it.”
-Michel Montecrossa

Michel Montecrossa is an attentive observer of reality and misses no opportunity to let his songs voice the painful problems that disturb the well-being of our planet.
– Gianni Mongrandi in the E-Zine ‘Daring To Do’

‘Meine Alternative für Deutschland – My Alternative For Germany’ – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos Germany’s AfD Party

Meine Alternative für Deutschland - My Alternative For Germany

Meine Alternative für Deutschland – My Alternative For Germany’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s direct talking New-Topical-Song answer to the cold-hearted rhetorical nonsense of the German AfD right wing party. In his song Michel Montecrossa says: “Meine Alternative für Deutschland ist Willkommenskultur und EU-Eurasien Weite mit Lichtinsel-Städten von und für Flüchtlinge gebaut. My alternative for Germany is welcome culture EU-Eurasia wide with islands-of-light cities built by and for refugees.”

Meine Alternative für Deutschland – My Alternative For Germany’, veröffentlicht von Mira Sound Germany auf Audio-CD, DVD und als Download, ist Michel Montecrossa’s Klartext New-Topical-Song
Antwort auf den kaltherzigen rhetorischen Unsinn der rechts-gerichteten deutschen AfD Partei. In seinem Lied sagt Michel Montecrossa: “Meine Alternative für Deutschland ist Willkommenskultur und EU-Eurasien Weite mit Lichtinsel-Städten von und für Flüchtlinge gebaut. My alternative for Germany is welcome culture EU-Eurasia wide with islands-of-light cities built by and for refugees.”

Michel Montecrossa says about his New-Topical-Song ‘MEINE ALTERNATIVE FÜR DEUTSCHLAND – MY ALTERNATIVE FOR GERMANY’:
“This songs brings hope – Dieses Lied bringt Hoffnung.”

Meine Alternative für Deutschland ist / der Weg der Größe mit Verstand und Herz, / nicht Gartenzwerg-Deutschland unmenschlich und eng. / My alternative for Germany is / the way of greatness with reason and heart, / not Gartenzwerg-Germany inhumanly narrow.
Meine Alternative für Deutschland ist / Willkommenskultur und EU-Eurasien Weite / mit Lichtinsel-Städten von und für Flüchtlinge gebaut. / My alternative for Germany is / welcome culture EU-Eurasia wide / with islands-of-light cities built by and for refugees.
Meine Alternative für Deutschland ist / Fortschritt machen durch Weltoffenheit / und das Leben von globaler Brüderlichkeit. / My alternative for Germany is / the making of progress through world-openness / and the living of global brotherhood.
Meine Alternative für Deutschland ist / Wirtschaftswachstum mit den Flüchtlingen zusammen / als Zukunfts-Arbeitskraft für kommende Welt-Vereinigung. / My alternative for Germany is / growing economy together with the refugees / as future workpower for coming world unity.
Die Zukunft ist da für uns alle / und wird gestaltet durch uns alle: / Meine Alternative für Deutschland sieht so groß aus. / The future is there for us all / and is created by us all: / My alternative for Germany looks great like that.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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Talking Donald Is Rockin’ The U.S.A. — Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Apropos Donald Trump

Talking Donald is rockin' the U.S.A.,
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Talking Donald Is Rockin’ The U.S.A.’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos Donald Trump running for president of the U.S.A., who, self-elected by his money, plays the circus of emotions and vibrations shooting someone, punching in the face, a macho called ‘the world’s most dangerous man’.
In his song Michel Montecrossa sings “Inhuman Egomania is not what we deserve.” and continues “The future, my friend, is young, it ain’t Donald Trump. The future is like me, young and lovin’ and free.”
Michel Montecrossa sees that “Something is rotten in the U.S.A. The message is there, ’cause the rot is there. Donald says: America wants me. I say: Judge America by the company it keeps.”

Michel Montecrossa says:
“My New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Donald Is Rockin’ The U.S.A.’ warns that Donald Trump is knockin’ on hell’s gate with an irrational and violently blind desire for power and nuke to mess up the whole world. Presidents come, presidents go. I’m still a-waitin’ for the one who shows the way to world union, the way to the goal. Donald is out there, wants to build a wall. And I’m out there for talking true.”

Listen all ye people: Donald Trump is rockin’ / the whole wide U.S.A. with somethin’ to reclaim – / power, confidence and rising incomes / that many people feel are no more there.
Listen all ye people: Donald is out there, / elected by his money he’s an emotion, a vibration / shooting somebody, punching in the face, / a macho called “the world’s most dangerous man”. / Donald is knockin’, Donald is knockin’, / Donald is knockin’ on hell’s gate.
His woman is at home with the children. / Children they are for another time / not captured by desire, / irrational and violently blind. / The future, my friend, is rockin’, the future is a-rockin’, / the future is young and is a-rockin’ humankind.
Listen all ye people, this is my song. / To the dangerous old I do not belong. / Politos collapse and the system goes mad. / Inhuman Egomania is not what we deserve. / The future, my friend, is young, it ain’t Donald Trump. / The future is like me, young and lovin’ and free.
Something is rotten in the U.S.A. / The message is there, ’cause the rot is there. / Donald says: “America wants me.” / I say: “Judge America by the company it keeps.” / “Judge America, judge America / by the company it keeps.”
Presidents come, presidents go. / I’m still a-waitin’ for the one who shows / the way to world union, the way to the goal. / Donald is out there, wants to build a wall. / Donald is out there and me I am out there too. / I’m out there just for you and for talking true.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Refugees – The Big E.U. Solution / Flüchtlinge – Die Grosse E.U. Lösung’ – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos Future for the Refugees

Refugees – the Big E.U. Solution / Flüchtlinge – die Große E.U. Lösung

Refugees – The Big E.U. Solution / Flüchtlinge – Die Große E.U. Lösung’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s English/German New-Topical-Song taking a stand for the building of ultramodern Eco-Cities by the refugees as ‘Islands of Light’ for creating super-work-power and a new understanding of Human Unity. Michel Montecrossa sees this step as a great economic and cultural opportunity and success story for the E.U. on the way to the free Eurasian Union ranging from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans which would solve many of the problems the E.U. is confronting: the refugees crisis, the Ukraine crisis, the Middle East War and many more.

Michel Montecrossa says about his New-Topical-Song ‘Refugees – the Big E.U. Solution / Flüchtlinge – die Große E.U. Lösung’:
“A new consciousness is needed that sees the coming of refugees to the E.U. as the great opportunity for creating a new E.U. with cities built by refugees as ‘Islands of Light’ for the realization of the Ideal of Human Unity on our way to the United Eurasia. This is what my New-Topical-Song ‘Refugees – the Big E.U. Solution / Flüchtlinge – die Große E.U. Lösung’ is standing for.”

Refugees – The Big E.U. Solution: / Flüchtlinge – Die Große E.U. Lösung: / welcome camps at the borders. / Willkommens Lager an den Grenzen. / Registration, trauma healing, language learning. / Registrierung, Traumaheilung, Sprachunterricht. / Building of Islands of Light throughout the E.U. / Aufbau von Lichtinseln in der ganzen E.U.
Distribution of the refugees to the E.U. Islands of Light. / Verteilung der Flüchtlinge auf die E.U. Lichtinseln. / Islands of Light are new ultramodern eco-cities / built by the refugees for their new prosperity. / Lichtinseln sind neue, ultramoderne Öko-Städte, / gebaut von den Flüchtlingen für ihren neuen Wohlstand, / for their new creativity and for the booming E.U. economy. / für ihre neue Kreativität und für die boomende E.U. Wirtschaft.
Refugees are the Big E.U. Solution: / Flüchtlinge sind die Große E.U. Lösung: / for creating super-work-power / um Super-Arbeits-Kraft zu kreieren / for establishing the Great Eurasian Union / für die Bildung der Großen Eurasischen Union / vom Atlantischen Ozean bis zum Pazifischen Ozean. / from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. / Eurasia: the biggest continent of the world. / Eurasien: der größte Kontinent der Welt.
Refugees for the Big E.U. Solution: / Flüchtlinge für die Große E.U. Lösung: / welcome camps at the borders. / Willkommens Lager an den Grenzen. / Registration, trauma healing, language learning. / Registrierung, Traumaheilung, Sprachunterricht. / Building of Islands of Light throughout the E.U. / Aufbau von Lichtinseln in der ganzen E.U.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Talking: Bernie Is O.K. For The U.S.A.’ – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos Bernie Sanders

Talking: Bernie Is O.K. For The U.S.A.

Talking: Bernie Is O.K. For The U.S.A.’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos Bernie Sanders who shows that he can be a hopeful aspirant for becoming the President of the United States of America. He wins voters by proclaiming: ‘The people want real change’, ‘It is not fair when the 20 wealthiest people in this country now won more wealth than the bottom half of the American people’, ‘So you guys ready for radical idea? Together we are going to create an economy that works for all of us, not just the one percent’, ‘Yep, we’re going to raise the minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour’, ‘We are going to bring pay equity for women’, ‘We are going to make public colleges and universities tuition free’, ‘We are going to impose a tax on Wall Street speculation. The greed, the recklessness, and the illegal behavior of Wall Street drove our economy to its knees. The American people bailed out Wall Street, now it’s Wall Street’s time to help the middle class’. He also wants ‘to fight to end institutional racism and a broken justice system’ and takes a stand for sustainable energy. Bernie Sanders sees that ‘what voters here in New Hampshire confirmed tonight, is nothing short of the beginning of a political revolution’. That’s why Michel Montecrossa sings ‘BERNIE IS O.K. FOR THE U.S.A.’ and expresses the hope that Bernie might be the first to say: ‘Human Unity is the goal’ and that he might be the statesmen that dares to work for the coming of the United States of Planet Earth’.

Michel Montecrossa says about his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking: Bernie Is O.K For The U.S.A.’:
“With my New-Topical-Song ‘TALKING: BERNIE IS O.K. FOR THE U.S.A.’ I say: ‘Presidents come, Presidents go. I’m still waiting for the one who stands for action to make real the United States of Planet Earth for a United World of Human Unity and the Living Celebration of Humanity.’”

Bernie is O.K. for the U.S.A., / says the good things about fair wages / and the end of economic downturns. / Bernie is O.K. for the U.S.A. / Bernie is O.K. for the U.S.A.
He doesn’t want huge tax breaks for billionaires / or huge cuts to social security, / veterans needs, Medicare, Medicaid and education. / Bernie is O.K. for the U.S.A. / Bernie is O.K. for the U.S.A.
Time runs out for polito corruptos / and dirty banka gangsta Wall Street games. / They are not what the people need. / The people need fairness and good bucks indeed. / The people need fairness and good bucks indeed.
“Bernie is O.K. for the U.S.A., / Bernie is O.K., that’s what I say.”
Education must be free. The rich must pay. / Jobs and education for every one is great / and cooperation to change the climate change / with all countries of the earth. Bernie is O.K. not only for the U.S.A.
And to make it complete I say to Bernie: / „Be the first to say: ‘Human unity is the goal’. / Be the statesman that dares to work for the coming / of the United States of Planet Earth, / of the United States of Planet Earth.”
“Be the statesman who knows power-sharing to be / the way to the united world / overcoming pain and terror, war and ugly things. / Bernie, be O.K.! / Be here for that on earth! / Bernie is O.K. not only for the U.S.A.!”
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Talking Isis: Talking Nuke Or Talk’ – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos 2016 ’Syria Peace Talks’ in Geneva

Talking ISIS: Talking Nuke or Talk

Talking ISIS: Talking Nuke Or Talk’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos 2016 ’Syria Peace Talks’ in Geneva which have no meaning without inclusion of ISIS. Big war industry has big interest in big wars. Michel Montecrossa warns that this interest can easily go out of control and lead to an all-out nuclear war. Talks and diplomacy are needed for the Middle East that are based on an intelligent understanding of the Islamic thinking in the context of a further evolution of consciousness embedded in the great Ideal of Human Unity.

Michel Montecrossa says about his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Isis: Talking Nuke Or Talk’:
“My New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Isis: Talking Nuke Or Talk’ takes a stand for diplomacy instead of insanity. It was written at the time when the 2016 ’Syria Peace Talks’ began in Geneva aiming at finding a solution for the Middle East World War and Refugees Crisis. In my song I say that peace talks must bring all groupings and nations involved to the table, most of all ISIS which represents a central world problem. Otherwise the situation goes out of control and can turn into all-out nuclear war. ‘It’s nuke or talk, peace or World War’, that’s what I say. And I also say that love and freedom are most wanted.”

(Love & Freedom Are Most Wanted)
“Allah commands the doing of good, / he forbids all shameful deeds.” / This is what the Koran says, / this is what ISIS must respect.
In the Middle East the spiral of violence / is heading towards nuclear war. / ISIS now better takes a step / for getting to the table to show respect.
Voices are there that say: / “Bomb the radicals to the table!“ / “Bomb terror out of existence!“ / It’s nuke or talk, peace or world war. / Love and Freedom are most wanted!
The answer is the doing of good, / not the doing of shameful deeds. / The answer is human unity, / not torture, killing, greed, rape and insanity.
That’s why I say to you: / “Turn your eyes more to the coming light / and less to any immediate darkness. / So the light grows always.“
“Allah commands the doing of good, / he forbids all shameful deeds.“ / This is what the Koran says, / this is what ISIS must do next.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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What Can We Do To Change The Climate Change? – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song dedicated to the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris and to all victims of climate change

What Can We Do To Change The Climage Change?

Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘What Can We Do To Change The Climate Change?’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is dedicated to the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris and to all victims of climate change. Michel Montecrossa is the New-Topical-Song writer who founded Mirapuri – the City of Peace and Futureman in Europe, Italy as one of the most outstanding centers of action for changing the climate change. His song ‘What Can We Do To Change The Climate Change?’ is a poignant call to do the right thing for the future of the earth before it is too late.

For more about Mirapuri see:
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Michel Montecrossa about ‘What Can We Do To Change The Climate Change?’:
“Written for the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris and dedicated to all victims of climate change, sending the ultimate climate change warning to every government and to every climate change conference, my New-Topical-Song ‘What Can We Do To Change The Climate Change?’ is singing: We must do the right thing for the future of the earth before it is too late.”

What can we do to change the climate change? / First thing for sure is consciousness change. / We must grow in awareness and practice habit change / that’s what we can do to change the climate change.
What can I do to change the climate change? / First thing for sure is consciousness change. / I grow in awareness and lend a helping hand. / That‘s what I do to change the climate change.
What can we do to bring the wrong to an end? / I say, let’s take the direction away / from doom and deadly games / towards deep understanding of truth and action / that’s what we can do to bring the wrong to an end.
Consciousness growth is my evolving truth, / leads to love and vision free of egoism, / leads to wisdom of union and working together. / Yes, consciousness growth is my evolving truth.
Climate change will change if we come together / to build places of green ways to handle the future / and learn to be human, peaceful and strong. / Climate change will change if it‘s that what we want.
That’s what I do together with my friends, / building a city for futureman / where the best of today meets the future-forces / coming from our inner resources,
where love is the master and soul the key / to creation boundless and free, / where consciousness meets consciousness and sees, / ‘cause love is the master and soul is the key.
This place is Mirapuri, the place for you and me / to set an example and give proof and the key / that ecology works and consciousness is great. / This place is Mirapuri, it‘s a conscious place
where unity is true and young the drive / to find the good way of kindness bright / that is healthy and progressive, saves the climate and our life. / Unity is true and young change, I say, is right.
This is Mirapuri, it’s my pounding life. / It’s my message of encouraging love and light / of a better world ending climate change night. / This is Mirapuri, well, it‘s the helping might.
What can we do to change the climate change? / First thing for sure is consciousness change. / We must grow in awareness and practice habit change / that’s what we can do to change the climate change.
And what can I do to change the climate change? / First thing I know is consciousness change. / I grow in awareness and lend a helping hand. / That’s what I do to change the climate change.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking Christmas Reflections – Über Weihnachtsbesinnung Sprechen’ – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song dedicated to compassion and hope

Talking Christmas Reflections – Über Weihnachtsbesinnung Sprechen’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song dedicated to compassion and hope. He has written this song as a new type of Christmas song which is not escapist but actively hopeful, compassionately clear-sighted and warm-hearted in its intelligent dealing with reality-world. It was recorded live at the Kulturjurte in Munich on 29th November 2015, a beneficial cultural initiative organized by students for urban communication.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“My New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Christmas Reflections – Über Weihnachtsbesinnung Sprechen’ is dedicated to compassion and hope, the two human qualities where rich and poor, desperation immigrants and wealthy nations as well as politos, bankas and the people can meet. Global poverty, suffering, wars, conflicts and the homeless on the run must not become a normal condition for humanity. The normal condition should rather be unlimited hope and imagination, glory and wonder of intense love, eating together and speaking together, having bold visions and fearlessness cool. Therefore my Christmas Reflections are reflections on the strength of the world.”

Christmas Reflections with all my friends – / Christmas Reflections on all the polito worlds. / Christmas Reflections – listen all ye people – / Christmas Reflections on the banka tricks.
Weihnachtsbesinnung mit all meinen Freunden – / Weihnachtsbesinnung auf die Polito Welten. / Weihnachtsbesinnung – hört, ihr Leute – / Weihnachtsbesinnung auf die Banka Tricks.
Christmas Reflections, Christmas Reflections. / Christmas Reflections on humanity’s world. / Weihnachtsbesinnung, Weihnachtsbesinnung. / Weihnachtsbesinnung auf die Menschenwelt.
Desperation immigrants and welcome-culture. / Poverty, suffering, wars and conflict. / The homeless on the run: it’s global and normal. / Only one is the winner, broken-hearted the losers.
Verzweiflungsemigranten und Willkommenskultur. / Not, Elend, Leid, Kriege und Konflikte. / Vertreibung und Flucht: ist global und normal. / Nur einer ist Sieger, geschunden die Verlierer.
Christmas Reflections, Christmas Reflections. / Christmas Reflections on the whole wide world. / Weihnachtsbesinnung, Weihnachtsbesinnung. / Weihnachtsbesinnung auf die ganze Welt.
Apocalyptic changes in world politics. / Economy everywhere is out of balance. / The winner is the one whom nobody expects. / Enduring power and victory-will.
Tektonische Verschiebung in der Weltpolitik. / Ökonomie verliert überall ihr Gleichgewicht. / Gewinner ist der, mit dem niemand rechnet. / Durchhaltevermögen und Siegeswillen.
Christmas Reflections, Christmas Reflections. / Christmas Reflections on you and me. / Weihnachtsbesinnung, Weihnachtsbesinnung. / Weihnachtsbesinnung auf dich und mich.
Unlimited hope and imagination. / Glory and wonder of intense love. / Eating together and speaking together. / Having bold visions and fearlessness cool.
Unbegrenzte Hoffnung und Vorstellungskraft. / Glorie und Wunder der Liebesmacht. / Gemeinsam essen und gemeinsam sprechen. / Kühne Visionen und Furchtlosigkeit cool.
Christmas Reflections, Christmas Reflections. / Christmas Reflections on the strength of the world. / Weihnachtsbesinnung, Weihnachtsbesinnung. / Weihnachtsbesinnung auf die Stärke der Welt.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Talking Weapons And Peace’ – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song triggered by the 2015 ISIS Terror in Paris

Talking Weapons And Peace

Talking Weapons And Peace’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song dedicated to the victims of the bloody 2015 ISIS terror in Paris.
‘Talking Weapons And Peace’ is a profound statement of insight into the complex interdependence of weapons and peace in a world of ideologies and intolerance.
Michel Montecrossa in his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Weapons And Peace’ sees the painful need for armies and weapons as a bitter last minute cure for the illness of deadly fanaticism that is leading to catastrophes like the 2015 ISIS terror in Paris.
But much more than counting on weapons Michel Montecrossa looks beyond the immediate violence and narrow-mindedness of dehumanization to the evolution of strong human unity ethics and true peace diplomacy as the effective long-term answer that can prevent self-radicalization from becoming so obsessive that only war and violence seem to remain as remedy.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“My New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Weapons And Peace’ is triggered by the 2015 ISIS terror in Paris. In the world of today ideologies can’t be killed. They can only be changed for the better by strong human unity ethics and true peace diplomacy convincingly backed by strong armies.”

At the time when I wrote this song / the earth was a divided world. / Mankind stood in weapons. / Strong weapons for strong peace. / Good weapons for strong soldiers, they say.
A divided world of a divided mind. / The red line dividing war from peace / is drawn by force of weapons. / Strong weapons for strong peace. / Good weapons for strong soldiers, they say.
Soldiers must be strong with the ethics / of peace through courage and will / to end the war before it begins. / Strong armies for strong peace. / Good armies for strong security, they say.
The honor of armies is to strengthen diplomacy. / The honor of diplomacy is to end insecurity, / to bring peace through conviction. / Strong diplomacy for strong peace. / Good diplomacy for strong security, I say.
At the time when I wrote this song / strong weapons stood against the evil / securing time for peace and union building. / Strong weapons for strong peace. / Good weapons for strong people, they say.
You must be master of your weapon – / the weapon must not master you. / You must prevent the war, not start it. / Stand for the true, the right, the vast / and make the loving peace last, I say.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘‘Talking Refugees – Über Flüchtlinge Sprechen’ dedicated to the war and poverty refugees coming to Europe

Talking Refugees - Über Flüchtlinge Reden

Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Refugees – Über Flüchtlinge Sprechen’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single, DVD and as Download, is dedicated to the ever-growing flood of war and poverty refugees coming to Europe. Michel Montecrossa sees them as victims of international war-business and says that nations who develop war-business as part of their economies have the duty to practice a Welcome Culture for the victims of their war-business. Michel Montecrossa in his bilingual English/German New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Refugees – Über Flüchtlinge Sprechen’ offers stimulating and future-oriented thoughts as answers to the sorrowful refugee question not only as an idealist but also as humanitarian activist who has founded Mirapuri, the City of Peace and Futureman in Europe, Italy and its satellite Miravillage in Germany. In his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Refugees – Über Flüchtlinge Sprechen’ he sings about Islands of Light which are Peace Villages and Peace Cities built by refugees and volunteers as homeland for humanity for which his own Mirapuri and Miravillage initiatives are evolving examples. Michel Montecrossa takes a constructive stand for integrating into European life on a large scale and in a respectful and prosperous way the creativity of international refugees who bring know-how, hope, motivation and work force to Europe.

Michel Montecrossa says about his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Refugees – Über Flüchtlinge Sprechen’:
“My New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Refugees – Über Flüchtlinge Sprechen’ is my answer to the question how war-industry nations can help refugees coming from war- and poverty-zones, so that the poverty and pain created by war-business is reversed into the creation of a real Peace-Culture for the well-being of all humanity.”

Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Refugees – Über Flüchtlinge Sprechen’, veröffentlicht von Mira Sound Germany als Audio Single, DVD und Download, ist der ständig wachsenden Flut von Kriegs- und Armutsflüchtlingen gewidmet, die nach Europa kommen. Michel Montecrossa sieht sie als Opfer des internationalen Kriegsgeschäfts und sagt, dass Nationen, die Kriegsgeschäfte als Teil ihrer Wirtschaft betreiben, die Pflicht haben, eine Willkommenskultur gegenüber den Opfern ihrer Kriegsgeschäfte zu praktizieren. Michel Montecrossa beschreibt in seinem zwei-sprachigen Englisch/Deutschen New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Refugees – Über Flüchtlinge Sprechen’ anregende und zukunftsorientierte Gedanken als Antworten auf die leidvolle Flüchtlingsfrage. Michel Montecrossa gibt diese Antworten nicht nur als Idealist, sondern auch als humanitärer Aktivist, der Mirapuri, die Stadt des Friedens und des Zukunftsmenschen in Europa, Italien und deren Satelliten Miravillage in Deutschland gegründet hat. In seinem New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Refugees – Über Flüchtlinge Sprechen’ singt er von Lichtinseln, die er als Friedensdörfer und Friedensstädte beschreibt, die von Flüchtlingen und freiwilligen Helfern als Heimat der Menschlichkeit errichtet werden, für die seine eigenen Mirapuri und Miravillage Initiativen sich entfaltende Beispiele sind. Michel Montecrossa setzt sich konstruktiv dafür ein, dass in großem Maßstab und auf respektvolle und wirtschaftlich erfolgreiche Weise die Kreativität der internationalen Flüchtlinge in das Europäische Leben integriert wird, die Know-How, Hoffnung, Motivation und Arbeitskraft nach Europa bringen.

Michel Montecrossa sagt über seinen New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Refugees – Über Flüchtlinge Sprechen’:
“Mein New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Refugees – Über Flüchtlinge Sprechen’ ist meine Antwort auf die Frage, wie Kriegsindustrie-Länder Flüchtlingen aus Kriegs- und Armutsgebieten helfen können, damit aus dem Elend und Leid des Waffenhandels eine Wende zum Entstehen einer echten Friedenskultur für das Wohl der ganzen Menschheit hervorgeht.”

Talking Refugees – über Flüchtlinge sprechen. / Sie fliehen vor Krieg, Armut und Leid. / Sie kommen zu uns, wo Kriegsindustrie blüht. / Wir haben die Pflicht denen zu helfen, / die Krieg, Armut und Leid durch unsere Waffen bekommen.
Talking Refugees – über Flüchtlinge sprechen. / They flee from war, poverty and pain. / They come to us where war-industry blossoms. / It is our duty to help those who get / war, poverty and pain through our weapons.
Talking Refugees – über Flüchtlinge sprechen. / Ich bin kein Polito. Ich bin da für Liebe, / Geeintsein und Frieden und Erfolg für alle. / Für glückliche Kinder und Eltern bin ich. / Mein Herz schlägt für die Feier der Menschlichkeit.
Talking Refugees – über Flüchtlinge sprechen. / I am no polito. I am there for love, / unity and peace and success for all. / For happy children and parents I am. / My heart pounds for the celebration of humanity.
Talking Refugees – über Flüchtlinge sprechen. / Eine Friedensstadt habe ich für diese Feier gegründet, / ökologisch, human, bewusstseinsforschend, / um besser zu verstehen, wie man Lichtinseln baut, / wo Know-How und Hoffnung zusammenwirken.
Talking Refugees – über Flüchtlinge sprechen. / A City of Peace I founded for this celebration, / ecological, human, consciousness evolving / to understand how to build islands of light / where know-how and hope work together.
Talking Refugees – über Flüchtlinge sprechen. / Flüchtlinge bringen Know-How und bringen Hoffnung / und Arbeitskraft für die Friedenskultur. / Sie können Lichtinseln bauen, wo Leben erblüht / und die Zukunft einer vereinigten Erde.
Talking Refugees – über Flüchtlinge sprechen. / Refugees bring know-how and bring hope / and work-force for the culture of peace. / Islands of light they can build for blooming life / and the future of a united earth.
Talking Refugees – über Flüchtlinge sprechen. / Lichtinseln sind Friedensdörfer und Friedensstädte, / die weltweit denken und ohne Grenzen leben, / um ein Netzwerk der Liebe für alle zu sein / durch wirksames Teilen für Wachstum und Erfolg.
Talking Refugees – über Flüchtlinge sprechen. / Islands of light are peace villages and peace cities / with global understanding beyond all borders / to be a network of love for all / through effective sharing for prosperity and success.
Talking Refugees – über Flüchtlinge sprechen. / Sie fliehen vor Krieg, Armut und Leid. / Sie sollten Länder mit Lichtinseln finden, / wo Friedensindustrie den Wohlstand sichert, / Lichtinseln als Heimat der Menschlichkeit.
Talking Refugees – über Flüchtlinge sprechen. / They flee from war, poverty and pain. / They ought to find nations with islands of light / where peace-industry secures well-being, / islands of light as homeland for humanity.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking Greece, Eurasia And The New EU – Über Griechenland, Eurasien Und Die Neue EU Reden’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single, DVD and Download dedicated to debt relief for Greece

Talking Greece, Eurasia and the new EU

With his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Greece, Eurasia And The New EU – Über Griechenland, Eurasien Und Die Neue EU Reden’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single, DVD and as Download, Michel Montecrossa takes a determined stand for full debt relief for Greece as a decisive step towards a new EU. The old EU performed laughable masterpieces of devastatingly wrong and ridiculously incompetent political actions ranging from Russia sanctions, anti-Eurasia arrogance and dangerously criminal Ukraine sell-out deals to the total rip-off of Greece and possibly of other EU nations in the near future.
Michel Montecrossa says that it is high time to change the total outlook on the EU into the Eurasian direction and towards a new EU bridging the gulf between Eurasia and the USA through a new political and economic ethics of helping all EU nations out of trouble instead of pushing them always deeper into bankruptcy for the benefit of speculator gangs. A new EU helping the EU nations to come out of debts is possible, needed and wanted by the European people. Michel Montecrossa’s warning New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Greece, Eurasia And The New EU – Über Griechenland, Eurasien Und Die Neue EU Reden’ comes at a historical moment which might well be the decisive moment for a great future of Europe or a great downfall.

Michel Montecrossa says about his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Greece, Eurasia And The New EU – Über Griechenland, Eurasien Und Die Neue EU Reden’:
“The true European Spirit is the Spirit of sharing with all and of helping each other to come out of debts. Greece and every EU nation must be debt free through EU cooperation and must be active partners for Eurasian Union building for the strong and prosperous future of a new EU.”

Michel Montecrossa sagt über seinen New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Greece, Eurasia And The New EU – Über Griechenland, Eurasien Und Die Neue EU Reden’:
“Der wahre europäische Spirit zeigt sich als Spirit der Bereitschaft mit allen zu teilen und sich gegenseitig aus Schulden herauszuhelfen. Griechenland und jedes EU Land müssen durch EU Zusammenarbeit schuldenfrei sein und aktiv teilnehmen am Entstehen der Eurasischen Union für die starke und blühende Zukunft einer neuen EU.”

Greece holds the key to the new EU. / Griechenland ist der Schlüssel für die neue EU. / Greece must stand for complete debt relief. / Griechenland muss ihn verlangen: den ganzen Schuldenerlass.
Greece must liberate the people of Greece / Griechenland muss befreien die griechischen Leute / and Greece must liberate the entire EU / und Griechenland muss befreien die ganze EU
from criminal disaster-polito-banking / von Gauner Desaster-Polito-Banking, / plundering and enslaving our nations. / das unsere Nationen plündert und versklavt.
A debt free Greece for the new EU, / ein schuldenfreies Griechenland für die neue EU, / a new EU of real value banking, / eine neue EU des Echtwert Bankings,
A new EU of sharing and helping each other / eine neue EU des Teilens und des einander Helfens / to boost the real value of our work. / um den Echtwert unserer Arbeit stark zu machen.
Greece is the key for the new EU / Griechenland ist der Schlüssel für die neue EU / ready for Eurasian future building. / bereit für Eurasische Zukunftsgestaltung.
Greece must join Eurasia to save the EU / Griechenland mit Eurasien kann die EU retten / and start the new EU with big Eurasia business. / und die neue EU beginnen mit großen Eurasien Geschäften.
Greece must be the EU example / Griechenland muss das EU Vorbild sein / for a debt free future of a new EU. / Für die schuldenfreie Zukunft einer neuen EU.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking G7 To G8 Upgrade – Über Das G7 Auf G8 Upgrade Reden’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single, DVD and Download triggered by G7 summit without Russia

Talking G7 To G8 Upgrade - Über Das G7 Auf G8 Upgrade Reden

With his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking G7 To G8 Upgrade – Über Das G7 Auf G8 Upgrade Reden’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single, DVD and as Download, Michel Montecrossa takes a stand for bringing back Russia to the G7 table for the best of Eurasia, world security and the global economy.

Michel Montecrossa about ‘Talking G7 To G8 Upgrade – Über Das G7 Auf G8 Upgrade Reden’:
“‘The song ‘Talking G7 To G8 Upgrade – Über Das G7 Auf G8 Upgrade Reden’ was written for the G7 summit at Schloss Elmau, Krün, Bavaria, Germany on June 7–8, 2015. Russia should come back to the G7 summits so that things have a chance to go from bad to good instead of going from bad to worse. The unity of Eurasia is the immediate future and the only way to prevent escalations and wars and to bring peace and prosperity to the people. Every true politician and economist knows that and I say, the people want it and no more of polito corrupto and banka gangsta stuff.”

G7 To G8 Upgrade is the hot thing. / G7 auf G8 ist die heiße Sache. / Without Russia there is no meaning in the whole thing. / Ohne Russland macht die ganze Sache doch keinen Sinn.
G8 means Eurasia in the making. / G8 bedeutet Eurasien im Werden. / Eurasia means good business for all. / Eurasien heißt gute Geschäfte für alle.
Eurasia means EU-Russia and China free trade / along with India and the Islamic riddle. / Eurasien heisst EU-Russland und China Freihandel gemeinsam mit Indien und dem islamischen Rätsel.
This Eurasia and free trade with the Americas / are almost the United States Of Planet Earth. / Dies Eurasien und Freihandel mit den Amerikas / sind schon fast die Vereinigten Staaten Des Planeten Erde.
G7 to G8 upgrade therefore is the right thing. / G7 auf G8 Upgrade deshalb ist das Richtige. / Let’s bring Russia back to the table again. / Bringt Russland wieder mit an den Tisch.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking Future U.S.A. – Über die Zukunfts U.S.A. Reden’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single, DVD and Download triggered by the U.S.A. presidential race

Talking Future U.S.A. - Über die Zukunfts U.S.A. Reden

With his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Future U.S.A. – Über die Zukunfts U.S.A. Reden’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single, DVD and as Download, Michel Montecrossa enters the stage of the U.S.A. presidential race on the crossroads of Wall Street nation and Space Age Future.
Michel Montecrossa in this song cuts through all noise and makes clear that “the great U.S.A. must bring the great leap into the United States of Planet Earth, must secure the great peace that unites beyond sorrow, the happy freedom of our young tomorrow.”

Michel Montecrossa about ‘Talking Future U.S.A. – Über die Zukunfts U.S.A. Reden’:
“‘Talking Future U.S.A. – Über die Zukunfts U.S.A. Reden’ goes full circle from Wall Street U.S.A. to what people really need, from the money and greed empire to the United States Of Planet Earth, from war to peace and freedom, from horror and pain to Space Age Future of a United Humanity, from Hillary Clinton to Elizabeth Warren.”

“Talking Future U.S.A.” is my song / for a future world of the young. / “Über die Zukunfts U.S.A. Reden” heißt mein Song / für eine Zukunftswelt der jungen Leute.
Future U.S.A.! What could that be? / Another empire of money and greed? / Another totalitarian world-state trip? / Another step back into the darkest shit?
Zukunfts U.S.A.! Was könnte das sein? / Erneut ein Imperium des Gelds und der Gier? / Erneut der totale Weltstaat Trip? / Erneut zurück in den dunkelsten Mist?
Or is Future U.S.A. at last the step / into unity of mankind all over the earth? / Oder sind die Zukunfts U.S.A. endlich der Schritt / ins Geeintsein der Menschen der ganzen Welt?
The great U.S.A. must bring the great leap into / the United States of Planet Earth, you know, / must secure the great peace that unites beyond sorrow, / the happy freedom of our young tomorrow.
Die großen U.S.A. müssen bringen den großen Sprung / in die Vereinigten Staaten des Planeten Erde, / müssen sichern den Frieden groß, erlöst von Sorgen, / die frohe Freiheit unseres jungen Morgen.
Who can lead the Future U.S.A.? / Who has the vision of the United World, / the Space-Age Future free of horror and pain? / Who is America’s new Jeanne D’Arc?
Wer kann führen die Zukunfts U.S.A.? / Wer hat die Vision der geeinten Welt, / der Space-Age Zukunft ohne Horror und Schmerz? / Wer ist Amerikas neue Jeanne D’Arc?
Is her name Hillary Clinton or Elizabeth Warren, / Wall Street nation or the people’s U.S.A.? / Heißt sie Hillary Clinton oder Elizabeth Warren, / Wall Street Nation oder U.S.A. der Menschen?
“Talking Future U.S.A.” is my song / for a future world of the young. / “Über die Zukunfts U.S.A. Reden” heißt mein Song / für eine Zukunftswelt der jungen Leute.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

My Heart Is Bleedin’ is a song by Michel Montecrossa dedicated to all people traumatized by earthquakes from Christchurch to Nepal and the whole world.

My Heart Is Bleedin’’ is a song dedicated by Michel Montecrossa to all people traumatized by earthquakes from Christchurch to Nepal and the whole world. With this comforting and heartfelt song Michel Montecrossa calls for global Human Unity and standing together for easing and solving the many problems which tell us not to be egoistic but soulful and loving.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘My Heart Is Bleedin’’ :
“With my New-Topical-Song ‘My Heart Is Bleedin’’ I turn with compassion and love to all victims of earthquakes from Christchurch to Japan to Nepal and so many places. It is a call for global Human Unity and standing together for easing and solving the many problems which tell us not to be egoistic but soulful and loving. ‘My Heart Is Bleedin’’ was originally written when the Christchurch earthquake in New Zealand happened, but it is a song carrying the universal meaning of Love and with this Love it is also full-heartedly dedicated to the people of Nepal and wherever people suffer.”

Many thanks for sharing your song and kind words and thoughts.
Best regards,

NHK appreciates the overwhelming response from around the world and would like to thank you for your words of encouragement and concern for the current situation in Japan.
We are committed to gathering the latest news about the earthquake disaster and will keep our viewers up to date.
Thank you once again for your message.

Herzlichen Dank für Ihre Anteilnahme an den gegenwärtigen Ereignissen in Japan. Die japanische Regierung erbringt momentan grösstmögliche Anstrengungen, um in Zusammenarbeit mit der internationalen Gemeinschaft diese noch nie da gewesene Herausforderung zu meistern.
Mit bestem Dank und freundlichen Grüssen
Japanische Botschaft in der Schweiz

Message from the Japanese Embassy regarding Michel Montecrossa’s song ‘ My Heart Is Bleedin’: Wir danken Ihnen herzlich für Anteilnahme und Unterstützung angesichts der furchtbaren Ereignisse in Japan.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Botschaft von Japan

The street is all dusty, rubble’s everywhere. / The quake hit us for the end game. / I know no direction, no way to go. / My heart is a-bleedin’, I miss you so.
The house where we loved is all gone. / Somewhere in the ruins memories still moan. / What will be tomorrow? I don’t know. / I know no direction, no way any more. / My heart is a-bleedin’, I miss you so.
Pain is tearin’ my heart / but then I see you there. / You are not gone, you are somewhere. / I feel your love from there, / my soul you want to save. / I know no direction, except to the Lord. / My heart is a-bleedin’, I miss you so.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Give The Planet Energy Of Life – Gebt Dem Planeten Energie Des Lebens’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single, DVD and Download for the EXPO 2015 in Milan

Give The Planet Energy Of Life - Gebt dem Planeten Energie des Lebens

Give The Planet Energy Of Life – Gebt Dem Planeten Energie Des Lebens’ is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single, DVD and Download, released by Mira Sound Germany for the EXPO 2015 in Milan. It is the heartfelt and powerful song expression of his passionate commitment to build a better future for everyone on earth, a future without hunger, poverty and suffering, a future of freedom, peace and happiness. For such a future Michel Montecrossa founded Mirapuri, the City of Peace and Futureman in Europe, Italy, a place of future-oriented spiritual and material outlook with a great variety of alternative industrial, ecological, artistic and community-oriented projects and festivals all centered around the Ideal of Human Unity.
It is located in the beautiful Lago Maggiore lake and mountain district near Milan and is a great place to be visited when coming to the EXPO 2015 in Milan. Contact the Omnidiet Resort and Business Hotel in Mirapuri, Via Monte Falò 8, 28011 Mirapuri-Coiromonte, Phone: ++39-0322 999009, eMail:, Internet:

Michel Montecrossa says about his song ‘Give The Planet Energy Of Life – Gebt Dem Planeten Energie Des Lebens’:
“The climate change is speeding up and the banka gangstas and polito corruptos are speeding into their show-down of darkness. Therefore I say, it’s prime time for giving the planet energy of love which is the true energy of life and the ultimate energy of the people of the world.”

Give the planet energy of life. / Give the planet energy of love. / Give the planet energy of life. / Give the planet energy of soul.
Gebt dem Planeten Energie des Lebens. / Gebt dem Planeten Energie der Liebe. / Gebt dem Planeten Energie des Lebens. / Gebt dem Planeten Energie der Seele.
You want the planet’s people to be living? / Then give the planet’s people living love. / Give food to the people all over this planet, / give water, sleep and give future life and hope.
Ihr möchtet, dass die Planetenvölker leben? / Dann gebt den Planetenvölkern lebendige Liebe. / Gebt Nahrung an alle auf dem ganzen Planeten, / gebt Wasser, Schlaf und gebt Zukunftsleben und Hoffnung.
Food, water, sleep and sex / for this planet mean big effect. / This planet is green and green it must stay. / A green tomorrow is the most effective way, …
Nahrung, Wasser, Schlaf und Sex / für diesen Planeten bedeuten großen Effekt. / Der Planet ist grün und grün muss er bleiben. / Ein grünes Morgen ist der wirksamste Weg, …
… the way to save food, water, sleep and sex / on this planet for the next step / of a world that is living correct / and knows how to keep everything on track.
… der Weg zu retten Nahrung, Wasser, Schlaf und Sex / auf dem Planeten für den nächsten Schritt / einer Welt, die versteht richtig zu leben / und weiß, wie man alles in Bewegung hält.
Give the planet energy of life and of love. / Gebt dem Planeten Energie des Lebens und der Liebe.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany
Click here for reading Michel Montecrossa related EXPO 2015 articles in the news media

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking Blockupy – Über Blockupy Reden’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single, DVD and Download about change into ethical-social capitalism in Europe

Talking Blockupy - Über Blockupy Reden

Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Blockupy – Über Blockupy Reden’, released by Mira Sound Germany as Audio Single, DVD and Download takes a positive stand for a new ethical-social change in European capitalism. The song was written on the day of the ECB tower inauguration in Frankfurt, Germany which was surrounded by constructive as well as destructive protests of the Blockupy Movement. Michel Montecrossa is not for violence, but sees the good side of Blockupy being critical of gross capitalism in Europe if it leads to a peaceful change into an ethical-social capitalism that can bring solidarity to all member states of the European Union and can open greater ways into Eurasia and the United States of Planet Earth, ways that will lead away from rising poverty, rising youth unemployment and rising social injustice not only in Europe but everywhere on earth.

Michel Montecrossa says about his song ‘Talking Blockupy – Über Blockupy Reden’:
“I wrote my song ‘Talking Blockupy – Über Blockupy Reden’ on the occasion of the ECB tower inauguration in Frankfurt, Germany. The inauguration ceremony was accompanied by Blockupy protests and a violent criticism of capitalism. My song takes a non-violent stand for an alternative outlook on European economy values and an ethical-social change in capitalism for a better future of Europe in the Eurasian and the World Unification context. Blockupy in its constructive thinking can be a good stimulus for taking action against rising poverty, rising youth unemployment and rising social injustice in Europe which endanger not only the EU but the whole world. That’s why it is good to listen to Blockupy and to talk about Blockupy.”

Listen to reason, listen to Blockupy! / Nehmt Vernunft an, hört auf Blockupy! / It’s time to be critical of gross capitalism! /Krassen Kapitalismus muss man heute kritisch betrachten!
Blockupy protests for a living humanity! / Blockupy Proteste für eine lebendige Menschlichkeit! / At the ECB Tower in Frankfurt, Germany. / Vor dem EZB Turm in Frankfurt, Germany.
Blockupy says: “It is time to share!” / Blockupy sagt: “Es ist Zeit zu teilen!” / Deutsche Bank says: “We can understand.” / Deutsche Bank sagt: “Können wir verstehen.”
I say: “Release Greece from all debt.” / Ich sage: “Schuldenerlass für Griechenland.” / And I say: “Freedom from debt for all EU.” / Und ich sage: “Schuldenfreiheit für die ganze EU.”
A new EU in a free Eurasian Union. / Eine neue EU im freien und geeinten Eurasien. / The turn to ethical-social-capitalism. / Die Wende zum ethisch-sozialen-Kapitalismus.
Real Value Work, Real Value Wages, / Real Value Banking all over the earth! / Echtwert Arbeit, Echtwert Löhne, / Echtwert Banking auf der ganzen Welt! / The Big Vision, I say, has place for all. / Die Große Vision, sage ich, hat Platz für alle.
The United States of Planet Earth are the Big Vision. / Die Vereinigten Staaten des Planeten Erde sind die Große Vision. / Listen to the true and want to be free! / Hört auf das Wahre und möchtet frei sein!
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Give The Planet Energy Of Life – Donate Al Pianeta Energia Della Vita’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single, DVD and Download for the EXPO 2015 in Milan

Give The Planet Energy Of Life - Donate Al Pianeta Energia Della Vita

Give The Planet Energy Of Life – Donate Al Pianeta Energia Della Vita’ is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single, DVD and Download, released by Mira Sound Germany for the EXPO 2015 in Milan. It is the heartfelt and powerful song expression of his passionate commitment to build a better future for everyone on earth, a future without hunger, poverty and suffering, a future of freedom, peace and happiness. For such a future Michel Montecrossa founded Mirapuri, the City of Peace and Futureman in Europe, Italy, a place of future-oriented spiritual and material outlook with a great variety of alternative industrial, ecological, artistic and community-oriented projects and festivals all centered around the Ideal of Human Unity.
It is located in the beautiful Lago Maggiore lake and mountain district near Milan and is a great place to be visited when coming to the EXPO 2015 in Milan. Contact the Omnidiet Resort and Business Hotel in Mirapuri, Via Monte Falò 8, 28011 Mirapuri-Coiromonte, Phone: ++39-0322 999009, eMail:, Internet:

Michel Montecrossa says about his song ‘Give The Planet Energy Of Life – Donate Al Pianeta Energia Della Vita’:
“The climate change is speeding up and the banka gangstas and polito corruptos are speeding into their show-down of darkness. Therefore I say, it’s prime time for giving the planet energy of love which is the true energy of life and the ultimate energy of the people of the world.”

Give the planet energy of life. / Give the planet energy of love. / Give the planet energy of life. / Give the planet energy of soul.
Donate al pianeta energia della vita. / Donate al pianeta energia dell’amore. / Donate al pianeta energia della vita. / Donate al pianeta energia dell’anima.
You want the planet’s people to be living? / Then give the planet’s people living love. / Give food to the people all over this planet, / give water, sleep and give future life and hope.
Voi volete che la gente del mondo viva? / Allora donate alla gente del mondo amore vivo. / Donate cibo alla gente su tutto il pianeta, / donate acqua, sonno e donate futuro e speranza.
Food, water, sleep and sex / for this planet mean big effect. / This planet is green and green it must stay. / A green tomorrow is the most effective way,…
Cibo, acqua, sonno e sesso. / Per questo pianeta hanno grande impatto. / Il pianeta è verde e verde deve restare. / Un domani verde è la via effettiva,…
… the way to save food, water, sleep and sex / on this planet for the next step / of a world that is living correct / and knows how to keep everything on track.
… la via per salvare cibo, acqua, sonno e sesso / su questo pianeta per il prossimo passo / di un mondo che sa come vivere bene / e sa come mantenere tutto in movimento.
Give the planet energy of life. / Give the planet energy of love.
Donate al pianeta energia della vita. / Donate al pianeta energia dell’amore.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Click here for reading Michel Montecrossa related EXPO 2015 articles in the news media

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking Merkel And Putin Must Come Together – Ich Sage Merkel Und Putin Müssen Zusammenkommen’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single, DVD and as Download dedicated to Ukraine and the coming of the Free Eurasian Union

Talking Merkel and Putin must come together - Ich sag Merkel und Putin müssen zusammenkommen

Talking Merkel And Putin Must Come Together – Ich Sage Merkel Und Putin Müssen Zusammenkommen’ is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single, DVD and as Download, released by Mira Sound Germany, written the day before the Merkel-Putin Meeting 2015 in Minsk which wanted to bring the Ukraine crisis to an end.
Surrounded by extreme war business temptations and misleading propaganda stunts from every side the real solution for the Ukraine is mostly blurred, but in his bilingual New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Merkel And Putin Must Come Together – Ich Sage Merkel Und Putin Müssen Zusammenkommen’ Michel Montecrossa in two languages (English and German) is lifting the veil and is making clear that the solution for the Ukraine disaster is the coming together of EU and Russia for building the Free Eurasian Union. This Union would take away the explosive tension from the Ukraine which is tearing the people of Ukraine apart. As a member of the Eurasian Union Ukraine would freely participate in an open Eurasian peace economy and culture from the Atlantik to the Pacific Ocean with no tensions between EU and Russia projected on Ukraine and therefore with no dangers of civil war or the rise of a most destructive series of continental conflicts eventually leading to a nuclear World War.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking Merkel And Putin Must Come Together – Ich Sage Merkel Und Putin Müssen Zusammenkommen’:
“I wrote my New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Merkel And Putin Must Come Together – Ich Sage Merkel Und Putin Müssen Zusammenkommen’ a day before the Merkel-Putin Meeting 2015 in Minsk. It was a time when big war business was hot on the Ukraine and every propaganda from all sides was talking nuts. So I wrote my song to put things right and make clear that what is needed is the building of the Free Eurasian Union from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans. That’s what Putin and Merkel must do. The Free Eurasian Union is the solution for the Ukraine problem because it relieves the Ukraine from its internal tensions and clears the way for peace growth and prosperity. It is the effective vision for the long view and it will make everyone happy including not only Ukraine and Russia, but also EU and USA.”

Hello, all ye people of EU and Russia! / You know it already but I say it again: / “Merkel and Putin must come together / for the United EU and Russia big Eurasia beginning.”
Hallo, ihr alle von der EU und Russland! / Ihr wisst es ja, aber ich sag es noch einmal: / “Merkel und Putin müssen zusammenkommen, / damit die EU und Russland gemeinsam das große Eurasien beginnen.”
We are the historic hour, you know, / when key players can decide the future, / the future of Eurasian peace and unfolding, / the future, I say, of the life of you and me.
Wir sind die historische Stunde, ihr wisst es, / wo Top-Macher die Zukunft entscheiden können, / die Zukunft des Friedens und Werdens von Eurasien, / die Zukunft, sag ich, des Lebens von dir und mir.
Ukraine is the question and Eurasia the answer. / The Ukraine is torn apart between EU and Russia / instead of living in peace in a United Eurasia. / Save the Ukraine through Eurasia: that’s what Putin and Merkel must do.
Ukraine ist die Frage und Eurasien die Antwort. / Die Ukraine zerbricht zwischen der EU und Russland, / statt in Frieden zu leben in einem geeinten Eurasien. / Rettet die Ukraine durch Eurasien: das müssen Putin und Merkel tun.
Without Eurasian Union war, bankruptcy and poverty will come. / With Eurasian Union peace, growth and prosperity will come. / Without Eurasian Union no future is there for the young. / With Eurasian Union all the problems can be solved.
Ohne Eurasische Einheit werden Krieg, Bankrott und Armut kommen. / Mit Eurasischer Einheit werden Frieden, Wachstum und Wohlstand kommen. / Ohne Eurasische Einheit hat die Jugend keine Zukunft. / Mit Eurasischer Einheit können alle Probleme verschwinden.
Ukraine disaster, migration, ISIS and threat of nuclear war: / they all can be ended through free Eurasian Union. / That’s why I say: “Merkel and Putin must come together / for the United EU and Russia big Eurasia beginning.”
Ukraine Desaster, Flüchtlinge, ISIS, Atomkrieg Bedrohung / können enden durch die freie Eurasische Union. / Mein Wort lautet: “Merkel und Putin müssen zusammenkommen, / damit die EU und Russland gemeinsam das große Eurasien beginnen.”
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talkin’ World Awakening’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD dedicated to Greece’s election, freedom and all people sacked by banka-gangstas

Talkin’ World Awakening‘ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD released by Mira Sound Germany is dedicated to Greece, Freedom and all people sacked by banka-gangstas.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talkin’ World Awakening’:
“Talkin’ World Awakening is a New-Topical-Song leading from bloody battles for freedom to bankers killin’ entire nations and to the solution:
The power is there of the people uniting.”

Build bridges with the people when governments fail. / Upheavals, risk of jobs and risk of lives enhance / the shift of awareness towards new consciousness change. / The power is there of world awakening. / The power is there of world awakening.
Security breaches, attacks on networks. / The culture is spreadin’ of conspiracy. / Down and out are Ratco Mladics / and rats of Srebrenica massacres, / and rats of Syria killin’.
The people don’t want unemployment. / They don’t want to hear lies from Serbia to Sudan. / They want peace and not Yemen fighting, / long and bloody battles and Sadr movements, / bloody battles for Libya freedom.
The world wakes up with the urban poor, / the uprooted, forsaken armies of the doomed. / The people know the people and demand peaceful change. / The bankas are killin’ entire nations and cut off workin’ hands, / are killin’ Greece and Europe, cut off common sense.
Politicians are feeding the bankas with the people’s tax money / so that politics may stay in the business of power / and corruption and wars and big trade of weapons / and drugs and slaves and human organs.
The world awakening is world youth awakening. / Listen to the young, they own the future. / The rich and the tyrants are old and are poor, / have no future because they don’t know how to lose, / have no future because they don’t know how to love.
Build bridges with the people when everything fails. / Upheavals, risk of jobs and risk of lives enhance / the shift of awareness towards new consciousness change. / The power is there of the people uniting. / The power is there of the people uniting.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Allah’s Advent’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single, DVD and Download dedicated to respecting faith as an expression of freedom

Allah's Advent

Allah’s Advent’ is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single, DVD and Download, released by Mira Sound Germany dedicated to respecting faith as an expression of freedom. Michel Montecrossa released the song and movie ‘Allah’s Advent’ to express his point of view about faith at a time when religions, politics and all kinds of power-games were mixed up in the collective mind of all humanity with the tendency of creating a big mess and confusion. Michel Montecrossa thinks that in all this the violation of faith is certainly the most unnecessary and perfectly useless activity as it hurts something of the most private and intimate innerness of every human being and does not help to bring the various cultures together in a common spirit of tolerance, respect and understanding. It is for this tolerance, respect and understanding that Michel Montecrossa made the song and movie ‘Allah’s Advent’.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Allah’s Advent’:
“Faith in God is one of the most precious gifts the human soul can bring into the worldly life. It should be cherished and protected by all as one of the highest qualities of human civilization leading to the crowning fulfillment of freedom. The song and movie ‘Allah’s Advent’ therefore takes a stand for the freedom of every human being to follow its chosen faith while at the same time respecting the faith of every other human being.”

Allah’s Advent – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song dedicated to respecting faith as an expression of freedom

Allah is coming, He is rising, I say. / But who is Allah / if not we on all this earth? / Now they fight, / they gamble in the east, oh Lord. / Is this Allah? Is this Allah? / Oh, tell me please!
Oh yeah, the Arab says, / and another one smiles or frowns./ And as the bombs / make their way to the ground / Allah’s Advent is far away, far away, far away.
Neither dictators, neither wars, neither poison, / neither oil brings closer to the thought / and makes dearer to the heart / the Lord disguised as Allah / who could be a friend.
It is the merciful / that will open our souls / to the better days to come, / to a bright and to a happy world. / It is compassion that will count, / not war and fear and hate, oh Lord!
Allah is coming. He is rising, I say. / But who is Allah / if not we on all this earth? / Now they fight, / they gamble in the east, oh Lord. / Is this Allah? Is this Allah? / Oh, tell me please!
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Talking 2015 – Talking EU, Eurasia, USA’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single, DVD and Download dedicated to good foreign policy and ‘Je suis Charlie’

Talking 2015 - Talking EU, Eurasia and USA

Talking 2015 – Talking EU, Eurasia, USA’ is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single, DVD and Download, released by Mira Sound Germany dedicated to good foreign policy replacing bad foreign policy of Germany, EU and USA with regard to Eurasia.
With this song Michel Montecrossa again takes a stand as the free singing newsman in the spirit of ‘Je suis Charlie’ for Eurasia building, prosperity, peace and ‘no sanctions’ free-mind and economy culture.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking 2015 – Talking EU, Eurasia, USA’:
“I wrote the song ‘Talking 2015 – Talking EU, Eurasia, USA’ when Germany, EU and USA practiced stark polito-corrupto-opportunism for world-domination-power-games and big war business through banka gangsta loans for taking possession of Ukraine, its people and their working value for generations to come. The right thing would be: no sanctions and union with all Eurasia for prosperity and through that an ending of the Ukraine crisis.”

I’m talking 2015, I’m a-talking change. / I’m talkin’ EU, Eurasia, USA. / I’m talkin’ for the people and a better world.
My mind is restless when things ain’t right: / EU must stop all sanctions and get treaties right / with Eurasia and stop being uptight.
The Eurasian people have their free trade union now. / EU must join it for the best of us all, / make complete the biggest continent on this wonderball.
Free trade and culture in a free Eurasian Union / will solve the problems we now have: / Ukraine won’t fall apart and EU can unfold again.
From the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans / a new prosperity will come / and the great Eurasian Union will be born.
The USA can join this free trade and peace will grow. / Jobs and understanding will be there for all / and peace-industries will end the rule of wars.
I’m talking 2015, I’m a-talking change. / I’m a-talking Merkel seein’ a new world / with Putin and Elizabeth Warren waitin’ there.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

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